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PPP charade. It is not for clarity to keep the dumb and dumber in their column in their column.


Smart people know one does not have a debate with their sales manager as to the daily take at a store. With the door open for business, customers coming in and going out there is cash exchanges going on. One expects to see the cash at the end of the financial period and the idea of the manager summoning a debate to explain his/her position on the funds is ludicrous.


To do business is to keep record. Records all our national assets  is to be represented. NICIL is our store and they are our sales clerk. We do not debate with clerks.


What the point of a debate? These stinking thieves got caught with their pants down of calling for debate unreal. The Guyanese populace don't need to hear the excuses why the books are not in order and freaking debate....if there is no truth to this, kaka belly Ramouthar could get off his fatass and  could literally cripple the opposition if call for an investigation and prove them wrong...  

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

The dumb and dumber = to Moses and Ramjattan. They made a big stink about N.I.C.I.L. and happens to be NO-SHOW on an important issue. How long are they intended to waste time on this matter? The Guyanese people need to put this issue to rest and move on to other things.

 ever heard about the fool in his wisdom?

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

No! You can explain "yourself".

It would not matter what I do. Wilfull ignorance is not overcome by facts.  If you cannot grasp that the people in charge of a business are obliged to account for the business to the owners then what else would help you over the hump?  Nothing, you belong where you are. You are the reason these thieves exist but we will get them because such are the ways of things inevitably just.


The PPP government and its AG exude unbridled ignorance and arrogance


May 22, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 



After reading KN’s news articles, “AG challenges Opposition to move to courts on NICIL,” and “Anil Nandlall defends Brassington brothers,” (May 21), I am convinced that the PPP government and its Attorney-General make for a perfect fit, as they exude unbridled ignorance and arrogance, thinking it will somehow pass for governance substance.

Take the Brassington brothers’ issue for starters. Without rehashing all the details surrounding the transaction that allowed for NICIL’s Executive Director, Mr. Winston Brasington, to act on his brother’s behalf to buy 2.25 million shares valued at GY$225M from a company that NICIL had acquired, this has conflict of interest written all over it.

What’s rather telling, though, is that at no time at all did the brother ever leave the United States to sign off on the purchase. How on earth can Mr. Jonathan Brassington decide to invest over US$1M in Guyana and not be present at the time of signing off on the investment? In fact, where did he find over US$1M from to invest in Guyana? Did he have that kind of money to invest or did he borrow it from a bank in America or a bank in Guyana? I hope the Feds don’t go ringing his doorbell wherever he lives in America, because NICIL is going to blow like a volcano and spill ashes on some people.

Mr. Winston Brassington, meanwhile, emerged as both the seller of the shares and the power of attorney for his brother who bought the shares, yet Attorney-General Mr. Nandlall sees no conflict of interest here! This combination of ignorance and arrogance has long come to pass for acceptable governance substance in the PPP government, but neither Messrs. Nandlall nor Brassington is the final arbiter of what constitutes a conflict of interest.

I challenge anyone to present this matter as a case study at the University of the West Indies or the Hugh Wooding Law School to determine if it is a conflict of interest and I will wager US$1000 it will deemed as such. As a layman, I did a quick research on what constitutes a conflict of interest and this is one definition from Tufts University’s Finance Division.

It says, “A conflict of interest exists when an employee or a family member is in a position to benefit personally, directly or indirectly, from his or her relationship with a person or entity conducting business with the University.  All employees have an obligation to avoid conflict, or the appearance of conflict, between their personal interests and the interests of the University and to avoid any situation that affects, or potentially could affect, his or her independent, unbiased judgment in the discharge of his or her duties to the University. An employee should recuse himself or herself from making any decision relating to University business, when the employee is aware of circumstances that might reasonably cause his or her impartiality to be questioned.”

