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Unaccounted Police $90M…Ramotar’s silence could evaporate his credibility

March 5, 2012 | By | Filed Under News

“That is why he was elected President…to deal with the big questions of the day, not to run away from them.”


“There is going to be a quick evaporation of any credibility and credence to the President’s utterances when he remains silent on these big issues and flagrantly sidesteps them.” This is according to Chairman of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan, who was at the time pointing to the silence of Head-of-State, Donald Ramotar, as it relates to an unaccounted $90M. The Ministry of Finance had advanced to the Home Affairs Ministry in excess of $90M for the feeding of police ranks that were inlyned during the 2011 Regional and General Elections. The money never made its way to the Force and Commanders were instructed by Commissioner of Police Henry Greene to solicit the public’s assistance in feeding the ranks. Ramjattan told this publication that like any accountable Chief Executive, President Ramotar must answer questions about how he will treat with such issues as well as the allegations against the Commissioner of Police when he tells Policemen that there will be zero tolerance to police criminality and corruption. “It surely is hypocrisy and inconsistency when he avoids and evades such questions, after making lofty pronouncements condemning corruption.” Ramjattan says that the Ramotar’s silence again is disturbing when as President, he says nothing about the $90M appropriated for feeding the Police during the Elections of 2011, when the evidence now unfolds that none of this money was so spent. “There will be embarrassing moments in every President’s life…but these must honestly be confronted and dealt with. That is why he was elected President…to deal with the big questions of the day, not to run away from them.” Ramjattan lamented that the current attitude and approach of the President “is allowing a hollow ring and much emptiness to his statements…and that is terrible for the Office.” Following confirmation by Assistant Commissioner of Police David Ramnarine, that Commanders were forced to seek public assistance to feed ranks, the Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee had taken umbrage. During the recently held Police Officer’s Conference, Rohee expressed his displeasure over what he described as the leaking of classified information to the media by senior officers of the Guyana Police Force. “There are some in our midst who think that they are doing the Force good by helping to grease those sections of the Media hostile to the Law Enforcement Agencies by providing classified and internal information as well as their own personal views and analyses on sensitive issues.” The Home Affairs Minister was clearly rattled by Ramnarine’s comments especially since it is his Ministry that was supposed to administer the $90M that was earmarked to feed the ranks and provide for patrol duties during the elections period. “I want to warn about this malpractice. The Guyana Police Force is an integral Member of the Disciplined Services. As such its members are expected to behave in a disciplined manner. Once the Commissioner of Police issues a Force Order in respect to communications with the Media, it is expected that all and sundry within the Force, particularly at the Senior level, will fall in line and uphold that Order and will not seek to adopt an individualistic and egoistic stand and more so, provide their personal view to the Media,” the Home Affairs Minister told the officers.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

 The  AFC  must keep  this  on  the  front  burner until   the  truth is  revealed.  The  President's  silence  on  this matter is only  lending   credence to  further speculation regarding  this  fund. Both   Rohee and Ramotar  are  behaving  like  the  cat  that swallowed the  canary.  If  as  Ramnarine   and  Merai stated  that  the  Commanders  did  not  receive  a  dime  of  this $90 Million,  then   where is  the  money?  Perhaps  this  fund  is  part  of  a wider  scheme   to  divert  money  into  a   slush fund for  the  election  campaign?


Pigs like Ramjattan do not care for the security of the Guyanese public and is trying to portray the government as stealing money. This nonsense must come to an end. 


Shame on Ramjattan. Kudos to the government for protecting it's citizens from PNC  thugs during a political election. We can see that the army and police were well prepared to defend the public against violence. Guyana has moved one step ahead in dealing against election violence.


Enough is enough. Shame on the AFC for not standing up for the public against post election violence. We are watching thugs like Ramjattan who would love to see the PNC return to power and innocent citizens killed, especially Indo Guyanese businesses destroyed by PNC thugs.


Kudos to the government, police and army  in protecting it's citizens.


Shame on the less educated who do not realize that the PNC thugs were crushed and Guyanese will never again be intimidated by PNC thugs.


