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Former Member

I have had a few exchanges with him on here over time. I do not agree with his view on the money but that does not mean he is wrong.


What some will consider weak and opportunistic, is the individual moving from one political party to the next. The question that will be asked is; why didn’t he try to change things in his own party instead of moving from one to the next.


I am sure he has his reasons and he deserves the right to state, or not state, them, and also the right to do as he pleases as long as he is not breaking any laws. But his act of musical chairs does not instill confidence in most people


Back to why he and I disagree on money matters; I believe in a backed currency with one of the things backing it being gold. He does not, he believes in an easy unbacked money policy and creating as needed. Any policy like this for Guyana will be a disaster and as bad things are now, they will be ten times worse with the massive devaluation of the currency that will happen should such a policy be implemented in GY, IMO.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by politikalamity:

The question that will be asked is; why didn’t h(Tarron Khemraj)e try to change things in his own party instead of moving from one to the next.

TK said after the 2011 election, his input was ignored----the AFC leadership paid him no heed---they didn't listen to him---they avoided him and his suggestions.


Tarron Khemraj has a Phd in economics----but the truth is he is just a 3rd rate intellect who fancies himself to have a superior IQ----it must have been a severe blow to his ego to be brushed off by the AFC leadership.


TK is in for a rude awakening---it's only a matter of time before the PNC realizes he is just a TALKER and bull$hitter whose ideas are pi$$ poor, and then like the AFC, they will give him the cold shoulder and put him on ignore.




TK is finished. He is a opportunist and could not fight corruption or bring change in his very own party and now joins the violent and corrupt PNC. He is finished politically or at least the PNC will put the final nail in his political career. 


A talker will always run and run. Talkers cannot deliver the goods. He is now licking the boots of a man (Granger) who has blood on his hands. 



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:

The question that will be asked is; why didn’t h(Tarron Khemraj)e try to change things in his own party instead of moving from one to the next.

TK said after the 2011 election, his input was ignored----the AFC leadership paid him no heed---they didn't listen to him---they avoided him and his suggestions.


Tarron Khemraj has a Phd in economics----but the truth is he is just a 3rd rate intellect who fancies himself to have a superior IQ----it must have been a severe blow to his ego to be brushed off by the AFC leadership.


TK is in for a rude awakening---it's only a matter of time before the PNC realizes he is just a TALKER and bull$hitter whose ideas are pi$$ poor, and then like the AFC, they will give him the cold shoulder and put him on ignore.



Dude, quit the bull. You are the half wit with a substandard education and a head as big as a bull and as hard. You do a disservice to you alma mater. I bet you forgot it is you who claim that only dunces speak of IQ. Now we know.


In any event, I have seen you make stupid  mathematical errors here while celebrating yourself as a "numbers man; mutilate philosophical ideas and  ascribes views to well known authors that is clearly wrong. And that is not even referencing your disease, insipid racism that is the worse one can imagine coming from one claiming to be enlightened, sophisticated and only partaking in the finer things of life. What a load of crap!


And dummy, "talking" ( euphemistically dispensing information) in a digital age is "doing". One does not have to go into the assembly line to organize and facilitate change. One has to be a thinker and a communicator and that is what most people who are a success these days, do. Take your stupid talker metaphor and stick it in your ear and hope it stimulates some modicum of respect for the ideas of others especially when you cannot refute them on their own terms as smart people do.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Dude, quit the bull. You are the half wit with a substandard education and a head as big as a bull and as hard. You do a disservice to you alma mater.



Thanks for the hearty laugh Danny boy!





Ok so I had a wonderful talk with my mamoo this evening. As you good folks will note I am very close to my mamoo. My dad is jealous. He told me the PNC's only corruption was rigged elections. That President Burnham or Hoyte would never have weakened the state institutions to satisfy drug pushers like Mr Jagdeo/Ramotar. He said that he knows Prof Khemraj from 15 years ago. With this new development he is convinced APNU can build up enough momentum to win the election. He is already an APNU supporter. I can't believe it.  


Give Jack his jacket.

Give TK his ticket.

Better a man leave a political party than stay in it and live a lie.

This applies to activists of any political party.

