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Charrandas Persaud (left in back row) just after he had made his shock vote in favour of the PPP/C’s motion of no confidence. In front row from right are AFC Leader and Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman and PNCR Chairman and Minister of Public Health Volda Lawrence. (Terrence Thompson photo)

December 22 2018


While declaring last evening that APNU+AFC felt “betrayed” by the actions of its Member of Parliament (MP) Charrandas Persaud, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo says that the government has accepted that it lost the motion of no-confidence brought against it by the PPP/C and the relevant constitutional provisions will kick in.

General Elections now have to be held in 90 days. The collapse of the government comes at a particularly precarious time for APNU+AFC with President David Granger being unwell and the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission, Justice (Rtd) James Patterson also unwell.

Thus far there has been no word on the collapse of his government from President Granger.

From right are Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, Foreign Affairs Minister Carl Greenidge and Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan after the vote by Charrandas Persaud.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo’s motion of no-confidence was crafted on the heels of the November 12 local government elections where the PPP/C stormed to impressive wins.

The PPP/C lost the 2015 general elections by a mere 4,500 votes and will now fancy its chances at the new polls. It however has to decide who its presidential candidate will be.

Stunned after the parliamentary defeat, the government called a press conference at Parliament Building and said that prior to the commencement of the debate of the PPP/C’s no confidence motion, Persaud had given no indication that he was in support of it.

“He did not indicate. I think that we were totally betrayed by Mr. Charrandass’ actions tonight. We had no indication that that was the way he was going to go,” a visibly shocked Opposition Chief Whip Amna Ally said during the press conference.

Her voice cracking as she spoke, Ally informed that at a meeting held prior to the motion, the MPs were asked if anyone had a dissenting view and no one indicated.

Ally was joined by Prime Minister Nagamootoo, Minister of State Joseph Harmon and Minister of Public Health, Volda Lawrence to address the media on the development. Also present were all the other government MPs. A meeting was held with everyone minutes after the voting had ended.

Nagamootoo responded in the negative when asked if Persaud had ever expressed dissatisfaction with the way government was functioning

“We met here this afternoon before Parliament and we all recommitted to the unity of the coalition and there was no reason that anyone has to believe that Mr. Charrandass has an issue. I can tell you this that during the elections campaign at Whim for the local government elections Mr. Charrandass shared the platform with me and he was stout in his advocacy of the Alliance for Change candidate in those elections,” he pointed out before adding that up to last Saturday Persaud accompanied him and other government officials to a children’s party Berbice and he was “all gay and happy.” Persaud, an attorney hails from Berbice.

The PM reiterated that the party had no prior indication whatsoever that he had an issue. “Something, a tsunami might have had to happen overnight or momentarily to have affected Mr. Charrandass,” he said.

Nagamootoo explained to reporters that a circular was sent to all the government MPs indicating that this was not a conscience vote. “We would have said that Mr. Charrandass might have wanted to exercise a conscience vote but he had not asked or requested that he be given the right to exercise conscience but the circular said that this was not one of the occasions on which one exercises a conscience vote,” Nagamootoo said.

“It leaves one to believe that this was a sudden development or perhaps Mr. Charrandass would care to explain whether he had been compromised because he had given no indication that he has reneged on his commitment to the coalition or that he has some displeasure or had become disloyal to the party to which he had belonged and to the government to which he has belonged,” he stressed.

Giving an opening statement, Nagamootoo stated that after a no-confidence  motion is approved by a majority of all the elected members, the House is directed by Article 106 (6) and (7) of the Constitution, which in summary states that upon the passage of a no confidence motion in the House, the government shall resign and hold elections within three months, unless otherwise decided for a longer period in which elections could be held by two thirds of the members of the National Assembly.

Legal advice

Nagamootoo informed that given the development, government will be seeking legal advice.

“As it is, the Assembly has not met and that is another issue before us but the government remains in office until such time as elections are called and this is matter that will engage the attention of the government and our legal advisors as to what are the options available and what are the timelines for those options,” he said before reiterating that as the constitution states elections are to be held within 90 days.

He used the opportunity on behalf of the APNU+AFC coalition government to say that the process in the National Assembly moments earlier was “open and transparent.” He said too that there was a robust debate involving speakers from both sides and the “parliamentary democracy in a sense triumphed that after the robust debate a vote was called for and one member of the government voted with the opposition.

“The government will meet to decide on the status of that member who has been informed that this was not an occasion on which a conscience vote would be taken and had undertaken to fully support and be in solidarity with his side. He had acted now contrary to his undertaking and a member of the government side.”

Maintain peace

Nagamootoo added that the Guyanese people must understand that the democratic process sometimes is “unpredictable. You may have results that you did not plan for. It is like cricket in some sense. What happened here today, a game of glorious uncertainty.” He added that the public has to understand too that there may be outcomes which may not be predictable or outcomes which may not have been anticipated.