Shame on the AFC. Shame on the PNC. They do not value the security of the citizens of Guyana and try to diminish the role of the government in protecting it's citizen by accusing them of stealing money.


We are fed up of these nonsense headlines of "stealing". The AFC is now behaving like a bunch of school kids. Berbicians will kick you out of Berbice at the next election.


Shame on the AFC. Traitors.

Originally Posted by Mara:

 The  AFC  must keep  this  on  the  front  burner until   the  truth is  revealed.  The  President's  silence  on  this matter is only  lending   credence to  further speculation regarding  this  fund. Both   Rohee and Ramotar  are  behaving  like  the  cat  that swallowed the  canary.  If  as  Ramnarine   and  Merai stated  that  the  Commanders  did  not  receive  a  dime  of  this $90 Million,  then   where is  the  money?  Perhaps  this  fund  is  part  of  a wider  scheme   to  divert  money  into  a   slush fund for  the  election  campaign?

I donot condone corruption!! Corruption is older than mankind. Male apes used food as bribery to obtain more sex from the females.

Why didn't you question Forbes about the corruption when he made Guyana as poor as Haiti? I know why, he would have cut your tongue off! AFC is like the new broom, they sweep clean. Give them time. They will be as corrupt as Madoff.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mara:

 The  AFC  must keep  this  on  the  front  burner until   the  truth is  revealed.  The  President's  silence  on  this matter is only  lending   credence to  further speculation regarding  this  fund. Both   Rohee and Ramotar  are  behaving  like  the  cat  that swallowed the  canary.  If  as  Ramnarine   and  Merai stated  that  the  Commanders  did  not  receive  a  dime  of  this $90 Million,  then   where is  the  money?  Perhaps  this  fund  is  part  of  a wider  scheme   to  divert  money  into  a   slush fund for  the  election  campaign?

I donot condone corruption!! Corruption is older than mankind. Male apes used food as bribery to obtain more sex from the females.

Why didn't you question Forbes about the corruption when he made Guyana as poor as Haiti? I know why, he would have cut your tongue off! AFC is like the new broom, they sweep clean. Give them time. They will be as corrupt as Madoff.

An executive member resigned from the AFC because of the leadership acting like a bunch of dictators. They are the small brothers of the PNC and are learning very quickly from their big brothers in the PNC.


AFC is working very hard to get the PNC into office so that they can become the biggest dictators since LFS Burnham, the founding father of the PNC.


AFC must be kicked out of the political scene. They are like poison for the future of Guyana.

Beware of the AFC. 


(Quote)"Pigs like Ramjattan do not care for the security of the Guyanese public and is trying to portray the government as stealing money. This nonsense must come to an end."(Quote)

Yuji, you must be on the PPP payroll to speak this trash. Do you really think that making such silly posts will stop others from asking this question?

The articles speaks about 90million dollars that should have gone to feeding the Police and it has disappeared.

Seeing that you seem to know all,where is this money Yuji?

Originally Posted by cain:

(Quote)"Pigs like Ramjattan do not care for the security of the Guyanese public and is trying to portray the government as stealing money. This nonsense must come to an end."(Quote)

Yuji, you must be on the PPP payroll to speak this trash. Do you really think that making such silly posts will stop others from asking this question?

The articles speaks about 90million dollars that should have gone to feeding the Police and it has disappeared.

Seeing that you seem to know all,where is this money Yuji?

Read the answer by the police who accounted for every penny, you dunce. Enough of AFC snake oil. Shame on the AFC and their toilet paper KN.

Ha Ha Ha Ha !


We must kick out the snake oil AFC politicians from Berbice and give them KN as toilet paper.


Shame on the AFC.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

heheheheheheh! Yugi, you should move back to Guyana and not hide from de blackman.


What happened to the  $90M? 

Mitwah, you can now use the filth from the KN and rub it all over your face. Now that the police force accounted for every penny. Shame on you, the AFC and toilet paper KN.