Another definition from says a conflict of interest exists if, for example, “a city councilman awards a lucrative contract to a company owned by his brother. It would not be illegal to award such a contractâ€Ķeven if that company was owned by a relative, but the councilman himself could not be part of the decision-making process. There would be an obvious conflict of interest, because the councilman’s own family would benefit financially from his position of power.”
So, in both the Tuft University and WiseGeek references, the key to avoiding a conflict of interest is to recuse or remove one’s self from any proceeding where self or relative or even a close friend can benefit. For example, it was reported some time back that President Bharrat Jagdeo walked out of a room with government representatives negotiating business matters related to Queens Atlantic Investments Incorporated, because that company was owned by his friend, Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop. Why did he walk out? To pretend as though he was giving the appearance he was avoiding a conflict of interest. At least Mr. Jagdeo played the game right, even if his intentions were already a foregone conclusion here!

And this was what Mr. Brassington was supposed to do: recuse himself from selling the shares directly to his brother. Well, he did say he consulted with the Finance Minister and the then Attorney-General, but honestly, who in that entire cabal would tell him to recuse himself? Anyway, not only did he fail to recuse himself, he sank deeper into his own quagmire when he functioned as his brother’s power of attorney. You can pretty much say he sold himself the shares! He did all the paper work preparation and signed all the signatures!

Now we have AG Nandlall breaking his silence by saying there is no conflict of interest. But this should come as no surprise, given the Jagdeo era culture when right became wrong and wrong became right, Messrs. Nandlall and Brassington may honestly believe they are right, and may only realize their error when a judge tells them in a court of law.

In my next letter, I will address Mr. Nandlall’s amateurish defence of the NICIL debacle and asinine challenge to the parliamentary opposition to take NICIL to court. AG Nandlall has to love embarrassment to be this willing to hear NICIL’s questionable deals exposed in court like the troubling revelations in another well-publicized trial.

Emile Mervin

Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Had a look at the video. Have to say they will sell it as Khemraj-Nagamootoo no show. But this video is damming to the government. If only the masses were discerning.

I see you're back after you almost had a fit this morning when confronted with Rajmattan and Moses' no show............ 

Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Had a look at the video. Have to say they will sell it as Khemraj-Nagamootoo no show. But this video is damming to the government. If only the masses were discerning.

The video will be of great concern to the masses and I trust the people's judgement will be fair and balance for your sake.

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Had a look at the video. Have to say they will sell it as Khemraj-Nagamootoo no show. But this video is damming to the government. If only the masses were discerning.

I see you're back after you almost had a fit this morning when confronted with Rajmattan and Moses' no show............ 



Do you really believe I have time to be here responding to a mundane dunce as you? Do you believe I have any say whether Moses and Khemraj show up?

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Had a look at the video. Have to say they will sell it as Khemraj-Nagamootoo no show. But this video is damming to the government. If only the masses were discerning.

I see you're back after you almost had a fit this morning when confronted with Rajmattan and Moses' no show............ 

How about them confronting us with some transparency in the form of accounting? The emergent theme from all of this that they are trying to cover up with this charade is that NICIL simply exist as a clearing house for transfer of government assets to the PPP kith and kin. It is why we cannot for example know of the simple facts as to the transfer of prime properties or a line for line accounting of what came in and what went out and to whom.


Theirs is the way of thieves. Obfuscate on accountability and blame the messenger for the message.  This will never go away. It is an exposure of the dirty undercoating of a nakedly corrupt party.


Their problem is the built their house on the idea of their irreproachable integrity. So pristine white was their telling of their moral moorings that to question them was to bring raised eyebrows of disapproval from an adoring public.


But all of that was for naught. The emperor has no clothes. They were thieves hiding behind a veneer of sainthood and they were found out for the foul beasts they are.This is not going to go away. They cannot win back what was lost. The angels were discovered to be devils and the entire country knows that.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Had a look at the video. Have to say they will sell it as Khemraj-Nagamootoo no show. But this video is damming to the government. If only the masses were discerning.

You probably saw but BUT certainly you lack basic comprehension. It is never too late for some Botto House lessons!!!!


