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Former Member

Jagan justifies his employment at OP

DECEMBER 14, 2012 |



Dear Editor,
This serves as my official response to a letter published in Kaieteur News on Wednesday, December 12, 2012, under the name “Disgusted Guyanese,” attempting, albeit unproductively, to call into question my qualifications. Although I would have loved the opportunity to address the actual author, it seems that this person is so lacking in mettle that he/she decided to remain anonymous—I wonder why! I shall thus address this response to the “Disgusting Guyanese” who wrote it.
First and foremost, it is easily verifiable that at no time have I ever held myself out to be fully licensed and certified to practise law in Guyana or the United States. This fact can be attested to by anyone with whom I have communicated in professional, business, social or friendly contexts and settings. I have always made this clear to anyone and so, “Disgusting Guyanese,” your recital of the obvious is indeed frivolous and serves only to illustrate your own lack of fulfillment with your meager “qualifications.”
Next, with regards to my signing of newspaper letters with the suffix “Esq.” and your questioning thereof; it is obvious you have not thoroughly researched U.S. case law on this point. Specifically, the use of the term “Esq.” by those who have graduated as an attorney but have not been fully licensed to practice law is not, in and of itself, sufficient grounds to hold such person as engaging in the unauthorized practice of law, without a more overt act of holding themselves out to be fully licensed to practice law or representing a client in legal matters—overt actions which I have never performed.
So, “Disgusting Guyanese,” your weak attempt to attach any such unauthorized practice of law to me by my signing of “Esq.” is futile, groundless and reflective of jealousy, which is a weak emotion you must yourself overcome.
“Disgusting Guyanese” even points out that in an online discussion on Stabroek News that I myself stated that I am not fully licensed to practise law. So my fellow Guyanese, on the one hand, “Disgusting Guyanese” recites clear evidence that I have previously stated I am not fully licensed to practise law, however, on the other hand, he/she continuously states that I have held myself out to be fully licensed. How can this contradiction stand? Is it any wonder that this “person” did not state his or her true identity?
I must now take an opportunity to pause and reflect briefly upon the demonstrated apparent obsession that “Disgusting Guyanese” has with me. To be honest, I think it’s rather cute, even lovable, that “Disgusting Guyanese” thinks about me so often, to the point where it entirely consumes his/her every fabric of being.
I must thank you for so diligently keeping abreast with my achievements; after all, every idol must indeed have his/her worshippers! Yes, “Disgusting Guyanese,” it was rather unfortunate that I did not pass the February 2012 New York Bar Exam, but, Cheddi Berret Jagan II came back harder and stronger than ever, passing what is regarded by every rational scholar, as the hardest examination in the entire world—without taking a preparatory class and while working a full-time job!
While you are correct, “Disgusting Guyanese,” that passing the NY Bar Exam does not make me a fully licensed attorney, I should remind you that “merely” passing, outweighs every single thing you have ever accomplished in your life, even on a cumulative basis. You should understand, that my achievements and qualifications speak for themselves and are worthy of substantial envious salivation from juniors such as yourself—your feelings, sentiments and thoughts on my indisputable qualifications do not affect my self-worth whatsoever—I know what I have achieved and I am confident, given your anonymity, that it vastly dwarfs your own “feats.”
Upon graduating as an attorney, albeit not fully licensed, from Florida International University in the U.S. and achieving my Juris Doctor Degree, I immediately returned home to Guyana to carry on the work of the greatest Guyanese that ever lived, Dr. and Mrs. Cheddi Berret Jagan. I always planned on returning to the U.S. to take the final steps of becoming fully licensed—steps which, as you point out, I have been pursuing.
My fellow Guyanese, “Disgusting Guyanese” stated that “one finds that [my] academic and professional qualifications cannot possibly justify [my] employment at the Office of the President.” How can this be so? While “Disgusting Guyanese” ‘adjusts the facts’, here are ‘just the facts’ : (1) I graduated in the top 10 of a U.S. American Bar Association accredited law school; (2) I was selected to the Law Dean’s List three times for exceptional performance (3) I received the highly coveted, most prestigious law degree offered in the U.S. (J.D.); (4) I studied law in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Barbados; (4) I was selected to the mock trial Board of Advocates by way of competition among nearly 50 fellow law students; and most importantly, (5) I passed the NY Bar Exam.
We live at a time when many of our bright Guyanese go abroad, become highly specialized and educated, and then never return home to Guyana. And when, as I, a vastly qualified individual returns home to share his knowledge, training and expertise in expectant culmination of making Guyana a better place, ingrates, maggots and mental-midgets baselessly attempt to call into question such qualifications.

