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Former Member

Last Monday General Secretary of the PPP, Mr. Clement Rohee, reacting at his press conference to questions about that morning’s SN’s headline “PPP executives jockeying for top position – Jagdeo, others seeking to consolidate support before crucial congress,” deemed the media as “stray dogs, going by the smell of things and rummaging the PPP neighbourhood for new and old juicy inaccuracies and speculations.” The article in SN and the questions from the media obviously touched a raw nerve.

It would be unprecedented for a PPP Congress to be postponed except if an issue of national importance gets in the way. For example, Congress was not held in 2011 because of elections year, nor in 2012 because the PPP’s minority government was under siege. There might have been other cases in the past but there have been no postponements of Congress for purely internal reasons.

There is no power struggle going on in relation to the choice of presidential candidate for 2020. Jockeying and positioning are taking place quietly but are not generating any overt controversies. The main contender will be Bharrat Jagdeo, if the appeal in the two-term limit case, in which Chief Justice Chang ruled the two-term limit to be unconstitutional, is dismissed. If not, Irfan Ali, Anil Nandlall and Frank Anthony, appear to be the group from among whom a candidate will emerge.

Jagdeo’s favoured person is said to be Irfan Ali, a devoted and noisy loyalist. Anil Nandlall, a ponderous newspaper campaigner, has Ramotar’s support but the latter’s influence has waned considerably. Frank Anthony, diffident and long disfavoured and held back by Jagdeo, remains the person most favoured among the bulk of the leadership and rank and file, except those mentioned above. He usually obtains among the highest votes in elections at Congress. The outcome is anyone’s guess but if it is not Jagdeo, he will once again use his formidable skills to again promote someone he believes he can control. With the Ramotar disaster, doubt exists as to whether he will succeed this time around.

The major factor would be the extent of Jagdeo’s dominance of the PPP and its leadership. It can still be overpowering but is already on the decline. With some responsibility being attributed to him for losing the elections, which he tries to deflect by blaming Party members, the proposal for his election as Leader of the Opposition attracted several negative votes (the fact that voting was successfully insisted upon is itself a weakening of his position because as president, he did not countenance voting and relied on a consensus which he decreed as the last speaker on every issue). Also Indra Chandrapal and Anil Nandlall were promoted in 2015 to the Party Executive to fill vacancies. Jagdeo had been hostile to both of them and they were not elected in 2013.

The real reason for a possible postponement of the Congress arises out of the crumbling of the core leadership and possible challenges that have since arisen. That leadership was established immediately after the 2008 Congress and comprised Jagdeo, Luncheon, Ramotar, Rohee and Teixiera. Its main objective, apart from promoting the Ramotar presidential candidacy, was to ensure Jagdeo’s control over the Party.

Electoral defeat in 2011, then 2015, has shattered the unity and existence of the core leadership. No longer suppressed within a collective that has to pay obeisance to Jagdeo, and elected as General Secretary, the door has been opened for Rohee’s emergence as a contender. He has substantial precedent to back him up. Of the four past PPP presidents, three were general secretaries, namely, Cheddi Jagan, Janet Jagan and Donald Ramotar the first and last, like Rohee, being formal Party leaders as holders of the most senior position in the constitution. The fourth, Bharrat Jagdeo, was nominated by former general secretary, Janet Jagan.

To curb Rohee’s growing public profile as the Party’s chief spokesperson, head of the organization, presidential contender and competitor for stature, Jagdeo would have to engineer his removal as general secretary immediately after Congress (the general secretary is elected at the first meeting after Congress by the newly elected central committee). He may well feel that he no longer has the clout to accomplish this. Thus, agreeing to a Congress means having Rohee as General Secretary for another three years. A postponement for a year may allow intrigue and manipulation, standard operating procedures in the PPP leadership, to mature and lead to his ouster from the post.

