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US$200M Skeldon plant… Factory 65% operational, but only produces 20%


Dr. Leslie Ramsammy

 - Dr. Leslie Ramsammy


Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, on Thursday said that the Skeldon Sugar Factory is operating just over 50 per cent of its capacity, and that millions of dollars being spent to modify the factory will still not bring it to its full operational capacity.
The Skeldon estate was designed to produce 110,000 tonnes of sugar per annum. In 2010, production was 33,237 tonnes and in 2011, production was 29,410 tonnes.
Former President Bharrat Jagdeo had vowed to see the factory up to its full capacity.
Responding to questions from People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Member of Parliament, Dr. Vishwa Mahadeo, and Ramsammy said that the factory is “operating at an average 60 to 65 percent capacity.”
He said that redesign works by South African firm, Bosch, will start after the current crop.
However, Ramsammy pointed out that critical works such as modification to the punt dumper design and replacement of the structure is not catered for in the Bosch contract.
The defects which will be fixed due to the Bosch redesign works are those related to the bagasse feeding system and the cane conveyor system. Installing a condensate tank and obtaining a clean water supply to the factory are also on the cards.
Dr. Ramsammy said that the Skeldon factory has been providing power to the national grid.
“In terms of the supply to the national grid electricity, the answer is yes. We are supplying to the national grid. Power is supplied continuously to the grid on an hourly basis averaging 5.5 to 6 megawatts,” he related.
In addition, he said that during peak periods as much as eight to 10 megawatts are supplied to the national grid. This is done using the turbo generators that use bio fuel or “bagasse.”
Ramsammy said that a comprehensive continuous maintenance programme is in place at Skeldon.
The Agriculture Minister said that an inadequate supply of sugar cane is one of the reasons why the factory is not operating at its full potential.
He said that an estimated 2,600 hectares remained to be brought into operation. Of this, 782 hectares are located within the estate property and 1,845 hectares belong to private farmers.
Bosch is being paid US$130,000 to design the modifications that are needed at the Skeldon plant.
The estate was commissioned at a cost of US$181 million in August 2009, and was hailed as the boon to the survival of the sugar industry.
However, the factory has been plagued by numerous problems and has not been able to function as was intended. The establishment of the factory was part of a modernisation plan by GuySuCo that was not achieved. The project involves expanded cane cultivations, the establishment of a refinery, and the co-generation of electricity for the national grid. The factory was constructed with a combination of self-generated funds and loans from the Caribbean Development Bank, the People’s Republic of China and the Government of Guyana. The Project Engineer was Booker Tate, UK Ltd and the Contractor was CNTIC Ltd.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Agreed, but I am not sure crippling the government at the legislature is productive especially in a racially polarized society like guyana. Do you know if the AFC supports significant decentralization of power?
Originally Posted by Brutus:
Agreed, but I am not sure crippling the government at the legislature is productive especially in a racially polarized society like guyana. Do you know if the AFC supports significant decentralization of power?


You have to define decentralization of power? 


Decentralization, spread around. For example NOT concentrated in one Office, Dept, Region Political Party, slowly now TK you can get the drift,-----s  l  o    w    l    y.

Originally Posted by Brutus:
Agreed, but I am not sure crippling the government at the legislature is productive especially in a racially polarized society like guyana. Do you know if the AFC supports significant decentralization of power?

WHEN did demand for accountability in spending the PEOPLE'S money = "crippling the government . . .," eh??


unless . . . allowing the PPP tiefmem to run wild - raping the treasury with impunity - is your idea of 'responsible' behavior by the Opposition


and, the PPP is the ONLY party in parliament i know of resisting "significant decentralization of power" in Guyana . . . no local Govt elections since the early nineties is Exhibit 1

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Decentralization, spread around. For example NOT concentrated in one Office, Dept, Region Political Party, slowly now TK you can get the drift,-----s  l  o    w    l    y.

Pavi bai decentralization of power can take many forms. We need the man to say what he is thinking about. You know this discussion is not about henny and poke cuttahs on a PPP visa card. This is big people stuff that you can never grasp. Please keep off. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

YUh Rass nah kno yuh left foot from yuh right, how deh hell yuh gun handastan the Concept of Decentralization!!!