I ask you “Disgusting Guyanese,” to please point out anyone who has amassed such esteemed and respected qualifications that would be better suited to be employed within the Office of the President. Are there any other U.S. trained Juris Doctors in Guyana that I don’t know about? Moreover, what are your own “qualifications” which would justify your right to judge or assess me?
I wish to leave “Disgusting Guyanese” with something to ponder, especially in the context of his multiple references to my salary. “Disgusting Guyanese,” I am a U.S. trained attorney who has just passed the NY Bar Exam—do you honestly believe that if money was my foremost interest, I would have ever returned to Guyana? Do you not realize that the salary I am paid at Office of the President is a mere fraction of what I could earn in the U.S. right now without being a fully licensed attorney?
Come on “Disgusting Guyanese”—Get Real and while you’re at it, get a life! I returned home to carry on my grandparents’ work and to assist the Government of Guyana in making our nation better for all of our Guyanese brothers and sisters—clearly money was never what brought me home.
So, “Disgusting Guyanese,” I implore you to continue “googling” my name and looking out for the many more subsequent achievements that are coming my way. Enjoy—I know I will.
Cheddi Berret Jagan II, Esq.

What an arrogant little prick! Unlike this puffed up "peeziwing" of a grand son, the late CBJ was universally  recognized, even by his most vocal critics and  detractors, as an individual of unquestionable humility, civility and  respect for those he fought and sought to represent. Perhaps it's just another stark reminder of  what fossilization can do even to an organization that was  founded and  rooted in working  class struggle and grass root support.     

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Cheddi Berret Jagan II, Esq is a brilliant young leader and an asset to Guyana. The young leader has a right to defend himself because he has been accused of being a fraud which he clearly is not.

Last edited by Prashad

Mr.Cheddi Jagan II has demonstrated a tendency of placing himself on a pedestal while belittling others


Dear Editor,
I hope you will permit me to make the following points, in reference to letters appearing in your newspaper relating to Cheddi Jagan II’s qualifications:
1. No one questions that Mr. Jagan is a highly qualified individual, who can offer some sort of services to Guyana. In fact, he should be commended for returning home to serve his country.
2. What is repulsive, however, is Mr. Jagan’s attitude – his “arrogance and disdain,” as another writer put it – towards those lesser qualified than himself. In his response to the letter questioning his qualifications, and in previous online writings, Mr. Jagan has demonstrated a tendency of placing himself on a pedestal, while belittling and speaking down to others. This practice of puffing up oneself, while perhaps necessary for someone of such small stature as Mr. Jagan, is unbefitting an official working at the Office of the President. Mr. Jagan may believe that his acerbic language helps to convey his arguments more persuasively, but it has also made him the butt of many jokes on social media sites, and has exposed him to ridicule, now on a national stage.
3. Mr. Jagan has asked whether there is anyone else in Guyana qualified for the position he currently hold. Is he asking whether there is anyone else in Guyana with the party connections he enjoys, and the willingness to ‘buse down’ on national forums against all and sundry? Is he asking whether there is anyone else in Guyana with the gall and temerity to insult every licensed attorney in the country by publicly implying that he is better qualified than all of them, even though he is unlicensed? Is he asking whether there is anyone else in Guyana so full of themselves as he is? If so, then I can assure him that only he is qualified for the position he holds.
4. I can also assure him that contrary to his claims, there are multiple licensed New York attorneys, holding Juris Doctor degrees, who have returned to, and are currently residing in Guyana. The fact that he does not know them does not mean they do not exist.
5. Mr. Jagan has failed to assure the Guyanese public that his employment at the Office of the President resulted from a fair and competitive process. Can he tell us when advertisements were made for the position he holds? Of course not, because this was a position created for him and solely him by a government that misuses the public’s money to reward those connected to them. Maybe Mr. Jagan does not understand why the Guyanese public views such favoritism and nepotism with disgust, so let me break it down for him. You, sir, an individual just out of law school, who is not yet licensed to practice law, receive a salary that is more than four times that of most public servants who have labored in the Guyanese civil service for decades – some before you were born. This government is misusing the public’s money – yes, all money spent by this government belongs to the people of Guyana – by paying you a super salary for a position that was not advertised, and for legal services you are not licensed to offer. They find it repulsive, and a disgrace, that instead of accepting criticism with a grain of salt, you have rubbed salt in their wounds by choosing to attack the very people whose money pay the salary you enjoy every month – the “juniors” as you put it, or the average hardworking decent Guyanese who are my mother and father, my relatives, my friends, my colleagues, etc.
6. Finally, Mr. Jagan, can you tell us what you do to earn your $400,000+ salary per month? What have been your accomplishments at the Office of the President since you started working there? The Guyanese public would like some answers.
Seema Chatterdeo