How long will the AFC try to spread their snake oil mantra "stealing" People are fed up with this nonsense.


Now that the AFC have been exposed with their baseless claims and lies, they should clean the rotten egg from their faces with the KN newspaper and go in a corner and grow up.


Enough of snake oil and lies form the AFC. Shame on you and the AFC for spreading lies. 

Originally Posted by Mara:

 The  AFC  must keep  this  on  the  front  burner until   the  truth is  revealed.  The  President's  silence  on  this matter is only  lending   credence to  further speculation regarding  this  fund. Both   Rohee and Ramotar  are  behaving  like  the  cat  that swallowed the  canary.  If  as  Ramnarine   and  Merai stated  that  the  Commanders  did  not  receive  a  dime  of  this $90 Million,  then   where is  the  money?  Perhaps  this  fund  is  part  of  a wider  scheme   to  divert  money  into  a   slush fund for  the  election  campaign?

Mara bhai,


You should also take this article and rub the filth from your face. The police have now accounted for every penny.


Shame on you, AFC and toilet paper KN for spreading lies. This would never be tolerated in North America. This proves beyond a doubt that the lies against the PPP will eventually come to an end.


Now come on Mara, swallow the filth that you just spewed. 


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by cain:

(Quote)"Pigs like Ramjattan do not care for the security of the Guyanese public and is trying to portray the government as stealing money. This nonsense must come to an end."(Quote)

Yuji, you must be on the PPP payroll to speak this trash. Do you really think that making such silly posts will stop others from asking this question?

The articles speaks about 90million dollars that should have gone to feeding the Police and it has disappeared.

Seeing that you seem to know all,where is this money Yuji?

Read the answer by the police who accounted for every penny, you dunce. Enough of AFC snake oil. Shame on the AFC and their toilet paper KN.

Ha Ha Ha Ha !


We must kick out the snake oil AFC politicians from Berbice and give them KN as toilet paper.


Shame on the AFC.

Yo bonehead, did the AFC report this originally?


Ramjattan did what any decent person would have done and that is try to get to the bottom of this.


Again I say to you, don't let your panties get into too much of a twist with the excitement, there are lots more for those lowdown vermin to answer for and it will all come out in time.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by cain:

(Quote)"Pigs like Ramjattan do not care for the security of the Guyanese public and is trying to portray the government as stealing money. This nonsense must come to an end."(Quote)

Yuji, you must be on the PPP payroll to speak this trash. Do you really think that making such silly posts will stop others from asking this question?

The articles speaks about 90million dollars that should have gone to feeding the Police and it has disappeared.

Seeing that you seem to know all,where is this money Yuji?

Read the answer by the police who accounted for every penny, you dunce. Enough of AFC snake oil. Shame on the AFC and their toilet paper KN.

Ha Ha Ha Ha !


We must kick out the snake oil AFC politicians from Berbice and give them KN as toilet paper.


Shame on the AFC.

Yo bonehead, did the AFC report this originally?


Ramjattan did what any decent person would have done and that is try to get to the bottom of this.


Again I say to you, don't let your panties get into too much of a twist with the excitement, there are lots more for those lowdown vermin to answer for and it will all come out in time.

Bonehead, did you not read the article properly ? I guess your pea sized brain could not see Ramjattans comment in this article.


Now swallow your spit and read the article. I guess you belong to the back of the class. I will no longer respond to your response since your level of intelligence is also pea sized. Bonehead, now take that back.


Aunty Yuji, some police Divisional Commanders as well as Heads of Departments are still maintaining that they never received the money…in fact they were instructed to seek the assistance of the public to cover the expense of feeding the ranks.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Aunty Yuji, some police Divisional Commanders as well as Heads of Departments are still maintaining that they never received the money…in fact they were instructed to seek the assistance of the public to cover the expense of feeding the ranks.

Gay Mitwah, name those "Divisional Commanders" The police and army accounted for every penny. No more snake oil from the AFC.


Just wipe the AFC and toilet paper KN lies from your face. People are fed up with baseless claims about "stealing" Shame on you and your friends for spreading lies.