He called for acceptance of the outcome. “We want our supporters in particular…to understand that we are going back to the polls. This is not the end, this is just a challenge that we have to deal with and we are back on the ground, among them in the villages and in the communities and the towns, rallying the support once again in what will be a new electoral cycle,” he said before urging supporters to maintain the peace, good order and stability of the country.

“We want nothing to happen in our society that will affect the stability and peace and we want nothing to happen that would affect the business community in this particular period that you have bright business…and a lot of activities in the street,” he said before also taking the opportunity to inform the public that they should go about their business in the usual way and should not make this, it may be a surprise to some, it may be a shock to others, it may be welcomed by some and others may rejoice over the result but that is how democracy works and we are fully committed to the rule of law. Our government has defended the rule of law, restored the rule of law and we want the rule of law to prevail.”

He assured that for the time being the government is in place and the work will continue. He said that the ministers will continue to function and that government will try to give as much of the good life promised with the recently passed budget in the months ahead until elections are held.

Nagamootoo later expressed confidence that government will return to power despite the poor showing of its supporters at the just concluded local government elections.

“You had the 33 in government and 32 in the opposition. Representing people who had voted in the 2015 elections…the support and the base has not betrayed the party, has not moved away from the party. We will know that in the national elections but we have every reason to believe that we enjoy the support we had enjoyed in 2015 and even greater support over the years since the last elections,” he said.

He insisted that the defection of one member seems to be a decision by one member which is not reflective of how people feel at the grassroots. “If we have to go down into an elections, then that is how politicians would be expected to behave in a situation such as this, that we retain our confidence, our optimism. We have suffered a setback here. This is not an ordinary setback. This is a serious political setback but then we move on and mobilise and strengthen our base in preparation for new polls,” he stressed.

With regards to security arrangements, Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan disclosed that Persaud has requested security for himself. Ramjattan indicated that arrangements have been put in place for Persaud until he reportedly leaves the country early today.

Meanwhile on Nagamootoo’s instructions, several of the MPs met some party supporters standing outside of the parliament buildings compound.

Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson reassured the supporters, some of whom were teary eyed that all will be well. “What we have to do now is sit and relax. Don’t become emotive, don’t act or say anything that you may regret tomorrow. You may go to sleep tonight with a little heavy heart but …we beat them already once, we will beat them again,” he stressed.

With first oil set for 2020, the outcome will rock the entire country and particularly the investment community. Preparations for general elections will create a period of instability and a vacuum when important pieces of legislation and the execution of the 2019 budget are required. It will also raise questions about whether the President would be able to lead the government through this period as his chemotherapy regimen for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma goes all the way up to May.

Last night’s outcome will be a particularly bitter outcome for Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo who was one of the speakers on the motion tonight and who up to last night had boldly said that no APNU+AFC MP would vote for the PPP/C motion.

There is great irony to the no-confidence motion. Nagamootoo and the AFC had tabled one against the PPP/C in 2014 and to avoid losing it, the President Donald Ramotar prorogued and then dissolved Parliament leading to the 2015 elections which APNU+AFC won.

There would now be great uncertainty as whether the APNU+AFC coalition would survive this collapse.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I never understood how members of the coals accepted all the abuse being mieted out by the PNC.  Now, it’s clear, they all were never on board.  What upset Charrandas upset many ordinary folks.  At lease we know now, someone was listening to the people.

BROWN (Sugar) LASH!!!!!!

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Who was that woman that was pleading with Charrzndass to vote no? 

Rajcoomarie Bancroft.

Region Represented: Region 8 - Potaro/Siparuni

Who was the witch that was calling for a timeout? Did she think she was in some sporting event? She was in a state of shock. I wonder if she got over the shock.

skeldon_man posted:

Who was the witch that was calling for a timeout? Did she think she was in some sporting event? She was in a state of shock. I wonder if she got over the shock.

That was Volda.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Who was the witch that was calling for a timeout? Did she think she was in some sporting event? She was in a state of shock. I wonder if she got over the shock.

That was Volda.

I thought so too. Just wanted to verify. Vulgah knew then that her chance of becoming president of Guyana was struck down by coolie man who had the guts to stand to say "YES". Prak boy is irrelevant with the other members of the AFC. You will see Harmon throwing each member out holding their collars and putting his arm between their legs and give them a good push saying "good riddance". Long Live Charandass.


The coaltion was doomed the day Granger honoured Green. Demonstrated, he has no respect for the people of Guyana. 

Sad state for Guyana, the PPP will self destruct from in power fighting.

Finally, Nagamootoo will be out of politics, he was an empty chap. Only importance, hanging on to CBJ shirt tail. And that is all of his politics.

Ramjattan, will have to leave Guyana. Jagdeo will have his azz.  