Pavi bai you know I make a living by using my brain. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

YUh Rass nah kno yuh left foot from yuh right, how deh hell yuh gun handastan the Concept of Decentralization!!!

Oi Nehur Bhai you are back?


Good.  Let the games begin?


Nehru Bhai:


Is this truly happening in your Government or is this another AFC thing?


US$200M Skeldon plant… Factory 65% operational, but only produces 20%.


Do not lest us worry with OH Henry a/k Clement Rotie, he find a new wuk at the Ministry of Finance to peep pun aswini!

TK, I am thinking the Canadian system of provincial government. Federal charters to put a pin in the death struggle at the national political level and encourage diversity in government. I would love to see the Lindeners have more autonomy over their affairs.
Originally Posted by Brutus:
TK, I am thinking the Canadian system of provincial government. Federal charters to put a pin in the death struggle at the national political level and encourage diversity in government. I would love to see the Lindeners have more autonomy over their affairs.

Guyana, as a nation of 750k is hardly viable in totality.  There is absolutely no case for "autonomy" and besides that brings further responsibility and obligations.  The subsidies and assistance coming for the central Govt could be affected.  Do you think Agricola and Buxton should also be granted some autonomy?

Originally Posted by Brutus:
Baseman you speak with such certainty! From what empirical basis do you conclude? Do you suggest we continue with the status co?

No, I don't suggest the status quo.  All citizen groups should should live, and have reasonable expectations, like the rest of that nation.  There is this feeling of entitlement and privilege from groups and when they don't get it, they revert to threats and mayhem.  This cannot continue.


What empirical evidence?  Sometimes commonsense trumps everything.  A few thousand people who are hardly viable as they stand now believe their solution is "autonomy".  This is kindergarten level thinking.


Brutus, We dont have to continue with the Status Quo, we must always look to IMPROVE. However, diving up the Country into small parts will result in a tribal Society. As ststed, a Nation of 750K should not be too much of a problem to Govern from the Center. I would rather call for Regional Elections and Decentrazilation of Services to areas like Linden and Conertyne and Essequibo Coast.

Baseman, Kindergarten thinking is to profusely spend time on this board pissing in the wind! You may make proposals until you cerebral chambers combust you still will not achieve the ideal that you so generously attribute to our society! 50 years after independence - to blindly hold fast to a political system that ignores the demographics is to confer on all you commentators, politicians, academics, misfits who still think that we can still work as per status Quo as pissers in the wind!
Originally Posted by Brutus:
Baseman, Kindergarten thinking is to profusely spend time on this board pissing in the wind! You may make proposals until you cerebral chambers combust you still will not achieve the ideal that you so generously attribute to our society! 50 years after independence - to blindly hold fast to a political system that ignores the demographics is to confer on all you commentators, politicians, academics, misfits who still think that we can still work as per status Quo as pissers in the wind!

Seeing you are suggesting autonomy, why don't you make a proposal for consideration.  As I said, the status quo cannot continue but fragmentation is not the solution in this case.  However, as Nehru said, strengthening of the existing local Govt system should be explored.  This is more realistic.

Nehru IMPROVE what? The PPP will be replaced by Granger, Bond, Greenidge et al, and it will be vengeance. You honestly believe The moral deficit of the hombres in guyana whichever the fences they sit on?

bRUTUS MY FRIEND, i hope you are not suggesting that we give up, divide up the Land and live Happy ever after. If so, my arguement for keep on going with the current System with many, many adjustments will be a more viable one.


I AGREE, MORALITY and high level of Public Service in Guyana is extremely lacking. It seems like no one is accountable.

Originally Posted by Brutus:
Nehru IMPROVE what? The PPP will be replaced by Granger, Bond, Greenidge et al, and it will be vengeance. You honestly believe The moral deficit of the hombres in guyana whichever the fences they sit on?

Your alarmist portrayal of any alternative to the PPP regime underscores the principles with which many tyrannical governments has aimed to control any restless population.

