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Have been doing that for many years where I work... now the company updated our monitors to2 - 23 inches wide screen.

It is a nice way when you want to compare 2 different things... for example every quarter I have to update some tables, then use that table for several different functions... the double monitors come in handy; since I can view two different spread sheets at the same time, on two monitors.

Using one monitor I would have had to open the two sheets as side to side or split screen.




Originally Posted by IGH:

Have been doing that for many years where I work... now the company updated our monitors to2 - 23 inches wide screen.

It is a nice way when you want to compare 2 different things... for example every quarter I have to update some tables, then use that table for several different functions... the double monitors come in handy; since I can view two different spread sheets at the same time, on two monitors.

Using one monitor I would have had to open the two sheets as side to side or split screen.




Aunty Feens, are you referring more to multiple displays as opposed to multiple computers? Some people at my workplace have as many as five monitors completely boxing them in. I can live with two displays because that is beneficial to me. Any more than that would require me to renegotiate my compensation since it would mean that I am doing extra work.

I also set up my desktop at home with two monitors. Not really because I need it. I just had the extra monitor when my daughter abandoned her desktop for a laptop. I did have to install a new video card that also had a DV1 plus a VGA port to make it work.


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