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Shaliza Hassanali reporting for the Trinidad & Tobago Guardian

Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, left, and Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley exchange a handshake during a joint press conference following bilateral talks at the Diplomatic Centre, St Ann's, yesterday. PHOTO: ABRAHAM DIAZ

Oil-rich Venezuela, which is faced with a severe food crisis, will soon bring relief to its citizens by purchasing US$50 million in goods from T&T.

Confirmation came yesterday from Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro at a joint press conference with Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley at the Diplomatic Centre, St Ann’s.

In addressing the media, some of whom were from Venezuela, Maduro described his meeting with Rowley and his Cabinet as fruitful and successful, promising to strengthen ties and the relationship with T&T going forward.

“We need to continue working hard in the future to further our relations in the premise of principles of respect, brotherhood and co-operation,” Maduro told a smiling Rowley.

Among the issues both men discussed were trade, security and repatriation of citizens who are currently detained in prisons on both sides.

The T&T Government also signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Maduro to purchase gas from Venezuela, which Maduro said stood to benefit both countries.

“We look forward from Trinidad and Tobago to provide significant relief to the people of Venezuela. This relief to come from a supply of manufactured goods from Trinidad and Tobago,” Rowley told Maduro, as he shook his head in approval.

“We have created a joint venture that would be responsible to conduct all the investments required in order to tap those resources for that benefit of both countries. 

“We have also decided to increase the trade flow between the two nations. We have already established the contacts and very soon, through a revolving fund with US$50 million, we will be able to strengthen the flow of trade between Trinidad and the Eastern part of Venezuela,” Maduro said, in delivering his speech to Rowley and his Cabinet.

Following Maduro’s address, Trade and Industry Minister Paula Gopee-Scoon spoke about the arrangements that would be put in place for Venezuela to obtain much needed food.

She said the US$50 million fund Venezuela had established would be used to purchase manufactured goods from T&T, which would be sent to the eastern states of Venezuela, which have been faced with a shortage of food for months now.

To get the ball rolling, Gopee-Scoon said her ministry had forwarded a list of all goods manufactured in T&T to Venezuela.

“It is from that list, I believe from next week, we would have the vice-minister from the Ministry of Trade and Industry in Venezuela visiting with us, along with some private sector persons. They are going to be looking at which items they would want to be sent to Venezuela,” she added.

Gopee-Scoon said the timeline for the trade to start would begin as soon as the goods were made available. 

Among the priority items Venezuela had requested, Gopee-Scoon said, were butter, chicken, pork, ketchup, rice and black beans.

“These are things that would have to be fleshed out. I believe they are going to choose eight priority items which they would want us to send to them. We are going to have all this worked out when we have a delegation from Venezuela and put up all the mechanisms in place so that we can facilitate easy passage of goods from here to there,” she added.

Although they have asked for pork, Gopee-Scoon said that was one item T&T imports which they would have to look at.

Initially, Gopee Scoon said the Government had looked at Venezuela exchanging petroleum for goods from T&T but that plan did not work out.

“However, this is a different arrangement. We are speaking now of the Venezuelan Government paying for goods from Trinidad and Tobago. So a fund has been set up and the President of Venezuela did in fact speak about it. 

“That is how we are going to kick off the trade. I believe it will be on a revolving basis. So this fund will be fed into and replenished and so on,” Gopee-Scoon said.

Asked if the Government intended to offer Maduro goods at a subsidised price, given the country’s ongoing food crisis, Gopee-Scoon said: “We have not looked at price at all. There was no request at all but there will be some talks in going forward from today’s discussions.”

She said the goods would be available at cost price by the suppliers and promised that payments to suppliers would be easy and swift.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Thanks to the PNC/AFC, they just got a kick where it hurts.  Now even TT taking food out of Guyanese mouths. This regime is batting 100 on screwing things up.  What a bunch of losers!!


Venezuela is busy building trade relations with Trinidad while me boy Granger staring in space and worrying about jubilee celebrations and spending $133 million dollars on useless audits. 

The whole ship load of rice that the Prime Minister of Belize, Dean Barrow, send back to Guyana is being used to feed the fishes in the Atlantic Ocean.  Weavil and worms took it over.

Onward upward may we ever go!!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Venezuela is busy building trade relations with Trinidad

Onward upward may we ever go!!!!!

