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Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

Your posts call to mind a drunk old man aimlessly rambling. But you don't care .. right?



If you don't want a sarcastic answer then don't ask a stupid question or make a stupid remark.



that's funny Revie.. very funny... Frightening too, actually cause I'm really scared now. But please don't hold back the sarcasm no my account. I see you can also be very ironic in addition to sarcastic ... telling me about stupid question and stupid remark and ting... nice one. That means you don't read your own posts?

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

that's funny Revie.. very funny...But please don't hold back the sarcasm no my account.




Don't worry! The Rev will persist with the sarcasm in dealing with you because telling you to go F*&* yourself would be considered rude in a social setting like GNI.





And what would that accomplish in a non-social or any other setting?

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

And what would that accomplish in a non-social or any other setting?

I don't know because I have never directly said FU to anyone in any kind of setting before.hahahahaha


By the way, it looks like NIKKAH is a dirty word on GNI.




Does Islam permit a man to NIKKAH the wife of another man ?


* 8 year old Isha was Nikkahed---but she was single.


* That Nikkah was consummated when Aisha was 9


But can a muslim man nikkah another man's wife ?





So...just more drunken rambling??!! Do you have intentions to convert to Islam and nikkah someone's wife?

Originally Posted by Rev:



Did the Rev ask an invalid question ?


One last time:


Does Islam permit a man to NIKKAH the wife of another man ?


Before the thread gets locked--and it will be---here's some lovely grade 3 artwork:





Revie... You can ask as many times as you like. I have no interest in the question or the answer. Is that your artwork? Good job! Hopefully you can move up to grade 4 soon.

Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Rev:



Did the Rev ask an invalid question ?


One last time:


Does Islam permit a man to NIKKAH the wife of another man ?


Before the thread gets locked--and it will be---here's some lovely grade 3 artwork:





Revie... You can ask as many times as you like. I have no interest in the question or the answer. Is that your artwork? Good job! Hopefully you can move up to grade 4 soon.

LOL! Pervy claims that he is in grade 25 at his home school. hahahahahah!

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

Me and meh fren Revie having a nice lil gyaff and ayo gane and tek it aff... stchuuppss! Dis is some rale rale spitefulnes.

What happened???

Mr Nehru did you go to Gaumont yesterday?

What stupid question you asking Nehru if he went to gaumont.  The blasted man does not live in Guyana.  Jump off the nect cliff please JB.


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