We can expect the usual response from you. After all you are a disgrace and stereotypical coolie loser - crass and ignorant and give in easily for free rum and poke cuttahs and a chance to say you met the President. Seems like you get your high from licking Jagdeo and Ramotar boots in NY. But there are many of us who will ask the tough questions. I have seen many ignars like you. So you cannot possibly comprehend anything you saw in the video. But there are serious issues of accountability coming out. And I think Ashni Singh and Brassington made a good rebuttal of the $50bill. The AFC has to reexamine its methodology of how it came up with that amount. On the other hand, they did not have audited books since 2004. They will invest US$19 mill into the Marriott for which no convincing rationale was given. Furthermore, they set the Berbice bridge price based on what it cost to cross on the old ferry. I thought they did a feasibility study. And it is funny Ashni made the point that a filled car cost GUY$2200 to cross both sides the ferry. How many cars are completely full when they cross the bridge? If he is so assured of himself then at least give us some data to back up his claim – that is what a feasibility study is meant to do.  Of course, Ashni blamed the PNC of 19+ years ago for being seven years behind on audited books of NICL. Of course, Ashni implies seven ain’t bad sine PNC was ten years behind. He could not answer C. Ram’s basic question: are the privatization proceeds in a separate account from the incomes received from places like GUYOIL and other state-owned entities. Seems like I have to do a column hereâ€Ķ

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Had a look at the video. Have to say they will sell it as Khemraj-Nagamootoo no show. But this video is damming to the government. If only the masses were discerning.

You probably saw but BUT certainly you lack basic comprehension. It is never too late for some Botto House lessons!!!!


We can expect the usual response from you. After all you are a disgrace and stereotypical coolie loser - crass and ignorant and give in easily for free rum and poke cuttahs and a chance to say you met the President. Seems like you get your high from licking Jagdeo and Ramotar boots in NY. But there are many of us who will ask the tough questions. I have seen many ignars like you. So you cannot possibly comprehend anything you saw in the video. But there are serious issues of accountability coming out. And I think Ashni Singh and Brassington made a good rebuttal of the $50bill. The AFC has to reexamine its methodology of how it came up with that amount. On the other hand, they did not have audited books since 2004. They will invest US$19 mill into the Marriott for which no convincing rationale was given. Furthermore, they set the Berbice bridge price based on what it cost to cross on the old ferry. I thought they did a feasibility study. And it is funny Ashni made the point that a filled car cost GUY$2200 to cross both sides the ferry. How many cars are completely full when they cross the bridge? If he is so assured of himself then at least give us some data to back up his claim – that is what a feasibility study is meant to do.  Of course, Ashni blamed the PNC of 19+ years ago for being seven years behind on audited books of NICL. Of course, Ashni implies seven ain’t bad sine PNC was ten years behind. He could not answer C. Ram’s basic question: are the privatization proceeds in a separate account from the incomes received from places like GUYOIL and other state-owned entities. Seems like I have to do a column hereâ€Ķ



You are using racist terms like "coolie". Shame on you.


You have no respect for Indo Guyanese. Calling an Indo Guyanese "coolie" is the same using the "N" word.

No wonder you lecture at a second grade University.


You have no class whatsoever. Shame on you twice.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Bottom line was that the AFC and Kaiteur were again up to their old tricks of shoddy analysis and reporting. The govt is to blame too for not having records available but this is no excuse for false reporting. 


AFC is snake oil and KN is toilet paper. They can spin this whatever way they want but they have now been caught with their pants down.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Had a look at the video. Have to say they will sell it as Khemraj-Nagamootoo no show. But this video is damming to the government. If only the masses were discerning.

You probably saw but BUT certainly you lack basic comprehension. It is never too late for some Botto House lessons!!!!

Nerhu Bhai


TK lectures at a second grade University. Don't expect any better from him.  Least we forget, TK is also a ROAR reject.

Remember that bottom house party (ROAR) ?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Had a look at the video. Have to say they will sell it as Khemraj-Nagamootoo no show. But this video is damming to the government. If only the masses were discerning.

You probably saw but BUT certainly you lack basic comprehension. It is never too late for some Botto House lessons!!!!




You are using racist terms like "coolie". Shame on you.


You have no respect for Indo Guyanese. Calling an Indo Guyanese "coolie" is the same using the "N" word.

No wonder you lecture at a second grade University.


You have no class whatsoever. Shame on you twice.

 I am pleased to inform you that by consensus, the posters here and the administration decided that the term "coolie" pertains to identity and they demanded it be removed from the banned list. The "n" word did not receive support for its removal so it remains.


