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Former Member
Some of us have become professional gripers and complainers. We complain about racial voting, failed state, narco state, elected dictatorship, and just aboutm everything else. The elections are over and the people have spoken. They have given us the first, and probably only opportunity to change the way the nation's business is taken care of. So, instead of devaluing gains that have been made and demoralising the change agents, why don't we grasp this opportunity to participate actively in moving process to a higher level and make this fledging democracy work? Our nation is calling.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I fully SUPPORT this. It is time to Put Up or Shut UP fpr our beloved Guyana. This is a GREAT Opportunity for Transparency, Fairness, Equitable distrubition of Resources, Making the RIGHT decisions to benefit ALL Guyanese. Both the Ruling Party and the Opposition has obligations to the Guyanese People and MUST deliver. I also agrre that this may be our ONLY chance to do so.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
The opposition is playing hard card. They don't want to work together to build the nation. They are hunting for power.

They should not be expected to play "soft" card. In any case, stop focussing on what "they" are doing and see what contribution you can make to move the nation forward.
I suspect that we will have a do nothing parliament just as in the US with congress. But this might not be such a bad idea given the PPP's record of failed projects such as the sugar industry investment in the Skeldon plant as well as the laptop giveway. If the opposition want real impact they first and foremost need to call for the denationalization of the media and campaign reform. They stated that state funds were spent on ppp election billboard signs, they need to take this power away from the PPP.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
I suspect that we will have a do nothing parliament just as in the US with congress. But this might not be such a bad idea given the PPP's record of failed projects such as the sugar industry investment in the Skeldon plant as well as the laptop giveway. If the opposition want real impact they first and foremost need to call for the denationalization of the media and campaign reform. They stated that state funds were spent on ppp election billboard signs, they need to take this power away from the PPP.

I disagree with your opening sentence but wholeheartedly agree with the rest. This is a good start.
I fully support what Errol said.
Before elections many of us felt that the PPP was too corrupt to take Guyana forward and Ramotar was inappropriate to be the president.
While that might be true, the people of Guyana have spoken and Ramotar has got the ball rolling by inviting the political parties to mutually participate in the decision making, that will take Guyana forward.
Even though Ramotar might be inexperience in parliamentary affairs, his initial action gives much hope to build on National Unity.

We should be concerned that while Ramotar and the other political parties are trying to build Guyana, to quote Mrs. Ramotar, 'with an opportunity that might never occur again', the Misir GINA crew on GNI is hell bent on discrediting the opposition parties.
If this negativism continue, it will not only make Ramotar's work that much more harder, but opposition posters might be forced to respond and all hope will be lost, with a buildup of mistrust among the people. For those who live through the 1960s, we know how unpleasant that could be.
Under Ramotar's watch, it is encouraging to see people like Mc Coy in court, to answer assault charges. For the sake of reconciliation and healing of the nation, we hope many more will not see themselves above the law.

To those on GNI like Judge, Streetsmart,Albert,Guyana1,Nehru,Rama,BG Guard and others, who continue to post negative comments about the opposition, ask yourself, whether this is assisting Ramotar to build National Unity and moreso what are you contributing in a positive manner to this nation building?
Originally posted by Tola:
I fully support what Errol said.
Before elections many of us felt that the PPP was too corrupt to take Guyana forward and Ramotar was inappropriate to be the president.
While that might be true, the people of Guyana have spoken and Ramotar has got the ball rolling by inviting the political parties to mutually participate in the decision making, that will take Guyana forward.
Even though Ramotar might be inexperience in parliamentary affairs, his initial action gives much hope to build on National Unity.

We should be concerned that while Ramotar and the other political parties are trying to build Guyana, to quote Mrs. Ramotar, 'with an opportunity that might never occur again', the Misir GINA crew on GNI is hell bent on discrediting the opposition parties.
If this negativism continue, it will not only make Ramotar's work that much more harder, but opposition posters might be forced to respond and all hope will be lost, with a buildup of mistrust among the people. For those who live through the 1960s, we know how unpleasant that could be.
Under Ramotar's watch, it is encouraging to see people like Mc Coy in court, to answer assault charges. For the sake of reconciliation and healing of the nation, we hope many more will not see themselves above the law.

To those on GNI like Judge, Streetsmart,Albert,Guyana1,Nehru,Rama,BG Guard and others, who continue to post negative comments about the opposition, ask yourself, whether this is assisting Ramotar to build National Unity and moreso what are you contributing in a positive manner to this nation building?

I doubt that GNI has such an impact on Guyana. The proof will be in the pudding, if the PNC/AFC vote no to everything that the PPP propose then Ramotar will have no choice but to call snap elections.
Originally posted by Wendy Holmes:
mr. arthur, your posts on this thread remind me of JFK's '61 inaugural speech: ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country...

JFK was me grandfather outside son. It's in the genes.