Venezuela owes Trinidad money, and Trinidad can hold Venezuela hostage.

Because MadBURRO destroyed his refining capacity, he badly needs Trinidad to refine his oil.

Now what does Guyana offer Venezuela that allows them to hold Venezuela hostage if they don't pay up?

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Venezuela is busy building trade relations with Trinidad

Onward upward may we ever go!!!!!

Venezuela owes Trinidad money, and Trinidad can hold Venezuela hostage.

Because MadBURRO destroyed his refining capacity, he badly needs Trinidad to refine his oil.

Now what does Guyana offer Venezuela that allows them to hold Venezuela hostage if they don't pay up?

Caribj, put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig!! The PNC/AFC has destroyed in one year what it took the PPP five years to build!!

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Venezuela is busy building trade relations with Trinidad

Onward upward may we ever go!!!!!

Venezuela owes Trinidad money, and Trinidad can hold Venezuela hostage.

Because MadBURRO destroyed his refining capacity, he badly needs Trinidad to refine his oil.

Now what does Guyana offer Venezuela that allows them to hold Venezuela hostage if they don't pay up?

How can Trinidad hold Venezuela hostage?  Every country that trades with each other owe money at one point or the other.  Look at those two leaders in that picture.  If the PPP was running Guyana, it would have been Jagdeo shaking Maduro hand.  Our rice market would have been intact and we could have increased the price of sugar now that Venezuela is in short supply.

Granger is isolating Guyana from all of its neighbors.  He still can't believe Belize kicked him to the curb.

Did you read the entire article or you just took out one sentence from my comment and zero in on that?????


Bibi Haniffa
ba$eman posted:

Caribj, put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig!! The PNC/AFC has destroyed in one year what it took the PPP five years to build!!

What did the coalition gov't destroy?  Guysuco?  A rice deal that would have failed, and the fact that the PPP did NOTHING to improve the ability of the rice industry to compete in the vast range of market opportunities available just next door in Brazil.

Seriously.  What did the PPP build that the coalition destroyed.

A more accurate assumption is to suggest that the PPP did NOTHING, and the coalition is on track to do no better!


The coalition is on track to destroy the whole of Guyana.  You have no shame or conscience to make an empty, condescending comment like that.  It's people like you who Granger emulate.  One loser stringing along another loser.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

How can Trinidad hold Venezuela hostage?  Every country that trades with each other owe money at one point or the other.  Look at those two leaders in that picture.  If the PPP was running Guyana, it would have been Jagdeo shaking Maduro hand.  Our rice market would have been intact and we could have increased the price of sugar now that Venezuela is in short supply.

Granger is isolating Guyana from all of its neighbors.  He still can't believe Belize kicked him to the curb.

Did you read the entire article or you just took out one sentence from my comment and zero in on that?????


Bibi you are one of those viragoes who goes out on the street and creates a lot of noise when you have no idea of what you rant about. Given that your first name is IGNORANT!

Trinidad refines crude oil for Venezuela, because Venezuela lacks the refining capacity to do so. Venezuela owes Trinidad $50 million for Caribbean Airlines, which is a sizeable amount for an airline which lost that much in 2014.

If you think that T&T got into a deal with Venezuela, opening themselves to risk, without some safeguards you are crazy.  

If Venezuela doesn't pay up, T&T sells the Venezuela crude, and then doesn't pay them their cut.  Venezuela needs to export every droplet of oil that it can lay its hands on into HARD CURRENCY markets, as Venezuela is BROKE, and cannot pay for imports.  Even the Chinese are getting tired of bankrolling him.

Now what ability does Guyana have to ensure that Venezuela pays them?

Do you even understand how the Petro Caribe arrangement worked?  Rice was exchanged for oil, based on the price of oil.  If the price of oil dropped then the price paid for rice drops, as it is a direct swap. 

As we speak Suriname is now languishing, as they got into that deal, to see that prices are now 50% LOWER because oil prices are now 50% LOWER.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Venezuela is busy building trade relations with Trinidad while me boy Granger staring in space and worrying about jubilee celebrations and spending $133 million dollars on useless audits. 

The whole ship load of rice that the Prime Minister of Belize, Dean Barrow, send back to Guyana is being used to feed the fishes in the Atlantic Ocean.  Weavil and worms took it over.