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Cheddi Berret Jagan II, Esq is a brilliant young leader and an asset to Guyana. The young leader has a right to defend himself because he has been accused of being a fraud which he clearly is not.


With all due  respect, everyone has a right to defend themselves from scurrilous attack. However  when you are  a public figure feasting from  the public trough, your defence ought to be guided and tempered by respect, civility and humility and not the haughty & arrogant invectives of a conceited, self important, puffed up  'peeziwing' .     

Last edited by Former Member

I believe Seema  Chatterdeo's letter above, amply demonstrated my point.

"And when, as I, a vastly qualified individual returns home to share his knowledge, training and expertise in expectant culmination of making Guyana a better place, ingrates, maggots and mental-midgets baselessly attempt to call into question such qualifications..."

 in his entire political / public life, have you ever once  seen / heard Granpa Cheddi hurl such slimy invectives against anyone?   

Originally Posted by Prashad:

You have no shame. You trying to pull this brilliant young man into the nasty gutter. You are a shameless sucker- down

He uses his party connection to slop at the trough 400,000 plus of poor people money and you rub black pot on yuh face and come here accuseing others of shameless? Why don't you grow some balls and try to refute the young lady and tell us what the crackhead does except forge the esq behind his signiture to earn the above average hardworking decent Guyanese paycheck....

Last edited by sachin_05

What is repulsive, however, is Mr. Jagan’s attitude – his “arrogance and disdain,” as another writer put it – towards those lesser qualified than himself. In his response to the letter questioning his qualifications, and in previous online writings, Mr. Jagan has demonstrated a tendency of placing himself on a pedestal, while belittling and speaking down to others. This practice of puffing up oneself, while perhaps necessary for someone of such small stature as Mr. Jagan, is unbefitting an official working at the Office of the President. Mr. Jagan may believe that his acerbic language helps to convey his arguments more persuasively, but it has also made him the butt of many jokes on social media sites, and has exposed him to ridicule, now on a national stage.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

What is repulsive, however, is Mr. Jagan’s attitude – his “arrogance and disdain,” as another writer put it – towards those lesser qualified than himself. In his response to the letter questioning his qualifications, and in previous online writings, Mr. Jagan has demonstrated a tendency of placing himself on a pedestal, while belittling and speaking down to others. This practice of puffing up oneself, while perhaps necessary for someone of such small stature as Mr. Jagan, is unbefitting an official working at the Office of the President. Mr. Jagan may believe that his acerbic language helps to convey his arguments more persuasively, but it has also made him the butt of many jokes on social media sites, and has exposed him to ridicule, now on a national stage.

Mits, You ever read the Posts of Stormy/ D2????

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

What is repulsive, however, is Mr. Jagan’s attitude – his “arrogance and disdain,” as another writer put it – towards those lesser qualified than himself. In his response to the letter questioning his qualifications, and in previous online writings, Mr. Jagan has demonstrated a tendency of placing himself on a pedestal, while belittling and speaking down to others. This practice of puffing up oneself, while perhaps necessary for someone of such small stature as Mr. Jagan, is unbefitting an official working at the Office of the President. Mr. Jagan may believe that his acerbic language helps to convey his arguments more persuasively, but it has also made him the butt of many jokes on social media sites, and has exposed him to ridicule, now on a national stage.