The Administration can confirm what I say. Let me reiterate, by consensus, the posters here demanded and kept the term "coolie" off the banned list as they insisted it is what they call themselves and prefer to reserve the term as a cultural prerogative


Since you apparently have a fixec criteria in your head as what meets the condition for a second rate university or not, I would like to know where you place UG or Patrice Lumumba U or the various schools in Cuba what churn out our doctors etc. Just asking.


In that mode, how can an avowed racist appeal to the ignominy of racism as an insult? Just asking. And this class thing, how do you get it? Does it come with being a Brahmin? Just asking.


I din watch the video complete. If the Minister of Finance is correct in what he said, then Guyana is in the hands of idiots. It is no wonder they so stupid because Cheddie never handled money, so he passed down his poverty stricken ideas to the last president who choose the present one and the MoF.


Money is very important in development of a country and it strikes me as if the GOG only know how to tief. With that art, no accountability,works in their favor.


Imagine 7 years past on some corporations financial reports.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
After all you are a disgrace and stereotypical coolie loser - crass and ignorant and give in easily for free rum and poke cuttahs and a chance to say you met the President.


Seems like you get your high from licking Jagdeo and Ramotar boots in NY.


But there are many of us who will ask the tough questions. I have seen many ignars like you.

Typical expressions.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Had a look at the video. Have to say they will sell it as Khemraj-Nagamootoo no show. But this video is damming to the government. If only the masses were discerning.

You probably saw but BUT certainly you lack basic comprehension. It is never too late for some Botto House lessons!!!!

Nerhu Bhai


TK lectures at a second grade University. Don't expect any better from him.  Least we forget, TK is also a ROAR reject.

Remember that bottom house party (ROAR) ?



As a non-onion/garlic/meat eating Brahmin you can’t think. You are supposed to be a thinking man from the thinking class. I gave you facts about my place of employment, which is one of the top colleges in the USA. I am sure even you the non-onion/garlic/meat eating Brahmin meet the minimum entry requirement. I hope you aspire to objectivity as a member of the thinking class so that it spill over to your kids  so they become better than you are. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
After all you are a disgrace and stereotypical coolie loser - crass and ignorant and give in easily for free rum and poke cuttahs and a chance to say you met the President.


Seems like you get your high from licking Jagdeo and Ramotar boots in NY.


But there are many of us who will ask the tough questions. I have seen many ignars like you.

Typical expressions.



Is is like Locke.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Had a look at the video. Have to say they will sell it as Khemraj-Nagamootoo no show. But this video is damming to the government. If only the masses were discerning.

You probably saw but BUT certainly you lack basic comprehension. It is never too late for some Botto House lessons!!!!




You are using racist terms like "coolie". Shame on you.


You have no respect for Indo Guyanese. Calling an Indo Guyanese "coolie" is the same using the "N" word.

No wonder you lecture at a second grade University.


You have no class whatsoever. Shame on you twice.

 I am pleased to inform you that by consensus, the posters here and the administration decided that the term "coolie" pertains to identity and they demanded it be removed from the banned list. The "n" word did not receive support for its removal so it remains.


The Administration can confirm what I say. Let me reiterate, by consensus, the posters here demanded and kept the term "coolie" off the banned list as they insisted it is what they call themselves and prefer to reserve the term as a cultural prerogative


Since you apparently have a fixec criteria in your head as what meets the condition for a second rate university or not, I would like to know where you place UG or Patrice Lumumba U or the various schools in Cuba what churn out our doctors etc. Just asking.


In that mode, how can an avowed racist appeal to the ignominy of racism as an insult? Just asking. And this class thing, how do you get it? Does it come with being a Brahmin? Just asking.


I stand by my statement that calling an Indo Guyanese "coolie" is in fact racist. Try calling a person of African origin the "n" word and see what response you get.


The colonial masters used it in the most demeaning manner when they addressed Indian indentured immigrants. It is the context not the meaning of the word that matters.


Let the persons I direct the questions answer for themselves.


As for Bramhan, let me inform you that I do not in any way consider a Bramhan superior than anyone else.


