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I read with some interest an article headlined “Ramotar’s son paid over $32M, for ‘poor supervision’ of E-Governance Project.” It is a known fact that rambunctious headlines are what get newspapers sold. A quick look at the top five selling newspapers in the UK, for example, will show that all are tabloids. Unsurprisingly this is the path that has been taken by KN.

Like all tabloids the headlines and articles are usually devoid of facts. Although I have not received a copy of the forensic audit report, which in itself is highly irregular, it was quite satisfying that KN deemed it worthy to highlight my remuneration. It points to the obvious fact that like many other forensic audits conducted by the new administration, there has been absolutely no evidence of fraud, embezzlement or corruption. After all that is the purpose of a forensic audit.

I will, however, admit that a headline stating “No Fraud discovered at E-Governance Project” is not sexy.
Regrettably, the modus operandi of this newspaper throughout its reporting on the forensic audits has been a crass disinterest in reporting the facts; that there has been no evidence that any entity or individual has committed fraud, embezzlement or has been involved in corrupt practices. Therefore KN has instead had to write about remunerations as in the cases of Valmikki Singh, the accounting department at OLPF and me or who’s the father of whom as in the cases of Azariah Assim, Abdallah Hamilton and again me.

The article tries to further obfuscate facts by making a claim that the E-Governance Project was a failure. The E-Governance Project was in fact completed in August of 2014. The project was completed within its scheduled timeline and budget.

In fact the technical scope of the project was expanded without incurring either any financial or time scheduling penalties. The credit for this goes to the hardworking team that from mid-2009 worked on all aspects of the project from design, budgeting, scheduling and implementation.
To denigrate the efforts of my team is to do a disservice to dedicated Guyanese in a rather sad attempt at politicking.

Alexei Ramotar

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Alexei bhai, you must understand that the owner of the KN, Mr. Glenn Lall, is a highly ethical businessman untainted by anything sort of corrupt business practices, therefore he is uniquely qualified to call out those whom his newspaper deem unethical and corrupted.   Now you all don't go asking me how de man mek his money and riding so high.  This is na dem bhai say. This what I say.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin

Don't want to hear a damn from that useless fellow. The fact remains we sunk 45 million US into the cable deal and still owe the money and he failed to deliver. We have a scrapped project hardly salvageable. If he could only run some damn cable which with a bit of training any cane cutter would have been able to stand in!


You rotten useless fellows supporting this creep are just like him;  a bloody waste. Instead of looking to the loss of bandwidth that stifles the population ( 1.2 Megabits is high speed for them) you are pulling out your dog whistles and demonstrating what a hunk of bigoted slime all of you are. This useless tool screwed the all of us and he was given the task to perform only because of what the PPP did on habit....employed their family even if they are bloody dunces or hapless lazy skunks as this one was.

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:

Don't want to hear a damn from that useless fellow. The fact remains we sunk 45 million US into the cable deal and still owe the money and he failed to deliver. We have a scrapped project hardly salvageable. If he could only run some damn cable which with a bit of training any cane cutter would have been able to stand in!


You rotten useless fellows supporting this creep are just like him;  a bloody waste. Instead of looking to the loss of bandwidth that stifles the population ( 1.2 Megabits is high speed for them) you are pulling out your dog whistles and demonstrating what a hunk of bigoted slime all of you are. This useless tool screwed the all of us and he was given the task to perform only because of what the PPP did on habit....employed their family even if they are bloody dunces or hapless lazy skunks as this one was.

The loser you are, what have you done to make a difference?  The guy is half your age and likely accomplished twice as much and in very challenging circumstances!

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:

Don't want to hear a damn from that useless fellow. The fact remains we sunk 45 million US into the cable deal and still owe the money and he failed to deliver. We have a scrapped project hardly salvageable. If he could only run some damn cable which with a bit of training any cane cutter would have been able to stand in!


You rotten useless fellows supporting this creep are just like him;  a bloody waste. Instead of looking to the loss of bandwidth that stifles the population ( 1.2 Megabits is high speed for them) you are pulling out your dog whistles and demonstrating what a hunk of bigoted slime all of you are. This useless tool screwed the all of us and he was given the task to perform only because of what the PPP did on habit....employed their family even if they are bloody dunces or hapless lazy skunks as this one was.

The loser you are, what have you done to make a difference?  The guy is half your age and likely accomplished twice as much and in very challenging circumstances!

You calling me a loser is a laugh. What do you know of me stuipid man except your viseral bigotry and usual nonsense?

The subject here is this lowlife creep denying his culpability in one of the nations grand failure in delivering a crucial build out in the communication infrastructure of the state. He wasted the nation's money and the only reason he was tasked with the job was not competence but nepotism.