But seriously, these are challenging and encouraging yet dangerous times. We may not have this opportunity again. If we cannot help, then at least let us not sabotage the process.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
The opposition is playing hard card..

That is what they are supposed to do. 51% of the voters sent them there to change things so they must be resolute in doing so.....Not behaving like puppy dogs wagging their tail at Ramotar as you would prefer. The PPP doesnt have all the answers and so must be foprced to listen to others and adopt ideas that make sense, even if from sourcee other than the PPP.
Originally posted by Errol Arthur:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
The opposition is playing hard card. They don't want to work together to build the nation. They are hunting for power.

They should not be expected to play "soft" card. In any case, stop focussing on what "they" are doing and see what contribution you can make to move the nation forward.

I do not believe the elected have time for our suggestions. They have their own agenda. However, it is the first time a known active politician is on this site. Perhaps, suggestions could be made to him with the hope taht it falls upon fertile ears.
Errol, what can we do? Before you ask what can we do, the new administration need to clean up the mess that Jagdeo left behind, name McCoy and Lumumba as starters and start tackling corruption from within the government, reform the police force by first getting rid of Henry Greene and all corrupt officers, give priority to security and then let's talk about what we can do!
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
The PPP doesnt have all the answers and so must be foprced to listen to others and adopt ideas that make sense, even if from sourcee other than the PPP.

You mean, like bringing back National Service as Granger proposed?

If the three parties agree that National Service will benefit Guyana, so be it.
Not all ideas by an unpopluar government, are not acceptable.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
I doubt that GNI has such an impact on Guyana. The proof will be in the pudding, if the PNC/AFC vote no to everything that the PPP propose then Ramotar will have no choice but to call snap elections.

If AFC and APNU develop ideas and vote them in the PPP will have to implement them or tell Guyanese why they disaobey parliament.
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
The PPP doesnt have all the answers and so must be foprced to listen to others and adopt ideas that make sense, even if from sourcee other than the PPP.

You mean, like bringing back National Service as Granger proposed?

If the three parties agree that National Service will benefit Guyana, so be it.
Not all ideas by an unpopluar government, are not acceptable.

National Service was failure since it did not accomplish anything positive. Why bring back something that millions was squandered on?? The PNC does have a new ideas to offer Guyana. They are stucked in the past.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Errol Arthur:
Some of us have become professional gripers and complainers. We complain about racial voting, failed state, narco state, elected dictatorship, and just aboutm everything else. The elections are over and the people have spoken. They have given us the first, and probably only opportunity to change the way the nation's business is taken care of. So, instead of devaluing gains that have been made and demoralising the change agents, why don't we grasp this opportunity to participate actively in moving process to a higher level and make this fledging democracy work? Our nation is calling.

I agree with you. There have been other opportunities to bring the nation together but the leadership was lacking in courage to take the risk. Ramoutar has a unique opportunity to create history as the president who reached out to the opposition parties to work together as we have never done before. Mind you it is not by choice since he does not have the mandate of the electorate to operate as his predecessors did. But I think having spent all those years in the back office surely he should realized Guyana is very much a divided/polarized country and a change in policy is long overdue for. It is really up to him how he wants to be remembered in the history books.

On the other hand the combined opposition has to be sensible in its approach as to how it works with the mandate that the electorate has given to them. I remain hopeful that this opportunity is not squandered by the govt and the opposition and that common sense prevails.

Guyanese people have to be civil and treat one another with respect and not be running around as they do on this forum painting people as monsters and evil beings.
Originally posted by seignet:
Originally posted by Errol Arthur:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
The opposition is playing hard card. They don't want to work together to build the nation. They are hunting for power.

They should not be expected to play "soft" card. In any case, stop focussing on what "they" are doing and see what contribution you can make to move the nation forward.

I do not believe the elected have time for our suggestions. They have their own agenda. However, it is the first time a known active politician is on this site. Perhaps, suggestions could be made to him with the hope taht it falls upon fertile ears.

That big belly boy has no clout in the AFC, he is a gofer who was used and then denied a seat in parliament.
Originally posted by Errol Arthur:
Some of us have become professional gripers and complainers. We complain about racial voting, failed state, narco state, elected dictatorship, and just aboutm everything else. The elections are over and the people have spoken. They have given us the first, and probably only opportunity to change the way the nation's business is taken care of. So, instead of devaluing gains that have been made and demoralising the change agents, why don't we grasp this opportunity to participate actively in moving process to a higher level and make this fledging democracy work? Our nation is calling.

yo Errol it's all good. It happens everywhere to some degree. I believe that Gy , with the elections past, has matured even more as a nation and this augurs well moving forward. People will gripe, and complain and whine..but in the end the maturity displayed by the people indicate that progress will continue.
Originally posted by caribj:
If AFC and APNU develop ideas and vote them in the PPP will have to implement them or tell Guyanese why they disaobey parliament.