Like every society, America for example, we have The businessmen, the working class, and investors etc. Each division of society contributes based on their capacity, qualifications, skills and financial resources.


Similarly in Vedic scriptures, the various divisions of society contributes in a similar fashion. Bramhans are responsible for educating themselves and maintaining and promoting vedic and spiritual progress. Khastriyas are responsible for military defence like the US army, Vaishyas are the businessmen and Sudras are the working class.


Each division contributes in a similar fashion as they do today. Nothing prevents anyone from attaining the status of a Bramhan or elevating themselves to a higher status. Anyone can become a businessman if he wants to do so, provided he has the necessary financial resources.


Birth in a Bramhan family does not qualify anyone from claiming to be a Bramhan. Anyone can rise to that status of a Bramhan by meeting the required standards.


It involves living a pious life, abstaining from meat, fish, eggs, onions, garlic, no drinking and smoking and illicit sex (sex outside of marriage). Study of the vedic scriptures which is approx 5 - 7 years is also a requirement. The laws of Manu clearly stipulates these conditions. In addition, Bramhans uphold high morale standards and promote spiritual progress. Now that leaves out of a lot of caste Bramhans that we know today, most of whom do not live by these high standards as laid out by vedic scriptures and the laws of Manu.


And to conclude, nothing prevents a Bramhan from engaging in political discussions. They have been doing so for centuries.


In concluding, calling an Indo Guyanese a 'coolie' is racist and will one day be outlawed in Guyana. Until then I will always condemn anyone who use it against someone of Indian indentured immigrant origin.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

 I am pleased to inform you that by consensus, the posters here and the administration decided that the term "coolie" pertains to identity and they demanded it be removed from the banned list. The "n" word did not receive support for its removal so it remains.


The Administration can confirm what I say. Let me reiterate, by consensus, the posters here demanded and kept the term "coolie" off the banned list as they insisted it is what they call themselves and prefer to reserve the term as a cultural prerogative


Since you apparently have a fixec criteria in your head as what meets the condition for a second rate university or not, I would like to know where you place UG or Patrice Lumumba U or the various schools in Cuba what churn out our doctors etc. Just asking.


In that mode, how can an avowed racist appeal to the ignominy of racism as an insult? Just asking. And this class thing, how do you get it? Does it come with being a Brahmin? Just asking.


I stand by my statement that calling an Indo Guyanese "coolie" is in fact racist. Try calling a person of African origin the "n" word and see what response you get.


The colonial masters used it in the most demeaning manner when they addressed Indian indentured immigrants. It is the context not the meaning of the word that matters.


Let the persons I direct the questions answer for themselves.


As for Bramhan, let me inform you that I do not in any way consider a Bramhan superior than anyone else.


Like every society, America for example, we have The businessmen, the working class, and investors etc. Each division of society contributes based on their capacity, qualifications, skills and financial resources.


Similarly in Vedic scriptures, the various divisions of society contributes in a similar fashion. Bramhans are responsible for educating themselves and maintaining and promoting vedic and spiritual progress. Khastriyas are responsible for military defence like the US army, Vaishyas are the businessmen and Sudras are the working class.


Each division contributes in a similar fashion as they do today. Nothing prevents anyone from attaining the status of a Bramhan or elevating themselves to a higher status. Anyone can become a businessman if he wants to do so, provided he has the necessary financial resources.


Birth in a Bramhan family does not qualify anyone from claiming to be a Bramhan. Anyone can rise to that status of a Bramhan by metting the required standards.


It involves living a pious life, abstaining from meat, fish, eggs, onions, garlic, no drinking and smoking and illicit sex (sex outside of marriage). Study of the vedic scriptures which is approx 5 - 7 years is also a requirement. The laws of Manu clearly stipulates these conditions. In addition, Bramhans uphold high morale standards and promote spiritual progress. Now that leaves out of a lot of caste Bramhans that we know today, most of whom do not live by these high standards as laid out by vedic scriptures and the laws of Manu.


And to conclude, nothing prevents a Bramhan from engaging in political discussions. They have been doing so for centuries.


In concluding, calling an Indo Guyanese a 'coolie' is racist and will one day be outlawed. Until then I will always condemn anyone who use it against someone of Indian indentured immigrant origin.