He is half my age and a loser. At his age I was already in demand   and delivered on my  charge multiple times. He took the short cut and lost. Who the hell will hire him now except for odd jobs? At my age I am still doing what I love and successfully so. Take that and chew on it you nasty minded low life who contribute nothing except your vast volumes of hot air and natural tendency for racist spite.,

Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:

Don't want to hear a damn from that useless fellow. The fact remains we sunk 45 million US into the cable deal and still owe the money and he failed to deliver. We have a scrapped project hardly salvageable. If he could only run some damn cable which with a bit of training any cane cutter would have been able to stand in!


You rotten useless fellows supporting this creep are just like him;  a bloody waste. Instead of looking to the loss of bandwidth that stifles the population ( 1.2 Megabits is high speed for them) you are pulling out your dog whistles and demonstrating what a hunk of bigoted slime all of you are. This useless tool screwed the all of us and he was given the task to perform only because of what the PPP did on habit....employed their family even if they are bloody dunces or hapless lazy skunks as this one was.

The loser you are, what have you done to make a difference?  The guy is half your age and likely accomplished twice as much and in very challenging circumstances!

You calling me a loser is a laugh. What do you know of me stuipid man except your viseral bigotry and usual nonsense?

The subject here is this lowlife creep denying his culpability in one of the nations grand failure in delivering a crucial build out in the communication infrastructure of the state. He wasted the nation's money and the only reason he was tasked with the job was not competence but nepotism.

He is half my age and a loser. At his age I was already in demand   and delivered on my  charge multiple times. He took the short cut and lost. Who the hell will hire him now except for odd jobs? At my age I am still doing what I love and successfully so. Take that and chew on it you nasty minded low life who contribute nothing except your vast volumes of hot air and natural tendency for racist spite.,

You ever had the chance to "waste" the nation's money?  And yes, I'm sure you were/are in "demand"!

Danyael posted:

Don't want to hear a damn from that useless fellow. The fact remains we sunk 45 million US into the cable deal and still owe the money and he failed to deliver. We have a scrapped project hardly salvageable. If he could only run some damn cable which with a bit of training any cane cutter would have been able to stand in!


You rotten useless fellows supporting this creep are just like him;  a bloody waste. Instead of looking to the loss of bandwidth that stifles the population ( 1.2 Megabits is high speed for them) you are pulling out your dog whistles and demonstrating what a hunk of bigoted slime all of you are. This useless tool screwed the all of us and he was given the task to perform only because of what the PPP did on habit....employed their family even if they are bloody dunces or hapless lazy skunks as this one was.

You cannot walk in Alexei's shoes.  The entire cable network in Guyana is now collapsing from lack of maintenance over the past year.  The Jumbilee celebraters are still complaining.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:

Don't want to hear a damn from that useless fellow. The fact remains we sunk 45 million US into the cable deal and still owe the money and he failed to deliver. We have a scrapped project hardly salvageable. If he could only run some damn cable which with a bit of training any cane cutter would have been able to stand in!


You rotten useless fellows supporting this creep are just like him;  a bloody waste. Instead of looking to the loss of bandwidth that stifles the population ( 1.2 Megabits is high speed for them) you are pulling out your dog whistles and demonstrating what a hunk of bigoted slime all of you are. This useless tool screwed the all of us and he was given the task to perform only because of what the PPP did on habit....employed their family even if they are bloody dunces or hapless lazy skunks as this one was.

You cannot walk in Alexei's shoes.  The entire cable network in Guyana is now collapsing from lack of maintenance over the past year.  The Jumbilee celebraters are still complaining.  

Hogwash stick to what you know.

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:

Don't want to hear a damn from that useless fellow. The fact remains we sunk 45 million US into the cable deal and still owe the money and he failed to deliver. We have a scrapped project hardly salvageable. If he could only run some damn cable which with a bit of training any cane cutter would have been able to stand in!


You rotten useless fellows supporting this creep are just like him;  a bloody waste. Instead of looking to the loss of bandwidth that stifles the population ( 1.2 Megabits is high speed for them) you are pulling out your dog whistles and demonstrating what a hunk of bigoted slime all of you are. This useless tool screwed the all of us and he was given the task to perform only because of what the PPP did on habit....employed their family even if they are bloody dunces or hapless lazy skunks as this one was.

The loser you are, what have you done to make a difference?  The guy is half your age and likely accomplished twice as much and in very challenging circumstances!

You calling me a loser is a laugh. What do you know of me stuipid man except your viseral bigotry and usual nonsense?

The subject here is this lowlife creep denying his culpability in one of the nations grand failure in delivering a crucial build out in the communication infrastructure of the state. He wasted the nation's money and the only reason he was tasked with the job was not competence but nepotism.

He is half my age and a loser. At his age I was already in demand   and delivered on my  charge multiple times. He took the short cut and lost. Who the hell will hire him now except for odd jobs? At my age I am still doing what I love and successfully so. Take that and chew on it you nasty minded low life who contribute nothing except your vast volumes of hot air and natural tendency for racist spite.,

You ever had the chance to "waste" the nation's money?  And yes, I'm sure you were/are in "demand"!

