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antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:

That's exactly what I said. You are blaming the white man for the problems of the Africans. Did you ever think about how they kill and cannibalize each other? Are you blaming the white man for their ethnic wars? Gimme a break!!! They blame everyone else for their problems, except themselves.

Really? Is that all this is - just blaming the white man? You can take all the breaks you want, it will not mitigate the atrocities committed by the white man in Africa and the Americas. Pray tell how it is you come to have information about these barbarians killing and cannibalizing each other. You've never been to Africa, and from your sentiments, most likely would never take the time to study African history. Could it be your source happens to be the same people who presented themselves upon these people to cure their barbarism by killing and enslaving them and stealing their resources? How shocking.

I don't give a rat's ass. Rwanda!!!!!!!

yuji22 posted:

Bai Anta, read up on what the British did to Indians and India including looting its treasures. Indians are not complaining on a daily basis.

Blacks need to move on. 

I wish not to repeat what Granger told blacks. 

Are you advising ME to read up?????

skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:

That's exactly what I said. You are blaming the white man for the problems of the Africans. Did you ever think about how they kill and cannibalize each other? Are you blaming the white man for their ethnic wars? Gimme a break!!! They blame everyone else for their problems, except themselves.

Really? Is that all this is - just blaming the white man? You can take all the breaks you want, it will not mitigate the atrocities committed by the white man in Africa and the Americas. Pray tell how it is you come to have information about these barbarians killing and cannibalizing each other. You've never been to Africa, and from your sentiments, most likely would never take the time to study African history. Could it be your source happens to be the same people who presented themselves upon these people to cure their barbarism by killing and enslaving them and stealing their resources? How shocking.

I don't give a rat's ass. Rwanda!!!!!!!

No one is asking you to give a rat's ass or any other ass.

skeldon_man posted:

I know I am going to raise an ant's nest here. If the blacks were still in Africa, they would still be herding goats and cows and become lion appetizers. They would still live in mud huts. They always depend on someone else. They are not leaders, they are dependents.

Indo KKK in action. Opine as to what YOUR ancestors would be doing had they not left India. I suspect the same thing that you describe here.

  Contrary to what you peddle your ancestors most likely came from some lonely village festering in poverty, which is why they fell for the con that Demerara was a pot of gold.  You dont come from the wealth of India.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I know I am going to raise an ant's nest here. If the blacks were still in Africa, they would still be herding goats and cows and become lion appetizers. They would still live in mud huts. They always depend on someone else. They are not leaders, they are dependents.

Indo KKK in action. Opine as to what YOUR ancestors would be doing had they not left India. I suspect the same thing that you describe here.

  Contrary to what you peddle your ancestors most likely came from some lonely village festering in poverty, which is why they fell for the con that Demerara was a pot of gold.  You dont come from the wealth of India.

Demerara is a pot of gold. The putagees, freed blacks and chinese all came in sizeable numbers. The putagees did exceptionall good and the chinese too. Some real black ppl did good as well in the city. The Mixed ppl fck everybady for colonial favor. 

Now, we Indians came much later. We worked for our families, that is more than gold. Even if we ate salt and rice, water, pepper and onions with rice. God blessed us to live with contentment.

All of this leaves you very envious.

yuji22 posted:

Granger told them to get off their backside and do something for themselves and their children and stop whining and complaining. I commend him for having the Ball* to speak the truth. 

So Jagdeo should tell Indian sugar workers to get off their backside, stop drinking rum and beating their wives and blaming blackman.

The "truth" can work both ways.

seignet posted:

All of this leaves you very envious.

Really and yet we daily here screams how Indians are starving because estates are closed. Should I be jealous of them?  Most analyses show that the average Indian in Guyana is scarcely better off than is the average black, so I can only wonder where you concoct some notion of blacks being jealous of Indians.

Blacks resent the racism of the Indian elites much as Indians resent the racism of the black elites. Blacks have as much right to complain about the bias against them as do Indians.

And yes Portuguese and Chinese way outperformed Indian indentures and lack their social pathologies.  Worry about that.

Last edited by Former Member
antabanta posted:
yuji22 posted:

Yes sir. 