I am not denying the N word comes often with hateful implications when used by a non black person. Where have I doubted that?


I did not even make an assertion about the term "coolie". And for your information,  I argued to keep it on the banned list to no avail.


Brahmins have been and continue to be a parasitic caste in india. I do not care for a lecture on traditional Hinduism. I do know if you insist you live by the laws of manu then you would pour hot oil in the ear of a Sudra if they hear, recite or read the vedas! But I guess you would have to create some exemptions here! right?


I still say it is absurd for a racist to speak of being harmed by racism.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

 I am pleased to inform you that by consensus, the posters here and the administration decided that the term "coolie" pertains to identity and they demanded it be removed from the banned list. The "n" word did not receive support for its removal so it remains.


The Administration can confirm what I say. Let me reiterate, by consensus, the posters here demanded and kept the term "coolie" off the banned list as they insisted it is what they call themselves and prefer to reserve the term as a cultural prerogative


Since you apparently have a fixec criteria in your head as what meets the condition for a second rate university or not, I would like to know where you place UG or Patrice Lumumba U or the various schools in Cuba what churn out our doctors etc. Just asking.


In that mode, how can an avowed racist appeal to the ignominy of racism as an insult? Just asking. And this class thing, how do you get it? Does it come with being a Brahmin? Just asking.


I stand by my statement that calling an Indo Guyanese "coolie" is in fact racist. Try calling a person of African origin the "n" word and see what response you get.


The colonial masters used it in the most demeaning manner when they addressed Indian indentured immigrants. It is the context not the meaning of the word that matters.


Let the persons I direct the questions answer for themselves.


As for Bramhan, let me inform you that I do not in any way consider a Bramhan superior than anyone else.


Like every society, America for example, we have The businessmen, the working class, and investors etc. Each division of society contributes based on their capacity, qualifications, skills and financial resources.


Similarly in Vedic scriptures, the various divisions of society contributes in a similar fashion. Bramhans are responsible for educating themselves and maintaining and promoting vedic and spiritual progress. Khastriyas are responsible for military defence like the US army, Vaishyas are the businessmen and Sudras are the working class.


Each division contributes in a similar fashion as they do today. Nothing prevents anyone from attaining the status of a Bramhan or elevating themselves to a higher status. Anyone can become a businessman if he wants to do so, provided he has the necessary financial resources.


Birth in a Bramhan family does not qualify anyone from claiming to be a Bramhan. Anyone can rise to that status of a Bramhan by metting the required standards.


It involves living a pious life, abstaining from meat, fish, eggs, onions, garlic, no drinking and smoking and illicit sex (sex outside of marriage). Study of the vedic scriptures which is approx 5 - 7 years is also a requirement. The laws of Manu clearly stipulates these conditions. In addition, Bramhans uphold high morale standards and promote spiritual progress. Now that leaves out of a lot of caste Bramhans that we know today, most of whom do not live by these high standards as laid out by vedic scriptures and the laws of Manu.


And to conclude, nothing prevents a Bramhan from engaging in political discussions. They have been doing so for centuries.


In concluding, calling an Indo Guyanese a 'coolie' is racist and will one day be outlawed. Until then I will always condemn anyone who use it against someone of Indian indentured immigrant origin.

I am not denying the N word comes often with hateful implications when used by a non black person. Where have I doubted that?


I did not even make an assertion about the term "coolie". And for your information,  I argued to keep it on the banned list to no avail.


Brahmins have been and continue to be a parasitic caste in india. I do not care for a lecture on traditional Hinduism. I do know if you insist you live by the laws of manu then you would pour hot oil in the ear of a Sudra if they hear, recite or read the vedas! But I guess you would have to create some exemptions here! right?


I still say it is absurd for a racist to speak of being harmed by racism.



Firstly, I commend you for supporting my position that the term "coolie" is racist.


I firmly do not support caste Brahmanas.


You are surely misguided or misinformed that the laws of Manu restrict anyone from reciting or reading the Vedas.