How in the world the above makes sense? And do you think reverting to the usual nasty minded rants will stop me from telling the world the truth the fellow failed in dragging cable and lost us a decade of progress in increasing band width? He was over qualified for the job. If he took an entry level job in his field as a local library managing a server he would have made more and spared us his abject laziness in completing a simple task...

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:

Don't want to hear a damn from that useless fellow. The fact remains we sunk 45 million US into the cable deal and still owe the money and he failed to deliver. We have a scrapped project hardly salvageable. If he could only run some damn cable which with a bit of training any cane cutter would have been able to stand in!


You rotten useless fellows supporting this creep are just like him;  a bloody waste. Instead of looking to the loss of bandwidth that stifles the population ( 1.2 Megabits is high speed for them) you are pulling out your dog whistles and demonstrating what a hunk of bigoted slime all of you are. This useless tool screwed the all of us and he was given the task to perform only because of what the PPP did on habit....employed their family even if they are bloody dunces or hapless lazy skunks as this one was.

You cannot walk in Alexei's shoes.  The entire cable network in Guyana is now collapsing from lack of maintenance over the past year.  The Jumbilee celebraters are still complaining.  

Self praise wont work. You were an abject failure. You are lying about the collapse.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:

Don't want to hear a damn from that useless fellow. The fact remains we sunk 45 million US into the cable deal and still owe the money and he failed to deliver. We have a scrapped project hardly salvageable. If he could only run some damn cable which with a bit of training any cane cutter would have been able to stand in!


You rotten useless fellows supporting this creep are just like him;  a bloody waste. Instead of looking to the loss of bandwidth that stifles the population ( 1.2 Megabits is high speed for them) you are pulling out your dog whistles and demonstrating what a hunk of bigoted slime all of you are. This useless tool screwed the all of us and he was given the task to perform only because of what the PPP did on habit....employed their family even if they are bloody dunces or hapless lazy skunks as this one was.

You cannot walk in Alexei's shoes.  The entire cable network in Guyana is now collapsing from lack of maintenance over the past year.  The Jumbilee celebraters are still complaining.  

Why is it his "shoes" are that big... because he is coolie? I am at least halfway there if that has merit. The man failed at dragging cable... a job his daddy give him which if the record is true paid some 4k  a month! How much more lame can one get?
Everything is decaying  because black people in power per you racist scums. No one other than Indians can every do anything right!  Every thing out of your mouth is a lamentation worse than Jeremiah in Babylon!  Even more terrible is that the lot of you are transparently  simple minded twits lacking the reasoning,  the elocution and the competence even to make a case if indeed there was poor government practices.
All you rely on is your brittle pretensions to superior class, breeding and pedigree. The reality is all of you are  do not come from rajputs but are all from the dredges of India like most of us   and this crap that you constantly appeal to ie  you are superior to anyone has no place outside your stupid heads. Were you smart you would not rely on the appeal to class when you are literally and figuratively classless.
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:

Don't want to hear a damn from that useless fellow. The fact remains we sunk 45 million US into the cable deal and still owe the money and he failed to deliver. We have a scrapped project hardly salvageable. If he could only run some damn cable which with a bit of training any cane cutter would have been able to stand in!


You rotten useless fellows supporting this creep are just like him;  a bloody waste. Instead of looking to the loss of bandwidth that stifles the population ( 1.2 Megabits is high speed for them) you are pulling out your dog whistles and demonstrating what a hunk of bigoted slime all of you are. This useless tool screwed the all of us and he was given the task to perform only because of what the PPP did on habit....employed their family even if they are bloody dunces or hapless lazy skunks as this one was.

You cannot walk in Alexei's shoes.  The entire cable network in Guyana is now collapsing from lack of maintenance over the past year.  The Jumbilee celebraters are still complaining.  

Why is it his "shoes" are that big... because he is coolie? I am at least halfway there if that has merit. The man failed at dragging cable... a job his daddy give him which if the record is true paid some 4k  a month! How much more lame can one get?
Everything is decaying  because black people in power per you racist scums. No one other than Indians can every do anything right!  Every thing out of your mouth is a lamentation worse than Jeremiah in Babylon!  Even more terrible is that the lot of you are transparently  simple minded twits lacking the reasoning,  the elocution and the competence even to make a case if indeed there was poor government practices.
All you rely on is your brittle pretensions to superior class, breeding and pedigree. The reality is all of you are  do not come from rajputs but are all from the dredges of India like most of us   and this crap that you constantly appeal to ie  you are superior to anyone has no place outside your stupid heads. Were you smart you would not rely on the appeal to class when you are literally and figuratively classless.

What have you contributed to the development of Guyana in your lifetime??  Nothing.  So, guess what, you lack any credibility to even offer your useless opinion.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:

Don't want to hear a damn from that useless fellow. The fact remains we sunk 45 million US into the cable deal and still owe the money and he failed to deliver. We have a scrapped project hardly salvageable. If he could only run some damn cable which with a bit of training any cane cutter would have been able to stand in!


