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Ray posted:

This is not an Indo site nor is anyone a token!

It's a forum for Guyanese of all nationalities

If is difficult for other ethnicities to post here given the plethora of  racist low lives Indian racists you have here simply hurling insults, accusations and inferring "dispositions" to others. I remember coming here to a barrage of buck etc when I came here and it has changed little. These ignoramuses here have that incurable  racist disease that only having a strong stomach can permit one post here. 

Drugb posted:

What is evident is that this is not a site for the faint of heart who will run at the first sign of dissension. The cribster keep claiming that this is a kkk site without any evidence. This old stubborn fool with an appetite for aubergine noir pass himself off as black when he is not. 

Laffable, one racist came on the site and he found out that Indian ppl are not timid. He is hoping to shame us Indians every chance he gets. Frustrated wannabe black. 

caribny posted:
kp posted:

You are fortunate that only an Indo site tolerate your daily Indian bashing or are they using you as the Token Blackman just for you to expose how stupid some Blacks can be.

Comfort yourself with your thoughts. I bet you think that Nehru is an example of high standards.

Nehru is one of we champions. Is like a cricket team, we have indian titans on GNI in defense of indo attacks. We have gods too, Jagdeo and his posse.

Last edited by seignet
D2 posted:
Ray posted:

This is not an Indo site nor is anyone a token!

It's a forum for Guyanese of all nationalities

If is difficult for other ethnicities to post here given the plethora of  racist low lives Indian racists you have here simply hurling insults, accusations and inferring "dispositions" to others. I remember coming here to a barrage of buck etc when I came here and it has changed little. These ignoramuses here have that incurable  racist disease that only having a strong stomach can permit one post here. 

Was wondering when you will give us your useless stream of hogwash.

D2 posted:
Ray posted:

This is not an Indo site nor is anyone a token!

It's a forum for Guyanese of all nationalities

If is difficult for other ethnicities to post here given the plethora of  racist low lives Indian racists you have here simply hurling insults, accusations and inferring "dispositions" to others. I remember coming here to a barrage of buck etc when I came here and it has changed little. These ignoramuses here have that incurable  racist disease that only having a strong stomach can permit one post here. 

Why did you jump in the mud with the "racist low lives Indians, ignoramuses" as you call them.  

Dave posted:
D2 posted:
Ray posted:

This is not an Indo site nor is anyone a token!

It's a forum for Guyanese of all nationalities

If is difficult for other ethnicities to post here given the plethora of  racist low lives Indian racists you have here simply hurling insults, accusations and inferring "dispositions" to others. I remember coming here to a barrage of buck etc when I came here and it has changed little. These ignoramuses here have that incurable  racist disease that only having a strong stomach can permit one post here. 

Why did you jump in the mud with the "racist low lives Indians, ignoramuses" as you call them.  

Guyana, the land where every other race is against the East Indians, for centuries.

cain posted:
seignet posted:

Guyana, the land where every other race is against the East Indians, for centuries.

Now we have Siggy pulling the wimp card about every other race being against East Indians.

If indeed true..(which I know is a blatant lie) there must be a reason. 

Looks like we have a race police on GNI.

Dave posted:
D2 posted:
Ray posted:

This is not an Indo site nor is anyone a token!

It's a forum for Guyanese of all nationalities

If is difficult for other ethnicities to post here given the plethora of  racist low lives Indian racists you have here simply hurling insults, accusations and inferring "dispositions" to others. I remember coming here to a barrage of buck etc when I came here and it has changed little. These ignoramuses here have that incurable  racist disease that only having a strong stomach can permit one post here. 

Why did you jump in the mud with the "racist low lives Indians, ignoramuses" as you call them.  

Have no desire to. 

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

Intelligent Blacks would never post on here. . 

They dont because of the level of racism that is seen here from Indians and in fact many of them have asked me why I remain. When I Google Guyana and I see Yuji with some racist rant against blacks and understand that this will the type of info that many non Guyanese will see about Afro Guyanese at that point I remain.


Dude, get real. How is Yugi's racist rants against black Guyanese a bad thing for black Guyanese? Since when Yugi and he cohorts define who blacks in Guyana are? Ever occur to you that anyone reading Yugi's racist rants will be appalled at the racist vitriol that flows so easily from him?