I am surprised that Moses was complain about betrayal. He had proudly stated that he would have to be a neemak haram to leave the PPP for the AFC. Well he did. After he was not named PPP Presidential candidate in 2011. Then when he realized that it was impossible for the AFC to attain any real power, he promptly joined with the PNC where he was promised the position of PM. A position that was promptly deemed meaningless with the installation of Harmon.

Baseman posted:

Betrayed!!!!!   He betrayed his flock. Now boomerang!


ksazma posted:

It didn't go unnoticed that the first reaction of the guy next to Charandas after he uttered yes was to hit him. Then he asked Charandas 'what the f uck you doing?" 

Charrandas was seething.  I think he was about to land an uppercut!

Bai, Volda was puffing like a Japanese Blowfish!

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Who was that woman that was pleading with Charrzndass to vote no? 

Rajcoomarie Bancroft.

Region Represented: Region 8 - Potaro/Siparuni

Who was the witch that was calling for a timeout? Did she think she was in some sporting event? She was in a state of shock. I wonder if she got over the shock.

Why are you calling the woman a witch? It was Volda what asked for a 2 min time out. 

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

It didn't go unnoticed that the first reaction of the guy next to Charandas after he uttered yes was to hit him. Then he asked Charandas 'what the f uck you doing?" 

Charrandas was seething.  I think he was about to land an uppercut!

Bai, Volda was puffing like a Japanese Blowfish!

She was being her natural PIG FACE self and Olige!!!

ksazma posted:

I am surprised that Moses was complain about betrayal. He had proudly stated that he would have to be a neemak haram to leave the PPP for the AFC. Well he did. After he was not named PPP Presidential candidate in 2011. Then when he realized that it was impossible for the AFC to attain any real power, he promptly joined with the PNC where he was promised the position of PM. A position that was promptly deemed meaningless with the installation of Harmon.

Ahbe pan tap, black man time done. Pull out the tassa now.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Volda puff up bad deh!  All dem family and friends she promised jobs, now:

“Dem ah wach we!”

Oh the joy when the PPP fires blacks in droves.

No, I would not like to see that.  I hope the PPP keeps a balanced ethnic public face.  Those errors of the past should not be repeated!

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

I am surprised that Moses was complain about betrayal. He had proudly stated that he would have to be a neemak haram to leave the PPP for the AFC. Well he did. After he was not named PPP Presidential candidate in 2011. Then when he realized that it was impossible for the AFC to attain any real power, he promptly joined with the PNC where he was promised the position of PM. A position that was promptly deemed meaningless with the installation of Harmon.

Ahbe pan tap, black man time done. Pull out the tassa now.

nah, take a break and cool off!

seignet posted:

The coaltion was doomed the day Granger honoured Green. Demonstrated, he has no respect for the people of Guyana. 

Sad state for Guyana, the PPP will self destruct from in power fighting.

Finally, Nagamootoo will be out of politics, he was an empty chap. Only importance, hanging on to CBJ shirt tail. And that is all of his politics.

Ramjattan, will have to leave Guyana. Jagdeo will have his azz.  

If that is what bothered you then you miss the crux of his inanity. He began by forgetting his promise of constitutional reform. He then sought to increase the salaries of ministers and not teachers and civil service where the political capital would have earned votes. He restructured the ministries into a round table with himself as King Arthur and voided authority of the ministers to be self governing not to mention confusing the hell out of citizens as who who is responsible for what.

He also did not meet with Amerindians until late t his year even though he had the dime to kiss the ring of Queen Elizabeth not to mention shake hands with some 20 or so foreign leaders. He did not demarcate Amerind lands but instead created the commission for ancestral lands and give t hem over sight of Amerind lands. To date they did nothing.

He failed to constitute a commission of cross party leaders to handle the sugar estate failings and to divest if necessary and so avoid the burden that fell on the party with out of work sugar workers. I can go on for another hundred issues so it was not simply about honoring green or ceremonially doing a puja to Burnham once a year on his birthday. 

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Volda puff up bad deh!  All dem family and friends she promised jobs, now:

“Dem ah wach we!”

Oh the joy when the PPP fires blacks in droves.

No, I would not like to see that.  I hope the PPP keeps a balanced ethnic public face.  Those errors of the past should not be repeated!

Why would they given that the same racists are the same ones who Jagdeo wants back?

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:

Oh the joy when the PPP fires blacks in droves.

No, I would not like to see that.  I hope the PPP keeps a balanced ethnic public face.  Those errors of the past should not be repeated!

Why would they given that the same racists are the same ones who Jagdeo wants back?

Guyanese are getting used to changing Govts peacefully.  So the PPP needs to be aware of that. 