You rotten useless fellows supporting this creep are just like him;  a bloody waste. Instead of looking to the loss of bandwidth that stifles the population ( 1.2 Megabits is high speed for them) you are pulling out your dog whistles and demonstrating what a hunk of bigoted slime all of you are. This useless tool screwed the all of us and he was given the task to perform only because of what the PPP did on habit....employed their family even if they are bloody dunces or hapless lazy skunks as this one was.

You cannot walk in Alexei's shoes.  The entire cable network in Guyana is now collapsing from lack of maintenance over the past year.  The Jumbilee celebraters are still complaining.  

Why is it his "shoes" are that big... because he is coolie? I am at least halfway there if that has merit. The man failed at dragging cable... a job his daddy give him which if the record is true paid some 4k  a month! How much more lame can one get?
Everything is decaying  because black people in power per you racist scums. No one other than Indians can every do anything right!  Every thing out of your mouth is a lamentation worse than Jeremiah in Babylon!  Even more terrible is that the lot of you are transparently  simple minded twits lacking the reasoning,  the elocution and the competence even to make a case if indeed there was poor government practices.
All you rely on is your brittle pretensions to superior class, breeding and pedigree. The reality is all of you are  do not come from rajputs but are all from the dredges of India like most of us   and this crap that you constantly appeal to ie  you are superior to anyone has no place outside your stupid heads. Were you smart you would not rely on the appeal to class when you are literally and figuratively classless.

What have you contributed to the development of Guyana in your lifetime??  Nothing.  So, guess what, you lack any credibility to even offer your useless opinion.

 Why do I have to contribute to complain about thieft and nepotism? And for your information my sister and I have an ongoing estate there for which we take care of and ot for its value as property but as legacy of grandparents hard work. I also take care of family so my contribution is sacrosanct.

What the hell do you do except proliferate your pretentious bullshit and racist thesis day in day out? By the way, we still have our family home and my mother ( under our support) still maintains hers.

Lastly my maternal line lived there for thousands of years so shut your damn carpet bagging mouth about who develops what and concentrate on proper development instead of laying claims to status despite the  rampant thievery as was on going in the PPP era.

Again, it is my damn country and I can speak of it whenever I want without you vile creatures intervening with a toxic  philosophy of race and class  that corrodes the fabric of life in the society. Now tell me what is it that you base your supposed credibility on? Surely it is not on the defense of nepotism and and this lazy loser who has robbed our nation and stagnated our ability to communicate because of his failure to deliver on a lowly task as dragging fiber.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The man is as bogus as piwari made in China.  He is struggling to get acknowledged by the parties he supported.  He is still trying hard. Let's hope they will call on him for advice.

Why would piwari made in china be any more bogus than dhal made in New York? You folks are so dull even in your metaphors it is rather startling your efforts expended on pretentious demeaning of others  results in illustrating you are just back water nit wits.  I do not need acknowledgement. Is that why you are here being a racist prick?

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:

Don't want to hear a damn from that useless fellow. The fact remains we sunk 45 million US into the cable deal and still owe the money and he failed to deliver. We have a scrapped project hardly salvageable. If he could only run some damn cable which with a bit of training any cane cutter would have been able to stand in!


You rotten useless fellows supporting this creep are just like him;  a bloody waste. Instead of looking to the loss of bandwidth that stifles the population ( 1.2 Megabits is high speed for them) you are pulling out your dog whistles and demonstrating what a hunk of bigoted slime all of you are. This useless tool screwed the all of us and he was given the task to perform only because of what the PPP did on habit....employed their family even if they are bloody dunces or hapless lazy skunks as this one was.

You cannot walk in Alexei's shoes.  The entire cable network in Guyana is now collapsing from lack of maintenance over the past year.  The Jumbilee celebraters are still complaining.  

Why is it his "shoes" are that big... because he is coolie? I am at least halfway there if that has merit. The man failed at dragging cable... a job his daddy give him which if the record is true paid some 4k  a month! How much more lame can one get?
Everything is decaying  because black people in power per you racist scums. No one other than Indians can every do anything right!  Every thing out of your mouth is a lamentation worse than Jeremiah in Babylon!  Even more terrible is that the lot of you are transparently  simple minded twits lacking the reasoning,  the elocution and the competence even to make a case if indeed there was poor government practices.
All you rely on is your brittle pretensions to superior class, breeding and pedigree. The reality is all of you are  do not come from rajputs but are all from the dredges of India like most of us   and this crap that you constantly appeal to ie  you are superior to anyone has no place outside your stupid heads. Were you smart you would not rely on the appeal to class when you are literally and figuratively classless.

What have you contributed to the development of Guyana in your lifetime??  Nothing.  So, guess what, you lack any credibility to even offer your useless opinion.

 Why do I have to contribute to complain about thieft and nepotism? And for your information my sister and I have an ongoing estate there for which we take care of and ot for its value as property but as legacy of grandparents hard work. I also take care of family so my contribution is sacrosanct.

What the hell do you do except proliferate your pretentious bullshit and racist thesis day in day out? By the way, we still have our family home and my mother ( under our support) still maintains hers.

