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skeldon_man posted:

Keffer went into hiding because he is not looking for a man. Stop stalking the man. He is not your type.

exposing dunceness on GNI is now called "stalking" by the dunce antiman cohort

uh huh . . . carry on

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ronan posted:
Keffer posted:
ronan posted:
Keffer posted:

GNCB and GAIBank evaporated into thin air while PNC was in office 

very dunce 'observation'

repetitive, sophomoric, ignar style polemic

allergic to facts . . . soaked in dishonesty

what a fool

Since you are so smart and educationally endowed, why don't you answer the question ? Tell us what the facts are !

well . . . lessee the "facts" about GaiBank (shut down in 1993) here:

and the facts are that GNCB was sold (minus loan portfolio) by Jagdeo to Republic Bank in 2003

putting a magnifying glass pan that loan portfolio, it appears dem PPP bais wuz running quite an operation during 1992 - 2003 . . . see here:


now, given all that . . . just imagine there are 2 illiterates here who "liked" Keffer's dunceness

one of them ("Dave") even decided to prance n dance, nehruesque? antiman style, in solidarity with the manifest jackassery


Redux has Parkinson's disease. He is constantly "SMFH".

note that PPP antimen want to talk bout ANYTHING but . . .

"facts" suffocating y'all

alyuh shame

keffer in hiding

and the facts are that GNCB was sold (minus loan portfolio) by Jagdeo to Republic Bank in 2003 -

your own so call facts will suffocate you - GNCB was never sold to Republic Bank - a local family business bought that bank.  

Dave posted:

GNCB was never sold to Republic Bank - a local family business bought that bank.

dave, how in gawd's name, in the age of the internet, can you post such uninformed, DUMB sh!t

just responding to you lowers my freakin IQ


ronan posted:
Dave posted:

GNCB was never sold to Republic Bank - a local family business bought that bank.

dave, how in gawd's name, in the age of the internet, can you post such uninformed, DUMB sh!t

just responding to you lowers my freakin IQ


I can shout out you are a dimwit when you choose to challenge one of the owners of that building. 

You should have read between the lines when I said the bank is owned by a local business family. 


Dave posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:

GNCB was never sold to Republic Bank - a local family business bought that bank.

dave, how in gawd's name, in the age of the internet, can you post such uninformed, DUMB sh!t

just responding to you lowers my freakin IQ


I can shout out you are a dimwit when you choose to challenge one of the owners of that building

"building" . . . huh?

how old are you?

Dave posted:

I can shout out you are a dimwit when you choose to challenge one of the owners of that building. 

You should have read between the lines when I said the bank is owned by a local business family. 


Suh because this family own the building they own the bank? LMAO. dis is wha happen when imbeciles get internet access.


November 14, 2002

NBIC's $2.7B bid for GNCB approved


The National Bank of Industry and Commerce (NBIC) is set to take over the Guyana National Cooperative Bank (GNCB) after its $2.7B bid was formally approved by Cabinet on Tuesday.

The impending takeover was announced by Cabinet Secretary, Dr Roger Luncheon yesterday after Cabinet on Tuesday approved a recommendation by the privatisation board paving the way for the acquisition of GNCB ‘lock, stock and barrel’ by NBIC.
Republic Bank of Trinidad and Tobago has a majority interest in NBIC. Repeated efforts to reach Managing Director of NBIC, Michael Archibald on the deal yesterday proved futile. GNCB’s General Manager, John Flannagan told this newspaper that Dr Luncheon’s announcement was simply intended to record that Cabinet had approved an agreement in principle for NBIC to acquire GNCB. He said the parties still had to work on finalising details including the issue of staffing before they could publicly declare the deal sealed.

He noted that NBIC would not be taking over GNCB’s loan portfolio, most of which is believed to be bad debt but rather its operations and tangible assets.
Included in this is a massive deposit base of around $13B. With some 375 employees, GNCB has eight branches across the country along with its main headquarters at Lombard and Cornhill streets. Many of these locations are considered prime real estate and are close to NBIC branches. Questions have been raised as to how NBIC will consolidate the extra branches and staff with its operations. According to Dr Luncheon, the reconfiguration of the existing GNCB is the basis of the acquisition of the new company with the balance sheet and all assets being acquired by NBIC.