  What vengeance do you speak of? What bad deeds have been done that would warrant such actions? Tell us, since you seem to know so much. Maybe you killed a few black boys and are afraid the PNC is going to come an reek revenge on you and your family? Or maybe many in the PPP stole so much that they fear justice for their misdeeds. I assume the latter. It is fear of getting served with justice that drives people like you to dream up ways of portraying any opposition to the PPP as malice and disaster.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Brutus:
Baseman you speak with such certainty! From what empirical basis do you conclude? Do you suggest we continue with the status co?

No, I don't suggest the status quo.  All citizen groups should should live, and have reasonable expectations, like the rest of that nation.  There is this feeling of entitlement and privilege from groups and when they don't get it, they revert to threats and mayhem.  This cannot continue.


What empirical evidence?  Sometimes commonsense trumps everything.  A few thousand people who are hardly viable as they stand now believe their solution is "autonomy".  This is kindergarten level thinking.

Here you are presented with an option to think and explore avenues for new methodologies for fairness in out political system and you revert to highlighting  the same blind racist paradigm of blaming the other side.


Devolution is not about race or creed but about systems. It is a form of conflict resolution ( and conflict resolution does not blame anyone) and the establishing of social and political structures that stands between us ( all of us) and our baser instincts.

Mr T... I personally have not sinned but Your reaction is absolutely bang on as the lambs will pay for the misdeeds of a few . Remember Lusignan? When the fires start will The Mr Ts care that I didn't partake in the PPP alleged misdeeds? Or will I be attacked based on my looks? The PNC have proven their brutish methods during government and opposition. I cannot and will not support a morally bankrupt PPP. The AFC will do good to buck the trend by offering up an alternative governance structure.
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Brutus, We dont have to continue with the Status Quo, we must always look to IMPROVE. However, diving up the Country into small parts will result in a tribal Society. As ststed, a Nation of 750K should not be too much of a problem to Govern from the Center. I would rather call for Regional Elections and Decentrazilation of Services to areas like Linden and Conertyne and Essequibo Coast.

There is nothing to "improve" in our present system. We need to junk it. As I often note you cannot transform a Romanesque cathedral to a Gothic one. You end up with a useless monstrosity of plaster and stone.


The aims are for handing back authority to the people as sovereign and not some committee of plutocrats as the PPP gang of 15.  It is to secure and empower our legislature so it can check the administration and it can  create laws that have teeth and reflect the voice of a diverse  constituency.


We do not want the sententious voice of as that of our corrupt AG telling us the parliament is a creature of the President or that income from state assets cannot be placed in a common pool from which one can secure its allocation to worthy projects and have oversight of these expenditures.


In short, it is to avoid all the corrupt, Gordian knot the PPP has us in as they defend their plutocratic rights to spend our monies as they well please and their Medusa like head that thinks up ways to incapacitate us as they rob us blind.


BRUTUS what you is saying you donot belive in violent crime but white collor crime is okay.To each its own way.both crime is a crime and is distructive to any country.every action have a supprise me that lot of indians just want to stand on the side line,without getting involve but when the sit hit the fan they man say watching a crime being commit and doing nothing is making you equally guilty

Warrior, All crimes are bad, but what I am saying is that our voting is race based, this system gives voters very little incentive to punish their political masters as they are fearful of the alternative.
As storm born puts it devolution is a political system - its not intended to ' shaft' any group. We are to accustomed to gravitate to our base instinct of punish and reward along ethnic lines. Devolution will give our nation some room to breathe away from the foul smell of racial sparring.
Originally Posted by Brutus:
Mr T... I personally have not sinned but Your reaction is absolutely bang on as the lambs will pay for the misdeeds of a few .Remember Lusignan? When the fires start will The Mr Ts care that I didn't partake in the PPP alleged misdeeds? Or will I be attacked based on my looks? The PNC have proven their brutish methods during government and opposition. I cannot and will not support a morally bankrupt PPP. The AFC will do good to buck the trend by offering up an alternative governance structure.

Yea, how could we forget Lusignan/Bartica.  How could be forget the 20 years of subjugation and virtual enslavement of the mainly Indian masses, how could we forget the slo-fiah mo-fiah mayhem unleashed by the PNC against mostly Indians, how could be forget the 2 for 1 mantra of the Buxton FFs who boldly committed to killing two innocent Indians for every terrorist killed by police, how could be forget the massacres and killings of Indians in the 60's in a PNC power-grab.