Lastly my maternal line lived there for thousands of years so shut your damn carpet bagging mouth about who develops what and concentrate on proper development instead of laying claims to status despite the  rampant thievery as was on going in the PPP era.

Again, it is my damn country and I can speak of it whenever I want without you vile creatures intervening with a toxic  philosophy of race and class  that corrodes the fabric of life in the society. Now tell me what is it that you base your supposed credibility on? Surely it is not on the defense of nepotism and and this lazy loser who has robbed our nation and stagnated our ability to communicate because of his failure to deliver on a lowly task as dragging fiber.

Whoever is paying you to spread your vile toxicity on this site is really wasting their money.  They stand a better chance with an investment in the heir to the Guyana throne, Prince GasKing!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:

Don't want to hear a damn from that useless fellow. The fact remains we sunk 45 million US into the cable deal and still owe the money and he failed to deliver. We have a scrapped project hardly salvageable. If he could only run some damn cable which with a bit of training any cane cutter would have been able to stand in!


You rotten useless fellows supporting this creep are just like him;  a bloody waste. Instead of looking to the loss of bandwidth that stifles the population ( 1.2 Megabits is high speed for them) you are pulling out your dog whistles and demonstrating what a hunk of bigoted slime all of you are. This useless tool screwed the all of us and he was given the task to perform only because of what the PPP did on habit....employed their family even if they are bloody dunces or hapless lazy skunks as this one was.

You cannot walk in Alexei's shoes.  The entire cable network in Guyana is now collapsing from lack of maintenance over the past year.  The Jumbilee celebraters are still complaining.  

Why is it his "shoes" are that big... because he is coolie? I am at least halfway there if that has merit. The man failed at dragging cable... a job his daddy give him which if the record is true paid some 4k  a month! How much more lame can one get?
Everything is decaying  because black people in power per you racist scums. No one other than Indians can every do anything right!  Every thing out of your mouth is a lamentation worse than Jeremiah in Babylon!  Even more terrible is that the lot of you are transparently  simple minded twits lacking the reasoning,  the elocution and the competence even to make a case if indeed there was poor government practices.
All you rely on is your brittle pretensions to superior class, breeding and pedigree. The reality is all of you are  do not come from rajputs but are all from the dredges of India like most of us   and this crap that you constantly appeal to ie  you are superior to anyone has no place outside your stupid heads. Were you smart you would not rely on the appeal to class when you are literally and figuratively classless.

What have you contributed to the development of Guyana in your lifetime??  Nothing.  So, guess what, you lack any credibility to even offer your useless opinion.

 Why do I have to contribute to complain about thieft and nepotism? And for your information my sister and I have an ongoing estate there for which we take care of and ot for its value as property but as legacy of grandparents hard work. I also take care of family so my contribution is sacrosanct.

What the hell do you do except proliferate your pretentious bullshit and racist thesis day in day out? By the way, we still have our family home and my mother ( under our support) still maintains hers.

Lastly my maternal line lived there for thousands of years so shut your damn carpet bagging mouth about who develops what and concentrate on proper development instead of laying claims to status despite the  rampant thievery as was on going in the PPP era.

Again, it is my damn country and I can speak of it whenever I want without you vile creatures intervening with a toxic  philosophy of race and class  that corrodes the fabric of life in the society. Now tell me what is it that you base your supposed credibility on? Surely it is not on the defense of nepotism and and this lazy loser who has robbed our nation and stagnated our ability to communicate because of his failure to deliver on a lowly task as dragging fiber.

Whoever is paying you to spread your vile toxicity on this site is really wasting their money.  They stand a better chance with an investment in the heir to the Guyana throne, Prince GasKing!

Do you think pretending that someone is paying me will gain traction here? I was writing on this board since its initiation and that is almost some 20 years. This board exists because the few of us stayed on it making it what it is through the best and worse of times.

Note I never asked if you were paid for the crap you write. That is the difference. You live on the presumption of ulterior motives and means to ends to some thing and miss the centrality of love for country. Yes, most of us who are original members of this site post because we love our country.

I am no friend of the PNC and do not even know any of their people. I know most of the old crab dogs in the PPP though and can attest the were all piss poor church mice status  before they raided the nations coffers. That does not make them royalty or immune from criticism. Actually, it is the source of our eternal contempt.

Last edited by Former Member

I am supporting my bhai Alex. He is being hunted because of the East Indian blood in him. It all comes down to race. The Pharaoh Granjer and Nakamootoo AFC gave a known anti-koolie serial the highest award in the land and these koolies applaud.

I am supporting my bhai Alex. Because it could have been any other innocent koolie being targeted




Prashad posted:

I am supporting my bhai Alex. He is being hunted because of the East Indian blood in him. It all comes down to race. The Pharaoh Granjer and Nakamootoo AFC gave a known anti-koolie serial the highest award in the land and these koolies applaud.

