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It is generally accepted that many voters cast their votes against parties rather than for parties. Other voters vote for a party rather than for the policies of that party.
In Guyana it is generally felt that most of our voters fall into those two categories. Of course, our ethnic dynamics encourage those electoral behaviors. For example, during the era of ideological politics when the PPP was an avowed communist party, many Indian-Guyanese whose socio-religious outlook was at odds with the tenets of socialism were still fanatic PPP supporters.
As we approach the historic 2020 elections, we are again faced with the prospect of ethnicity influencing electoral choice. Despite sustained advocacy over the years against ethnic voting, it has persisted. In fact, there has been no country in the world that has been able to successfully erase ethnic voting patterns.
The more ethnically diverse the country is, the more pronounced the practice is. It is for that reason that some of us have turned our attention to finding governance mechanisms to accommodate ethnic voting patterns in our multi-ethnic society. Hence the advocacy of power sharing or shared governance.
Both major parties have over the decades been less than forthcoming in their embrace of the idea. While they pay lip service to it when in opposition, once they assume power, they find ways to avoid implementing it.
The PPP has gone one step further—they have now rejected it even in opposition. This is an interesting development. One of the outcomes of the PPP’s non-support of shared governance is that it has allowed the Coalition to studiously avoid pressing for it during its first term.
Critics of the Coalition’s inaction on this front must bear this in mind—there can be no meaningful shared governance without the PPP. But the PPP is simply not interested in a political solution along the lines of shared governance.

As we prepare to vote on March 2, we have to ask which of the two parties shows more inclination towards a political solution. The PPP has said to the African-Guyanese that it has no interest in co-governing with their party. African-Guyanese should instead go into the PPP.
The PPP has therefore closed the door on shared governance. And worse, Mr. Jagdeo has boasted that should the PPP win in March, they would hold power for the next 30 or 40 years. This is coming from the leader of a party that represents half of the population in an ethnically divided society.
Here is Mr. Jagdeo in his own words: “Every race has a place in our Party and has a right to make progress in the country and we in the PPP/Civic is the only Party that can deliver this for all of our people. Because of that, we will not only win power on March 2; we will stay in power for another 20, 30, 40 years in the future” (January 13, 2020 edition of another newspaper). Of course, he prefaces his threat of 40 years with a political lie that all races have a place in the PPP—he knows, and all Guyana knows that that is empty rhetoric. The real message follows the lie.
Mr. Jagdeo is in effect saying to African-Guyanese and those Amerindians who don’t support the PPP that should the PPP win the coming elections, they should be prepared to be dominated for the next four decades. Where does that leave us? I don’t like telling people to vote against a party—I prefer people vote for something rather than against a party. But Mr. Jagdeo leaves us with little choice. I have to advise voters of all ethnic groups, including Indian-Guyanese, to vote against Mr. Jagdeo’s master plan for Guyana. That in effect means that we have to vote against the PPP.
I have noted in this column before that I sense that despite the refusal to abandon ethnic voting, some voters are asking questions of their ethnic parties. Many African-Guyanese, Amerindians and a smaller section of Indian Guyanese seem to have embraced coalition politics. For some African-Guyanese there is this interesting convergence of ethnic feeling and coalition politics. This for me is hopeful, and is one of the reasons that I am encouraging voters to give the Coalition a second chance. I think the Coalition as a political formation is better able to absorb this new energy.

So, I am arguing that there are some clear choices before the electorate on March 2. Mr. Jagdeo and the PPP have made one of those choices even clearer. As a rule, I prefer to encourage voters to vote for something. Even if you are voting for a party for ethnic reasons, demand policies from that party. But on this score, I am prepared to break with that approach. It is quite in order to sell your party as the better choice, but to threaten half the country with 40 years of domination is unacceptable.
For those voters who have been threatening to stay home on March 2, you now have a reason to come out and vote. Come March 2, vote against Mr. Jagdeo’s master plan.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

cain posted:

Bossman you gonna get sanctioned by DJ you bruckin the man rules aready, where is thy source?

Amral ,didn't change the words to make that rule more specific  source is a "must"

Last edited by Django

Here is Mr. Jagdeo in his own words: “Every race has a place in our Party and has a right to make progress in the country and we in the PPP/Civic is the only Party that can deliver this for all of our people. Because of that, we will not only win power on March 2; we will stay in power for another 20, 30, 40 years in the future” (January 13, 2020 edition of another newspaper)

Did Jagdeo really say that? 

Amral posted:

Here is Mr. Jagdeo in his own words: “Every race has a place in our Party and has a right to make progress in the country and we in the PPP/Civic is the only Party that can deliver this for all of our people. Because of that, we will not only win power on March 2; we will stay in power for another 20, 30, 40 years in the future” (January 13, 2020 edition of another newspaper)

Did Jagdeo really say that? 