Rohee as General Secretary would be responsible for the physical organization of any Congress and would influence many important outcomes.  In addition, he writes and delivers the keynote speech, which sets out policy. It is debated by delegates in workshops and fulsomely pronounced upon at a plenum. Therefore, a Congress will further elevate Rohee’s stature among the Party and public, if he can suppress his notorious lack of interpersonal skills. Under all of these circumstances, as to Rohee’s shining limelight from the Congress, Bharrat Jagdeo receives only a dull glow. Notwithstanding, Clement Rohee can never be certain that his position will remain intact after the Congress. Therefore, for different reasons, the two most powerful persons in the PPP would not see any benefits to them from a Congress at this time.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Royal Ralph just jealous. Royal Ralph should start his own party in Guyana. Guyana needs the Monarchist Party of Guyana. "It's all about the rank" should be a good motto.

Last edited by Prashad
cain posted:

I been thinking of headin back an startup a putageeman party, I gonna have nuff nuff Brazilian girls sportin Brazialian wax jobs as body guards.

He he ...count me in banna!   I have seen dem Rio Carnival gals in action.

Last edited by VishMahabir
yuji22 posted:

Gil is posting PNC stink fish PNC. Rotten Gilbakka.

What a racist statement!  Equivalent to when I tell you that you eat PPP filthy food.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Gil is posting PNC stink fish PNC. Rotten Gilbakka.

What a racist statement!  Equivalent to when I tell you that you eat PPP filthy food.

The 3 of you sound the same to me.  


The PPP should not manufacture any reasns for postponing the Congress, as they have done before. The Congress should, without fear or intimidation by the PPP hierarchy, as they have done before elect their own candidate to be the leader. They should abolish/delete/eliminate the section of the Constitution of the PPP which gives the General Secretary the automatic choice to be the next leader. We saw what happened when Ramotar (Jagdeo's pick) was elected. He paved the way for the Coalition to win. He sold the party out to the Coalition.

There should be a motion on the floor of Congress to say that all thugs/affiliates from the House of Israel and those who have human blood on their hands are expelled from the party and from holding any office, whether elected or not. This included Lumumba, Kame etc.

In my opinion the following should not run:

Bharat Jagdeo (he carries too much baggage)

Clement Rohee ( Couln't control the Police Force much less the country)

Gail Texiera (A failure to runs to the American Embassy and complains about her party - she is a US spy and a lies a lot)

We need young blood, people like Anil Nandlall; Dr. Frank Anthony, Irfan Ali.


Dondadda posted:

The PPP should not manufacture any reasns for postponing the Congress, as they have done before. The Congress should, without fear or intimidation by the PPP hierarchy, as they have done before elect their own candidate to be the leader. They should abolish/delete/eliminate the section of the Constitution of the PPP which gives the General Secretary the automatic choice to be the next leader. We saw what happened when Ramotar (Jagdeo's pick) was elected. He paved the way for the Coalition to win. He sold the party out to the Coalition.

There should be a motion on the floor of Congress to say that all thugs/affiliates from the House of Israel and those who have human blood on their hands are expelled from the party and from holding any office, whether elected or not. This included Lumumba, Kame etc.

In my opinion the following should not run:

Bharat Jagdeo (he carries too much baggage)

Clement Rohee ( Couln't control the Police Force much less the country)

Gail Texiera (A failure to runs to the American Embassy and complains about her party - she is a US spy and a lies a lot)

We need young blood, people like Anil Nandlall; Dr. Frank Anthony, Irfan Ali.



Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:

Gil is posting PNC stink fish PNC. Rotten Gilbakka.

Trying to justify his reasons why he predicted a PPP loss in 2020 due to emigration and deaths of Indians.  

I am glad his statement is catching on. Intelligent people should not teach principles to others and refused practice it.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Gil is posting PNC stink fish PNC. Rotten Gilbakka.

What a racist statement!  Equivalent to when I tell you that you eat PPP filthy food.