I am supporting my bhai Alex. Because it could have been any other innocent koolie being targeted


He is the example of a lazy useless louse who was given a job to do through nepotism and one which his failure to deliver has cost the society in money and time. It comes down to race because you excuse corruption on race. This fellow skated through with his lack of administrative skill to a grand job and that is what you should be against in any administration.

Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:

Don't want to hear a damn from that useless fellow. The fact remains we sunk 45 million US into the cable deal and still owe the money and he failed to deliver. We have a scrapped project hardly salvageable. If he could only run some damn cable which with a bit of training any cane cutter would have been able to stand in!


You rotten useless fellows supporting this creep are just like him;  a bloody waste. Instead of looking to the loss of bandwidth that stifles the population ( 1.2 Megabits is high speed for them) you are pulling out your dog whistles and demonstrating what a hunk of bigoted slime all of you are. This useless tool screwed the all of us and he was given the task to perform only because of what the PPP did on habit....employed their family even if they are bloody dunces or hapless lazy skunks as this one was.

You cannot walk in Alexei's shoes.  The entire cable network in Guyana is now collapsing from lack of maintenance over the past year.  The Jumbilee celebraters are still complaining.  

Why is it his "shoes" are that big... because he is coolie? I am at least halfway there if that has merit. The man failed at dragging cable... a job his daddy give him which if the record is true paid some 4k  a month! How much more lame can one get?
Everything is decaying  because black people in power per you racist scums. No one other than Indians can every do anything right!  Every thing out of your mouth is a lamentation worse than Jeremiah in Babylon!  Even more terrible is that the lot of you are transparently  simple minded twits lacking the reasoning,  the elocution and the competence even to make a case if indeed there was poor government practices.
All you rely on is your brittle pretensions to superior class, breeding and pedigree. The reality is all of you are  do not come from rajputs but are all from the dredges of India like most of us   and this crap that you constantly appeal to ie  you are superior to anyone has no place outside your stupid heads. Were you smart you would not rely on the appeal to class when you are literally and figuratively classless.

What have you contributed to the development of Guyana in your lifetime??  Nothing.  So, guess what, you lack any credibility to even offer your useless opinion.

 Why do I have to contribute to complain about thieft and nepotism? And for your information my sister and I have an ongoing estate there for which we take care of and ot for its value as property but as legacy of grandparents hard work. I also take care of family so my contribution is sacrosanct.

What the hell do you do except proliferate your pretentious bullshit and racist thesis day in day out? By the way, we still have our family home and my mother ( under our support) still maintains hers.

Lastly my maternal line lived there for thousands of years so shut your damn carpet bagging mouth about who develops what and concentrate on proper development instead of laying claims to status despite the  rampant thievery as was on going in the PPP era.

Again, it is my damn country and I can speak of it whenever I want without you vile creatures intervening with a toxic  philosophy of race and class  that corrodes the fabric of life in the society. Now tell me what is it that you base your supposed credibility on? Surely it is not on the defense of nepotism and and this lazy loser who has robbed our nation and stagnated our ability to communicate because of his failure to deliver on a lowly task as dragging fiber.

Whoever is paying you to spread your vile toxicity on this site is really wasting their money.  They stand a better chance with an investment in the heir to the Guyana throne, Prince GasKing!

Do you think pretending that someone is paying me will gain traction here? I was writing on this board since its initiation and that is almost some 20 years. This board exists because the few of us stayed on it making it what it is through the best and worse of times.

Note I never asked if you were paid for the crap you write. That is the difference. You live on the presumption of ulterior motives and means to ends to some thing and miss the centrality of love for country. Yes, most of us who are original members of this site post because we love our country.

I am no friend of the PNC and do not even know any of their people. I know most of the old crab dogs in the PPP though and can attest the were all piss poor church mice status  before they raided the nations coffers. That does not make them royalty or immune from criticism. Actually, it is the source of our eternal contempt.

Who do you know in the PPP??  No one.  Your mere existence on this site is your disdain for the fact that others have progressed beyond you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.  You teeter on the brink of constant self pity.

Bibi Haniffa
Prashad posted:

I am supporting my bhai Alex. He is being hunted because of the East Indian blood in him. It all comes down to race. The Pharaoh Granjer and Nakamootoo AFC gave a known anti-koolie serial the highest award in the land and these koolies applaud.

I am supporting my bhai Alex. Because it could have been any other innocent koolie being targeted




He has two strikes against him, first he is Indian, second he is not Fullah! 


GNI packed with demented, senile FOOLS. The subject is about the man being paid 32 Million, the man state his case and clearly denied it. Can the Govt or any of the demented, senile GNI Fools show otherwise. If not, Haul Yuh Rass as the security Minister would say!!!!!!!!!!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa post

Do you think pretending that someone is paying me will gain traction here? I was writing on this board since its initiation and that is almost some 20 years. This board exists because the few of us stayed on it making it what it is through the best and worse of times.

Note I never asked if you were paid for the crap you write. That is the difference. You live on the presumption of ulterior motives and means to ends to some thing and miss the centrality of love for country. Yes, most of us who are original members of this site post because we love our country.