NBIC was chosen as the successful bidder over three other financial institutions including a Canadian Group, following a period of evaluation after bids were opened on August 23. Bids had also been received from Demerara Bank Ltd (DBL) and the Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI). A bid from the St Kitts-Nevis Anguilla National Bank (SKNANB), was disqualified after it arrived 30 minutes after the deadline of August 23. This delay was attributed to the late arrival of a jetpack bringing the St Kitts bid.

Stabroek News understands that the Canadian Consortium, RNH Investment Corporation, which owns a financial intermediary, First International Capital and which entered the highest bid, had withdrawn its offer.

Bids had been received from four entities, two of which had been for the entire business. The other two had bid for specific branches. Preference, sources say, had been given to those bids which covered the entire business.

The bidding period had been extended to June from late last year after initial efforts to privatise the bank proved unsatisfactory. With the extension of the offer period early this year, local financial institutions were allowed to bid.

GNCB whose creation coincided with the country becoming a republic in February 1970, was intended to encourage ordinary Guyanese to save more while allowing them access to credit facilities. The bank was also designed to promote the cooperative drive and to this end over 300 cooperative societies took out shares in the bank.

GNCB had over the last five years experienced massive losses totalling some $4.6B all of which were charged against the Consolidated Fund and its external auditors had said that continuing operations would have been dependent on government and international lending agencies support.

The bank was hit hard by its loans in the mid-nineties to the rice sector and the merger with Guyana Agricultural and Industrial DevelopmentLet Bank (GAIBANK) in 1995 did not help its financial position.

NBIC has the largest market share of all banks in the country and the acquisition of GNCB will further expand this to around 48%. (Oscar P. Clarke)


Let us clear the mix up,the above is the deal when the bank was sold.

Dave's family purchased one of the buildings formerly owned by GNCB.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

Let us clear the mix up . . .

Dave's family purchased one of the buildings formerly owned by GNCB.

which most certainly does not mitigate him posting the nonsense i quote below:

"GNCB was never sold to Republic Bank - a local family business bought that bank."

Django, i understand you trying to smooth things over and all, but there is no "mix up" . . . only illiteracy by this 'Dave' idiot is on display here

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Django posted:

Let us clear the mix up . . .

Dave's family purchased one of the buildings formerly owned by GNCB.

which most certainly does not mitigate him posting the nonsense i quote below:

"GNCB was never sold to Republic Bank - a local family business bought that bank."

Django, i understand you trying to smooth things over and all, but there is no "mix up" . . . only illiteracy by this 'Dave' idiot is on display here

Haul you *****, don’t take me to task for my comprehension of English language. 

You are no ***kin bright boy... I don’t have ***kin time like you sitting with a dictionary using big words.

You got your arss wipped many times on this site and run like a wimp asking admin to delete the many handles you have, ***kin coward.

you are an illiterate fool. 

Haul you slimmy pattacake so... 

Dave posted:
ronan posted:
Django posted:

Let us clear the mix up . . .

Dave's family purchased one of the buildings formerly owned by GNCB.

which most certainly does not mitigate him posting the nonsense i quote below:

"GNCB was never sold to Republic Bank - a local family business bought that bank."

Django, i understand you trying to smooth things over and all, but there is no "mix up" . . . only illiteracy by this 'Dave' idiot is on display here

Haul you *****, don’t take me to task for my comprehension of English language. 

You are no ***kin bright boy... I don’t have ***kin time like you sitting with a dictionary using big words.

You got your arss wipped many times on this site and run like a wimp asking admin to delete the many handles you have, ***kin coward.

you are an illiterate fool. 

Haul you slimmy pattacake so... 

it's funny watching you fall apart in (almost) real time

'keffer' hand you a bagful of dog shit and run away

you just twistin in the wind bai . . . a credible moonwalk out of the 'situation' is not possible if yuh feet doan touch the ground


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Keffer posted:
ronan posted:
Keffer posted:

GNCB and GAIBank evaporated into thin air while PNC was in office 

very dunce 'observation'

repetitive, sophomoric, ignar style polemic

allergic to facts . . . soaked in dishonesty

what a fool

Since you are so smart and educationally endowed, why don't you answer the question ? Tell us what the facts are !

