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Originally Posted by Stormborn:

My appeal to Ramjattan is to refuse to attend these staged events.

hey fool, how can it be staged, when the leaders does not know what ramjattan will be  bringing or argue about? you are a real dunce pos. you need to go jump into a latrine pit and be gone forever! you have a shit for brain.


I listen to the debate and corruption has a new meaning according to the panel. A debate on disagreement of a project by the opposition is simply a disagreement and it is not corruption. If they don't like something they label it as corruption. Then Ramjattan has the nerve to say the panel and moderator were unfair to him. He is such a freaking loser.

Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

My appeal to Ramjattan is to refuse to attend these staged events.

hey fool, how can it be staged, when the leaders does not know what ramjattan will be  bringing or argue about? you are a real dunce pos. you need to go jump into a latrine pit and be gone forever! you have a shit for brain.

It us staged as can be. Take it from the optics of the empty chair to  Misir voice coming through the  email about naysayers and three follow up of the same crapola.


Miss couples therapist , what makes you something special except your capacity for cussing?  I bet that sour disposition and filthy  mind  never leaves you in the  morning and  it follows you at home to your bed at night.

Originally Posted by cain:

When one is in the midst of cons how can one have a fair and proper debate?


Ramjattan should have stayed away, no need to hang out with alleged crooks.

Lumumba is an alleged crook!....NICIL which has not offered an accounting in  10 years has no credibility. This is the PPP crooks financing their projects.


ANd Jerry...that is another matter.  Ramjattan cannot make headway with crooks believing they are saints. He need to stay away from them.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The debates clearly show that the AFC are visionless and oppose this project for political gain. It is as I have been saying all along, the less Guyana progress the better for the opposition. Hence we see the afc turning to mo fiah slow fiah when they couldn't succeed at the poll.

Dude,if you come off with that conclusion given  a panel of known corruptocrats acting as a shill for their graft scheme and yet say the AFC is the problem then you are their kin.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The debates clearly show that the AFC are visionless and oppose this project for political gain. It is as I have been saying all along, the less Guyana progress the better for the opposition. Hence we see the afc turning to mo fiah slow fiah when they couldn't succeed at the poll.

Dude,if you come off with that conclusion given  a panel of known corruptocrats acting as a shill for their graft scheme and yet say the AFC is the problem then you are their kin.

I doubt that you took the time to look at the videos in its entirety else you too would have drawn the same conclusion. You did the same with the Manickchand video when you proclaimed her attila the hun. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The debates clearly show that the AFC are visionless and oppose this project for political gain. It is as I have been saying all along, the less Guyana progress the better for the opposition. Hence we see the afc turning to mo fiah slow fiah when they couldn't succeed at the poll.

Dude,if you come off with that conclusion given  a panel of known corruptocrats acting as a shill for their graft scheme and yet say the AFC is the problem then you are their kin.

I doubt that you took the time to look at the videos in its entirety else you too would have drawn the same conclusion. You did the same with the Manickchand video when you proclaimed her attila the hun. 

I type 110 a min. I not only looked at it, I transcribed it.  These are empty punks trying to hide behind smoke and mirrors to ease their audience into a sense of delusion.


I never called Manickchand Attila the Hun. I happened to like Attila and there is no evidence he was a  porker. While little is known of how he looked, it is clear he had brains and was a military strategist par excellence so would be fit.


On the other hand, I  despair at Manickchand's  social vision and political insight. I also did called her the names but those are more in line with  creatures capable of eating  Texas.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
On the other hand, I despair at Manickchand's social vision and  political insight.


I also did called her the names but those are more in line with creatures capable of eating Texas.

Demonstrate, by your own words, your infantile attitude.

Those are pure, creative, descriptive and evocative adjectives. I am sure you will not forget the imagery.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
On the other hand, I despair at Manickchand's social vision and  political insight.


I also did called her the names but those are more in line with creatures capable of eating Texas.

Demonstrate, by your own words, your infantile attitude.

Those are pure, creative, descriptive and evocative adjectives. I am sure you will not forget the imagery.

.. of numbling to

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
On the other hand, I despair at Manickchand's social vision and  political insight.


I also did called her the names but those are more in line with creatures capable of eating Texas.

Demonstrate, by your own words, your infantile attitude.

Those are pure, creative, descriptive and evocative adjectives. I am sure you will not forget the imagery.

.. of numbling to

You make sense only to yourself. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
On the other hand, I despair at Manickchand's social vision and  political insight.


I also did called her the names but those are more in line with creatures capable of eating Texas.

