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Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I believe Mantra Lounge will be at the exact spot where Flamingo use to be, however, this really takes a bite out of all respect for Hinduism. I wonder what people think when they're looking for a name to attract customers. I think this it very offensive and insulting to the Hindu community.

On what scriptural source? You morons simply hatch religious "offenses" as you seem fit. These may or may not be Hindus liking the idea behind the symbol and using it as their good luck charm. It only insults morons like you that are part of they hypocritical "offense industry" rather than in the religious observance industry.

Originally Posted by Freaky:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I believe Mantra Lounge will be at the exact spot where Flamingo use to be, however, this really takes a bite out of all respect for Hinduism. I wonder what people think when they're looking for a name to attract customers. I think this it very offensive and insulting to the Hindu community.

oh shut ya assss aunty Beeda, when yuh started dat odda tred bout drinkin beer at a religious gathering at Smokey Park it wasnt offensive to Hindus then


What thread did I started and make that statement? Read properly and get your story straight next time.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I believe Mantra Lounge will be at the exact spot where Flamingo use to be, however, this really takes a bite out of all respect for Hinduism. I wonder what people think when they're looking for a name to attract customers. I think this it very offensive and insulting to the Hindu community.

oh shut ya assss aunty Beeda, when yuh started dat odda tred bout drinkin beer at a religious gathering at Smokey Park it wasnt offensive to Hindus then


What thread did I started and make that statement? Read properly and get your story straight next time.


Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

The Federation of Hindu Mandirs will issue a letter on behalf of all Hindus in Queens to the owner of Mantra Lounge, stating their displeasure of the name and symbol of "OM" on a business that is reserved for entertainment and alcohol consumption. More on this later.

Yuh mean yuh been and cochore pon de peole?? What a disgrace!! Yuh baxside better don't show up there while I'm  nacking a few, becaze I will no doubt point you out as being de rat.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Yo Sheik, Dat man is a Bhramin, you will NEVER see him at such Filthy Places!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bhramin my ass!  He took me and two of my guests visiting from the Bronx to some seedy bar in Liberty Ave just after we finished having dinner at Kaiteur. I haven't gotten over that embarrassment as yet. Everwhere you turn was a antiman. The man and his wife ran out of the place. And they were an elderly couple at that. What kind of a Bhramin does these thing? 

Originally Posted by Freaky:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I believe Mantra Lounge will be at the exact spot where Flamingo use to be, however, this really takes a bite out of all respect for Hinduism. I wonder what people think when they're looking for a name to attract customers. I think this it very offensive and insulting to the Hindu community.

oh shut ya assss aunty Beeda, when yuh started dat odda tred bout drinkin beer at a religious gathering at Smokey Park it wasnt offensive to Hindus then


Whattack!!! Bam!!!!

Originally Posted by Vish M:

It is very disrespectful for any business to use the word "OM" to be associated with such an institution.


Worse yet, in a densely populated Indo-Caribbean area.


We will monitor this business activities

You mek Iman laff. How will you guys monitor the place, go in and have a few beers?


So vish, wanna bet the patrons will be Indo-Caribbean ?

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

It is very disrespectful for any business to use the word "OM" to be associated with such an institution.


Worse yet, in a densely populated Indo-Caribbean area.


We will monitor this business activities

You mek Iman laff. How will you guys monitor the place, go in and have a few beers?


So vish, wanna bet the patrons will be Indo-Caribbean ?

 I want Vish to answer that question. How will he moniter this place?

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Chief, did you took part in the interfaith event at Smokey Park? I didn't get to taste the free bread from Bakewel.


I was there with a few friends. The show was well put together, and it's a start in the right direction. I spoke to Ruben Wills and other members of the event, and they assure me that this event will happen once a year, and it hope to attract a larger audience. BTW, we were at our best behavior, and we drank coffee and enjoy the show.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

I believe Mantra Lounge will be at the exact spot where Flamingo use to be, however, this really takes a bite out of all respect for Hinduism. I wonder what people think when they're looking for a name to attract customers. I think this it very offensive and insulting to the Hindu community.

On what scriptural source? You morons simply hatch religious "offenses" as you seem fit. These may or may not be Hindus liking the idea behind the symbol and using it as their good luck charm. It only insults morons like you that are part of they hypocritical "offense industry" rather than in the religious observance industry.

I  believe  you  are  way  off  base  here  Storm. i  most  certainly believe it is  an  affront, insult and utter  disrespect  to the Vedic culture  and  religion for anyone to use an  Internationally  recognized religious symbol for  cheap  commercialization of  their  business /  product - more so a  business  that  is diametrically opposite to  Vedic doctrines &  ways  of  life and the religious & spiritual connotation of such  symbol, to these folks. Would  any  good Christian tolerate the use of  the Crucifix  to propagate a  house of  ill repute?      




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