He did.

May the forces help Guyana-PPP/C wants to rule for eternity !!!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

So what?  Staying in power democratically for that long is okay.

Staying in power illegally like what is happening currently is not okay.

Ha..ha..ha.. classic for Democracy .

Last edited by Django

The PPP has always been in power since 1953. Only crookery can keep them out.

A useless party, but when men like David Hinds speaks of Alternatives, the PPP supporters are fearful.

Some PPP supporters took a chance with Granger and now that he is empowered by them, he is going to try and rig the elections. And once again crookery is going to keep the PPP out.

But that Jagdeo is unlike any coolie ppl, he can intimidate any Negro-really he is a Guyanese. No indo, coolie or blackman in his thinking, he is full fledged GUYANESE.  

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Amral posted:

I think Jagdeo will be Chairman of the PPP for life. 

I think not. Irfaan will be under great pressure to be his own man. He will do what you don't expect 

Naaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!  He is on the tightest political leash ever known to man.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
seignet posted:

The PPP has always been in power since 1953. Only crookery can keep them out.

A useless party, but when men like David Hinds speaks of Alternatives, the PPP supporters are fearful.

Some PPP supporters took a chance with Granger and now that he is empowered by them, he is going to try and rig the elections. And once again crookery is going to keep the PPP out.

But that Jagdeo is unlike any coolie ppl, he can intimidate any Negro-really he is a Guyanese. No indo, coolie or blackman in his thinking, he is full fledged GUYANESE.  

Times have changed ,that's 66 yrs ago. Also the demographics of Guyana have changed ,lots of data out there . From 2011 the writing was on the wall for the PPP.

Amral posted:

I think Jagdeo will be Chairman of the PPP for life. 

That is for sure. Just like CBJ he will die on the job. No one can think like him, that is what he believes. He aready controlled Ramotar, now it Ali's turn and after Ali, not even Ramson can escape his clutches. Guyana is in Warlord mode. Fite fuh the land.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Amral posted:

I think Jagdeo will be Chairman of the PPP for life. 

I think not. Irfaan will be under great pressure to be his own man. He will do what you don't expect 


Have some faith in the brother. Don't think everyone is a Ramotar.  I know you are thinking that every PNC leader turned out to be a Burnhamite likewise every Ppp leader will like Jagdeo.  You are falling in trap.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Amral posted:

I think Jagdeo will be Chairman of the PPP for life. 

I think not. Irfaan will be under great pressure to be his own man. He will do what you don't expect 

We will find out after March 2 ,2020 .


Yes. PPP will govern for the next 30,40,50 years. All elections have been certified free and fair by the international community during PPP rule. 
First act by Granger was to rape the constitution and illegally appoint Fossil Patterson as GECOM chairman.

Peope don’t care bout this 30, 40, 40 horse Shyte from PNC apologist Hinds who is also a racist Indo hater. 

Hey Hey Hey. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Yes. PPP will govern for the next 30,40,50 years.

All elections have been certified free and fair by the international community during PPP rule. 

First act by Granger was to rape the constitution and illegally appoint Fossil Patterson as GECOM chairman.

Peope don’t care bout this 30, 40, 40 horse Shyte from PNC apologist Hinds who is also a racist Indo hater. 

Hey Hey Hey. 

Some barely passed the bench mark.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Amral posted:

I think Jagdeo will be Chairman of the PPP for life. 

I think not. Irfaan will be under great pressure to be his own man. He will do what you don't expect 


Have some faith in the brother. Don't think everyone is a Ramotar.  I know you are thinking that every PNC leader turned out to be a Burnhamite likewise every Ppp leader will like Jagdeo.  You are falling in trap.

Me? Trap? Ha. Clearly you haven’t seen how closely Raaab and him Mamoo watching Brother Irfyy.  De man frighten Fruh sneeze.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Yes. PPP will govern for the next 30,40,50 years.

All elections have been certified free and fair by the international community during PPP rule. 

First act by Granger was to rape the constitution and illegally appoint Fossil Patterson as GECOM chairman.

Peope don’t care bout this 30, 40, 40 horse Shyte from PNC apologist Hinds who is also a racist Indo hater. 

Hey Hey Hey. 

Some barely passed the bench mark.


More PNC horse Shyte.

I repeat, All elections under the PPP were certified free and fair by the international community. Unlike fossil and constitutional rapist GrNger who illegally appointed another PNC fossil Patterson as GECOM chairman with a clear intention to rig. Luckily CCJ stopped the constitutional rapist Granger dead in his track. 

