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Former Member
From time to time I will post Uncle Deo's poems.

Uncle Deo (Deodat Prashad) is a Vietnam War veteran living in Guyana and has been an ardent AFC supporter since day one.



To be labeled incompetent may mean today
That you’d rather appear foolish to make money
That under cover of stupidity have figured a way
To avoid detection whilst performing officially

Referred β€œA square peg in a round hole” today
May secure for you but taken out of plain view
Of what slyly you do; of what really is your pay
And to which job description do you remain; true



Of my conscience; of issues try once more to vote
Yet immediately to me but most abundantly clear
No matter how objective, present conditions purport
Of such fairness I may (did not) reciprocally share

For of objectivity our constitution; a mere loophole
A way to executive lawlessness by unrestrictive will
Too much to chance, in my experience, but unfolds
Which at forty-one we are nationally all quite filled



This nation’s health is to a set prescription
Of a hate-filled, racial, electoral process
To the dosage of a bigoted constitution
Nursed by the powerfully rich, poor; powerless

This nation then turns to Spiritual healing
Asking those of the Bible, Gita and Quran
To professionalism and to patriotism appealing
Believing that it all adds-up but a feasible plan


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Brand new from Uncle Deo:


It’s difficult to dismantle a structure of tenancy
Most especially when already as a tenant
It’s best done in the interim of any occupancy
When of plan and design but participant

Together we can change the terms of tenancy
Lest you forget: Think/act as the landlord
Become office as were elected; democratically
With behavior and power to such accord



To succeed at the polls democratically
Is to ensure you’re the appeal of the masses
That you were of current position, historically
That all their expectations are thus surpassed

The demographics of such but carefully examined
All undesired but subtly prepared to negate
Of full preparation to be thus cross-examined
With Democracy in full and atop your slate



If your only anxiety is for you to replace β€œthem”
Then where are the changes in-store for me
I become a stepping-stone on your way to a gem
All I can (did) ever experience democratically

If your only anxiety is for you to replace β€œthem”
Then just for window-dressing the vote asked; me
To be marginalized until such need for me again
In fine political courtship but never in matrimony

Originally posted by squingy:
These are nice pieces. I noticed some of it on the FB page. I hope it will get to a published format, where for posterity along with other types of media expressions it forms a part of this period's historical record and commentary of Guyanese life.
I will look into the cost of publishing them. You are right, squingy, these should be preserved so as to remember these times.
Hang onto those things Gerhard. It'll be interesting to see the difference in costs to put together something I consider value.
An Aunt of mine had printed a few copies of her books (2) on Growing up in Guyana. Each time I read them, which is about three times now, it really brings me back to .....the ole days,which wasn't so long ago, depending on how you perceive it.

Banna, when you get to the age like me,between 40 and death,you'll appreciate these even more.
This wealth also gives the little ones who may never meet him,something to grasp and actually have in their possession from someone, a long time ago.
Originally posted by cain:
Hang onto those things Gerhard. It'll be interesting to see the difference in costs to put together something I consider value.
An Aunt of mine had printed a few copies of her books (2) on Growing up in Guyana. Each time I read them, which is about three times now, it really brings me back to .....the ole days,which wasn't so long ago, depending on how you perceive it.

Banna, when you get to the age like me,between 40 and death,you'll appreciate these even more.
This wealth also gives the little ones who may never meet him,something to grasp and actually have in their possession from someone, a long time ago.
I will bro. I have compiled his poems into one file and will get them in The Key and on the AFC website too. Of course, if can get them printed that would be best.

Sometime this year someone will ascend to the Presidency
With nothing regulatory; without anything to be upheld by law
Without such proof or evidence but to be addressed Excellency
(No matter how worthy a citizen but to be kept in such awe

Sometime later this year someone will ascend to the Presidency
Mainly by many who do not even understand what fully they do
For to the best of their beliefs and intentions it’s all Democracy
That their conscientious efforts would aptly bear such fruit too

Gerhard how about this one.

Psychologically Imprisoned

I yearn for the day when I can speak freely
To raise my voice in support of any party
To stand arm in arm and side by side
Not afraid of being victimized

I long to pen a letter using my real name
To let the authorities know, I know their game
To tell them that the gig is up
They've done enough damage they need to pack up

I wish I could stand at the Revolution Square
And shout from Cuffy's feet that my conscience is clear
That I have done enough to make them see
They can not take away my dignity

Burnham is gone or so we believe
They say we are free, this is democracy
But when I look at our leaders I see
That Burnham lives on in their ideology

But alas I blind myself and bound my tongue
Should I make myself visible I will be undone
The fear of losing my family, my job and my security
Makes me afraid to be unleashed

Wow bro! This is really good! flag
Can I have it published on our website and The Key?

Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
Gerhard how about this one.