If these two miscreants that call themselves political parties can agree on proposal I am in full support. However I believe that this will not happen unless the AFC is indeed an arm of the PNc sent out to dupe gullible Indians to vote for them as I have been saying all along.
Originally posted by caribj:

They can and should discuss it.

Maybe Granger has a point, but this time around it should not be mandatory for UG grads as was the case under the PNC. But what program will be sacrificed to pay for such an effort and will people join willingly given that Guyanese have now become preoccupied with material things rather than nation building.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally posted by Inqubus:
What u all cando is mind your own blasted Big Grin bsiness

You strike me as one of them Guyanese who used to eat haad buns and sour mauby for lunch. Big Grin Keep it up men. you are a true Guyanese
i use to eat that,but now that the ppp win i am hungry.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by Tola:
I fully support what Errol said.
Before elections many of us felt that the PPP was too corrupt to take Guyana forward and Ramotar was inappropriate to be the president.
While that might be true, the people of Guyana have spoken and Ramotar has got the ball rolling by inviting the political parties to mutually participate in the decision making, that will take Guyana forward.
Even though Ramotar might be inexperience in parliamentary affairs, his initial action gives much hope to build on National Unity.

We should be concerned that while Ramotar and the other political parties are trying to build Guyana, to quote Mrs. Ramotar, 'with an opportunity that might never occur again', the Misir GINA crew on GNI is hell bent on discrediting the opposition parties.
If this negativism continue, it will not only make Ramotar's work that much more harder, but opposition posters might be forced to respond and all hope will be lost, with a buildup of mistrust among the people. For those who live through the 1960s, we know how unpleasant that could be.
Under Ramotar's watch, it is encouraging to see people like Mc Coy in court, to answer assault charges. For the sake of reconciliation and healing of the nation, we hope many more will not see themselves above the law.

To those on GNI like Judge, Streetsmart,Albert,Guyana1,Nehru,Rama,BG Guard and others, who continue to post negative comments about the opposition, ask yourself, whether this is assisting Ramotar to build National Unity and moreso what are you contributing in a positive manner to this nation building?

I doubt that GNI has such an impact on Guyana. The proof will be in the pudding, if the PNC/AFC vote no to everything that the PPP propose then Ramotar will have no choice but to call snap elections.

The media - prints, electronic, TV. blogs, BB etc. are all popular and effective tools in the dissemination of information to the public. Editorials, open discussions, commentaries, letters & feed backs are all critical components in shaping public opinions and guiding policies, and any politician worth his salt would be ill advised to ignore and /or neglect any of these outlets and I am sure the PPP mandarins have finally been jolted from their arrogant, pompous and bombastic perch.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by caribj:

They can and should discuss it.

Maybe Granger has a point, but this time around it should not be mandatory for UG grads as was the case under the PNC. But what program will be sacrificed to pay for such an effort and will people join willingly given that Guyanese have now become preoccupied with material things rather than nation building.

NS can be used for many purposes...especially as a device to train youths who have dropped out of school and cant find meaningful work.

Why the PPP is opposed to that can be any one's guess. Its cheaper than dealing with them when they become criminals.

There is nothing wrong with mandatory service (while studying, and for a short while after) for UG grads, provided that there is focus to an area for which they are trained. By giving practical exposure to Guyana it will enable them to better apply their theoretical training to the practical problems which exist.
Originally posted by caribj:

NS can be used for many purposes...especially as a device to train youths who have dropped out of school and cant find meaningful work.

Why the PPP is opposed to that can be any one's guess. Its cheaper than dealing with them when they become criminals.

There is nothing wrong with mandatory service (while studying, and for a short while after) for UG grads, provided that there is focus to an area for which they are trained. By giving practical exposure to Guyana it will enable them to better apply their theoretical training to the practical problems which exist.

People should not be forced to join national service in order to get an education. Again what service should be cut in order to pay for national service and how much should be allocated?
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
[That big belly boy has no clout in the AFC, he is a gofer who was used and then denied a seat in parliament.

What happened you tried to go after his wife and he beat you up????? Why your incessant obsession with this man?

You have me confused with someone else. I never engaged that big belly man's wife nor do I know her.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by caribj:

NS can be used for many purposes...especially as a device to train youths who have dropped out of school and cant find meaningful work.

Why the PPP is opposed to that can be any one's guess. Its cheaper than dealing with them when they become criminals.

There is nothing wrong with mandatory service (while studying, and for a short while after) for UG grads, provided that there is focus to an area for which they are trained. By giving practical exposure to Guyana it will enable them to better apply their theoretical training to the practical problems which exist.

People should not be forced to join national service in order to get an education. Again what service should be cut in order to pay for national service and how much should be allocated?

I agree that National Service should not be forced on anyone, but it should be completely voluntary. However if it is thought out and executed with the right incentive to participate - perhaps a model similar to he American Youth Corp, it may not be such a bad idea. What made Burnham's NS repulsive to many, is its militarization and annexation as an arm of the PNC.

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