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:
But that Jagdeo is unlike any coolie ppl, he can intimidate any Negro-really he is a Guyanese. No indo, coolie or blackman in his thinking, he is full fledged GUYANESE.  


i seriously doubt Rat qualify as an Indo badman

however, he is definitely wan lock-homan-out-de-bedroom-and-invite-kwame-in thief, COWARD and fraud

who mekkin a stupendous living frightening sheeple like you with blood-curdling whisperings of blackman and their bad 'intentions' towards . . . especially yuh girl chirren and yuh wimmen

how "intimidating" would he (and the PPP cocaine-soaked money machinery) have been without those murdering "Negro" gunmen surrounding he, raja and Gajie?

Axel Williams, Shaun Hinds and the mostly "Negro" phantoms, etc, etc., etc come readily to mind


Amral posted:

Here is Mr. Jagdeo in his own words: “Every race has a place in our Party and has a right to make progress in the country and we in the PPP/Civic is the only Party that can deliver this for all of our people. Because of that, we will not only win power on March 2; we will stay in power for another 20, 30, 40 years in the future” (January 13, 2020 edition of another newspaper)

Did Jagdeo really say that? 

He did. But he prefaced it with a qualifier. That qualifier is that the PPP/Civic is the only party that can deliver progress to the people of Guyana. Therefore, it is by their record that they will be the peoples' choice for 20, 30, 40 years.

Compare that to the record of the PNC. They have never won a majority of the votes in their 6 decades history. They too have stayed in power for lengthy periods as much as 28 years. But theirs had absolutely nothing to do with progress. In fact, they have been miserably hapless. But their biggest sin is they denied the voters their democratic rights and all indications are that they are doing it again.

Hinds is a nasty racist who should never be taken seriously by anyone. He should spend his time condemning the wickedness of the PNC. But he wouldn't because his racism aligns him with the racism of the PNC.

Django posted:
Sean posted:

Yes. PPP will govern for the next 30,40,50 years.

All elections have been certified free and fair by the international community during PPP rule. 

First act by Granger was to rape the constitution and illegally appoint Fossil Patterson as GECOM chairman.

Peope don’t care bout this 30, 40, 40 horse Shyte from PNC apologist Hinds who is also a racist Indo hater. 

Hey Hey Hey. 

Some barely passed the bench mark.

Even so bai, NONE of the PNC ones have even come close to BARELY passing the benchmark. No matter how terrible the PPP are, the PNC will always be worse.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

Looks like the antiman talk start again.

It makes you uncomfortable? 

You suspect he talking bout you nah?

It's good to see that you are quite comfortable with the LGBT crowd. 


Dr Hinds mek interestin point haay. Is de PPP way to go? Or PPP gat to wuk wid representive of Black peopkle? After Mar 2 abie go know. But if PPP na get nuff, nuff black peopkle vote abie back to square 1. Hey hey hey...

Amral posted:

Here is Mr. Jagdeo in his own words: “Every race has a place in our Party and has a right to make progress in the country and we in the PPP/Civic is the only Party that can deliver this for all of our people. Because of that, we will not only win power on March 2; we will stay in power for another 20, 30, 40 years in the future” (January 13, 2020 edition of another newspaper)

Did Jagdeo really say that? 

Jagdeo said that indeed but this is elections campaigns season and politicians get carried away when they address massive public meetings. I heard that Volda threatened to harm  Jagdeo at one APNU+AFC meeting but I am not bothered. Is elections season and she was telling her crowd what they wanted to hear.


Hinds whipping up race fear because of the strength of the PPP on the ground. The 6,000 or so fraudulent voters are being over compensated by the returnees from Venezuela and Suriname.  This is swelling the PPP numbers.

If the PNC loses, expect a big reaction.  And everyone is watching, the US, Russians, Chinese, Indians, UN, Venezuela, Brazil, UK, EU.....

Amral posted:

I think Jagdeo will be Chairman of the PPP for life. 

Nothing wrong if the Party wants Jagdeo to head it. Cheddi Jagan was PPP Leader from Day 1 until he died in 1997. Only one man challenged him for that position demanding "Leader or nothing." When that man didn't get what he wanted he broke away  from the PPP taking along grassroots Afro supporters and caused a split of the populace along racial lines and the country is left with disunity up to now. That man was Burnham. He turned out to be PNC Leader for Life too.

Gilbakka posted:
Amral posted:

I think Jagdeo will be Chairman of the PPP for life. 

Nothing wrong if the Party wants Jagdeo to head it. Cheddi Jagan was PPP Leader from Day 1 until he died in 1997. Only one man challenged him for that position demanding "Leader or nothing." When that man didn't get what he wanted he broke away  from the PPP taking along grassroots Afro supporters and caused a split of the populace along racial lines and the country is left with disunity up to now. That man was Burnham. He turned out to be PNC Leader for Life too.

Several people challenged the Jagan dictatorship that lasted half a century. Everyone of them had to leave the PPP.  Ranji Chandisingh, Balram Singh Rai, and others. And if Joey Jagan wasn’t crazy, that dictatorship may have continued until this day.

Bibi Haniffa

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