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April 7 2019


Dear Editor,

Does the Guyana Constitution permit Charandass Persaud to defect from the APNU+AFC coalition and vote with the PPP/Civic? My answer: 1.2 million times no!
As the people’s trustee, Persaud had no other option but to vote with the APNU+AFC coalition government.This is evidenced in Guyana’s constitutional provisions of Article 57 Sec.(3) (a) (b) and (c) which make up Guyana’s anti-defection laws. He was required to declare in writing to the Speaker of the House that he will no longer support his party’s list. He could have freely joined the PPP/Civic after respecting the provisions of Article 57. He cannot have a valid vote if he is not representing his constituency.

This issue should be addressed on Friday, May 10, 2019 when the Caribbean Court of Justice(CCJ) deliberates on the No-Confidence Motion. All three of these issues deserve consideration: the question of an absolute majority, the validity of Charandass’ vote as a dual citizen, and also the validity of his vote as a defector from the governing APNU+AFC party. So far, we have not heard many arguments on the last issue except for the voice of Senior Council Neil Boston appearing for private citizen Compton Reid. I agree with Boston’s argument that Persaud’s name was extracted from the APNU+AFC list of electors, so he cannot validly vote against the list from which his name was extracted because there is no such thing as a “conscience vote” in law or the constitution.

My reasons are grounded on (1) The constitutional principle of Sovereignty (2) The intent of our constitutional Founding Fathers, and (3) How and why other countries guard against switching political loyalty and have, as a result, introduced anti-defection laws.Persaud, a practicing Attorney-At-Law, had sworn to Guyana’s parliamentary oath to “honor, uphold, and preserve the Constitution,” yet by his infamous vote last December 22nd rubbished the very Constitution.

Chapter 11 Section 9 of Guyana’s Constitution enshrines the principle that “Sovereignty belongs to the People”. It means, therefore, that the people have elected him as their Member of Parliament, delegate, or trustee to represent their interests and rights on this legislative body having been drawn from the APNU+AFC list of electors. By voting with the PPP/Civic, Persaud unilaterally jettisoned his responsibility to his constituency.

Here, my opinion diverges from our learned Chancellor’s who used the analogy of a Soccer match where Persaud scored in his own party and government. After praising the work of the coalition government, the week prior in the budget debate, Persaud with his “30 pieces of silver”, (or was it gold), violated the constitution by voting with the opposition.

Does the end justify the means? If a crime was committed justice should be done.
It is this very act of treachery our Founding Fathers had envisioned. After the Referendum of 1978, President L.F.S. Burnham and His Attorney General Dr. Mohammed Shahabudeen conceptualized and drafted the 1980 Constitution. This Constitution varied from the typical post-colonial Westminster modeled Constitutions of sister Caribbean states as it was a hybrid that still guaranteed property rights but included social and economic rights, fostering local democratic organs, and preserving the environment. The recurring criticism of the Constitution by the Leader of The Opposition, Dr. Cheddi Jagan and from academic circles in such seminal works by Professor Harold Lutchman and the late Professor Rudy James “ Law and The Political Environment in Guyana”, was that the Constitution guaranteed a President for life with too much power.

In the era leading up to the 1980 Constitution, President Burnham had to address the issues that placed a strangle-hold on Guyana’s economy such as nationalization, solvency of foreign exchange, and paying for essential goods and services, while internationally championing the causes of the Non-Aligned Movement and supporting the liberation struggles of Africa. It is in this context and spirit Articles 57 was crafted with the financial penalty of Article 58(1) to serve as a deterrent to those thinking about defecting. This is the true spirit of our current anti-defection laws.Safeguards against switching political loyalties and parties and anti-defection laws are not unique to Guyana.

In 1985, political defections was a matter of national concern in India, so India’s parliament adopted the 52nd Amendment to their Constitution and made changes to Articles 101, 102, 190, and 191. Protecting parties with anti-defection provisions are found in Belize, Article 59; Namibia, Article 48; Singapore, Article 46; Nepal, Article 49; and Sierra Leone, Article 77 to name a few. These countries were concerned that such instability would setback their development program.