well . . . lessee the "facts" about GaiBank (shut down in 1993) here:

and the facts are that GNCB was sold (minus loan portfolio) by Jagdeo to Republic Bank in 2003

putting a magnifying glass pan that loan portfolio, it appears dem PPP bais wuz running quite an operation during 1992 - 2003 . . . see here:


now, given all that . . . just imagine there are 2 illiterates here who "liked" Keffer's dunceness

one of them ("Dave") even decided to prance n dance, nehruesque? antiman style, in solidarity with the manifest jackassery


Dumb-ass, make an effort to remember that 'it is always better to shut your yap and let others think you are a jackass than to open it and remove all doubts' ! I worked in the banking industry in Guyana for many years and I hold a CMA designation. I know very well how the shit-head  Burnham, with his idiotic doctrine of 'party paramountcy', destroyed a beautiful country. His equally dumb-ass worshipers like you gleefully and enthusiastically swallowed everything that the toad fed to them. The closure of GNCB via the disposal of its assets, more than 90% of which was non-performing, had become an absolute necessity ! It was completely impossible for GNCB to remain in operation because shit-head Burnham and his worshipers like you could not comprehend how a bank can fail. Presentation of PNC party cards was virtually all that was necessary for loans to be granted ! Find Steve Bakker and let him explain that for you ... before you open your yap and spew the lies and rubbish that they taught you !   

ronan posted:
Dave posted:
ronan posted:
Django posted:

Let us clear the mix up . . .

Dave's family purchased one of the buildings formerly owned by GNCB.

which most certainly does not mitigate him posting the nonsense i quote below:

"GNCB was never sold to Republic Bank - a local family business bought that bank."

Django, i understand you trying to smooth things over and all, but there is no "mix up" . . . only illiteracy by this 'Dave' idiot is on display here

Haul you *****, don’t take me to task for my comprehension of English language. 

You are no ***kin bright boy... I don’t have ***kin time like you sitting with a dictionary using big words.

You got your arss wipped many times on this site and run like a wimp asking admin to delete the many handles you have, ***kin coward.

you are an illiterate fool. 

Haul you slimmy pattacake so... 

it's funny watching you fall apart in (almost) real time

'keffer' hand you a bagful of dog shit and run away

you just twistin in the wind bai . . . a credible moonwalk out of the 'situation' is not possible if yuh feet doan touch the ground


Nincompoop... like you just wake up from a coma.

keffer was already successful rubbing the dag shit on your face.. har har har .  

I saw your weakness, I gonna grind it in you.

you gonna run to Amral like a cry baby to delete your many handles again 

Last edited by Former Member
Keffer posted:
ronan posted:
Keffer posted:
ronan posted:
Keffer posted:

GNCB and GAIBank evaporated into thin air while PNC was in office 

very dunce 'observation'

repetitive, sophomoric, ignar style polemic

allergic to facts . . . soaked in dishonesty

what a fool

Since you are so smart and educationally endowed, why don't you answer the question ? Tell us what the facts are !

well . . . lessee the "facts" about GaiBank (shut down in 1993) here:

and the facts are that GNCB was sold (minus loan portfolio) by Jagdeo to Republic Bank in 2003

putting a magnifying glass pan that loan portfolio, it appears dem PPP bais wuz running quite an operation during 1992 - 2003 . . . see here:


now, given all that . . . just imagine there are 2 illiterates here who "liked" Keffer's dunceness

one of them ("Dave") even decided to prance n dance, nehruesque? antiman style, in solidarity with the manifest jackassery


Dumb-ass, make an effort to remember that 'it is always better to shut your yap and let others think you are a jackass than to open it and remove all doubts' ! I worked in the banking industry in Guyana for many years and I hold a CMA designation. I know very well how the shit-head  Burnham, with his idiotic doctrine of 'party paramountcy', destroyed a beautiful country. His equally dumb-ass worshipers like you gleefully and enthusiastically swallowed everything that the toad fed to them. The closure of GNCB via the disposal of its assets, more than 90% of which was non-performing, had become an absolute necessity ! It was completely impossible for GNCB to remain in operation because shit-head Burnham and his worshipers like you could not comprehend how a bank can fail. Presentation of PNC party cards was virtually all that was necessary for loans to be granted ! Find Steve Bakker and let him explain that for you ... before you open your yap and spew the lies and rubbish that they taught you !   

ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Keffer went into hiding because he is not looking for a man. Stop stalking the man. He is not your type.

exposing dunceness on GNI is now called "stalking" by the dunce antiman cohort

uh huh . . . carry on

You always looking for an antiman thinking you will get lucky. Nobody on this site is your type. You sure Burnham gave you a ping pong scholarship and not a wrestling scholarship where you grab your opponent ass and wherever you "supposedly unintentionally place your hands"? Redux, you got banned for life here for the same disgusting behavior. You retooled and came back as Ronan. You are digging your grave again. 

skeldon_man posted:
ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Keffer went into hiding because he is not looking for a man. Stop stalking the man. He is not your type.

exposing dunceness on GNI is now called "stalking" by the dunce antiman cohort

uh huh . . . carry on

You always looking for an antiman thinking you will get lucky. Nobody on this site is your type. You sure Burnham gave you a ping pong scholarship and not a wrestling scholarship where you grab your opponent ass and wherever you "supposedly unintentionally place your hands"? Redux, you got banned for life here for the same disgusting behavior. You retooled and came back as Ronan. You are digging your grave again. 


This is some funny shit. Guyanese "businessman" buys a building housing a bank suh he tink he now become owna of de bank. LMFAO! Yuh cyant mek dis shit up! Pathetic schupidness galore!

Iguana posted:

This is some funny shit. Guyanese "businessman" buys a building housing a bank suh he tink he now become owna of de bank. LMFAO! Yuh cyant mek dis shit up! Pathetic schupidness galore!

More shit from a shithole . Who give a frack what you think...  


Dave’ licking he wounds . . . he want a do-over but too shame to ask

skeldon_man rubbin he back and consoling

keffer surface and hand ‘dave’ another bagful of HUMAN sh!t this time . . . he open de ting, push he head in the bag and smell, de smell intoxicate he and he resume dancin

Keffer, in a panic, abandons his fraudulent, GAIBank platform, betting all on a ‘modified’ GNCB polemic, but forgetting that that bank (he initially claimed that both of them “evaporated” under PNC) was run into the ground by Jagdeo dem a FULL 11 years after PPP tek over . . . hmmmm?

this idiot somehow seems to feel that he can perfume over his dunceness by bleating that he has a “CMA designation” and how he know Steve Bakker

yeah we are all impressed


ronan posted:

Dave’ licking he wounds . . . he want a do-over but too shame to ask

skeldon_man rubbin he back and consoling

keffer surface and hand ‘dave’ another bagful of HUMAN sh!t this time . . . he open de ting, push he head in the bag and smell, de smell intoxicate he and he resume dancin

Keffer, in a panic, abandons his fraudulent, GAIBank platform, betting all on a ‘modified’ GNCB polemic, but forgetting that that bank (he initially claimed that both of them “evaporated” under PNC) was run into the ground by Jagdeo dem a FULL 11 years after PPP tek over . . . hmmmm?

this idiot somehow seems to feel that he can perfume over his dunceness by bleating that he has a “CMA designation” and how he know Steve Bakker

yeah we are all impressed



ronan posted:

Dave’ licking he wounds . . . he want a do-over but too shame to ask

skeldon_man rubbin he back and consoling

keffer surface and hand ‘dave’ another bagful of HUMAN sh!t this time . . . he open de ting, push he head in the bag and smell, de smell intoxicate he and he resume dancin

Keffer, in a panic, abandons his fraudulent, GAIBank platform, betting all on a ‘modified’ GNCB polemic, but forgetting that that bank (he initially claimed that both of them “evaporated” under PNC) was run into the ground by Jagdeo dem a FULL 11 years after PPP tek over . . . hmmmm?

this idiot somehow seems to feel that he can perfume over his dunceness by bleating that he has a “CMA designation” and how he know Steve Bakker

yeah we are all impressed


I do not need to impress anyone, you idiot; it is a fact that dumb-ass  Burnham presided over the destruction of Guyana with his party paramountcy trash ! Worse than that, the moron thought that by showering 'perks' to his hoodlums, he would have been able to maintain his popularity. He cared none for the economic destruction that he wreaked on the nation but, worse than that, he succeeded in convincing numb-skulls like you that his actions would have benefited the nation! Furthermore, it is a fact that GNCB and GAIBank both crumbled because the freeness that was being showered on the non-productive PNC shitheads was unsustainable ! The other reality was that very few, if any at all, of the PNC parasites ever made any attempt to pay for anything that they obtained !        


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