However, the only person to officially comment on the matter was Assistant Commissioner of Police David Ramnarine, who informed that he never received a cent from the police to feed his ranks.

“What I will say is this, as I have said before, and which I had already communicated to the ranks under my command, David Ramnarine did not receive a single cent. Much less, I was asked to seek the support of the miners and businessmen, particularly from the Bartica district, to fund feeding and other issues during the elections,” Ramnarine said.

Yesterday, he stated emphatically that he would put his career on the line and insist that he never received the money that the police said was allocated to his division.




Settle down guys! No need for the name calling. Could it be that the money was used by the police to visit the houses of ill repute? You know when those guys get free money they sport lavishly. When the money is gone and they are hungry, they eat a dry coconut and dance without music.

If the commisioner can have some action on the side, why not his subordinates? Maybe the commissioner of police used some of the money for the extra action. But wait. I don't think he could have endured the physical stress. 


It is true that the PPP paid out the money and the police dept disbursed it, however apparently the money disappeared at the lower levels of management within in the police force. This transcends govt control and is now the responsibility of the Police dept rather than a fault of the govt. The AFC boys need another tree to climb here on this issue, the police should now be pressed to answer why some commanders are claiming that they never received the monies.



David Ramnarine

David Ramnarine


"What I will say is this, as I have said before, and which I had already communicated to the ranks under my command, David Ramnarine did not receive a single cent. Much less, I was asked to seek the support of the miners and businessmen, particularly from the Bartica district, to fund feeding and other issues during the elections,” Ramnarine said.

Yesterday, he stated emphatically that he would put his career on the line and insist that he never received the money that the police said was allocated to his division.

“To say that E&F division got $1.6M…for such a large division with 41 locations to cater for one week would really have been a disgrace in itself. I repeat, I never received a cent, except $1.2M in dry ration from the Police Consumers Co-op Society, a large portion of which spoilt before it reached some of the locations,” Ramnarine asserted.

The Assistant Commissioner insisted that now embattled Police Commissioner Henry Greene had always maintained that the force had not received money for the police elections programme and “it was he (Greene) who instructed me to advise my subordinate officers in the far-off locations to take certain quantities of commodities on credit from stores in their respective districts”.

Ramnarine said that it should be noted that had the Guyana Elections Commission not assisted with cash and dry ration for many of those ranks who accompanied them to some remote areas, “I really don’t know what would have happened”.
Another Divisional Commander, who spoke to this newspaper on condition of anonymity, said that although he had provided a budget in excess of five million dollars, all he received from the Police Finance Department was a cheque for just over $300,000 to pay creditors.





So where is the audit trail as to who received the money? This should not be rocket science. People who received the disbursements should have signed for them. Shouldn't they? Or is it done by a handshake?

I personally think that the person who received the $90 mil took his share and then disbursed the rest.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:


David Ramnarine

David Ramnarine


"What I will say is this, as I have said before, and which I had already communicated to the ranks under my command, David Ramnarine did not receive a single cent. Much less, I was asked to seek the support of the miners and businessmen, particularly from the Bartica district, to fund feeding and other issues during the elections,” Ramnarine said.

Yesterday, he stated emphatically that he would put his career on the line and insist that he never received the money that the police said was allocated to his division.

“To say that E&F division got $1.6M…for such a large division with 41 locations to cater for one week would really have been a disgrace in itself. I repeat, I never received a cent, except $1.2M in dry ration from the Police Consumers Co-op Society, a large portion of which spoilt before it reached some of the locations,” Ramnarine asserted.

The Assistant Commissioner insisted that now embattled Police Commissioner Henry Greene had always maintained that the force had not received money for the police elections programme and “it was he (Greene) who instructed me to advise my subordinate officers in the far-off locations to take certain quantities of commodities on credit from stores in their respective districts”.