Finally, we may have been blind sighted by Jagdeo’s strategy to call the No-Confidence vote on December 22, 2018. Is he running scared by the justice coming with Roger Khan’s impending return?Is he so desperate to grease his palm from the first oil expected late 2019 – early 2020, or is it just the reality that given a little time the coalition will become stronger and unbeatable, especially after scrubbing the bloated voters list? Either way, he is being out played and out maneuvered by a true son of Guyana with integrity and character, whose creed is to serve not plot, plunder, and polarize our nation.

I am confident that the CCJ will uphold Guyana’s anti-defection constitutional provisions.

Max Wallerson

Replies sorted oldest to newest

"Voting against the party slate is unconstitutional"

This is the real challenge to the Confidence Vote, not the "33-32 " or  "34- 31" votes addressed by the Judges to define a majority. Well lots of grey areas in 34 votes for majority.

"I am confident that the CCJ will uphold Guyana’s anti-defection constitutional provisions."

I concurred with Max Wallerson statement.

Last edited by Django

Hey hey hey...dis writer looove de dictata constitution abie Shahab write foh Burnham. Dem bais like TK seh pon FB how Shahab copy Tanzania constitution and give ayoo...hey hey hey. Ayoo still suffering fram am. 

Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...dis writer looove de dictata constitution abie Shahab write foh Burnham. Dem bais like TK seh pon FB how Shahab copy Tanzania constitution and give ayoo...hey hey hey. Ayoo still suffering fram am. 

Bhai, you fuget how the PPP objected  to the document and seh they will change am, now they embraced it, claiming over two hundred amendments was made. I am still looking to find the 200, coming up empty.

Baseman posted:

If you are not allowed to vote independently, why even have a debate and NCV.   Clearly the coalition had a 1 advantage.  Alyuh making it up along the way!

Nothing making up bhai, that's what the Constitution stipulates.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:

If you are not allowed to vote independently, why even have a debate and NCV.   Clearly the coalition had a 1 advantage.  Alyuh making it up along the way!

Nothing making up bhai, that's what the Constitution stipulates.

Well are you saying the Coalition did not understand the constitution when they allowed the NCV and went bunkers when Charrandass said YES?

Why did the Speaker say “vote is carried”?

Looks like everyone is wrong except Monday Night Quarterbacks!!

You People are geniuses for a mental asylum!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

If you are not allowed to vote independently, why even have a debate and NCV.   Clearly the coalition had a 1 advantage.  Alyuh making it up along the way!

Nothing making up bhai, that's what the Constitution stipulates.

Well are you saying the Coalition did not understand the constitution when they allowed the NCV and went bunkers when Charrandass said YES?

Why did the Speaker say “vote is carried”?

Looks like everyone is wrong except Monday Night Quarterbacks!!

You People are geniuses for a mental asylum!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

If you are not allowed to vote independently, why even have a debate and NCV.   Clearly the coalition had a 1 advantage.  Alyuh making it up along the way!

Nothing making up bhai, that's what the Constitution stipulates.

Well are you saying the Coalition did not understand the constitution when they allowed the NCV and went bunkers when Charrandass said YES?

Why did the Speaker say “vote is carried”?

Looks like everyone is wrong except Monday Night Quarterbacks!!

You People are geniuses for a mental asylum!

Please revisit  what the Speaker of the National Assembly, said at the sitting after the NCV.

Alyuh trying hard to prop up the fearless egocentric leader.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

If you are not allowed to vote independently, why even have a debate and NCV.   Clearly the coalition had a 1 advantage.  Alyuh making it up along the way!

Nothing making up bhai, that's what the Constitution stipulates.

Was the Chief Justice wrong then when she ruled in favor of the NCV? I think this Max Wallerson is a PNC fake lawman. Wonder how much he charged to pen this nonsense? I thought in Guyana everyone has a constitutional right to vote without harassment and to vote in a confidential manner. Why was Charandass required to express his desire to vote before the vote? Doesn't this defeat the purpose of "freedom to vote" for any party or motion anyone desires?

Baseman posted:

If you are not allowed to vote independently, why even have a debate and NCV.   Clearly the coalition had a 1 advantage.  Alyuh making it up along the way!

