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skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Lazy people don't get ahead in life. Indians did well before the court because they could prove they worked for what they own. The law saw them as abiding and hard working people.

The western civilization we enjoy today was built on the backs and with the blood of black slaves. It is despicable of you, although not unexpected, to call them lazy while enjoying the fruits of their sweat and blood.

Marabunta, the truth, when it's negative, always hurt.

You must be hurting real bad then.

Everyone including you know how blacks were treated in the past and yet you have the gall to speak ill of them.

Why all over the world brother?

Because there are people as yourself who see blacks as lower than cattle.

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Lazy people don't get ahead in life. Indians did well before the court because they could prove they worked for what they own. The law saw them as abiding and hard working people.

The western civilization we enjoy today was built on the backs and with the blood of black slaves. It is despicable of you, although not unexpected, to call them lazy while enjoying the fruits of their sweat and blood.

Marabunta, the truth, when it's negative, always hurt.

You must be hurting real bad then.

Everyone including you know how blacks were treated in the past and yet you have the gall to speak ill of them.

Why all over the world brother?

Because there are people as yourself who see blacks as lower than cattle.

Man, I thought you were a little bit more logical than this.

Dave posted:

There are lots of byproducts from sugar that can compensate it’s less return, one of it is electricity. 

Go ask your hero why he didn't take the EU money and spend it on this instead of in Skeldon.  Why didn't he privatize Guysuco as he Guymine, that way the Brazilians, Trinidadians and others would have diversified as they wanted to at the time?

He had the opportunity because the funds were there and Guysuco wasn't in as bad shape that it now is, where it required massive bailouts just to meet payroll.

You can scream that in 1890 the cartwheel industry was vital but that doesn't mean that it should now be kept alive.  Losing twice as much for each ton it produces as it earns is a disaster. No company can survive like this.

Blame Jagdeo for the state of sugar.

yuji22 posted:

Dunce, that was a creole sentence. Like you are still bleeding from the gashing wounds that you suffered this morning. 


Creole sentence don't see "through".  No "th" sounds.

Now try to figure out what is the difference between "through" and "true".

D2 posted:

Where was it said that one Volda was for hire dum dum? You doing any hiring is a lost cause for an employee especially a black employee.

Any black person who he hired would accept the job just so that they can personally experience his racism.  They would be "wired" and then deliver the evidence to the authorities.

skeldon_man posted:

Lazy people don't get ahead in life. Indians did well before the court because they could prove they worked for what they own. The law saw them as abiding and hard working people.

Dummy black slaves weren't allowed in court anymore than would a horse have been. So any comments made by them would have been disregarded by the courts, such an act be deemed rebellion and they would have been "drawn and quartered".

Let me explain to you what they punishment is. A horse is tied to each limb, and all simultaneously whipped so that the rebellious slave is "quartered" while still alive.  His head will then be chopped off and left to rot hanging for some tree for the other slaves to see what happened to any bold enough to think that they could testify in court.

FYI the planters stated that one "creole" could perform the tasks of FOUR "coolies".  Its that the creole was a rebel whereas in the early stages at least the "coolie" was intimidated and as a result docile.  When the "coolie" began to rebel Bajans were brought in to deprive them of a living until "sense" prevailed and they went back to work. At which point the Bajans would be sent back, until once again needed as strike breakers.

Now I know your Guyana history is limited to reverence for the "blue eye bougie" but there really its a lot more to this.

Last edited by Former Member

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