I am no friend of the PNC and do not even know any of their people. I know most of the old crab dogs in the PPP though and can attest the were all piss poor church mice status  before they raided the nations coffers. That does not make them royalty or immune from criticism. Actually, it is the source of our eternal contempt.

Who do you know in the PPP??  No one.  Your mere existence on this site is your disdain for the fact that others have progressed beyond you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.  You teeter on the brink of constant self pity.

When it is necessary I speak of them. I care little for your assessment of who has progressed or not. Surely that is your opinion and if your stupid pretensions and obscene racism is a measure of quality you can have all of that progress.

Now that those creeps do not have the public trough we will see what they can do on their own initiative. Two terms of the PNC and most of them will lose traction and start cannibalizing themselves.  

I do not know what you mean by my supposedly teetering on self pity/ My ego and security in self alone gives that little context. I raised three kids, two with ivy league education and one  from a good technical state school. I owe no one and I have great health. I have seen most of this great country and visited some 50 countries on the planet and all on my own creative input.  I want for nothing so I think my life is quite successful.

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa post

Do you think pretending that someone is paying me will gain traction here? I was writing on this board since its initiation and that is almost some 20 years. This board exists because the few of us stayed on it making it what it is through the best and worse of times.

Note I never asked if you were paid for the crap you write. That is the difference. You live on the presumption of ulterior motives and means to ends to some thing and miss the centrality of love for country. Yes, most of us who are original members of this site post because we love our country.

I am no friend of the PNC and do not even know any of their people. I know most of the old crab dogs in the PPP though and can attest the were all piss poor church mice status  before they raided the nations coffers. That does not make them royalty or immune from criticism. Actually, it is the source of our eternal contempt.

Who do you know in the PPP??  No one.  Your mere existence on this site is your disdain for the fact that others have progressed beyond you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.  You teeter on the brink of constant self pity.

When it is necessary I speak of them. I care little for your assessment of who has progressed or not. Surely that is your opinion and if your stupid pretensions and obscene racism is a measure of quality you can have all of that progress.

Now that those creeps do not have the public trough we will see what they can do on their own initiative. Two terms of the PNC and most of them will lose traction and start cannibalizing themselves.  

I do not know what you mean by my supposedly teetering on self pity/ My ego and security in self alone gives that little context. I raised three kids, two with ivy league education and one  from a good technical state school. I owe no one and I have great health. I have seen most of this great country and visited some 50 countries on the planet and all on my own creative input.  I want for nothing so I think my life is quite successful.

Wow, that Bibi put some good lash on D2.  Now he need to take his D3!!

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa post

Do you think pretending that someone is paying me will gain traction here? I was writing on this board since its initiation and that is almost some 20 years. This board exists because the few of us stayed on it making it what it is through the best and worse of times.

Note I never asked if you were paid for the crap you write. That is the difference. You live on the presumption of ulterior motives and means to ends to some thing and miss the centrality of love for country. Yes, most of us who are original members of this site post because we love our country.

I am no friend of the PNC and do not even know any of their people. I know most of the old crab dogs in the PPP though and can attest the were all piss poor church mice status  before they raided the nations coffers. That does not make them royalty or immune from criticism. Actually, it is the source of our eternal contempt.

Who do you know in the PPP??  No one.  Your mere existence on this site is your disdain for the fact that others have progressed beyond you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.  You teeter on the brink of constant self pity.

When it is necessary I speak of them. I care little for your assessment of who has progressed or not. Surely that is your opinion and if your stupid pretensions and obscene racism is a measure of quality you can have all of that progress.

Now that those creeps do not have the public trough we will see what they can do on their own initiative. Two terms of the PNC and most of them will lose traction and start cannibalizing themselves.  

I do not know what you mean by my supposedly teetering on self pity/ My ego and security in self alone gives that little context. I raised three kids, two with ivy league education and one  from a good technical state school. I owe no one and I have great health. I have seen most of this great country and visited some 50 countries on the planet and all on my own creative input.  I want for nothing so I think my life is quite successful.

Wow, that Bibi put some good lash on D2.  Now he need to take his D3!!

I  imagine pretentious racist bullshit gets your going. Not me. I type a 110 ten words a minute so I can write almost as fast as I can think. That little pretentious twit is chum for sharks where I am concerned.


You know what I don't understand about the D2s and D3s of the world.  Dem bruk barracks and run to America back track.  And now, all of a sudden, they are worshipping the same PNC people who chase dem out of Guyana to begin with.  What kind of a hypocrisy is that?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

You know what I don't understand about the D2s and D3s of the world.  Dem bruk barracks and run to America back track.  And now, all of a sudden, they are worshipping the same PNC people who chase dem out of Guyana to begin with.  What kind of a hypocrisy is that?

There are two words which sum it up;  Hatred and Envy.  The weghting of these two ingredients depends on the individual!!