Just more signs of how silly things and people are in Guyana are. Guyana's constitution does not allow MPs to vote against their party slate, yet these 65 MPs show up in parliament to debate and vote on matters and spending some $900k on food every day. Since the government already had the 33 majority votes, all Jordan had to do is present the budget to Granger for his signature as the constitution would have already given him the 33 majority votes to pass that budget. Even on the night of December 21, 2018, one of the speaker on the Coalition side said that he/she was counting on some of the PPP MPs voting against the NCV. The Coalition has squandered all their credibility by all their stupid shenanigans following the December 21, 2018 NCV. I think that the reason they are behaving this way is that despite of all the talk about the PPP doesn't have the numbers, the Coalition is scared to death of the voters' verdict if they are given the opportunity to vote.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

If you are not allowed to vote independently, why even have a debate and NCV.   Clearly the coalition had a 1 advantage.  Alyuh making it up along the way!

Nothing making up bhai, that's what the Constitution stipulates.

Was the Chief Justice wrong then when she ruled in favor of the NCV? I think this Max Wallerson is a PNC fake lawman. Wonder how much he charged to pen this nonsense?

I thought in Guyana everyone has a constitutional right to vote without harassment and to vote in a confidential manner.

The Electorate still have that right, nothing have been thwarted.

Why was Charandass required to express his desire to vote before the vote? Doesn't this defeat the purpose of "freedom to vote" for any party or motion anyone desires?

Different ball game according to the Constitution when voting as a Member of Parliament.

I have been saying the same on GNI before Wallerson penned his letter. Now you will say i was talking nonsense.

Bisram said the same in 2015

Crossing of floor act unconstitutional


Dear Editor,
Chief Justice Ian Chang recently ruled that the 2001 parliamentary amendments to the constitution are unconstitutional unless approved in a referendum.It follows logically that any subsequent amendment to the constitution, unless approved in a referendum, is unconstitutional. In 2007, both the PNC and PPP “amended the constitution” disallowing the crossing of the floor.All the M.Ps from both the PNC and PPP voted for the amendment. The AFC M.Ps opposed the bill and made a compelling case why it should not have been approved.
The amendment bill was tabled and approved in 2007 as a result of the crossing of the floor by Rafael Trottman (PNC), Khemraj Ramjattan (PPP) and Sheila Holder (WPA) around 2005 leading to the formation of the AFC that contested the 2006 elections winning five seats.

The two major parties collaborated to prevent such floor crossing that could impact on their support in the House.Ramjattan and Trottman did not follow their party whip. The WPA was also not pleased that Holder was leaving her party to form the AFC. I was in the Assembly for the eloquent debate put up by Ramjattan, Trottman and Holder. No one from the PPP and PNC budged on the issue although several of them told me privately they opposed it.

Even my friend Moses Nagamootoo was silent on the matter even though he privately opposed the bill.

He voted for the PPP/PNC bill that essentially disallows a “’conscience” vote on any issue. The bill is dictatorial in nature. It promotes absolute dictatorship.If a M.P votes against a bill (against the party whip), he or she can be automatically replaced by the leader of the party (party’s list). Since my friends Ramjattan, Trottman, and Nagamootoo were against the crossing of the floor act in 2007, I expect them to introduce a bill now to remove (repeal) that amendment to the fraudulent constitution that was imposed on the population without a free and fair referendum.

Alternatively, voters can go to court as they did challenging the term limit law, to challenge the legality of the bill. And since Justice Chang has ruled that amendments to the constitution are null and void unless approved by the voters in a referendum, then the crossing of the floor act is “unconstitutional”. Furthermore, since the learned Chief Justice has ruled that a referendum must be held to “legalize” the constitution or any amendments to it, and since no referendum was held to approve the Burnham constitution, then voters should challenge its constitutionality. It follows logically that the Burnham constitution is null and void.

Vishnu Bisram

Last edited by Django

Exactly what I said. The constitution does not allow for any purpose to meet, debate and vote in the National Assembly. Therefore spending $900k on food everyday to do so is grand theft of the MPs on the citizens of Guyana.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

If you are not allowed to vote independently, why even have a debate and NCV.   Clearly the coalition had a 1 advantage.  Alyuh making it up along the way!

Nothing making up bhai, that's what the Constitution stipulates.

Well are you saying the Coalition did not understand the constitution when they allowed the NCV and went bunkers when Charrandass said YES?

Why did the Speaker say “vote is carried”?

Looks like everyone is wrong except Monday Night Quarterbacks!!

You People are geniuses for a mental asylum!