I have studied Vedic scriptures for many years and the laws of Manu does not in any way restrict religious practices or encourages caste discrimination. That was probably added by wicked Brahmanas to prevent others from making spiritual or economic progress.


Can you prove your claims of racism ?


Or are you now behaving like the the AFC who make absurd claims without proof. Examples are Moses and Ramjattan who were MIA during the debates.


Why can't we all have more constructive discussions.


BTW there is no such word  as "Hindu" in any vedic scriptures. Just for your information.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Firstly, I commend you for supporting my position that the term "coolie" is racist.


I firmly do not support caste Brahmanas.


You are surely misguided or misinformed that the laws of Manu restrict anyone from reciting or reading the Vedas.


I have studied Vedic scriptures for many years and the laws of Manu does not in any way restrict religious practices or encourages caste discrimination. That was probably added by wicked Brahmanas to prevent others from making spiritual or economic progress.


Can you prove your claims of racism ?


Or are you now behaving like the the AFC who make absurd claims without proof. Examples are Moses and Ramjattan who were MIA during the debates.


Why can't we all have more constructive discussions.


BTW there is no such word  as "Hindu" in any vedic scriptures. Just for your information.

The laws of Manu are for any to read and while I can cite the passages I do not care to do so because you, on insisting you know something which I am sure you don't, need to read it for yourself. I actually read the text completely at least three times. I has a contemptuous attitude towards women, rigidly adheres to Varna concepts and spells out punishment for sudras one can only consider barbaric and uncivilized.


As for "proving you a racist" that again is a moot point. Anyone with a desire to search this board over the past two months would find some ov the vilest things said of black people by you than has ever been posted here. Again, I refuse to waste my time on what is so recently your words.


I also understand the "h" is pronounced "S" and refers to "sapta sindu" or the people of the seven rivers.This again is widely known.


Moses and Ramjattan has no obligation to debate the what is obvious. If you do not show some transparency and due diligence to accountability to your task of managing other people's money then you are by all definition a thief.

No one would debate a financial manager on the necessity to account for the monies under his charge.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Firstly, I commend you for supporting my position that the term "coolie" is racist.


I firmly do not support caste Brahmanas.


You are surely misguided or misinformed that the laws of Manu restrict anyone from reciting or reading the Vedas.


I have studied Vedic scriptures for many years and the laws of Manu does not in any way restrict religious practices or encourages caste discrimination. That was probably added by wicked Brahmanas to prevent others from making spiritual or economic progress.


Can you prove your claims of racism ?


Or are you now behaving like the the AFC who make absurd claims without proof. Examples are Moses and Ramjattan who were MIA during the debates.


Why can't we all have more constructive discussions.


BTW there is no such word  as "Hindu" in any vedic scriptures. Just for your information.

The laws of Manu are for any to read and while I can cite the passages I do not care to do so because you, on insisting you know something which I am sure you don't, need to read it for yourself. I actually read the text completely at least three times. I has a contemptuous attitude towards women, rigidly adheres to Varna concepts and spells out punishment for sudras one can only consider barbaric and uncivilized.


As for "proving you a racist" that again is a moot point. Anyone with a desire to search this board over the past two months would find some ov the vilest things said of black people by you than has ever been posted here. Again, I refuse to waste my time on what is so recently your words.


I also understand the "h" is pronounced "S" and refers to "sapta sindu" or the people of the seven rivers.This again is widely known.


Moses and Ramjattan has no obligation to debate the what is obvious. If you do not show some transparency and due diligence to accountability to your task of managing other people's money then you are by all definition a thief.

No one would debate a financial manager on the necessity to account for the monies under his charge.


You have no class and are grossly ignorant of vedic scriptures. You have no shame in defending Moses and RATjattan. You are a paid AFC poster and use names like D2/Storm and God.


I choose not to have any further debate with an ignorant fool and AFC mouthpiece. Just wait and see, karma will bite you in the rear.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Firstly, I commend you for supporting my position that the term "coolie" is racist.


I firmly do not support caste Brahmanas.


You are surely misguided or misinformed that the laws of Manu restrict anyone from reciting or reading the Vedas.


I have studied Vedic scriptures for many years and the laws of Manu does not in any way restrict religious practices or encourages caste discrimination. That was probably added by wicked Brahmanas to prevent others from making spiritual or economic progress.