Ramnarine said that it should be noted that had the Guyana Elections Commission not assisted with cash and dry ration for many of those ranks who accompanied them to some remote areas, “I really don’t know what would have happened”.
Another Divisional Commander, who spoke to this newspaper on condition of anonymity, said that although he had provided a budget in excess of five million dollars, all he received from the Police Finance Department was a cheque for just over $300,000 to pay creditors.



I see that you are still using toilet paper KN. What don't you get ? EVERY SINGLE PENNY HAVE BEEN ACCOUNTED FOR BY THE ARMY AND POLICE AS OF YESTERDAY.


What world are you living in ?


Now take your toilet paper KN and use it in the toilet. Stop trying to use snake oil politics. The people have the hard facts and every penny have been accounted for by the army and police yesterday.


You are disgracing yourself by posting KN toilet paper news and lies.


Mits dem Cock-a-roach and Rats thief de money and them now trying to cover up and fool People.

Demnow finding out Berbicians are not Cock-a Roach and Rats like dem.


Officer Ramnarine he is not a thief, A Cock-a-Roach or a Rat.....

they can say whatever they want

but he never collect a blind cent.


Ramnarine say the Police Force and Govt

must get rid of these thieves from the system 

if the want to talk about development in Guyana.


Originally Posted by Jalil:

Mits dem Cock-a-roach and Rats thief de money and them now trying to cover up and fool People.

Demnow finding out Berbicians are not Cock-a Roach and Rats like dem.


Officer Ramnarine he is not a thief, A Cock-a-Roach or a Rat.....

they can say whatever they want

but he never collect a blind cent.


Ramnarine say the Police Force and Govt

must get rid of these thieves from the system 

if the want to talk about development in Guyana.


I see that you had your favourite breakfast.


Now that the dust have been settled and every penny have been accounted for, you are resorting to lies and cover up. Shame on you and the AFC for spreading lies.


The army and police have spoken and presented and accounted for every penny. You and your AFC snake oil friends have no shame.


Here is the link:




Commander Ramnarine said that in any event, “to cut a long story short, I am putting my career on the line when I reiterate that from the contribution of miners and businessmen, I spent over $1.5M to police the elections in my division during the one week of inlying. I was informed by all my sub-divisional officers of the assistance in cash and kind that they received from various members of the public.”

He said that if it is indeed true that the meagre sum of $1.6M was disbursed to the interior division, to cater for 600 persons for a minimum of three days morning, midday and evening, “then someone else must have been commander at the time.”

Assistant Commissioner Ramnarine was keen to dispel the assertion that his previous statements in the media on the subject were misleading.

“My integrity has been challenged…I am not the perfect person; no one can lay claim to be, but I would not be cowed. I know the difference between real courage and moral courage. Further, I am a qualified and an educated police officer,” he declared.



Originally Posted by Mitwah:



Commander Ramnarine said that in any event, “to cut a long story short, I am putting my career on the line when I reiterate that from the contribution of miners and businessmen, I spent over $1.5M to police the elections in my division during the one week of inlying. I was informed by all my sub-divisional officers of the assistance in cash and kind that they received from various members of the public.”

He said that if it is indeed true that the meagre sum of $1.6M was disbursed to the interior division, to cater for 600 persons for a minimum of three days morning, midday and evening, “then someone else must have been commander at the time.”

Assistant Commissioner Ramnarine was keen to dispel the assertion that his previous statements in the media on the subject were misleading.

“My integrity has been challenged…I am not the perfect person; no one can lay claim to be, but I would not be cowed. I know the difference between real courage and moral courage. Further, I am a qualified and an educated police officer,” he declared.



Just take a look at the link. 90 million have been accounted for. Shame on you and the AFC for spreading lies. You are now disgracing yourself.


Yugi gu clean yuh self up and come back......we gon wait fuh yuh return.

Officer Ramnarine seh yuh wan dutty, nasty likle fella.

No mek all body see yuh suh......eee na look prapa.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Yugi gu clean yuh self up and come back......we gon wait fuh yuh return.

Officer Ramnarine seh yuh wan dutty, nasty likle fella.

No mek all body see yuh suh......eee na look prapa.