Please revisit  what the Speaker of the National Assembly, said at the sitting after the NCV.

Alyuh trying hard to prop up the fearless egocentric leader.

Why were you crying on the evening of December 21 along with all your PNC cohorts?  How come none of you knew the voting did not matter?

Ayuh making things up along the way!   


both the PNC and PPP “amended the constitution” disallowing the crossing of the floor.
Remember, Charandass did not cross the floor. He was still an AFC member when he voted against his own party. He was subsequently replaced.

ksazma posted:

Exactly what I said. The constitution does not allow for any purpose to meet, debate and vote in the National Assembly. Therefore spending $900k on food everyday to do so is grand theft of the MPs on the citizens of Guyana.

Stupidity abounds.  

skeldon_man posted:

both the PNC and PPP “amended the constitution” disallowing the crossing of the floor.
Remember, Charandass did not cross the floor. He was still an AFC member when he voted against his own party. He was subsequently replaced.

Correct. There is a difference.  What the constitution says, if he decided to join the PPP he could not take his seat.  He voted as an AFC member on a bill in parliament!

If votes were cast in stone based on party, then why even vote.  We don’t even need sitting of parliament.  All decisions are made at election time. 

Django into sheer stupidness!

Baseman posted:
cain posted:

BJ has to be kept out at all costs. Remove BJ and it will be calm sailing.

Bai, weather nice. Guh tek a full pull outside!!

This is the Cainman’s dilemma. Women prefer men who push. 😀

skeldon_man posted:

both the PNC and PPP “amended the constitution” disallowing the crossing of the floor.
Remember, Charandass did not cross the floor. He was still an AFC member when he voted against his own party. He was subsequently replaced.

The Constitution says you can't vote against the party list.

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

both the PNC and PPP “amended the constitution” disallowing the crossing of the floor.
Remember, Charandass did not cross the floor. He was still an AFC member when he voted against his own party. He was subsequently replaced.

Correct. There is a difference.  What the constitution says, if he decided to join the PPP he could not take his seat.  He voted as an AFC member on a bill in parliament!

If votes were cast in stone based on party, then why even vote.  We don’t even need sitting of parliament.  All decisions are made at election time. 

Django into sheer stupidness!

That's correct , that's what  the Constitutions dictates, an MP can't vote against the party list, also you have to be on a party list to become an MP for the party.

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

If you are not allowed to vote independently, why even have a debate and NCV.   Clearly the coalition had a 1 advantage.  Alyuh making it up along the way!

Nothing making up bhai, that's what the Constitution stipulates.

Well are you saying the Coalition did not understand the constitution when they allowed the NCV and went bunkers when Charrandass said YES?

Why did the Speaker say “vote is carried”?

Looks like everyone is wrong except Monday Night Quarterbacks!!

You People are geniuses for a mental asylum!

Please revisit  what the Speaker of the National Assembly, said at the sitting after the NCV.

Alyuh trying hard to prop up the fearless egocentric leader.

Why were you crying on the evening of December 21 along with all your PNC cohorts?  How come none of you knew the voting did not matter?

Ayuh making things up along the way!   

Banna, don't make things up, i man wasn't crying. I know about the law, pointed it out to some folks,after confirming the legitimacy.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

both the PNC and PPP “amended the constitution” disallowing the crossing of the floor.
Remember, Charandass did not cross the floor. He was still an AFC member when he voted against his own party. He was subsequently replaced.

The Constitution says you can't vote against the party list.

So why the debate and vote?  To pretend what is not is?  Is Guyana parliament a dolly house or circus!  Is the Speaker the clown and president the high wire stunt man?

Ayuh gone from stupidness to the ridiculous to the clownish!  

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

If you are not allowed to vote independently, why even have a debate and NCV.   Clearly the coalition had a 1 advantage.  Alyuh making it up along the way!

Nothing making up bhai, that's what the Constitution stipulates.

Well are you saying the Coalition did not understand the constitution when they allowed the NCV and went bunkers when Charrandass said YES?

Why did the Speaker say “vote is carried”?

Looks like everyone is wrong except Monday Night Quarterbacks!!

You People are geniuses for a mental asylum!

Please revisit  what the Speaker of the National Assembly, said at the sitting after the NCV.

Alyuh trying hard to prop up the fearless egocentric leader.