Mits, You ever read the Posts of Stormy/ D2????

I don't know which one you are referring to. But this likkle Jagan's attitude and behaviour  is a disgrace and contrary to Uncle Cheddi's.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

What is repulsive, however, is Mr. Jagan’s attitude – his “arrogance and disdain,” as another writer put it – towards those lesser qualified than himself. In his response to the letter questioning his qualifications, and in previous online writings, Mr. Jagan has demonstrated a tendency of placing himself on a pedestal, while belittling and speaking down to others. This practice of puffing up oneself, while perhaps necessary for someone of such small stature as Mr. Jagan, is unbefitting an official working at the Office of the President. Mr. Jagan may believe that his acerbic language helps to convey his arguments more persuasively, but it has also made him the butt of many jokes on social media sites, and has exposed him to ridicule, now on a national stage.

Mits, You ever read the Posts of Stormy/ D2????

I don't know which one you are referring to. But this likkle Jagan's attitude and behaviour  is a disgrace and contrary to Uncle Cheddi's.

Nonesense!!! The man was attacked ananymously by a Jerk and a Chicken, what you expect him to lay down and be rolled over.???

Originally Posted by Nehru:


Morning buddy Nehru. Iam busy like hell but as usual you give me my morning laugh. However this is what you should have written 

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


Morning buddy Nehru. Iam busy like hell but as usual you give me my morning laugh. However this is what you should have written 

Dis is Merika Bhai, you are entitled to your opinion.

Originally Posted by Nehru:


did you read the phrase robber barons somewhere and like it enough to misuse it here?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


did you read the phrase robber barons somewhere and like it enough to misuse it here?


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


did you read the phrase robber barons somewhere and like it enough to misuse it here?


I understand. You are given to careless use of words and phrase and have an affinity for useless ones.

Originally Posted by Nehru:


Nehru Bhai,


I will wager you  your next  rounds of Hennessy & poke  cutthas that any  independent poll, include that of NACTA and  Vishnu Bisram, would  confirm that all the "dISGUSTING pRICKS" would be  found safely ensconsced at the Office  Of El Presidente and perhaps a few here on GNI, whose blind infatuation & total  en-armourment  with  the cabal at Freedom House, has stripped them bare of the last vestige of  moral rectitude. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:


I'm not a Jagan fan however, I read the piece and if what he states are the facts, then he does have every right to defend himself and take a swing at those who misrepresent the facts.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
What An Arrogant Little Prick !

Who is that person, Mara?

 Rest assured, it isn't Mara DG. I believe the  puffed up 'pizziwing' is Joey's  son, Cheddi  Berrett Jagan II.  

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


Nehru Bhai,


I will wager you  your next  rounds of Hennessy & poke  cutthas that any  independent poll, include that of NACTA and  Vishnu Bisram, would  confirm that all the "dISGUSTING pRICKS" would be  found safely ensconsced at the Office  Of El Presidente and perhaps a few here on GNI, whose blind infatuation & total  en-armourment  with  the cabal at Freedom House, has stripped them bare of the last vestige of  moral rectitude. 

The man live for those henny and poke cuttahs paid for by the Guyana govt Visa card. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


I'm not a Jagan fan however, I read the piece and if what he states are the facts, then he does have every right to defend himself and take a swing at those who misrepresent the facts.

Most  certainly Base! However, as I previously  stated, when you are  a public figure feasting from  the public trough, your defence and  response ought to be guided and tempered by respect, civility and humility and not this type of  condescending, haughty, arrogant and insulting invectives of a conceited, self important, puffed up  'peeziwing'  In all his years  of public life, have  you ever once seen or heard the late CBJ referred to anyone, even his worst  critics or  detractors  as ingrates, maggots or mental-midgets? People  in public office  serve at the pleasure  of their  constituents, and  not the other way around. Public  servants ought not to allow themselves to  be  so easily  lured into  the gutter / sewer. If they cannot  stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen .  