Not the same, You are Poster Boy for Racism.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

Gil is posting PNC stink fish PNC. Rotten Gilbakka.

yuji22, like yuh running off, bhai. Ralph Ramkarran is me big buddy. 


Why are you laughing, Miss Haniffa? I have known Ralph personally for 42 years and besides being a party comrade I told him that I regarded him as a big brother. BTW, he and I are still in touch.

Dondadda posted:


We need young blood, people like Anil Nandlall; Dr. Frank Anthony, Irfan Ali.


Hmmm.  Now how will they help the PPP to grow beyond the Indo vote, which is only 40%, not all of which is supportive of the PPP?

I understand that the racism of the PPP means that they lack non Indians, with clout, and credibility to lead.  But then this is the ramifications for aiming to be the "coolie people party, which seeks to consolidate the East Indian support base".

When you all lose again in 2020, maybe you will realize that the PPP has to break into the African/mixed vote.   The mixed vote is the fastest growing, and their voting patterns are very similar to that of the African vote.

kp posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Gil is posting PNC stink fish PNC. Rotten Gilbakka.

What a racist statement!  Equivalent to when I tell you that you eat PPP filthy food.

Not the same, You are Poster Boy for Racism.

Explain why I am a racist and yuji isn't.

What exactly do I say that is so racist?   He is raving about PPP stink fish, and calling Gilbakka rotten. This is after he, or another of his comrades, called Gilbakka a niggindian.

And of course his frequent implications that D2 is a primitive "buckman".

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

Gil is posting PNC stink fish PNC. Rotten Gilbakka.

yuji22, like yuh running off, bhai. Ralph Ramkarran is me big buddy. 


Why are you laughing, Miss Haniffa? I have known Ralph personally for 42 years and besides being a party comrade I told him that I regarded him as a big brother. BTW, he and I are still in touch.

I was talking about the first 5 words of your comment.

Also, I don't think he is privy to information on the PPP central committee anymore.  There is a lot of speculation here has his language suggests.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
kp posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Gil is posting PNC stink fish PNC. Rotten Gilbakka.

What a racist statement!  Equivalent to when I tell you that you eat PPP filthy food.

Not the same, You are Poster Boy for Racism.

Explain why I am a racist and yuji isn't.

What exactly do I say that is so racist?   He is raving about PPP stink fish, and calling Gilbakka rotten. This is after he, or another of his comrades, called Gilbakka a niggindian.

And of course his frequent implications that D2 is a primitive "buckman".

This comment just wins the prize for the most hypocritical statement ever made on GNI.  When Carib starts to call people racist, we are in a crisis situation.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
kp posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Gil is posting PNC stink fish PNC. Rotten Gilbakka.

What a racist statement!  Equivalent to when I tell you that you eat PPP filthy food.

Not the same, You are Poster Boy for Racism.

Explain why I am a racist and yuji isn't.

What exactly do I say that is so racist?   He is raving about PPP stink fish, and calling Gilbakka rotten. This is after he, or another of his comrades, called Gilbakka a niggindian.

And of course his frequent implications that D2 is a primitive "buckman".

This comment just wins the prize for the most hypocritical statement ever made on GNI.  When Carib starts to call people racist, we are in a crisis situation.

And Miss Haniffa has just won the Queen of Hyperbole contest for the umpteenth time running. Marning, Bibi. I woke up early and decided to check in GNI Political like an addict scrounging for dope. In my reasoned opinion, Carib is not a racist.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
.  When Carib starts to call people racist, we are in a crisis situation.

I know.  Its a real crisis when Caribny calls racist those who call blacks jungle animals.

After all GNI is supposed to be an anti black hate site where such comments are supposed to be unchallenged.

Still waiting for you to cite a racist comment that I make.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
kp posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Gil is posting PNC stink fish PNC. Rotten Gilbakka.

What a racist statement!  Equivalent to when I tell you that you eat PPP filthy food.