Demonstrate, by your own words, your infantile attitude.


Don't be too harsh on big baby Storm, he will run to admin. He uses and promotes hate especially towards women of Indian origin and it must be noted for the record.


He also use abusive terms to describe other people's mothers. The list goes on and on.......


He also defend those who call people of Indian origin the "C" word. The list goes on and on........


He is also a defender of extremist and terrorist elements in Linden. The list goes on and on......


He shows no respect for the Vedic dharma just because he hates people of Indian origin. He calls them "ship" people. The list goes on and on......

Last edited by Former Member
<h6 class="uiStreamMessage" data-ft="{"type":1,"tn":"K"}">The National Communications Network's(NCN) live debate series on corruption, continues tomorrow evening (Sunday, August 26, 2012), at 19:00hrs or 7:00pm and will be aired on
Radio (Voice of Guyana)
and Television (Channel 11).

Part 3 of the seven-part debate focuses on the CBJ Airport expansion project. The panelists confirmed so far are Min Housing & Water Irfan Ali, Jr Min Finance Juan Edghill(Gov't); Khemraj Ramjattan(AFC); Joe Harmon(APNU).

Online viewers can follow the debate live by visiting NCN's website :

With the direct link to the Ustream being:
<h6 class="uiStreamMessage" data-ft="{"type":1,"tn":"K"}"> </h6>

So far the AFC's Gerhard is making a total fool of himself. Their snake oil was used up and these shameless fools have been exposed. So far, the AFC terrorists are bent on destroying Guyana and spreading lies and now they are clueless when confronted by the Government.


We need more debates like these to expose the AFC terrorists.


Gerhard walked away with his empty snake oil bottle and his tail between his legs at the end of this debate. The AFC is finished and have been reduced to a bunch of instigators and will be wiped off the electoral map at the next elections.


They were left out to dry with their shameless and baseless claims. Shame on the AFC.

Originally Posted by warrior:

i can see it now in the next election 99% of guyana will vote for the ppp all those black people will turn hindu and will wear sari and will bow when ramotar pass by.this is the cleaness government in the world and all thoses stupid guyanese that accusing them of theifing is so blind jai shee ram


PNC racists posters. I am sure that his buddy Storm and Carib will run to his rescue.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The debates clearly show that the AFC are visionless and oppose this project for political gain. It is as I have been saying all along, the less Guyana progress the better for the opposition. Hence we see the afc turning to mo fiah slow fiah when they couldn't succeed at the poll.

Dude,if you come off with that conclusion given  a panel of known corruptocrats acting as a shill for their graft scheme and yet say the AFC is the problem then you are their kin.

I doubt that you took the time to look at the videos in its entirety else you too would have drawn the same conclusion. You did the same with the Manickchand video when you proclaimed her attila the hun. 

I type 110 a min. I not only looked at it, I transcribed it.  These are empty punks trying to hide behind smoke and mirrors to ease their audience into a sense of delusion.


I never called Manickchand Attila the Hun. I happened to like Attila and there is no evidence he was a  porker. While little is known of how he looked, it is clear he had brains and was a military strategist par excellence so would be fit.


On the other hand, I  despair at Manickchand's  social vision and political insight. I also did called her the names but those are more in line with  creatures capable of eating  Texas.


Strom hate for Indo Guyanese women is on record here. Shame on this PNC thug.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The debates clearly show that the AFC are visionless and oppose this project for political gain. It is as I have been saying all along, the less Guyana progress the better for the opposition. Hence we see the afc turning to mo fiah slow fiah when they couldn't succeed at the poll.

Dude,if you come off with that conclusion given  a panel of known corruptocrats acting as a shill for their graft scheme and yet say the AFC is the problem then you are their kin.

I doubt that you took the time to look at the videos in its entirety else you too would have drawn the same conclusion. You did the same with the Manickchand video when you proclaimed her attila the hun. 

I type 110 a min. I not only looked at it, I transcribed it.  These are empty punks trying to hide behind smoke and mirrors to ease their audience into a sense of delusion.


I never called Manickchand Attila the Hun. I happened to like Attila and there is no evidence he was a  porker. While little is known of how he looked, it is clear he had brains and was a military strategist par excellence so would be fit.


On the other hand, I  despair at Manickchand's  social vision and political insight. I also did called her the names but those are more in line with  creatures capable of eating  Texas.


Strom hate for Indo Guyanese women is on record here. Shame on this PNC thug.

Is that a woman? thanks for reminding me. Never though of it that way.


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