Even that hypocrite Django admitted he left in 1996 but started in 1985.  You can rest assure, most of those racists Brooklyners left, or started the exit process during the PNC era!!

PNC chased Left, Right and Center out, now they all pretend the PNC is good.  That clown D2 said in 2011 if PNC win, he headed back.  Now they got in by the crook, he turn his mouth the other direction.  

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

You know what I don't understand about the D2s and D3s of the world.  Dem bruk barracks and run to America back track.  And now, all of a sudden, they are worshipping the same PNC people who chase dem out of Guyana to begin with.  What kind of a hypocrisy is that?

Stupid woman; do not imagine yours or your family predicament universal. I could have left anytime I wanted. The PNC did not chase me out. I left to finish A levels and to go to university. The only hypocrisy is the one that imagine everyone fit your template.

Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

You know what I don't understand about the D2s and D3s of the world.  Dem bruk barracks and run to America back track.  And now, all of a sudden, they are worshipping the same PNC people who chase dem out of Guyana to begin with.  What kind of a hypocrisy is that?

Stupid woman; do not imagine yours or your family predicament universal. I could have left anytime I wanted. The PNC did not chase me out. I left to finish A levels and to go to university. The only hypocrisy is the one that imagine everyone fit your template.

Which country did you go to finish A levels?  And don't tell me the US because I know you lie.  You had to go to a British country to finish A levels!

Bibi Haniffa
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

bsolutely nothing you can do about it.  You teeter on the brink of constant self pity.

When it is necessary I speak of them. I care little for your assessment of who has progressed or not. Surely that is your opinion and if your stupid pretensions and obscene racism is a measure of quality you can have all of that progress.

Now that those creeps do not have the public trough we will see what they can do on their own initiative. Two terms of the PNC and most of them will lose traction and start cannibalizing themselves.  

I do not know what you mean by my supposedly teetering on self pity/ My ego and security in self alone gives that little context. I raised three kids, two with ivy league education and one  from a good technical state school. I owe no one and I have great health. I have seen most of this great country and visited some 50 countries on the planet and all on my own creative input.  I want for nothing so I think my life is quite successful.

Wow, that Bibi put some good lash on D2.  Now he need to take his D3!!

I  imagine pretentious racist bullshit gets your going. Not me. I type a 110 ten words a minute so I can write almost as fast as I can think. That little pretentious twit is chum for sharks where I am concerned.

You look like one who enjoys playing with yourself and pretend you are popular.  You type at 110 and think at 10.  You lap yourself and pretend to be ahead.  You are just ahead of yourself!!

ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

You know what I don't understand about the D2s and D3s of the world.  Dem bruk barracks and run to America back track.  And now, all of a sudden, they are worshipping the same PNC people who chase dem out of Guyana to begin with.  What kind of a hypocrisy is that?

There are two words which sum it up;  Hatred and Envy.  The weghting of these two ingredients depends on the individual!!

Even that hypocrite Django admitted he left in 1996 but started in 1985.  You can rest assure, most of those racists Brooklyners left, or started the exit process during the PNC era!!

PNC chased Left, Right and Center out, now they all pretend the PNC is good.  That clown D2 said in 2011 if PNC win, he headed back.  Now they got in by the crook, he turn his mouth the other direction.  

The usual never see come to see refuge. I was never born into want. Indians with whom I grew up had little for me to envy. They all depended on my family from whom they rented lands and depended on in out of season times for work or for access to the sea to fish.

I left to go to school, first England and then Canada and then the US. Indeed I want to go back but it is becoming improbable since the reason I would go back  no longer exists. My aunt who raised me and was my mom for all intents and purpose died last March unexpectedly. She loved it there and I felt as she needed assistance in living I would be there for her.  The estate is there for me if the eventuality arises that I must. Meanwhile. I am fine where I am and when older will move with my sister to Spain where we already have a home.

Guyana will always be my backup home and I do not need anyone's  permission to go there.

ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

You know what I don't understand about the D2s and D3s of the world.  Dem bruk barracks and run to America back track.  And now, all of a sudden, they are worshipping the same PNC people who chase dem out of Guyana to begin with.  What kind of a hypocrisy is that?

There are two words which sum it up;  Hatred and Envy.  The weghting of these two ingredients depends on the individual!!

Even that hypocrite Django admitted he left in 1996 but started in 1985.  You can rest assure, most of those racists Brooklyners left, or started the exit process during the PNC era!!

PNC chased Left, Right and Center out, now they all pretend the PNC is good.  That clown D2 said in 2011 if PNC win, he headed back.  Now they got in by the crook, he turn his mouth the other direction.  

Banna watch you words.

My children future are important suh the move was for their betterment.

I man got property there and can go back in the winter when i retire very shortly.


Last edited by Django
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:

You look like one who enjoys playing with yourself and pretend you are popular.  You type at 110 and think at 10.  You lap yourself and pretend to be ahead.  You are just ahead of yourself!!

I am popular to those who matter. I know you think like  a ten year old because you always have little relevant to say.

Last edited by Former Member

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