Why were you crying on the evening of December 21 along with all your PNC cohorts?  How come none of you knew the voting did not matter?

Ayuh making things up along the way!   

Banna, don't make things up, i man wasn't crying. I know about the law, pointed it out to some folks,after confirming the legitimacy.

DJ, Basil Willee should have hired you. You still believe 32 cents greater than 33 cents .

Ops!! I mean 33 Jackass 

kp posted:

The constitution says a lots of stuff, such MP's cannot can not hold duel citizen, all the votes that were taken during that period, are they VALID?

Yep, have clause to protect the votes.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

If you are not allowed to vote independently, why even have a debate and NCV.   Clearly the coalition had a 1 advantage.  Alyuh making it up along the way!

Nothing making up bhai, that's what the Constitution stipulates.

Well are you saying the Coalition did not understand the constitution when they allowed the NCV and went bunkers when Charrandass said YES?

Why did the Speaker say “vote is carried”?

Looks like everyone is wrong except Monday Night Quarterbacks!!

You People are geniuses for a mental asylum!

Please revisit  what the Speaker of the National Assembly, said at the sitting after the NCV.

Alyuh trying hard to prop up the fearless egocentric leader.

Why were you crying on the evening of December 21 along with all your PNC cohorts?  How come none of you knew the voting did not matter?

Ayuh making things up along the way!   

Banna, don't make things up, i man wasn't crying. I know about the law, pointed it out to some folks,after confirming the legitimacy.

Interphonic cries!😭

Django posted:
Dave posted:

You still believe 32 cents greater than 33 cents .Ops!! I mean 33 Jackass 

Spoken like the fools, noticed on FB.

Django, I don’t have FB and don’t have time to waste on social media like you.

 BTW be careful how you pointing  figures ... is only a FOOL will believe 32 is greater than 33 . My maths teacher teach me 33 is greater than 32. 

You better focus on putting all them screws in place and don’t believe one short will cut the “ mustard” 😊

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

both the PNC and PPP “amended the constitution” disallowing the crossing of the floor.
Remember, Charandass did not cross the floor. He was still an AFC member when he voted against his own party. He was subsequently replaced.

The Constitution says you can't vote against the party list.

So why the debate and vote?  To pretend what is not is?  Is Guyana parliament a dolly house or circus!  Is the Speaker the clown and president the high wire stunt man?

Ayuh gone from stupidness to the ridiculous to the clownish!  

He did not vote against the AFC party list. He voted against the APNU list...technically. How does this compare to an absolute majority and party list...not the same?


Regardless, the Coalition has squandered any integrity left by their million and one plus shenanigans. It is only the die hard PNC supporters who are willfully blind to their shameless behavior. Whether they have elections this year, next or whenever, if ever, they will only win if they forge the votes. The PNC has never won a free election on their own before and they never will. That is their god given curse.

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

You still believe 32 cents greater than 33 cents .Ops!! I mean 33 Jackass 

Spoken like the fools, noticed on FB.

Django, I don’t have FB and don’t have time to waste on social media like you.

 BTW be careful how you pointing  figures ... is only a FOOL will believe 32 is greater than 33 . My maths teacher teach me 33 is greater than 32. 

You better focus on putting all them screws in place and don’t believe one short will cut the “ mustard” 😊

Banna, give it a rest sound childish !!!!

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...dis writer looove de dictata constitution abie Shahab write foh Burnham. Dem bais like TK seh pon FB how Shahab copy Tanzania constitution and give ayoo...hey hey hey. Ayoo still suffering fram am. 

Bhai, you fuget how the PPP objected  to the document and seh they will change am, now they embraced it, claiming over two hundred amendments was made. I am still looking to find the 200, coming up empty.

Are you implying that you found none. Or loss than 200?


Zed posted:
Django posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...dis writer looove de dictata constitution abie Shahab write foh Burnham. Dem bais like TK seh pon FB how Shahab copy Tanzania constitution and give ayoo...hey hey hey. Ayoo still suffering fram am. 

Bhai, you fuget how the PPP objected  to the document and seh they will change am, now they embraced it, claiming over two hundred amendments was made. I am still looking to find the 200, coming up empty.

Are you implying that you found none. Or loss than 200?

Found some not 200, was able to get a copy of the 1980 Constitution to do the comparison.


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