Onward upward may we ever go!!!!!

The AFC/PNC clueless clowns consider spending and wasting taxpayers money as progress. PNC style.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Caribj, put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig!! The PNC/AFC has destroyed in one year what it took the PPP five years to build!!

What did the coalition gov't destroy?  Guysuco?  A rice deal that would have failed, and the fact that the PPP did NOTHING to improve the ability of the rice industry to compete in the vast range of market opportunities available just next door in Brazil.

Seriously.  What did the PPP build that the coalition destroyed.

A more accurate assumption is to suggest that the PPP did NOTHING, and the coalition is on track to do no better!

Well, i guess there is nothing to discuss.  As i contend, i dont know what Guyana is celebrating on May 26! 


You are one funny man Carib.  Venezuela has cash reserves and they are no where near broke.  They have a long standing trade relationship with T&T and many of their Latin American neighbors, so don't fool yourself into thinking that Madurro showed up there to beg for anything.

Venezuela used to have good trade relations with Guyana too until the Brigadier showed up and that was the end of that.

Now if you tell me Guyana will be broke before 2020, I will more than believe you. 

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The coalition is on track to destroy the whole of Guyana.  You have no shame or conscience to make an empty, condescending comment like that.  It's people like you who Granger emulate.  One loser stringing along another loser.

You really need to quit your hormonal hysteria.

What is the coalition destroying?

Sugar? Well Guysuco was going to collapse at the end of May 2015, and the coalition gov't had to quickly bail them out.  This is on top of the half billions dollars (US) that Guysuco had already swallowed up in the previous 10 years (since the PPP ousted Bookers and put incompetent people to run it).]

Rice?  Even now Jagdeo is screaming that Guyana should beg Venezuela rice, because the fraud doesn't have the integrity to tell the farmers that the prices that they will receive will be LOWER than before because oil prices have dropped.

In addition Venezuela needs HARD CURRENCY (is rice hard currency?) so the little refined oil that they produce will be sold into hard currency markets, and not wasted on Guyana. The world is swimming in oil and Guyana can get it from many sources.

Your hormonal screams are to be frank, demeaning to females, as it furthers a stereotype that your other hero, Trump, made reference to.

Last edited by Former Member

Haha.  I thought your PNC boy Burnham was the one who nationalized Bookers.  Since you are so hell bent on rice, why don't you tell us why Belize sent back a whole ship load of rice to Guyana.

You keep singing the same song over and over and over and over.  Change yuh tune and get some sense!!  Your hormonal screams are demeaning to the PNC boys.  They would be ashamed of you.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Venezuela is busy building trade relations with Trinidad

Onward upward may we ever go!!!!!

Venezuela owes Trinidad money, and Trinidad can hold Venezuela hostage.

Because MadBURRO destroyed his refining capacity, he badly needs Trinidad to refine his oil.

Now what does Guyana offer Venezuela that allows them to hold Venezuela hostage if they don't pay up?

Caribj, put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig!! The PNC/AFC has destroyed in one year what it took the PPP five years to build!!

Base, no wonder Burnham used to whip their asses at Hope Estate. Quite frankly, he was RIGHT to do so. They enjoyed the whipping!!!!!!!!!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

 Venezuela has cash reserves and they are no where near broke. 

So why are Venezuelans starving, and looting and the gov't functioning only 2 days a week?

You really ought to stop living in your own reality.  Even MadBURRO will admit that he is broke!

Now look and see how the PPP used to waste tax payers money.
Bibi Haniffa posted:

  Since you are so hell bent on rice, why don't you tell us why Belize sent back

You are like one of those old ladies who would go out on the road and cuss everybody about their body parts, and vulgarity about their mother.

In every line of business disputes occur.  I am most sure that many occurred when the PPP was in power, and in fact I recall that some even involved Venezuela, when they were refusing to pay, based on some notion of Guyana not performing.

Last edited by Former Member

The problem with Venezuela is that they became too dependent on oil money and never developed their agriculture industry.  90% of the population live in urban areas.  One small deficit in their food chain creates food shortages hence the recent riots.