Some posters applauded two years ago when PNC people defected to the PPP. Some of those same PNC renegades allegedly had blood on their hands.

Also, a UF woman named Garrido-Lowe defected to the AFC merely weeks before the 2011 elections and got a plum seat in parliament, bypassing AFC workhorses like TK, Gerhard and Sase.

Defecting from parties and switching loyalties are part and parcel of politics. They are not unique to Guyana, nor are they recent happenings.

We must try to understand why people do what they do; we should not rush to judgement.

In the past, leading PPP functionaries defected to the PNC. Who can say with absolute certainty that today's PPP parliamentarians/activists will not defect to the PNC in future?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Give Jack his jacket.

Give TK his ticket.

Better a man leave a political party than stay in it and live a lie.

This applies to activists of any political party.

Some posters applauded two years ago when PNC people defected to the PPP. Some of those same PNC renegades allegedly had blood on their hands.

Also, a UF woman named Garrido-Lowe defected to the AFC merely weeks before the 2011 elections and got a plum seat in parliament, bypassing AFC workhorses like TK, Gerhard and Sase.

Defecting from parties and switching loyalties are part and parcel of politics. They are not unique to Guyana, nor are they recent happenings.

We must try to understand why people do what they do; we should not rush to judgement.

In the past, leading PPP functionaries defected to the PNC. Who can say with absolute certainty that today's PPP parliamentarians/activists will not defect to the PNC in future?

the most reasoned post I read of this incident since it happened. Most of the posters here are so entrenched in their party politics they lost the capacity for independent thought.


On a serious note. The OP of this thread needs a dictionary to help him figure out who is an opportunist. We in Guyana are grateful that dedicated individuals can fight on behalf of the opposition. There is no gain in opposition parties. Everyone in Guyana is up for a pay. Thanks to these brave guys from abroad. 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Also, a UF woman named Garrido-Lowe defected to the AFC merely weeks before the 2011 elections and got a plum seat in parliament, bypassing AFC workhorses like TK, Gerhard and Sase.

Forbes Burnham's daughter and son-in-law defected to the AFC in 2011.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Dude, quit the bull. You are the half wit with a substandard education and a head as big as a bull and as hard. You do a disservice to you alma mater.



Thanks for the hearty laugh Danny boy!




Ah which Kallage D2 attended?? Critchilow Labor College???


There is no need to worry about TK's defection to the PNC.  The PNC will not receive more votes by him joining the ranks. On the contrary, this move by TK is viewed by the Guyanese people as the ultimate political sell-out  and will cause more people to huddle around the ruling PPP.  Moses was able to pull votes over to the AFC but it would have been a failure had he tried to pull votes over to the PNC. Presently, the AFC's attitudes in parliament runs counter to what the party professed it would be when they campaigned feverishly against the gov't.  AFC supporters are sitting and watching in disbelief how reckless their representatives are acting in parliament and on the streets of Guyana. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

There is no need to worry about TK's defection to the PNC.  The PNC will not receive more votes by him joining the ranks. On the contrary, this move by TK is viewed by the Guyanese people as the ultimate political sell-out  and will cause more people to huddle around the ruling PPP.  Moses was able to pull votes over to the AFC but it would have been a failure had he tried to pull votes over to the PNC. Presently, the AFC's attitudes in parliament runs counter to what the party professed it would be when they campaigned feverishly against the gov't.  AFC supporters are sitting and watching in disbelief how reckless their representatives are acting in parliament and on the streets of Guyana. 

Well said Sir but these Robber barons will try to paint a different Picture as usual. The Guyanese People are very Smart and are watching these no-good Leaches!!!

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

There is no need to worry about TK's defection to the PNC.  The PNC will not receive more votes by him joining the ranks. On the contrary, this move by TK is viewed by the Guyanese people as the ultimate political sell-out  and will cause more people to huddle around the ruling PPP.  Moses was able to pull votes over to the AFC but it would have been a failure had he tried to pull votes over to the PNC. Presently, the AFC's attitudes in parliament runs counter to what the party professed it would be when they campaigned feverishly against the gov't.  AFC supporters are sitting and watching in disbelief how reckless their representatives are acting in parliament and on the streets of Guyana. 