Oh yes Brute(us), how could we ever forget.

Originally Posted by Brutus:
What's the position of the AFC on this matter TK?

I have personally written on this extensively. These can be found in the letter pages of SN. I am busy at the moment writing my next column for SN. The AFC does not have a well defined position on devolution as power sharing. The AFC believes in local government reforms/elections; electoral reforms; and I believe making sure MPs are elected directly to Parliament and not selected by a party boss. The AFC prefers procurement reforms; removal of the powers of the President; Freedom of Information. I am satisfied and comfortable with these. Don't think federalism is at the top of AFC's agenda and rightly so. The guys have an election to win and don't have the luxury to participate in metaphysical debates. Resources are thin. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Brutus:
What's the position of the AFC on this matter TK?

I have personally written on this extensively. These can be found in the letter pages of SN. I am busy at the moment writing my next column for SN. The AFC does not have a well defined position on devolution as power sharing. The AFC believes in local government reforms/elections; electoral reforms; and I believe making sure MPs are elected directly to Parliament and not selected by a party boss. The AFC prefers procurement reforms; removal of the powers of the President; Freedom of Information. I am satisfied and comfortable with these. Don't think federalism is at the top of AFC's agenda and rightly so. The guys have an election to win and don't have the luxury to participate in metaphysical debates. Resources are thin. 

They also have to push for the removal of military from political influence and involvement and a robust governance mechanism to protect the constitution and the nation's integrity at the same time.  I think you have the cart before the horse, but then again, you do have to please the PNC and the Redux-type ideologues in the background.

Originally Posted by baseman:

How could be forget the 20 years of subjugation and virtual enslavement of the mainly Indian masses . . .  

more gratuitous 4th Grade demagoguery . . .  


doubling down with hysterics on obscure threads cannot mitigate the shame and embarrassment you brought upon yourself these past couple of days



Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Brutus:
What's the position of the AFC on this matter TK?

I have personally written on this extensively. These can be found in the letter pages of SN. I am busy at the moment writing my next column for SN. The AFC does not have a well defined position on devolution as power sharing. The AFC believes in local government reforms/elections; electoral reforms; and I believe making sure MPs are elected directly to Parliament and not selected by a party boss. The AFC prefers procurement reforms; removal of the powers of the President; Freedom of Information. I am satisfied and comfortable with these. Don't think federalism is at the top of AFC's agenda and rightly so. The guys have an election to win and don't have the luxury to participate in metaphysical debates. Resources are thin. 

They also have to push for the removal of military from political influence and involvement and a robust governance mechanism to protect the constitution and the nation's integrity at the same time.  I think you have the cart before the horse, but then again, you do have to please the PNC and the Redux-type ideologues in the background.

Bai...I am much more worried by drug pushers than the army. I am much more bothered about the destabilizing influence of US$1.2 bill in external debt to finance four projects in the next three years. Much more concerned about the stealing of public funds and the bad sequencing and implementation, all adding more unnecessary debt to pay off and diminish the ability to do what is necessary in the future. The AFC no doubt understands the need to see all Guyanese share in the burden of the defence forces. But if you talk to the average Guyanese they will tell you they don't see a reserve of black men in uniform coming to suppress them. The days for that bogeyman are over. Their main concerns center around the outright theft of public funds and a completely corrupt and drugs-infiltrated police force. 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

How could be forget the 20 years of subjugation and virtual enslavement of the mainly Indian masses . . .  

more gratuitous 4th Grade demagoguery . . .  


doubling down with hysterics on obscure threads cannot mitigate the shame and embarrassment you brought upon yourself these past couple of days



The promise of the PNC GDF cadres campaigning in masse last election was to ensure the next time the PNC takes power, along with the GDF, never ever to let power slip away again.  They encouraged their people to go out and attend and cheer AFC meetings as long as the target of the AFC was the PPP.


I think a couple AFC Indian boys attempted to criticize the PNC and had bottles, bricks and stick thrown at them.  They had to run out of Albouystown.


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