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@Former Member posted:

I hope she can civilize dem duh! The country needs an intelligent and enlightened opposition. Right now they have nuff hustlers with street korner sense.

What do you mean by that ? there are three lawyers from the opposition .No fan of Harmon . Khemraj and Amanza says it like it is and more honest to the people , than than the Red trained leader for life. Every dog have their day ,time does catch up with the wicked.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

What do you mean by that ? there are three lawyers from the opposition .No fan of Harmon . Khemraj and Amanza says it like it is and more honest to the people , than than the Red trained leader for life. Every dog have their day ,time does catch up with the wicked.

he thinks the white lady is civilised and the black people aren't (khemraj included because he deh with black people)

this is the degeneracy our people can do without. there's no hope for him, the cancer is too far gone. hopefully we can guide the younger ones to become decent adults

@Spugum posted:

he thinks the white lady is civilised and the black people aren't (khemraj included because he deh with black people)

this is the degeneracy our people can do without. there's no hope for him, the cancer is too far gone. hopefully we can guide the younger ones to become decent adults

Poor boy...yuh is a victim too? You have landrover and armani? And access to senators? Lol, coolie marginalize you? Lol

@Former Member posted:

Lol, Django...yuh mek meh haan fall. Amanza is the lady who say Indoes cant think critically while she Mattie voting 96% for Dem own. 😂

Well aluh had 60 years and completely f&@# up what the white man leff. Why don't you ask a poll how many Guyanese would rather British rule over PNC and PPP.

@sachin_05 posted:

Aha! the bloody nose  and the constant beating finally brought out the one only [drumroll]shakebatty hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

what bloody nose?

an illiterate like you could give me a bloody nose?

learn the difference between " taught" and "thought" first then come again. i know it's embarrassing for you to revisit that thread

25,000 venezuelans are fighting to stay in guyana. prove me wrong and stop your infantile nonsense about bloody nose

bloody nose

@Former Member posted:

Lol! Saying Indo mentally lazy is like saying Dem can't think critically. Anyway, we know from Lapop aluh does vote 96% for aluh Mattie. Lol.

i've been waiting for this!

if someone is lazy it doesn't mean they can't do something. it simply means they won't do it and simply depend on others to do it for them

today's kaieteur news editorial makes the same point about supporters of ppp and i assume pnc and others. it said, speaking of jagdeo: "whatever he says is what goes; or to put in a different and blunter way, whatever Guyana’s oilman wants, Guyana oilman gets. This is regardless of either the costs and consequences to the citizens of this country, who don’t know better, and who are content to let leaders do their thinking for them, and accept any rubbish that those same leaders stuff down their throats."

same point, isn't it?

now get lost before i embarrass you further

@Spugum posted:

i've been waiting for this!

if someone is lazy it doesn't mean they can't do something. it simply means they won't do it and simply depend on others to do it for them

today's kaieteur news editorial makes the same point about supporters of ppp and i assume pnc and others. it said, speaking of jagdeo: "whatever he says is what goes; or to put in a different and blunter way, whatever Guyana’s oilman wants, Guyana oilman gets. This is regardless of either the costs and consequences to the citizens of this country, who don’t know better, and who are content to let leaders do their thinking for them, and accept any rubbish that those same leaders stuff down their throats."

same point, isn't it?

now get lost before i embarrass you further

Are you seriously saying physical lazy is the same as  mentally lazy? That is the most vomit soak shakebatty defense of a PNC racist I ever heard in my life hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

@Spugum posted:

i've been waiting for this!

if someone is lazy it doesn't mean they can't do something. it simply means they won't do it and simply depend on others to do it for them

same point, isn't it?

now get lost before i embarrass you further

Na, yuh trying to pull a fass one on dem boys. Lazy means dem not motivated enough to do. Yuh CHOOSE not to do. But guess what, Indos split dem votes in 2011 and 2015 to help aluh out. That's what the low IQ Amanza failed to grasp. On the other hand, we know aluh voting solid 96% for only blackman. But I guess that is not "lazy" in yuh world . Which dictionary yuh does use? The Concise Congress Place Dictionary and Thesaurus?

@sachin_05 posted:

Are you seriously saying physical lazy is the same as  mentally lazy? That is the most vomit soak shakebatty defense of a PNC racist I ever heard in my life hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

lazy is lazy, what makes you think there is a difference?

banna, stop posting shit to waste my time. post something interesting for a change


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