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Replies sorted oldest to newest much the 2 of u willing to pay????


so picture this...ohhh boy! did it feel goooddd!!!!!  It hurt a little (just like when i was a virgin) but u know, i wan do it, suh pain ent matter, i was just thinking about the pleasure    i move all de pillow outta de way, so i can get de whole bed. I bent my knees to take some pressure off, one hand grab de edge of de bed, the other hand grab de bedsheet, then i slowly wriggle and move..ohh i had to groan, bite meh lip, close me eye, call fuh god so i stop lil bit....then i slowly move again. by then i was almost there...ohhh it felt soo good. then! the excitment start build up more, i grab me bed post...oh wheeeee! after two weeks...i did IT!!! IT FELT SOOOO GOODD!!! i finally get to sleep on meh belly!!!           

Lord have marcy!  u puttin ideas in the poo bai head, but chammie, by the time this bai cum, me can get get preggy again     ...oh wait, them tek out all mey baby-making parts    
yea, i gonna keep an eye out fuh u Sunday 
Originally Posted by chameli:
Originally Posted by Sunil:

What Marcy need is a good rub down, I going for some coconut oil.

i really think u hould head to TO soon.u like fishing, she like it too

u have good hands and she can prob do wid a rub down


Marcy, rest up

maybe i see u this wknd


Originally Posted by cain:

Oh rass woman, I doan mean for you to kick the  man to the curb ( I saying this so he doan feel bad, doan say anything,shhh)

nah, i ent gonna say notin'..but hear this...i in a getting-rid mood, anything/anybody that is of no use to me, i puttin by the curb. Garbage pick up is every Monday, Perfect! just after the wkend and wouldn't be around for another wkend    


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