Not the same, You are Poster Boy for Racism.

Explain why I am a racist and yuji isn't.

What exactly do I say that is so racist?   He is raving about PPP stink fish, and calling Gilbakka rotten. This is after he, or another of his comrades, called Gilbakka a niggindian.

And of course his frequent implications that D2 is a primitive "buckman".

This comment just wins the prize for the most hypocritical statement ever made on GNI.  When Carib starts to call people racist, we are in a crisis situation.

And Miss Haniffa has just won the Queen of Hyperbole contest for the umpteenth time running. Marning, Bibi. I woke up early and decided to check in GNI Political like an addict scrounging for dope. In my reasoned opinion, Carib is not a racist.

Well ok then.  Brown Bai KKK.  I bet you never heard those words before either. Right?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Well ok then.  Brown Bai KKK.  I bet you never heard those words before either. Right?

Is that the best that you can do?  Come on.

If people use language about blacks that is 100% in line with what the KKK says, then what is wrong with them being called KKK?

If they behave like the KKK then I will call them KKK.

Now I know that these are your friends, and that you share the same sentiments about blacks, but it is what it is.

And it is an INDIAN who coined that phrase, so don't try and chat nonsense that is a term that I use for all Indians. Just your friends, and you too, given that you always agree with them.

Last edited by Former Member

Listen to me.  I do not engage in useless crap about racism.  So don't try to drag me into this nonsense.  You keep repeating the same meaningless words over and over, and over, and over, and over...........!  Everyone on this board has seen into your lies. 


Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
kp posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Gil is posting PNC stink fish PNC. Rotten Gilbakka.

What a racist statement!  Equivalent to when I tell you that you eat PPP filthy food.

Not the same, You are Poster Boy for Racism.

Explain why I am a racist and yuji isn't.

What exactly do I say that is so racist?   He is raving about PPP stink fish, and calling Gilbakka rotten. This is after he, or another of his comrades, called Gilbakka a niggindian.

And of course his frequent implications that D2 is a primitive "buckman".

This comment just wins the prize for the most hypocritical statement ever made on GNI.  When Carib starts to call people racist, we are in a crisis situation.

And Miss Haniffa has just won the Queen of Hyperbole contest for the umpteenth time running. Marning, Bibi. I woke up early and decided to check in GNI Political like an addict scrounging for dope. In my reasoned opinion, Carib is not a racist.

Well ok then.  Brown Bai KKK.  I bet you never heard those words before either. Right?

A brown bai nicknamed TK was the first person in GNI Political who mentioned "Brown Bai KKK" before you joined us. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Listen to me.  I do not engage in useless crap about racism.


No you just endorse it.

That's OK, but if you hang out with racists, and refuse to condemn their behavior, and then call me a racist, because I confront them.......just think about what that makes you.

Gilbakka posted:

A brown bai nicknamed TK was the first person in GNI Political who mentioned "Brown Bai KKK" before you joined us. 

Her friends called him a niggindian, and a Congo Lover.

She agrees with them.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Listen to me.  I do not engage in useless crap about racism.


No you just endorse it.

That's OK, but if you hang out with racists, and refuse to condemn their behavior, and then call me a racist, because I confront them.......just think about what that makes you.

I hang out with the PNC boys. 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And somehow I acquired that name from Carib.  Still trying to figure out why.  And I don't even have equipment that qualify me as bai.  Or KKK for that matter.

For Gilbakka, Miss Haniffa is merely a brown gyal in the ring singing "Tra-lalah-lahah." For she loves BJ and I love the coalition. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Listen to me.  I do not engage in useless crap about racism.


No you just endorse it.

That's OK, but if you hang out with racists, and refuse to condemn their behavior, and then call me a racist, because I confront them.......just think about what that makes you.

I hang out with the PNC boys. 

yuji, cobra, and others are now PNC boys?

I wonder if they think so?


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