Excellent! Excellent!







The AFC is in a crisis. The party's financial backers in North America have lost faith in the leadership and have chosen to cut off all support. The AFC machine is quickly running out of fuel and it's about to crash land. TK decides to crash another party.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC is in a crisis. The party's financial backers in North America have lost faith in the leadership and have chosen to cut off all support. The AFC machine is quickly running out of fuel and it's about to crash land. TK decides to crash another party.

Where is he going to RUN TO next???

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC is in a crisis. The party's financial backers in North America have lost faith in the leadership and have chosen to cut off all support. The AFC machine is quickly running out of fuel and it's about to crash land. TK decides to crash another party.

The AFC came on the scene in 2006---well, after 7 years the freshness, the newness and the novelty of the party has completely dissipated. The AFC has become another ordinary, run of the mill political party and its leaders have been exposed as a bunch of self absorbed crooks, hustlers and con artists.




TK was not a senior executive in the AFC and most Guyanese people never heard of him or couldn't be bothered with him since he doesn't even live in Guyana. The Guyanese people would be more concerned that senior PPP executives living in Guyana such as Ramsaroop, Ramjattan, Nagamootoo and Ramkarran left the PPP after the stench of corruption within the PPP became too much for them to bear. The Guyanese people should be concerned that former PNC thugs such as House of Israel founder Joe Hamilton and Bynoe, charged with treason by the PPP, are now senior members of the PPP. The Guyanese people should be concerned that Roger Khan, employed by the PPP took out Minister Sawh and his handlers including Dr Death Ramsammy and Rubber Guts Gajraj are still senior PPP members. If none of this fazed the Guyanese people, they will hardly notice that TK left the AFC. It's only the PPP clowns on GNI sensationalizing the issue.
Originally Posted by God:
TK was not a senior executive in the AFC and most Guyanese people never heard of him or couldn't be bothered with him since he doesn't even live in Guyana. The Guyanese people would be more concerned that senior PPP executives living in Guyana such as Ramsaroop, Ramjattan, Nagamootoo and Ramkarran left the PPP after the stench of corruption within the PPP became too much for them to bear. The Guyanese people should be concerned that former PNC thugs such as House of Israel founder Joe Hamilton and Bynoe, charged with treason by the PPP, are now senior members of the PPP. The Guyanese people should be concerned that Roger Khan, employed by the PPP took out Minister Sawh and his handlers including Dr Death Ramsammy and Rubber Guts Gajraj are still senior PPP members. If none of this fazed the Guyanese people, they will hardly notice that TK left the AFC. It's only the PPP clowns on GNI sensationalizing the issue.

FOOL, you are the BIGGEST CLOWN. You used to praise him and KISS HIS ASS. Maybe you still doing it!!!

Dude, unlike you, I don't consider myself inferior to anyone so I don't have to kiss anyone's ass. On the other hand, your inferiority complex motivated you to match TK's accomplishments by announcing on GNI that you were a professor. Lo and behold, the truth came to light and you're a financial aid forms fillouterer at LaGu Bagu University. Dumbass wannabe, don't you have any shame, telling people here that you're a professor like TK?
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC is in a crisis. The party's financial backers in North America have lost faith in the leadership and have chosen to cut off all support. The AFC machine is quickly running out of fuel and it's about to crash land. TK decides to crash another party.

Are these folks the infamous Overseas Authors who fund mo fiah slow fiah activities in Guyana?

Originally Posted by God:
Dude, unlike you, I don't consider myself inferior to anyone so I don't have to kiss anyone's ass. On the other hand, your inferiority complex motivated you to match TK's accomplishments by announcing on GNI that you were a professor. Lo and behold, the truth came to light and you're a financial aid forms fillouterer at LaGu Bagu University. Dumbass wannabe, don't you have any shame, telling people here that you're a professor like TK?

A DUNCE like you ALWAYS have to be delusional. Jackasses like you ASS U ME and now yuh too Stupid  and SHAMELESS to want to man up to your stupidity.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC is in a crisis. The party's financial backers in North America have lost faith in the leadership and have chosen to cut off all support. The AFC machine is quickly running out of fuel and it's about to crash land. TK decides to crash another party.