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


I'm not a Jagan fan however, I read the piece and if what he states are the facts, then he does have every right to defend himself and take a swing at those who misrepresent the facts.

Most  certainly Base! However, as I previously  stated, when you are  a public figure feasting from  the public trough, your defence and  response ought to be guided and tempered by respect, civility and humility and not this type of  condescending, haughty, arrogant and insulting invectives of a conceited, self important, puffed up  'peeziwing'  In all his years  of public life, have  you ever once seen or heard the late CBJ referred to anyone, even his worst  critics or  detractors  as ingrates, maggots or mental-midgets? People  in public office  serve at the pleasure  of their  constituents, and  not the other way around. Public  servants ought not to allow themselves to  be  so easily  lured into  the gutter / sewer. If they cannot  stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen .  

What me gon seh, he father and grand father was like that.


What me gon seh, he father and grand father was like that.


Father perhaps,  but  grandpa Cheddi was never a  man to be  so easily drawn  into the  gutter and  calling names like ingrates, maggots or mental-midgets


When I look at the kid's situation now I realized that it must be really hard for him because he cannot be his own man.  He will always be compared to CBJ and people will always give him a hard time. I use to give him a hard time but I don't do that anymore because I now know it has to be hard for him with people telling him all the time that he got where he is at because of CBJ and not because of his hard work.  In some people eyes he will never measure up to CBJ no matter how hard he tries. It is got to be difficult for the kid. No amount of money in the world can compensate for that. 


Mr.Cheddi Jagan II has demonstrated a tendency of placing himself on a pedestal while belittling others

December 17, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
I hope you will permit me to make the following points, in reference to letters appearing in your newspaper relating to Cheddi Jagan II’s qualifications:
1. No one questions that Mr. Jagan is a highly qualified individual, who can offer some sort of services to Guyana. In fact, he should be commended for returning home to serve his country.
2. What is repulsive, however, is Mr. Jagan’s attitude – his “arrogance and disdain,” as another writer put it – towards those lesser qualified than himself. In his response to the letter questioning his qualifications, and in previous online writings, Mr. Jagan has demonstrated a tendency of placing himself on a pedestal, while belittling and speaking down to others. This practice of puffing up oneself, while perhaps necessary for someone of such small stature as Mr. Jagan, is unbefitting an official working at the Office of the President. Mr. Jagan may believe that his acerbic language helps to convey his arguments more persuasively, but it has also made him the butt of many jokes on social media sites, and has exposed him to ridicule, now on a national stage.
3. Mr. Jagan has asked whether there is anyone else in Guyana qualified for the position he currently hold. Is he asking whether there is anyone else in Guyana with the party connections he enjoys, and the willingness to ‘buse down’ on national forums against all and sundry? Is he asking whether there is anyone else in Guyana with the gall and temerity to insult every licensed attorney in the country by publicly implying that he is better qualified than all of them, even though he is unlicensed? Is he asking whether there is anyone else in Guyana so full of themselves as he is? If so, then I can assure him that only he is qualified for the position he holds.
4. I can also assure him that contrary to his claims, there are multiple licensed New York attorneys, holding Juris Doctor degrees, who have returned to, and are currently residing in Guyana. The fact that he does not know them does not mean they do not exist.
5. Mr. Jagan has failed to assure the Guyanese public that his employment at the Office of the President resulted from a fair and competitive process. Can he tell us when advertisements were made for the position he holds? Of course not, because this was a position created for him and solely him by a government that misuses the public’s money to reward those connected to them. Maybe Mr. Jagan does not understand why the Guyanese public views such favoritism and nepotism with disgust, so let me break it down for him. You, sir, an individual just out of law school, who is not yet licensed to practice law, receive a salary that is more than four times that of most public servants who have labored in the Guyanese civil service for decades – some before you were born. This government is misusing the public’s money – yes, all money spent by this government belongs to the people of Guyana – by paying you a super salary for a position that was not advertised, and for legal services you are not licensed to offer. They find it repulsive, and a disgrace, that instead of accepting criticism with a grain of salt, you have rubbed salt in their wounds by choosing to attack the very people whose money pay the salary you enjoy every month – the “juniors” as you put it, or the average hardworking decent Guyanese who are my mother and father, my relatives, my friends, my colleagues, etc.
6. Finally, Mr. Jagan, can you tell us what you do to earn your $400,000+ salary per month? What have been your accomplishments at the Office of the President since you started working there? The Guyanese public would like some answers.
Seema Chatterdeo

Originally Posted by Vish M:
He jumped-in just becos of the relationship had something with the P.P
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Chief what are you saying here.  