What material have you read that leads you to believe India suffered as much as Africa under the white man?

Both India and Africa suffered tremendously under colonialism in addition to the deficits of their pre colonial eras.  In the 21st century the densest clusters of extreme poverty are in sub Saharan Africa and in South Asia.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Nehru posted:

Billy, the racist, stinking PIG will forever be in MUD, he natural habitat!!!!

The banna pretends to be impartial on the issue of race. 

So you concede that in your opinion I at least make the effort to appear to be impartial.

You are a blatant racist and dont even pretend to be otherwise.

Dave posted:

Indians learn how to live a frugal lifestyle, they know how to prepare for rainy days.

So let them take their "frugal" lifestyle and stop harassing the rest of Guyana to subsidize their jobs in an industry which is doomed.

yuji22 posted:

President Granger told blacks in Guyana to stop complaining, get off their asses, stop drinking and liming at Beer stores a.

And if he went to Rose Hall and told those living there to stop harassing him about sugar because its their laziness that has Guysuco in its mess, and to get off their asses, stop drinking rum and beating their wives I bet you would have been jumping up and down like a chimpanzee screaming "Indian genocide, black man a kill ahbe!".

But I see that its OK for Indians to protest to preserve their economic condition but not for blacks to do so!

skeldon_man posted:

I agree and I am eternally grateful for their sacrifice. You don't hear coolies asking for reparations. When you are given a life chance, you take it and make the best out of it. Don't lay the blame on other people for your failures. If we all do, mankind would cease to exist.

Well let me start with the premise that;

1. Indians made a choice to migrate to Guyana, yes some were conned, but it was their choice. Blacks were kidnapped.

2. When Indians arrived in Guyana they were paid a wage, a bad wage it is true, but a wage nonetheless.  Blacks were NOT paid.

3. Blacks were treated like farm animals and had no rights that the law respected. Indians had some ability to represent their case in front of the courts.

3.  When Indians wanted to practice their culture they were left alone. When blacks did that they were beaten and their instruments destroyed. And in some instances their limbs were cut off and heads hung on posts.

4.  Indians were allowed to preserve their families. Slaves were NOT allowed to have families and their kids could be sold off at the whim of the master.

So if you weren't the ignorant mess that you are you would know that there is no basis to compare indenture with slavery.

antabanta posted:

More BS. Who said "abie pon top" and "black man time done?" You just love to go on and on spewing irrelevant crap hoping to digress from the fact that Volda said what she said and you cannot sugar coat it.

Who said so on GNI.  The same PPP frauds who you are currently arguing with.  And yes they even called people like you "Cuffy Lovers". "Congo Lovers" and other terms that they think are insulting.  Their pal drugb then asserts that Indians who dont love the PPP love "aubergine noir".

And please dont think that these sentiments are confined to GNI. These views were frequently expressed to blacks during the PPP era. So convinced that the PPP could never lose so they comforted themselves with the notion that they would never undergo tit for tat revenge.

Now resume your discussions with the Indo KKK group, while you simultaneously deny the existence of Indian racism.  I am reading all of your exchanges with them.  Including when you claimed that some rural young Indian attitudes towards blacks are shaped by their grand parents.  I dont know why you think that I am not seeing this.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

President Granger told blacks in Guyana to stop complaining, get off their asses, stop drinking and liming at Beer stores a.

And if he went to Rose Hall and told those living there to stop harassing him about sugar because its their laziness that has Guysuco in its mess, and to get off their asses, stop drinking rum and beating their wives I bet you would have been jumping up and down like a chimpanzee screaming "Indian genocide, black man a kill ahbe!".

But I see that its OK for Indians to protest to preserve their economic condition but not for blacks to do so!

Granger buss all you backs and rubbed salt with the truth. 

Ha Ha !!!!

yuji22 posted:

Granger buss all you backs and rubbed salt with the truth. 

Ha Ha !!!!

And Volda will also tell the "truth" about you all too. She is exactly the type of PNC black woman who has you trembling in fear.  Next thing you know you and other Indo KKK might be rushing for you PNC cards fearing a good beat down from her.