You write like a five year old. I remember Al giving you a nice dose of reality. I do not want to repeat it again.


You have already disgraced yourself by posting your laundry in public.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi, you are just being silly. Have a great day.

Now Now, don't run away and hide. Did you read the article in the link ?

How do you reconcile your link with what David is saying? Mithwah never runs away.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi, you are just being silly. Have a great day.

Now Now, don't run away and hide. Did you read the article in the link ?

How do you reconcile your link with what David is saying? Mithwah never runs away.

Your are now making a major fool of yourself. THE POLICE ACCOUNTED FOR EVERY PENNY.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi, you are just being silly. Have a great day.

Now Now, don't run away and hide. Did you read the article in the link ?

How do you reconcile your link with what David is saying? Mithwah never runs away.

Your are now making a major fool of yourself. THE POLICE ACCOUNTED FOR EVERY PENNY.

Perhaps. Perhaps not.


Have you ever been involved in forensic auditing or fraud investigation?



Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi, you are just being silly. Have a great day.

Now Now, don't run away and hide. Did you read the article in the link ?

How do you reconcile your link with what David is saying? Mithwah never runs away.

Your are now making a major fool of yourself. THE POLICE ACCOUNTED FOR EVERY PENNY.

Perhaps. Perhaps not.


Have you ever been involved in forensic auditing or fraud investigation?



I AM A 4th level CGA. Do not try to confuse the issue with snake oil comments. Look this matter is over now that every penny have been accounted for by the police, yes police.


You tried to pin the 90 million on the PPP. You have been exposed. If there was any fraud, the opposition can ask for a forensic audit and if the police cannot account for any funds then they will go to jail.


When will you and your AFC friends stop the snake oil business and move on to the more serious business of moving Guyana forward ?


The Guyanese public are fed up with all of this so called snake oil claims by the AFC. I recently attended a business owner meeting and owners have expressed disgust at the way AFC is conducting themselves.


Businesses want to see progress in Guyana not this school boy politics by the AFC. 


Yugi, you are still wet. I was trained by the best tax fraud investigator at Inland Revenue Guyana. Where did I try to pin it on the PPP? Don't confuse this issue with the missing donations from the diaspora.


Yugi, some police Divisional Commanders as well as Heads of Departments are still maintaining that they never received the money…in fact they were forced to beg for food and  instructed to seek the assistance of the public to cover the expense of feeding the ranks.




Last edited by Mitwah

This name tag is to Identify Yugee

Yugeee Bhai U can say nuff Kaka ......but de pictures dont lie.


(1) AFC Expose Jagdeo super Pension Package and say they will scrap it in Parliament shortly...

AFC also Expose 90 Million Dollars missing from Police Force.


(2) PPP Ramotar & PNC Granger in private talks and discussion.

Both sides agree to leave Jagdeo & Corbin $uper Pension Package in Place as is.

They agree this Package is good for Both Ramotar & Granger ......Soon.


(3) Rohee accuse top Indian Police Officers of taking the Police Business into the Public.....and embarassing him and de ppp Govt.

“I want to warn about this malpractice. The Guyana Police Force is an integral member of the disciplined services; as such, its members are expected to behave in a disciplined manner,” Rohee told police officers at their annual conference at Eve Leary.
He stressed the need for the senior officers to obey the “Force’s [henry greene's'] Order in respect to communications with the media”. “It is expected that all and sundry within the force, particularly at the senior level will fall in line and uphold that order and will not seek to adopt an individualistic and egoistic stand, and more so, provide their personal view to the media.”

big dougla was really aiming his guns at david ramnarine who has basically confirmed that (PNC) henry greene and (PPP)clement rohee stole $90 million they say was supposed to pay police officers for overtime during elections.



unlike the people rohee usually pick on ramnarine actually have guns and can shoot back. watch this one carefully

the usually outspoken Assistant Commissioner David Ramnarine, who was in charge of the Interior Division during the elections, was not restrained.

In an invited comment he said that for him, it does not matter who is investigating, who is benefiting and what comes out of the investigation because he believes that it will all end up to be a “big joke, which is nothing strange in this country.”