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

I am surprised that Moses was complain about betrayal. He had proudly stated that he would have to be a neemak haram to leave the PPP for the AFC. Well he did. After he was not named PPP Presidential candidate in 2011. Then when he realized that it was impossible for the AFC to attain any real power, he promptly joined with the PNC where he was promised the position of PM. A position that was promptly deemed meaningless with the installation of Harmon.

Ahbe pan tap, black man time done. Pull out the tassa now.

nah, take a break and cool off!

I can only judge the PPP by its acts.  This is what it did for 23 years and it has never admitted to this. So if the PPP didn't think that it did wrong to blacks why will they do better?

I can only imagine the screams at Freedom House "we tek back Guyana from blackman, blackman time done!"

Baseman posted:

Guyanese are getting used to changing Govts peacefully.  So the PPP needs to be aware of that. 

PPP chant, "we tek back Guyana from blackman, blackman time done".

We see no evidence that the PPP admits that its past policies to blacks were wrong.  They continue to believe that black monsters like Edghill, or unknown tokens like its MPs are all that it needs do to appease blacks.

That they have done this for 23 years and are still viewed as racist monsters by most blacks isnt something that they wish to discuss.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:

Ahbe pan tap, black man time done. Pull out the tassa now.

nah, take a break and cool off!

I can only judge the PPP by its acts.  This is what it did for 23 years and it has never admitted to this. So if the PPP didn't think that it did wrong to blacks why will they do better?

I can only imagine the screams at Freedom House "we tek back Guyana from blackman, blackman time done!"

You really need to calm down.  Indians were thinking doomsday in 2015, another loong PNC tenure by the hook or crook and a return to Burnham brutality.  Well, look wah happen!

Then we all thought total mayhem yesterday, look wah happen

Things are changing in Guyana!

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Guyanese are getting used to changing Govts peacefully.  So the PPP needs to be aware of that. 

PPP chant, "we tek back Guyana from blackman, blackman time done".

We see no evidence that the PPP admits that its past policies to blacks were wrong.  They continue to believe that black monsters like Edghill, or unknown tokens like its MPs are all that it needs do to appease blacks.

That they have done this for 23 years and are still viewed as racist monsters by most blacks isnt something that they wish to discuss.

Take a deep breath!  You are hyperventilating!

Baseman posted:

You really need to calm down.  Indians were thinking doomsday in 2015, 

I can only judge the PPP based on its acts just as you still blame the PNC for its acts of 40 years ago.

The onus is on the PPP to prove that its different and promoting the old black hating crew, which is what Jagdeo is doing, is no indicating any sign of change.

And based on the comments about the Coalition gov't one would think that May 2015 did in fact mean the beginning of an Indian Holocaust.

Baseman posted:

Take a deep breath!  You are hyperventilating!

Just following from your lead as you are so glad "ahbe pan tap again" and that Charrandass is a hero.  You are hyperventilating and beside yourself with ecstasy.

Volda looking for a wuk so help her out in your new spirit of inter ethnic healing.  She gun bring in she PNC friends, but that should be OK with you as now "all ahwe a wan fambly".

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

I am surprised that Moses was complain about betrayal. He had proudly stated that he would have to be a neemak haram to leave the PPP for the AFC. Well he did. After he was not named PPP Presidential candidate in 2011. Then when he realized that it was impossible for the AFC to attain any real power, he promptly joined with the PNC where he was promised the position of PM. A position that was promptly deemed meaningless with the installation of Harmon.

Ahbe pan tap, black man time done. Pull out the tassa now.

who gon beat it. you?  bai Carib doan let this badda yuh. Is dhall, rice an poi bajee time

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Take a deep breath!  You are hyperventilating!

Just following from your lead as you are so glad "ahbe pan tap again" and that Charrandass is a hero.

It just happen to be Charandass this time it could be the other way around...relax dude, let things play out and hope for the best where everyone could benefit

kp posted:

Caribny chant, "we tek back Guyana from blackman, blackman time done".

The screaming from FreeDUMB House was so loud that I couldn't help but hear it. You scream this too so dont be bashful.

Ray posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Take a deep breath!  You are hyperventilating!

Just following from your lead as you are so glad "ahbe pan tap again" and that Charrandass is a hero.

It just happen to be Charandass this time it could be the other way around...relax dude, let things play out and hope for the best where everyone could benefit

The PPP will have to prove that they will be different.  This "oh happy day" doesnt impress. 

Yes we remember 1992 and all of the "Kumba ya" and days later Cheddi went through ministries and scores of black professionals were let go.  Jagdeo came in 2000 and even more were sent home. 

And then by 2011 Jagdeo sued Freddie K for telling the truth about his institutional racism.  Even Roger his token Negro couldn't prove that Freddie was wrong.

So folks can scream as they wish but they need to know that others are watching and watching very intently for any sign that "23" years is coming back.

Last edited by Former Member

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