No need to counter the racist Indo KKK here. Leave them alone. They are on display for the rest of the world to see and be appalled. Let the international community see it. Let the US govt and US embassy see. Let African Americans in Queens see it suh when Vish M (not vishmahabir) guh dribbling wid he begging bowl fuh they support they can tell he wheh to guh.

Don't interrupt them Carib, let them be. They are in their natural habitat now, like sharks in a feeding frenzy last few days. Is Chrismus time. Ah rejoicing watching de show.

Ray posted:

fellas...this was supposed to be in jest

I am not referring to your opening post on this thread. I am referring to the blatant racism against black people in Guyana and in general over the last few days on a variety of threads. Vile, vitriolic racism which you have let run unabated, snickering with the perpetrators.

Funny how alyuh can suspend a poster because of the NUMBER of requests for his suspension, yet there is racism of the nastiest sort and you don't even issue a warning! Disgraceful!

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:
Ray posted:

fellas...this was supposed to be in jest

I am not referring to your opening post on this thread. I am referring to the blatant racism against black people in Guyana and in general over the last few days on a variety of threads. Vile, vitriolic racism which you have let run unabated, snickering with the perpetrators.

dude...yuh talkin sheer poop about me letting it sounding just like some of the ones you complaining about

Ray posted:
Iguana posted:
Ray posted:

fellas...this was supposed to be in jest

I am not referring to your opening post on this thread. I am referring to the blatant racism against black people in Guyana and in general over the last few days on a variety of threads. Vile, vitriolic racism which you have let run unabated, snickering with the perpetrators.

dude...yuh talkin sheer poop about me letting it sounding just like some of the ones you complaining about

The ones I complain about are vile racists who litter this board with their racist filth daily. How am I "sounding" like them?

Ray posted:

when I say you sound like them, I mean you complain about things that are not necessarily so...Nehru call you racist, you call Nehru racist...I think both of you wrong about each other

I couldn't care less what Nehru calls me. I am referring to what is said here about black people in general. Lately it has not been restricted to black Guyanese, but black people all over the world.

The definition of racism is the antagonism someone directs at another person because one believes their race is superior. That is lived out here daily with the Indians here belittling black people.

If you can't see this when you actually post on some of the threads where this racism is expressed, I am not interested in making a case to you. I will make a case where it matters not where 10 people post.

Ray posted:

show me this racist filth that is so prevalent on here?

I make it a great point of stating some of the genuine efforts made by black ppl in the advancement of my character. I do this purposely, to show that Black ppl in general are mostly good ppl.

For every post of that sort, the anti-indoes come out swinging how dem black ppl should read my anti-black comments. There are no such comment other than in their heads.

I waiting for one of them to write how they had an Indian did one small thing for them. No, it would be a betrayal of the Black cause in Guyana.    


cain posted:
seignet posted:

Guyana, the land where every other race is against the East Indians, for centuries.

Now we have Siggy pulling the wimp card about every other race being against East Indians.

If indeed true..(which I know is a blatant lie) there must be a reason. 

Tony Veira speaks for you, he doan like cooolie ppl. The man so low, he even dispute 6 hours of cooolie ppl arrival time British Guiana.

That is RESENTEMT of a great magnitude. He barred Indian music, indian culture and all of indianness in Guyana. His TV station was anti-indian. There is more, but for now I will leave it be.

Cain, nothing personal against you bro. It is what the other races have publicly said against Indians.  As if the indian has no perceptions of their hate and contempt

Ray posted:
caribny posted:
Ray posted:

This is not an Indo site nor is anyone a token!

It's a forum for Guyanese of all nationalities

Certainly fooled me when I look at the ethnic composition of the regular posters and the reasons why many black posters left.

No one controls who are willing to post here...people come and go for many reasons


And the reason stated by a large % of the blacks who left, and who said why they left, was because of the naked anti black bigotry which goes on here. 

And I see that an attempt to discuss Indian racist attitudes was just closed while the most extreme vulgarity, which would not be tolerated on other forums that I frequent, is tolerated.

So please accept the fact that in the eyes of many, and not just Guyanese, GNI is seen as a site that is hostile to people of African descent. Even in Barbados they were discussing this site when opinions about anti black racism among Guyanese Indians resident on that island was being discussed. I have already made mention of this.

If the moderators don't mind being perceived to be monitoring a hate site that is their prerogative.

Ray posted:

show me this racist filth that is so prevalent on here?