Chief was just thinking out loud. He forgot he was typing on a computer. 

Originally Posted by Mara:

Jagan justifies his employment at OP

DECEMBER 14, 2012 |



Dear Editor,
This serves as my official response to a letter published in Kaieteur News on Wednesday, December 12, 2012, under the name “Disgusted Guyanese,” attempting, albeit unproductively, to call into question my qualifications. Although I would have loved the opportunity to address the actual author, it seems that this person is so lacking in mettle that he/she decided to remain anonymous—I wonder why! I shall thus address this response to the “Disgusting Guyanese” who wrote it.
First and foremost, it is easily verifiable that at no time have I ever held myself out to be fully licensed and certified to practise law in Guyana or the United States. This fact can be attested to by anyone with whom I have communicated in professional, business, social or friendly contexts and settings. I have always made this clear to anyone and so, “Disgusting Guyanese,” your recital of the obvious is indeed frivolous and serves only to illustrate your own lack of fulfillment with your meager “qualifications.”
Next, with regards to my signing of newspaper letters with the suffix “Esq.” and your questioning thereof; it is obvious you have not thoroughly researched U.S. case law on this point. Specifically, the use of the term “Esq.” by those who have graduated as an attorney but have not been fully licensed to practice law is not, in and of itself, sufficient grounds to hold such person as engaging in the unauthorized practice of law, without a more overt act of holding themselves out to be fully licensed to practice law or representing a client in legal matters—overt actions which I have never performed.
So, “Disgusting Guyanese,” your weak attempt to attach any such unauthorized practice of law to me by my signing of “Esq.” is futile, groundless and reflective of jealousy, which is a weak emotion you must yourself overcome.
“Disgusting Guyanese” even points out that in an online discussion on Stabroek News that I myself stated that I am not fully licensed to practise law. So my fellow Guyanese, on the one hand, “Disgusting Guyanese” recites clear evidence that I have previously stated I am not fully licensed to practise law, however, on the other hand, he/she continuously states that I have held myself out to be fully licensed. How can this contradiction stand? Is it any wonder that this “person” did not state his or her true identity?
I must now take an opportunity to pause and reflect briefly upon the demonstrated apparent obsession that “Disgusting Guyanese” has with me. To be honest, I think it’s rather cute, even lovable, that “Disgusting Guyanese” thinks about me so often, to the point where it entirely consumes his/her every fabric of being.
I must thank you for so diligently keeping abreast with my achievements; after all, every idol must indeed have his/her worshippers! Yes, “Disgusting Guyanese,” it was rather unfortunate that I did not pass the February 2012 New York Bar Exam, but, Cheddi Berret Jagan II came back harder and stronger than ever, passing what is regarded by every rational scholar, as the hardest examination in the entire world—without taking a preparatory class and while working a full-time job!
While you are correct, “Disgusting Guyanese,” that passing the NY Bar Exam does not make me a fully licensed attorney, I should remind you that “merely” passing, outweighs every single thing you have ever accomplished in your life, even on a cumulative basis. You should understand, that my achievements and qualifications speak for themselves and are worthy of substantial envious salivation from juniors such as yourself—your feelings, sentiments and thoughts on my indisputable qualifications do not affect my self-worth whatsoever—I know what I have achieved and I am confident, given your anonymity, that it vastly dwarfs your own “feats.”
Upon graduating as an attorney, albeit not fully licensed, from Florida International University in the U.S. and achieving my Juris Doctor Degree, I immediately returned home to Guyana to carry on the work of the greatest Guyanese that ever lived, Dr. and Mrs. Cheddi Berret Jagan. I always planned on returning to the U.S. to take the final steps of becoming fully licensed—steps which, as you point out, I have been pursuing.
My fellow Guyanese, “Disgusting Guyanese” stated that “one finds that [my] academic and professional qualifications cannot possibly justify [my] employment at the Office of the President.” How can this be so? While “Disgusting Guyanese” ‘adjusts the facts’, here are ‘just the facts’ : (1) I graduated in the top 10 of a U.S. American Bar Association accredited law school; (2) I was selected to the Law Dean’s List three times for exceptional performance (3) I received the highly coveted, most prestigious law degree offered in the U.S. (J.D.); (4) I studied law in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Barbados; (4) I was selected to the mock trial Board of Advocates by way of competition among nearly 50 fellow law students; and most importantly, (5) I passed the NY Bar Exam.
We live at a time when many of our bright Guyanese go abroad, become highly specialized and educated, and then never return home to Guyana. And when, as I, a vastly qualified individual returns home to share his knowledge, training and expertise in expectant culmination of making Guyana a better place, ingrates, maggots and mental-midgets baselessly attempt to call into question such qualifications.