Psychologically Imprisoned

I yearn for the day when I can speak freely
To raise my voice in support of any party
To stand arm in arm and side by side
Not afraid of being victimized

I long to pen a letter using my real name
To let the authorities know, I know their game
To tell them that the gig is up
They've done enough damage they need to pack up

I wish I could stand at the Revolution Square
And shout from Cuffy's feet that my conscience is clear
That I have done enough to make them see
They can not take away my dignity

Burnham is gone or so we believe
They say we are free, this is democracy
But when I look at our leaders I see
That Burnham lives on in their ideology

But alas I blind myself and bound my tongue
Should I make myself visible I will be undone
The fear of losing my family, my job and my security
Makes me afraid to be unleashed

Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Wow bro! This is really good! flag
Can I have it published on our website and The Key?

Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
Gerhard how about this one.

Psychologically Imprisoned

I yearn for the day when I can speak freely
To raise my voice in support of any party
To stand arm in arm and side by side
Not afraid of being victimized

I long to pen a letter using my real name
To let the authorities know, I know their game
To tell them that the gig is up
They've done enough damage they need to pack up

I wish I could stand at the Revolution Square
And shout from Cuffy's feet that my conscience is clear
That I have done enough to make them see
They can not take away my dignity

Burnham is gone or so we believe
They say we are free, this is democracy
But when I look at our leaders I see
That Burnham lives on in their ideology

But alas I blind myself and bound my tongue
Should I make myself visible I will be undone
The fear of losing my family, my job and my security
Makes me afraid to be unleashed


sure as long as you don't get me in trouble u can use it
Uncle Deo today:


Does God, in your beliefs, in the way you worship Him
Ever permit you or others to be put above man’s laws
In your religion imply to put you or anyone but so akin
Or of any situation (instructionally) ever allow such cause

How would such a situation be, in the sight of God
Where man has β€œrisen” to this level as in our presidency
Where in such competition but downright religiously awkward
In the same fit comparison but to acknowledge as excellency

Fresh from Uncle Deo:


The evil of this nation but hidden; its constitution
Drafted and implemented; a one man’s power plan
Initiated deceivably by, at first, but rigged elections
Now democratically but no further originally than

The evil of this nation is preserved; its constitution
By none but of the paradoxical caretakers of today
Once thoroughly against now guilty of its institution
To be politically liberated is what we hope; we pray

Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Sounds like rambling nonsense from a person on the verge of senility. But this is the type of person that the allegiance for crooks attract. hahahaha
Time and place is such an alien concept for you friend. But that's ok, today's PPP doesn't have time and place either.

And just it does to those of us in opposition, your unkindness will only make Uncle Deo stronger and louder.

The principal of public office must be replaced
His term (turn) of office comes to an end
Of a new choice, this nation, but electorally faced
But only of fresh anxieties but just then

For the constitution he/she will swear to defend
Will in turn provide a route of escape
For of all errors made (though genuine or pretend)
Of no legal challenge as Head-of-State


Imagine after all the legalities to hold General Elections
After all the regulations governing a common vote
After the Electorate’s best beliefs; purest of intentions
Come permitted Executive lawlessness under oath

Imagine after years of careful preparedness; anticipation
Of need and anxiety to change by cast of vote
That the invested hope in the Head of new administration
Becomes all wasted once of that office; Oath


Constitutionally we are to have free and fair Elections
(The only Article that supports Democracy)
Then on to President: Oath; applies Article of legal protection
Thence to the institution of a personality

Constitutionally guaranteed Democracy quits at held Elections
When we are allowed one Candidate an opportunity
Then of anything Democratic but at that President’s discretion
Sure source of National and of personal anxiety

Uncle Deo today:


Would you be just as interested in the Presidency
If there were pertinent Constitutional changes
The removal of all legal immunity; the prop of Excellency
Torn out of Constitution of the entire page

Would you be just as interested becoming Head-of-State
To be subjected to our laws as every citizen does
To have to wait the outcome of every Parliamentary debate
Before anything regulatory or become of written laws



There can be no effective change without change in Constitution
(The tabernacle from whence all our problems flow)
Where lawlessness is protected; very manner of its legal institution
The prevention by which our populace can say, β€œNo”

There can be no effective change without change of Constitution
First and foremost the removal of Executive immunity
For potent of our Presidency are all excesses; of their incubation
And for the definite misnomer of title; Excellency


Nothing could be legally challenged as written; our Constitution
It is indeed the ranking-most law of the land
But when it condones lawlessness; the very means of its institution
Then Constitutional change must; our first demand

Nothing could legally be done without necessary changes; our Constitution
Though nested in its Articles every source of bigotry
Except to have it all altered; politically so rally; but serve such petition
So render clout to what we attempt electorally


The Constitution allows the Presidency unlimited legal depth and scope
Of otherwise statesmanship but of its corruption
Turned burden of which the common populace but find it hard to cope
Of straight forward leadership but of other temptations

It has; can change good servants into bad masters; so has been its history
Ever potential of same with anyone of such ambitions
The obscured factor potentially and of responsibility as our source of misery
Yet of its authors; of some seeking Office but of their vision


At Oath of Office but afforded much personal paramountcy
Extended by Constitution; highest Law of the Land
Not necessarily of disposition or traits but heaped Excellency
The Electorate by then of subjected unjust demands