This might be a learning opportunity for them.  They need to grow more food.  Like Faaarbes bin say, "Feed, clothe, and house youself!" by 1976 or something laka dat.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:

Damn 31 yrs ago Kabaha dead and he is still mentioned,let's be real focus on the present.

The present is that Granger is leading Guyana into another bankruptcy.  Read the article above and connect the dots.  If you need help ask Carib. 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The problem with Venezuela is that they became too dependent on oil money and never developed their agriculture industry.  90% of the population live in urban areas.  One small deficit in their food chain creates food shortages hence the recent riots.


Same is true for Trinidad, and yet here they are feeding Venezuela. You do know that some of what they are sending is imported into T&T.

A country which is rich can pay for exports. Rampant looting, wide spread panic, and tales that Venezuelans have become scavengers doesn't suggest that it is a prosperous and well managed country.

Django posted:

Damn 31 yrs ago Kabaha dead and he is still mentioned,let's be real focus on the present.

Django, you ever had the whip on your ass at Hope Estate??  If not, ask the PNC GNI supporters how sweet it was.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Damn 31 yrs ago Kabaha dead and he is still mentioned,let's be real focus on the present.

The present is that Granger is leading Guyana into another bankruptcy.  Read the article above and connect the dots.  If you need help ask Carib. 

And yet you lack the brains to explain what Granger is doing. You scream about rice.

Listen woman, if you only know how to cook and clean (I hope that you can do at least that), don't babble on topics that you know nothing of.

Nehru posted:
Django posted:

Damn 31 yrs ago Kabaha dead and he is still mentioned,let's be real focus on the present.

Django, you ever had the whip on your ass at Hope Estate??  If not, ask the PNC GNI supporters how sweet it was.

Bhai i worked in the private sector no stint at Hope Estate,i heard Kabaka used to ride a white horse,the closest i saw him was at the opening of Demerara Harbor Bridge decked out in military uniform,i said to my self look at this fool.


Okay since you dodging me question on why the rice was returned from Belize here is the answer.

Your PNC elitist friends who live in Belize were trying to hijack the rice market from Venezuela and send it to Belize.  Unfortunately, dem think that dem was selling a basket of fish in Bourda market and they did not consult with the proper authorities and get the proper permits, etc for trades between one country and another.

Dean Barrow also told your PNC friends that he cannot compromise his local market for rice from Guyana and since they were trying to do it underhandedly they should get out!

And that my friend is how one ship load of rice end up at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean!!!

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

  Since you are so hell bent on rice, why don't you tell us why Belize sent back

You are like one of those old ladies who would go out on the road and cuss everybody about their body parts, and vulgarity about their mother.

In every line of business disputes occur.  I am most sure that many occurred when the PPP was in power, and in fact I recall that some even involved Venezuela, when they were refusing to pay, based on some notion of Guyana not performing.

Address the question rather than make a bigger fool of yourself!

Last edited by Former Member

Granger has no interest in building relations with Guyana's neighbors, this is a missed opportunity.  He came to the US for the energy summit and went home with 'katahar'.  We need a leader who has negotiation skills and is diplomatic, vote these bastards out next time.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Okay since you dodging me question on why the rice was returned from Belize here is the answer.

Your PNC elitist friends who live in Belize were trying to hijack the rice market from Venezuela and send it to Belize.  Unfortunately, dem think that dem was selling a basket of fish in Bourda market and they did not consult with the proper authorities and get the proper permits, etc for trades between one country and another.

Dean Barrow also told your PNC friends that he cannot compromise his local market for rice from Guyana and since they were trying to do it underhandedly they should get out!

And that my friend is how one ship load of rice end up at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean!!!

What stupidness you deh pun,wasn't the chap Jack importing the rice.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Okay since you dodging me question on why the rice was returned from Belize here is the answer.

Your PNC elitist friends who live in Belize were trying to hijack the rice market from Venezuela and send it to Belize.  Unfortunately, dem think that dem was selling a basket of fish in Bourda market and they did not consult with the proper authorities and get the proper permits, etc for trades between one country and another.

Dean Barrow also told your PNC friends that he cannot compromise his local market for rice from Guyana and since they were trying to do it underhandedly they should get out!

And that my friend is how one ship load of rice end up at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean!!!

What stupidness you deh pun,wasn't the chap Jack importing the rice.