I ask you “Disgusting Guyanese,” to please point out anyone who has amassed such esteemed and respected qualifications that would be better suited to be employed within the Office of the President. Are there any other U.S. trained Juris Doctors in Guyana that I don’t know about? Moreover, what are your own “qualifications” which would justify your right to judge or assess me?
I wish to leave “Disgusting Guyanese” with something to ponder, especially in the context of his multiple references to my salary. “Disgusting Guyanese,” I am a U.S. trained attorney who has just passed the NY Bar Exam—do you honestly believe that if money was my foremost interest, I would have ever returned to Guyana? Do you not realize that the salary I am paid at Office of the President is a mere fraction of what I could earn in the U.S. right now without being a fully licensed attorney?
Come on “Disgusting Guyanese”—Get Real and while you’re at it, get a life! I returned home to carry on my grandparents’ work and to assist the Government of Guyana in making our nation better for all of our Guyanese brothers and sisters—clearly money was never what brought me home.
So, “Disgusting Guyanese,” I implore you to continue “googling” my name and looking out for the many more subsequent achievements that are coming my way. Enjoy—I know I will.
Cheddi Berret Jagan II, Esq.

What an arrogant little prick! Unlike this puffed up "peeziwing" of a grand son, the late CBJ was universally  recognized, even by his most vocal critics and  detractors, as an individual of unquestionable humility, civility and  respect for those he fought and sought to represent. Perhaps it's just another stark reminder of  what fossilization can do even to an organization that was  founded and  rooted in working  class struggle and grass root support.     

Quoted from young Cheddi Berret:


I must thank you for so diligently keeping abreast with my achievements; after all, every idol must indeed have his/her worshippers.

Is this Guy an ass?


If he studied any religion, he would know the value of humility, but what better can you expect from an athist COMMUNIST who benefited from schooling in the CAPITALIST world.


He well and confused!

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:


Quoted from young Cheddi Berret:


I must thank you for so diligently keeping abreast with my achievements; after all, every idol must indeed have his/her worshippers.

Is this Guy an ass?


If he studied any religion, he would know the value of humility, but what better can you expect from an athist COMMUNIST who benefited from schooling in the CAPITALIST world.

He well and confused!

I doubt that his religiosity or lack thereof or his atheistic belief has  anything to do with it. Perhaps more of a  Mercutio Complex - " Be not afraid of greatness! Some are  born great, some  achieve  greatness and other have greatness trust upon them" -- the narcissist Mercutio in Romeo & Juliet. 

 Young CBJ reminds  me of another popular big mouth around here  who fancy himself an Indo champ with a penchant for challenging others'  virility & name  calling ( "No balls,ingrates maggots  mental-midgets etc")  The dude  is  notorious  charging  full tilt at imaginary wind-mills. 

Last edited by Former Member


This speaks directly to PPP culture of entitlement.  Being the grandson of Cheddi Jagan gives him special privileges/entitlements which should not be questioned. If this is the future then we are in big trouble.


This young prick Berret has brought shame to the dynasty.  Now all Jagans are condemned to the dustbin of politics because of this untrained young man.


It is time we loose RAMSON ring on his young prick.


EVEREST here we come!


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