The Oath of Office is but a trigger of super-human activation
Laid-out: All adequately provided Constitutionally
As short-lived the value of the Electorate-Their dehumanization
All labeled Democracy; indeed but only partially

Fresh one from Uncle Deo today:


Without any laws there would be chaos
Without rules, regulations; prone to such attacks
Without anything restrictive, all too dangerous
Nothing or no one can be kept on track

Yet exactly the lone situation of our presidents
Left up to own devices; of unrestricted will
Where excesses are outraged and as imminent
With norm hence acceptance; so instilled

Uncle Deo's on fire today flag:


It must take an Angel of a Candidate to win the Elections
To be able to resist the temptations of the Presidency
To be still open to redress; to accept points of correction
Quickly realize that of Excellency but own inadequacies

It must take an Angel of a Candidate not to be power-drunk
By all that would be endowed Constitutionally
To remain ordinarily level-headed; not to be ill-drawn; but sunk
To retain such when engaged communicatively

Originally posted by Mad Max:
I had an uncle who got sent to Vietnam.
He came back to Guyana a messed up man
said they pumped them full of drugs
so they could fight the Viet Cong thugs.
Sad,sad, the man run mad!
You know, if I was an ass, I'd try to keep it to myself as much as possible and not proclaim it to the world...oh well, to each their own. Carry on then.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Mad Max:
I had an uncle who got sent to Vietnam.
He came back to Guyana a messed up man
said they pumped them full of drugs
so they could fight the Viet Cong thugs.
Sad,sad, the man run mad!
You know, if I was an ass, I'd try to keep it to myself as much as possible and not proclaim it to the world...oh well, to each their own. Carry on then.

Is that why you so quiet on this PPP forum?
Uncle Deo just completed the last in the set:


The health of every nation is as written; its constitution
The source from where all conditions of transactions flow
Over every daily motivation but its coach; act of coercion
It’s with what we daily diminish or desirably would grow

The very soul of any nation is as written in its constitution
It’s from where greatness or else lowliness can be achieved
Of whatever outcome but with populace such combination
Either in a theme of happiness or an environment aggrieved


Democracy is not spoken into being; someone’s personal plans
Nor of campaign’s strategies nor of political manifestos
Of a mere electoral hope nor of latter populace demands
Nor out of political mileage: It has no such hosts

The precepts of democracy must first be carefully documented
Drafted and indorsed by all whom it would duly serve
Motioned to highest law via parliamentary passage: Implemented
An outcome truly of all and of its highest place, well deserved


We have no documentation of a healthy democracy
At best it’s been paralyzed from the waist down
For mobility but on the wheelchair of its presidency
Upon this half-dead democracy but its mount

We can find no evidence of a fully alive democracy
Not as sure as its presidency; its conceited head
Of which lower half will be fixed with no immediacy
Nor hope of upper part to become quite so dead


Here we are in the height of our second lengthy dictatorship
Made possible by same source document: Law of the Land
Facilitating of and under the presidency but into a dealership
In double roles and takes featured in every development plan

Here we are in the exact dynamics of a dictatorship, past
In triggered alarms in the diplomatic community: The diaspora
While under such scrutiny with afforded immunity but bask
Under the presidency as opposed to the populace’s hysteria

From Uncle Deo for Emancipation Day:


With nothing left but our consciences and God
It’s entirely up to our voting conscientiously
For one of same dignity who would not afterward
Of our invested trust but act contemptuously

With every to gain; clear conscience; discover God
We are left to think hence act objectively
To create a future by each of oneself to all so add
So negate the ills potential of our presidency

Fresh from Uncle Deo:


While we strongly condemn the excesses of our Presidency
As unashamedly overlook the depth of our own shortcomings
In a national frenzy of day to day materialistic dependency
A set of corruptive practices seemingly less; our β€œrunnings”

While we thus busily point the finger at those at the top
So tend to overlook that the bottom just keeps falling out
And while each end foolishly awaits for the other to stop
Meanwhile that’s what Guyanese life so miserably about


In eavesdropping on others conversation not necessarily of truth
For truth may not be an element of their conversation
For they may be talking in terms of their own motives; so suit
Thus lethally can become a subject of their improvisation

Coming upon communication of parties serving each other interests
There is bound to be cheap judge judgment; gross inaccuracies
Too often can be described as, β€œFeathering each other’s nests”
Which upon every opportunity would swoop down; such moments seize


We exist in a pretend democracy
Our documentation caters to no such
Desperate; try to compensate electorally
Out of a worsening situation, β€œmake-much”

We have resigned ourselves to make-believe
Reluctant to indulge in our options; real
Pretending headway and as, so much deceive
Attempting of virtue out of a devilish deal


Just behind the beautiful curtains of free elections
Hides a sinister interior of much ill design
The hideous furnishings of a predator constitution
Which the curtains but removes from mind

From behind those curtains but an all friendly wave
Encouraging with heart and ballot to come forth
As deeper inside but a horror of such cunningly saved
Unleashed savagely comes of such office; Oath


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