Are these folks the infamous Overseas Authors who fund mo fiah slow fiah activities in Guyana?

these guys only wasting time and making themself foolish guyana will not change voting at the poll will not change guyana or make the ppp act different the only meanfull action the ppp understand is for the people to close down that country take to the streets and force the ppp to come honest these guys that defect will not go on the streets 

Originally Posted by God:
Dude, unlike you, I don't consider myself inferior to anyone so I don't have to kiss anyone's ass. On the other hand, your inferiority complex motivated you to match TK's accomplishments by announcing on GNI that you were a professor. Lo and behold, the truth came to light and you're a financial aid forms fillouterer at LaGu Bagu University. Dumbass wannabe, don't you have any shame, telling people here that you're a professor like TK?


Now that explains why he is another jealous and envious one like Mr Rev. This is not good for your health Mr Nehru. Be proud of what you do. Do not pretend to be what you're not. 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC is in a crisis. The party's financial backers in North America have lost faith in the leadership and have chosen to cut off all support. The AFC machine is quickly running out of fuel and it's about to crash land. TK decides to crash another party.

Are these folks the infamous Overseas Authors who fund mo fiah slow fiah activities in Guyana?

these guys only wasting time and making themself foolish guyana will not change voting at the poll will not change guyana or make the ppp act different the only meanfull action the ppp understand is for the people to close down that country take to the streets and force the ppp to come honest these guys that defect will not go on the streets 


They are not wasting their time. Symbolism is important. Why do you believe the Guyanese media including the PPP's papers reported this issue? 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

GOd/STinger?Freaky, You are The DUMBEST FOOL on this Planet. Your STUPIDITY is beyond what any Human can be made of which makes me conclude that you are a DONKEY!!!

you should stick to pandit wok in that way you can rob more people 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

GOd/STinger?Freaky, You are The DUMBEST FOOL on this Planet. Your STUPIDITY is beyond what any Human can be made of which makes me conclude that you are a DONKEY!!!

you should stick to pandit wok in that way you can rob more people 


Now you must be joking? Mr Nehru cannot be a pandit. It would be complete disgrace for Hindus like me. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

GOd/STinger?Freaky, You are The DUMBEST FOOL on this Planet. Your STUPIDITY is beyond what any Human can be made of which makes me conclude that you are a DONKEY!!!

you should stick to pandit wok in that way you can rob more people 


Now you must be joking? Mr Nehru cannot be a pandit. It would be complete disgrace for Hindus like me. 

You are a DISGRACE from Birth, don't Blame Pandit Nehru!!!

Originally Posted by God:
You busy with FAFSA forms this week? You get a raise lately or you still protesting your minimum wage?

Minimum wage and loving it. GOD BLESs AMERICa THE LAND OF THE BRAVE

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

GOd/STinger?Freaky, You are The DUMBEST FOOL on this Planet. Your STUPIDITY is beyond what any Human can be made of which makes me conclude that you are a DONKEY!!!

you should stick to pandit wok in that way you can rob more people 


Now you must be joking? Mr Nehru cannot be a pandit. It would be complete disgrace for Hindus like me. 

You are a DISGRACE from Birth, don't Blame Pandit Nehru!!!


I rest my case. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

GOd/STinger?Freaky, You are The DUMBEST FOOL on this Planet. Your STUPIDITY is beyond what any Human can be made of which makes me conclude that you are a DONKEY!!!

you should stick to pandit wok in that way you can rob more people 


Now you must be joking? Mr Nehru cannot be a pandit. It would be complete disgrace for Hindus like me. 

You are a DISGRACE from Birth, don't Blame Pandit Nehru!!!


I rest my case. 

Thanks for agreeing with me but it is not your Fault you were born brainless. I will ask Obama to offer Medical Treatment to you. I know Pres Ramotar will allow you to travel.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

GOd/STinger?Freaky, You are The DUMBEST FOOL on this Planet. Your STUPIDITY is beyond what any Human can be made of which makes me conclude that you are a DONKEY!!!

you should stick to pandit wok in that way you can rob more people 


Now you must be joking? Mr Nehru cannot be a pandit. It would be complete disgrace for Hindus like me. 