When asked why you all joined the PNC you and skeldon will wail "you nah see dat big strang PNC female. Me frikken she baaad!"

yuji22 posted:

Volda said that she will hire blacks only. Bai, is a dream come through for a racist like you. 

No she said she wants "mo people who look like Jagdeo" but I suspect that she doesn't consider you manly enough though. You will have to join the party but no job for you.

yuji22 posted:

Volda said that she will hire blacks only. Bai, is a dream come through for a racist like you. 

Dreams come true, not through. Line Path Secondary education showing up once more, Duncie. 

Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:

Volda said that she will hire blacks only. Bai, is a dream come through for a racist like you. 

Dreams come true, not through. Line Path Secondary education showing up once more, Duncie. 

Forgive him. It is a known fact that the PPP doesn't like educated people and so this is why he is a PPP member.

But I digree. Yuji is now confused as he doesn't know the difference between "through" and "true". 

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Volda said that she will hire blacks only. Bai, is a dream come through for a racist like you. 

No she said she wants "mo people who look like Jagdeo" but I suspect that she doesn't consider you manly enough though. You will have to join the party but no job for you.

I can hire and fire 1000 Voldas. 

yuji22 posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Volda said that she will hire blacks only. Bai, is a dream come through for a racist like you. 

No she said she wants "mo people who look like Jagdeo" but I suspect that she doesn't consider you manly enough though. You will have to join the party but no job for you.

I can hire and fire 1000 Voldas. 

Comfort yourself.  She already said that you aren't a real man and she doesnt want you except to mess with your head.

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

All of this leaves you very envious.

Really and yet we daily here screams how Indians are starving because estates are closed. Should I be jealous of them?  Most analyses show that the average Indian in Guyana is scarcely better off than is the average black, so I can only wonder where you concoct some notion of blacks being jealous of Indians.

Blacks resent the racism of the Indian elites much as Indians resent the racism of the black elites. Blacks have as much right to complain about the bias against them as do Indians.

And yes Portuguese and Chinese way outperformed Indian indentures and lack their social pathologies.  Worry about that.

I anwer you on the comment of indians coming to guiana.

caribny posted:
Dave posted:

Indians learn how to live a frugal lifestyle, they know how to prepare for rainy days.

So let them take their "frugal" lifestyle and stop harassing the rest of Guyana to subsidize their jobs in an industry which is doomed.

Hey you ungrateful SOB, it was sugar workers who kept Guyana economy going. 

Regardless of it difficulties, Sugar account for a large amount of Guyana foreign earnings and provide the most employment. 

The sugar industry is worth subsidizing for its employment, we are still getting back something as opposed to Linden who is benefiting from  subsidized ( FREE ) electricity and has NOTHING to offer in return .. ayo so bloody dunce, haul you racist ***** so . 





seignet posted:
caribny posted:
seignet posted:

All of this leaves you very envious.

Really and yet we daily here screams how Indians are starving because estates are closed. Should I be jealous of them?  Most analyses show that the average Indian in Guyana is scarcely better off than is the average black, so I can only wonder where you concoct some notion of blacks being jealous of Indians.

Blacks resent the racism of the Indian elites much as Indians resent the racism of the black elites. Blacks have as much right to complain about the bias against them as do Indians.

And yes Portuguese and Chinese way outperformed Indian indentures and lack their social pathologies.  Worry about that.

I anwer you on the comment of indians coming to guiana.

My response was to that comment so you didn't achieve anything other than display your ignorance.

Dave posted:

Hey you ungrateful SOB,





Making cart wheels was also once vital but it no longer is. Sugar is dead. Bury it!  It costs 40c to produce and it is sold for 13c. In what world does that make sense!

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Dave posted:

Hey you ungrateful SOB,





Making cart wheels was also once vital but it no longer is. Sugar is dead. Bury it!  It costs 40c to produce and it is sold for 13c. In what world does that make sense!

There are lots of byproducts from sugar that can compensate it’s less return, one of it is electricity. 

If the sugar industry was managed effectively as a business by both governments, it would be a success. 

Private investors see this opportunity, hence their interest, let see what they gon do. 