“What I will say is this, as I have said before and which I had already communicated to the ranks under my command,

David Ramnarine did not receive a single cent.

Much less, I was asked to seek the support of the miners and businessmen, particularly from the Bartica district, to fund feeding and other issues during the elections,” Ramnarine said.

“I am fully aware that the statements I made on television in January would have irked certain officials. And what I said then, I will repeat now, that God and businessmen and miners carried me through,” Ramnarine declared.




Now Both PPP & PNC $hitting their Pants

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mara:

 The  AFC  must keep  this  on  the  front  burner until   the  truth is  revealed.  The  President's  silence  on  this matter is only  lending   credence to  further speculation regarding  this  fund. Both   Rohee and Ramotar  are  behaving  like  the  cat  that swallowed the  canary.  If  as  Ramnarine   and  Merai stated  that  the  Commanders  did  not  receive  a  dime  of  this $90 Million,  then   where is  the  money?  Perhaps  this  fund  is  part  of  a wider  scheme   to  divert  money  into  a   slush fund for  the  election  campaign?

I do not condone corruption!! Corruption is older than mankind. Male apes used food as bribery to obtain more sex from the females.

Why didn't you question Forbes about the corruption when he made Guyana as poor as Haiti? I know why, he would have cut your tongue off! AFC is like the new broom, they sweep clean. Give them time. They will be as corrupt as Madoff the PPP.

 You  "do not condone  corruption" yet in  the  same  breadth see it fit to reach  back  into  prehistory  to draw  comparable,  rationalize and  justify the  behavior of apes  then and  the shenanigan of the current cabal ? I am truly fascinated with your  dexterity in  speaking  from both sides  of the  mouth at the same time.   Hope  your  female  relatives  back  home are  not  so easily being bribed /  bought  for  a  few  bananas. And let me guess, you are  one  of the  exceptional soul who  bravely  sallied  forward and  [b["question Forbes about the corruption when he made Guyana as poor as Haiti"[/b] and  had  your tongue sliced off and  banished  to Minnesota for  the heroics.   

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mara:

 The  AFC  must keep  this  on  the  front  burner until   the  truth is  revealed.  The  President's  silence  on  this matter is only  lending   credence to  further speculation regarding  this  fund. Both   Rohee and Ramotar  are  behaving  like  the  cat  that swallowed the  canary.  If  as  Ramnarine   and  Merai stated  that  the  Commanders  did  not  receive  a  dime  of  this $90 Million,  then   where is  the  money?  Perhaps  this  fund  is  part  of  a wider  scheme   to  divert  money  into  a   slush fund for  the  election  campaign?

Mara bhai,


You should also take this article and rub the filth from your face. The police have now accounted for every penny.


Shame on you, AFC and toilet paper KN for spreading lies. This would never be tolerated in North America. This proves beyond a doubt that the lies against the PPP will eventually come to an end.


Now come on Mara, swallow the filth that you just spewed. 



Yuji  Gal,

 Your 4th level CGA aside,  I  believe  all and sundry  can  see the caked cum & caca on  your  face but  you are  too  preoccupied   stuffing  bananas ( that Skeldon  alluded to)  down  your throat to  even take notice.  Until  you & your  cohorts  can  Challenge   Assistant  Commissioner David  Ramnarine on  these  unambiguous  statements,  you  can continue  the  masturbation & fellation with  what  is unpalatable  and revolting  to most decent folks:

"What I will say is this, as I have said before, and which I had already communicated to the ranks under my command, David Ramnarine did not receive a single cent. Much less, I was asked to seek the support of the miners and businessmen, particularly from the Bartica district, to fund feeding and other issues during the elections,”

"My integrity has been challenged…I am not the perfect person; no one can lay claim to be, but I would not be cowed. I know the difference between real courage and moral courage..."

"“it was he (Greene) who instructed me to advise my subordinate officers in the far-off locations to take certain quantities of commodities on credit from stores in their respective districts”


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