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seignet posted:
cain posted:
seignet posted:

Guyana, the land where every other race is against the East Indians, for centuries.

Now we have Siggy pulling the wimp card about every other race being against East Indians.

If indeed true..(which I know is a blatant lie) there must be a reason. 

Tony Veira speaks for you, he doan like cooolie ppl. The man so low, he even dispute 6 hours of cooolie ppl arrival time British Guiana.

That is RESENTEMT of a great magnitude. He barred Indian music, indian culture and all of indianness in Guyana. His TV station was anti-indian. There is more, but for now I will leave it be.

Cain, nothing personal against you bro. It is what the other races have publicly said against Indians.  As if the indian has no perceptions of their hate and contempt

No..Tony Viera does not speak for me nor any other, he speaks for himself. If what you state is the truth about him then yes he is obviously a racist person and I would admit that he is wrong.

There lies the difference with what I observe here. 

caribny posted:

You in fact are one of the worst offenders.  So extreme that you get apoplectic with rage anytime a black person's success is acknowledged on GNI.  Even other Indo KKK grudgingly offer their congrats.  Not you though.

I am surprised you feel this way, all I have ever done was force people to look in the mirror. It is not my fault that you all don't like your own reflection. If I comment on the free pass given to Blacks on many fronts, this does not make me racist. You too freely throw around the race card whenever people question your claims. You once stated that Barbados was a shining example of successful Black governance and development. When I pointed out that the development was due to foreign non Black investment, you screamed racism. 


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