If this isn't evident to you showing you what it is makes no sense.  But continue. 

I know that you don't care that I am possibly the only black person who has remained on this site for any length of time. Iguana I bet will soon tire much as Itaname and many others.  He has said as much.

seignet posted:

Guyana, the land where every other race is against the East Indians, for centuries.

In Guyana every race is against every other race.

You grew up with all of the negative comments about blacks made by red people, Portuguese, Indians, Chinese and even by some blacks themselves.

Ditto Amerindians, ditto Portuguese. So why your screams?

D2 posted:
Ray posted:

This is not an Indo site nor is anyone a token!

It's a forum for Guyanese of all nationalities

If is difficult for other ethnicities to post here given the plethora of  racist low lives Indian racists you have here simply hurling insults, accusations and inferring "dispositions" to others. I remember coming here to a barrage of buck etc when I came here and it has changed little. These ignoramuses here have that incurable  racist disease that only having a strong stomach can permit one post here. 

Yes I concur with the fact that bigotry towards Amerindians on GNI is even worse than that towards blacks, because in Guyana Amerindians are powerless, whereas at some point the Indo KKK fear that blacks might retaliate.

Drugb posted:

What is evident is that this is not a site for the faint of heart who will run at the first sign of dissension. The cribster keep claiming that this is a kkk site without any evidence. This old stubborn fool with an appetite for aubergine noir pass himself off as black when he is not. 

You in fact are one of the worst offenders.  So extreme that you get apoplectic with rage anytime a black person's success is acknowledged on GNI.  Even other Indo KKK grudgingly offer their congrats.  Not you though.

seignet posted:
Drugb posted:

What is evident is that this is not a site for the faint of heart who will run at the first sign of dissension. The cribster keep claiming that this is a kkk site without any evidence. This old stubborn fool with an appetite for aubergine noir pass himself off as black when he is not. 

Laffable, one racist came on the site and he found out that Indian ppl are not timid. He is hoping to shame us Indians every chance he gets. Frustrated wannabe black. 

Timid. In fact I think that most of you are cowards.  I bet if I met anyone of you face to face, even druggie, you would dare not say these things that you can behind your PC.

That you think that ranting about blacks  behind your PC is a sign of bravery just shows my point. Read Vishmahabir's comments on this.

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:

That is RESENTEMT of a great magnitude. He barred Indian music, indian culture and all of indianness in Guyana. His TV station was anti-indian. There is more, but for now I will leave it be.


At the time that he did this 60% of the population who aren't Indian were bombarded with music from a foreign country all day.

How come you didn't ask about some of the stations which played ONLY Indian music? Was so bad that an NYT journalist visited Guyana and noted only hearing Bollywood music on TV.  He asked the blacks working on the hotel what they thought.  They shrugged their shoulders stating that these were Indian owned stations and that this was how some Indians behaved.

This is why we cannot move on. Lack of empathy from the Indian side. As I said there are Indian racists an other Indians afraid to speak out against this racism.


Please, some of you so conveniently forget that there was a time when programs featuring songs that Indians enjoyed were only on between 4:30 and 6 in the morning, around 6 in the evenings and during SUnday. Not that Indians did not listen to other music, but there were specific times, and not very long for Indian music.

Now, we got some stations ( I assume private) playing only Indian tunes, it becomes an issue. 

All races took their lumps in Guyana...some more than others, and plenty Indians got lumps during Burnham, I can understand why many feel the way that they do.

I agree Indians should have some empathy for blacks under PPP governance, but sometimes it's hard to forget some of the crap under Burnham

caribny posted:
seignet posted:
Drugb posted:

What is evident is that this is not a site for the faint of heart who will run at the first sign of dissension. The cribster keep claiming that this is a kkk site without any evidence. This old stubborn fool with an appetite for aubergine noir pass himself off as black when he is not. 

Laffable, one racist came on the site and he found out that Indian ppl are not timid. He is hoping to shame us Indians every chance he gets. Frustrated wannabe black. 

Timid. In fact I think that most of you are cowards.  I bet if I met anyone of you face to face, even druggie, you would dare not say these things that you can behind your PC.

That you think that ranting about blacks  behind your PC is a sign of bravery just shows my point. Read Vishmahabir's comments on this.

We are cowards because you threatened and beat Indians, that mentality in your vein/DNA.


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