Anyhow, you run away as usual when I say, we are subsidizing electricity to Linden for NO returns, at least were  getting back Sugar.. Right. 

yuji22 posted:

Dunce, that was a creole sentence. Like you are still bleeding from the gashing wounds that you suffered this morning. 


Dummy...creoles is about contraction not expansion. Not at  your most creative can you argue a case where anyone use those words interchangeably in a creole way. You are being a ditz to try explaining your error that way. I would more believe that you actually wrote it that way under auto pilot. I have committed such sins often enough.  

yuji22 posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Volda said that she will hire blacks only. Bai, is a dream come through for a racist like you. 

No she said she wants "mo people who look like Jagdeo" but I suspect that she doesn't consider you manly enough though. You will have to join the party but no job for you.

I can hire and fire 1000 Voldas. 

Where was it said that one Volda was for hire dum dum? You doing any hiring is a lost cause for an employee especially a black employee.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I agree and I am eternally grateful for their sacrifice. You don't hear coolies asking for reparations. When you are given a life chance, you take it and make the best out of it. Don't lay the blame on other people for your failures. If we all do, mankind would cease to exist.

Well let me start with the premise that;

1. Indians made a choice to migrate to Guyana, yes some were conned, but it was their choice. Blacks were kidnapped.

2. When Indians arrived in Guyana they were paid a wage, a bad wage it is true, but a wage nonetheless.  Blacks were NOT paid.

3. Blacks were treated like farm animals and had no rights that the law respected. Indians had some ability to represent their case in front of the courts.

3.  When Indians wanted to practice their culture they were left alone. When blacks did that they were beaten and their instruments destroyed. And in some instances their limbs were cut off and heads hung on posts.

4.  Indians were allowed to preserve their families. Slaves were NOT allowed to have families and their kids could be sold off at the whim of the master.

So if you weren't the ignorant mess that you are you would know that there is no basis to compare indenture with slavery.

Lazy people don't get ahead in life. Indians did well before the court because they could prove they worked for what they own. The law saw them as abiding and hard working people.

antabanta posted:
yuji22 posted:

Yes sir. 

What material have you read that leads you to believe India suffered as much as Africa under the white man?

You're so widely read that you're having trouble finding the material?

skeldon_man posted:

Lazy people don't get ahead in life. Indians did well before the court because they could prove they worked for what they own. The law saw them as abiding and hard working people.

The western civilization we enjoy today was built on the backs and with the blood of black slaves. It is despicable of you, although not unexpected, to call them lazy while enjoying the fruits of their sweat and blood.

antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Lazy people don't get ahead in life. Indians did well before the court because they could prove they worked for what they own. The law saw them as abiding and hard working people.

The western civilization we enjoy today was built on the backs and with the blood of black slaves. It is despicable of you, although not unexpected, to call them lazy while enjoying the fruits of their sweat and blood.

Marabunta, the truth, when it's negative, always hurt.

skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Lazy people don't get ahead in life. Indians did well before the court because they could prove they worked for what they own. The law saw them as abiding and hard working people.

The western civilization we enjoy today was built on the backs and with the blood of black slaves. It is despicable of you, although not unexpected, to call them lazy while enjoying the fruits of their sweat and blood.

Marabunta, the truth, when it's negative, always hurt.

You must be hurting real bad then.

Everyone including you know how blacks were treated in the past and yet you have the gall to speak ill of them.

skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Lazy people don't get ahead in life. Indians did well before the court because they could prove they worked for what they own. The law saw them as abiding and hard working people.

The western civilization we enjoy today was built on the backs and with the blood of black slaves. It is despicable of you, although not unexpected, to call them lazy while enjoying the fruits of their sweat and blood.

Marabunta, the truth, when it's negative, always hurt.

Indeed. A phensic might help you.

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Lazy people don't get ahead in life. Indians did well before the court because they could prove they worked for what they own. The law saw them as abiding and hard working people.

The western civilization we enjoy today was built on the backs and with the blood of black slaves. It is despicable of you, although not unexpected, to call them lazy while enjoying the fruits of their sweat and blood.

Marabunta, the truth, when it's negative, always hurt.

You must be hurting real bad then.

Everyone including you know how blacks were treated in the past and yet you have the gall to speak ill of them.

Why all over the world brother?


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