You are a DISGRACE from Birth, don't Blame Pandit Nehru!!!


I rest my case. 

Thanks for agreeing with me but it is not your Fault you were born brainless. I will ask Obama to offer Medical Treatment to you. I know Pres Ramotar will allow you to travel.


You are not very intelligent if you went away with the conclusion that I agree with you. Furthermore my family is rich enough, enormously so, so I would not have to depend on the government for anything. We made our money legally. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

GOd/STinger?Freaky, You are The DUMBEST FOOL on this Planet. Your STUPIDITY is beyond what any Human can be made of which makes me conclude that you are a DONKEY!!!

you should stick to pandit wok in that way you can rob more people 


Now you must be joking? Mr Nehru cannot be a pandit. It would be complete disgrace for Hindus like me. 

You are a DISGRACE from Birth, don't Blame Pandit Nehru!!!


I rest my case. 

Thanks for agreeing with me but it is not your Fault you were born brainless. I will ask Obama to offer Medical Treatment to you. I know Pres Ramotar will allow you to travel.


You are not very intelligent if you went away with the conclusion that I agree with you. Furthermore my family is rich enough, enormously so, so I would not have to depend on the government for anything. We made our money legally. 

I hope they were made legally. Al Yuh gat farm up the Highway???

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

GOd/STinger?Freaky, You are The DUMBEST FOOL on this Planet. Your STUPIDITY is beyond what any Human can be made of which makes me conclude that you are a DONKEY!!!

you should stick to pandit wok in that way you can rob more people 


Now you must be joking? Mr Nehru cannot be a pandit. It would be complete disgrace for Hindus like me. 

You are a DISGRACE from Birth, don't Blame Pandit Nehru!!!


I rest my case. 

Thanks for agreeing with me but it is not your Fault you were born brainless. I will ask Obama to offer Medical Treatment to you. I know Pres Ramotar will allow you to travel.


You are not very intelligent if you went away with the conclusion that I agree with you. Furthermore my family is rich enough, enormously so, so I would not have to depend on the government for anything. We made our money legally. 

I hope they were made legally. Al Yuh gat farm up the Highway???

TK used to preach here about all the wicked things the PNC did in Guyana and how he can't join up with them. People might not have agreed with his AFC politics but at least he stood for something. And you had to respect him for that. But now? He has reduced himself to a Christmas blow blow. He stands for nothing except his own self interest.What a shame! 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

GOd/STinger?Freaky, You are The DUMBEST FOOL on this Planet. Your STUPIDITY is beyond what any Human can be made of which makes me conclude that you are a DONKEY!!!

you should stick to pandit wok in that way you can rob more people 


Now you must be joking? Mr Nehru cannot be a pandit. It would be complete disgrace for Hindus like me. 

You are a DISGRACE from Birth, don't Blame Pandit Nehru!!!


I rest my case. 

Thanks for agreeing with me but it is not your Fault you were born brainless. I will ask Obama to offer Medical Treatment to you. I know Pres Ramotar will allow you to travel.


You are not very intelligent if you went away with the conclusion that I agree with you. Furthermore my family is rich enough, enormously so, so I would not have to depend on the government for anything. We made our money legally. 

I hope they were made legally. Al Yuh gat farm up the Highway???

TK used to preach here about all the wicked things the PNC did in Guyana and how he can't join up with them. People might not have agreed with his AFC politics but at least he stood for something. And you had to respect him for that. But now? He has reduced himself to a Christmas blow blow. He stands for nothing except his own self interest.What a shame! 


Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC is in a crisis. The party's financial backers in North America have lost faith in the leadership and have chosen to cut off all support. The AFC machine is quickly running out of fuel and it's about to crash land. TK decides to crash another party.

The AFC came on the scene in 2006---well, after 7 years the freshness, the newness and the novelty of the party has completely dissipated. The AFC has become another ordinary, run of the mill political party and its leaders have been exposed as a bunch of self absorbed crooks, hustlers and con artists.




REV, Go easy on the AFC.  Remember, they all have mothers...



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