How could anyone import something like rice into a country without a Govt Lic and Govt approval.  Furthermore, he must have had to establish an LC prior to the shipment.  Did the PNC not have all this documentation prior to shipping out the rice?  What was their basis for sending the shipment.  Seems the PNC think they still running KSI!!

Last edited by Former Member
alena06 posted:

Granger has no interest in building relations with Guyana's neighbors, this is a missed opportunity.  He came to the US for the energy summit and went home with 'katahar'.  We need a leader who has negotiation skills and is diplomatic, vote these bastards out next time.

Vote in the kleptocrats,listen all you poor people we have you in our heart give us a next 23 yrs will surely make your lives better,we have realized our mistakes we will no longer fatten our selves will take less and give you the rest.

ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Okay since you dodging me question on why the rice was returned from Belize here is the answer.

Your PNC elitist friends who live in Belize were trying to hijack the rice market from Venezuela and send it to Belize.  Unfortunately, dem think that dem was selling a basket of fish in Bourda market and they did not consult with the proper authorities and get the proper permits, etc for trades between one country and another.

Dean Barrow also told your PNC friends that he cannot compromise his local market for rice from Guyana and since they were trying to do it underhandedly they should get out!

And that my friend is how one ship load of rice end up at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean!!!

What stupidness you deh pun,wasn't the chap Jack importing the rice.

How could anyone import something like rice into a country without a Govt Lic and Govt approval.  Furthermore, he must have had to establish an LOC prior to the shipment.  Did the PNC not have all this documentation prior to shipping out the rice!  What was their basis for send the shipment.  Seems the PNC think they still running KSI!!

Thinking about Guyana Rice Export why is this not in private hands.

Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Okay since you dodging me question on why the rice was returned from Belize here is the answer.

Your PNC elitist friends who live in Belize were trying to hijack the rice market from Venezuela and send it to Belize.  Unfortunately, dem think that dem was selling a basket of fish in Bourda market and they did not consult with the proper authorities and get the proper permits, etc for trades between one country and another.

Dean Barrow also told your PNC friends that he cannot compromise his local market for rice from Guyana and since they were trying to do it underhandedly they should get out!

And that my friend is how one ship load of rice end up at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean!!!

What stupidness you deh pun,wasn't the chap Jack importing the rice.

How could anyone import something like rice into a country without a Govt Lic and Govt approval.  Furthermore, he must have had to establish an LOC prior to the shipment.  Did the PNC not have all this documentation prior to shipping out the rice!  What was their basis for send the shipment.  Seems the PNC think they still running KSI!!

Thinking about Guyana Rice Export why is this not in private hands.

It goes to show how much you know!!


The PPP had similar issues with finding markets for rice. 


Fresh worries for rice industry as no markets yet for large surplus


Guyana’s record-breaking run of rice production is expected to continue this year but there is worry now over a large surplus of the grain.
The situation has Government and the industry contemplating the next move as almost 250,000 tonnes is expected to be reaped in the coming harvest, with no markets for a large portion of that.

File photo: Rice being loaded for neighbouring Venezuela.

File photo: Rice being loaded for neighbouring Venezuela.

Last week, stakeholders- including the banks, millers and the Ministry of Agriculture- met on the issue. In addition to prices for farmers, there were also concerns expressed over adequate storage and markets.
According to officials of the Guyana Rice Producers Association (RPA), almost 150,000 tonnes of rice have been left over from the first crop. Almost 80,000 tonnes was carried over from last year, industry officials confirmed yesterday.
For this year, it is now being estimated that a worrying 300,000 tonnes will likely be left back unless new markets are found or the existing ones start taking off some more.
The meeting last week was to determine whether the banks would be willing to finance the harvests. However, the banks are still to decide as there are no immediate indications of any significant new markets.
Another major problem facing the industry is storage space for the milled rice or paddy. The country simply does not have the capacity to store that amount and have it sold before the next harvest starts in August.
While Guyana has smaller markets in Jamaica and Haiti, the price being offered is not nearly as attractive as the oil-for-rice deal with neighbouring Venezuela. But that market is a limited one for Guyana.
Under this year’s contract, Guyana has to supply 140,000 tonnes of paddy and 50,000 tonnes of white rice. With delays in Venezuela’s ports with the rice ships, a known problem, the country has so far for the year been able to only ship about half of the quota – 25,000 tonnes white rice and 70,000 tonnes paddy.
Yesterday, RPA officials who are busy with Agriculture to come up with strategies said the biggest fear remains the price of paddy for farmers. Currently, they are receiving between $2,800- $3,500 per bag. A huge surplus as is being forecast is likely to drive the price down to as low as $2,500, an untenable situation for farmers.
According to figures provided in Budget 2014, as provided by Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh, rice export receipts last year expanded by 22.2 percent to US$239.8M, mainly attributed to an 18.2 percent increase in export volume to 394,989 tonnes, combined with a 3.4 percent increase in average export prices to US$607 per tonne.
The rice industry is projected to grow this year by a moderate one percent, with a production target of 540,793 tonnes. However, industry officials said that at the current production rate, that target is likely to be exceeded.
The market problem has been one acknowledged by Government for years now. This year was no different.
According to the Finance Minister in his budget speech, emerging challenges have manifested early in 2014, “including lower paddy prices, late payment by millers, and some degree of uncertainty in key export markets”.

ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Okay since you dodging me question on why the rice was returned from Belize here is the answer.

Your PNC elitist friends who live in Belize were trying to hijack the rice market from Venezuela and send it to Belize.  Unfortunately, dem think that dem was selling a basket of fish in Bourda market and they did not consult with the proper authorities and get the proper permits, etc for trades between one country and another.

Dean Barrow also told your PNC friends that he cannot compromise his local market for rice from Guyana and since they were trying to do it underhandedly they should get out!

And that my friend is how one ship load of rice end up at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean!!!

What stupidness you deh pun,wasn't the chap Jack importing the rice.

How could anyone import something like rice into a country without a Govt Lic and Govt approval.  Furthermore, he must have had to establish an LOC prior to the shipment.  Did the PNC not have all this documentation prior to shipping out the rice!  What was their basis for send the shipment.  Seems the PNC think they still running KSI!!

Thinking about Guyana Rice Export why is this not in private hands.

It goes to show how much you know!!

As you know help out nah,share the knowledge.

RiffRaff posted:

The bigger issue is how such a developed and rich country like Venuzuela has come to near starvation....Guyana don't have resources like them, but seems to be better off

The stupid fools didn't learn from the mistakes made by Jagan and Burnham pursuing Communism and nationalizing the major industries. 


My friend in Venezuela describing what life is like for her in Venezuela.

"Life in Venezuela: Daily line up for basic food, if you´re lucky, after 4 hours, to say the least, you may get 2 pkts of flour and 2 pkts of pasta. It must be on your ID card day. If not, you may be able to buy it at black market prices from the hucksters but then only few can afford that, so the majority of people face the lines. Then also, most Venezuelans can no longer afford to buy enough meat nor chicken, fish is out of the question. Fruit is a luxury. Thank God for the basic plantain and bananna. Servilletes replace toilet paper. Children can´t get milk. The population is becoming and has become undernourished. People are dying from lack of medicines. Hospitals only attend to emergency cases, if they can. Car parts, and many spare parts and items for other goods are scarce or at exorbitant prices. Heavy water and electricity rationiong. Salaries cannot satisfy basic needs. Assaults, kidnappings, killings are rampant. We live in constant fear. To make matters worse, the Govt refuses to accept the recall. Please pray for us here in Venezuela."

"So you had sweet pawpaw for dinner. haha. Well I am having ripe mango from the back yard tree . Normally we just drink hot choclate and cereal and that´s dinner. By the way, I didn´t know you were waiting on me to write. I was busy helping others to keep faith, to stop fighting or acting fraudulently."

" Never Guyana was this terrible. Here you line up even to buy bread from the bakery which by the way is also rationed."

"A neighbouring Priest left his Church at 3am to walk along (at this time no public transport) to line up at a supermarket 10 blocks away. He was not the only one walking hurriedly to be up front in the line. He got there in a huff and a puff just to find out that the last number of 370 numbers had already been given out. Yes, you line up, get a number then wait hours to get the product, well rationed, then join long lines to pay. Often, too often, women fight in these lines with bottles and knives and their finger nails. Police have to come. The Priest, like so many others, had to turn away. 3am was not early enough to line up to buy food!!!"


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