Can you prove your claims of racism ?


Or are you now behaving like the the AFC who make absurd claims without proof. Examples are Moses and Ramjattan who were MIA during the debates.


Why can't we all have more constructive discussions.


BTW there is no such word  as "Hindu" in any vedic scriptures. Just for your information.

The laws of Manu are for any to read and while I can cite the passages I do not care to do so because you, on insisting you know something which I am sure you don't, need to read it for yourself. I actually read the text completely at least three times. I has a contemptuous attitude towards women, rigidly adheres to Varna concepts and spells out punishment for sudras one can only consider barbaric and uncivilized.


As for "proving you a racist" that again is a moot point. Anyone with a desire to search this board over the past two months would find some ov the vilest things said of black people by you than has ever been posted here. Again, I refuse to waste my time on what is so recently your words.


I also understand the "h" is pronounced "S" and refers to "sapta sindu" or the people of the seven rivers.This again is widely known.


Moses and Ramjattan has no obligation to debate the what is obvious. If you do not show some transparency and due diligence to accountability to your task of managing other people's money then you are by all definition a thief.

No one would debate a financial manager on the necessity to account for the monies under his charge.


You have no class and are grossly ignorant of vedic scriptures. You have no shame in defending Moses and RATjattan. You are a paid AFC poster and use names like D2/Storm and God.


I choose not to have any further debate with an ignorant fool and AFC mouthpiece. Just wait and see, karma will bite you in the rear.

 Your ignorance magically translate to me lacking class!


well well! remain a dunce if you wish. It will not make the scriptures any less toxic. It is after all interpretations of a man or Smriti vs shruti  the word of god so go chew on that.


You cannot talk to me. You talk at me and that is all a dunce like you can do. Go read your damn scriptures and actually learn what they say before coming here and making yourself an ass in public.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

Had a look at the video. Have to say they will sell it as Khemraj-Nagamootoo no show. But this video is damming to the government. If only the masses were discerning.

You probably saw but BUT certainly you lack basic comprehension. It is never too late for some Botto House lessons!!!!


We can expect the usual response from you. After all you are a disgrace and stereotypical coolie loser - crass and ignorant and give in easily for free rum and poke cuttahs and a chance to say you met the President. Seems like you get your high from licking Jagdeo and Ramotar boots in NY. But there are many of us who will ask the tough questions. I have seen many ignars like you. So you cannot possibly comprehend anything you saw in the video. But there are serious issues of accountability coming out. And I think Ashni Singh and Brassington made a good rebuttal of the $50bill. The AFC has to reexamine its methodology of how it came up with that amount. On the other hand, they did not have audited books since 2004. They will invest US$19 mill into the Marriott for which no convincing rationale was given. Furthermore, they set the Berbice bridge price based on what it cost to cross on the old ferry. I thought they did a feasibility study. And it is funny Ashni made the point that a filled car cost GUY$2200 to cross both sides the ferry. How many cars are completely full when they cross the bridge? If he is so assured of himself then at least give us some data to back up his claim – that is what a feasibility study is meant to do.  Of course, Ashni blamed the PNC of 19+ years ago for being seven years behind on audited books of NICL. Of course, Ashni implies seven ain’t bad sine PNC was ten years behind. He could not answer C. Ram’s basic question: are the privatization proceeds in a separate account from the incomes received from places like GUYOIL and other state-owned entities. Seems like I have to do a column hereâ€Ķ



You are using racist terms like "coolie". Shame on you.


You have no respect for Indo Guyanese. Calling an Indo Guyanese "coolie" is the same using the "N" word.

No wonder you lecture at a second grade University.


You have no class whatsoever. Shame on you twice.



You can rant how much you want but I see you as a coolie ignoramus – the type responsible for the PPP being the way it is today. You don’t even know the Vedic scriptures as is evidenced by the nonsense you post on this thread. You keep pretending that you are a Brahmin by virtue of not eating onions, garlic, meat and fish and keep up bigoted and hackneyed perspective and see where it will get you. I sincerely hope you are not responsible for teaching young Hindus.    


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