Unnumbering is when you sense thinking of a number as you observe and deleting the number as you look away and change focus on something/someone else. This unnumbering is causing loss of body mass and transformation that is harmful in nature--like the taste of food or the intelligence of a person or the beliefs such as how cold it is outside. My anxiety attacks may be due to unnumbering of mental status affecting my nerves. When someone leaves you there is 2 minus one =1. A crowd in the streets of Manhattan is always unnumbering as they move around to find where they want to go or when people get on and off the bus or the train. Tomorrow's date is an unnumbering of today's date and three hours from now is also an unnumbering. There is unnumbering in a chemical reaction with the electrons of the atoms. Numbers are always changing in my computer as data decisions are being made. This is 306.
System safety clearance establish. Programming...Enstate serial numbers. Model number of Pioneer Turntable is PL 518. ua741 operational amplifier. Tektronics type 503 oscilloscope. $225.50. Weight is 180 lbs. Delco Sound DS501 transistor. 330 ohm resistor. 470 uf capacitor 35 volts. 120 volts and 2 amp with overload protection. Lottery tickets.