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Government corruption uncovered!


September 9, 2012 | By | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists 

What is corruption? Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.
It means that:
·    Decisions are taken for private interest instead of for public benefit.
·    Democratic institutions are weakened and legitimacy, public trust and support are lost.
·    Instead of fair competition based on price, quality and innovation, competitive bribery thrives. This harms trade and deters investments.
·    The environment is threatened – when environmental protection agencies are corrupt, the very foundations of sustainable development are eroded.
·    Human rights abuses flourish – as corruption increases, regimes become more secretive, and basic social and economic rights are threatened.
·    It becomes impossible for millions of people, especially in developing countries, to earn an honest living.

Many persons have asked why the Alliance For Change is participating in a debate series on corruption that is being hosted by the government-controlled National Communications Network. The answer is simple, when truth is on your side you have nothing to fear.

The debate series offered the AFC an opportunity to do several things – demonstrate that we were not the type to be intimidated by overwhelming odds and that we have width and depth in the party by fielding different representatives.

At the first debate; the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project and claims of corruption, AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan brought up the issue of contracts that are awarded to persons with no experience and he gave the road-building contract to ‘Fip’ Motilall as an example. Neither the government ministers, nor the technical expert and civil society representative, could give a plausible explanation as to why a multi-million-dollar road building contract was given to Motilall, who had never built a road in his life.

In the second debate – Marriott Hotel and corruption claims – an interesting point was made by Mr. Ramjattan; why is Marriott not investing its own money in the construction of this project if indeed it is as feasible as the government would want us to believe? The ministers of government and others on the panel failed to provide a plausible answer.

The debate on CJIA Expansion Project and corruption saw several startling revelations – no need for an Environmental Impact Assessment, the government was planning to relocate the residents, the fact that the government was aware since 1994 that they would be expanding the airport yet it still proceeded not only to encourage citizens to reside there, but undertook to regularize their occupation.
Shortly after the debate, residents of  Timehri North held a press conference where they said that was the first they had heard of relocation.

Then there was the President’s pension and corruption debate -  the government ministers are yet to tell AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes where prime ocean front property can be bought below market value and at the price paid by the former president Bharrat Jagdeo.

Subsequent coverage in the media highlighted the grandiose lifestyle the former President intends to enjoy, all at the expense of poor taxpayers whose tax dollar will be used to staff his palatial home.

Also, a most revealing statement came from Dr.Nanda Gopaul who, in the most bold-face manner said, “What is wrong with a former president or a president seeking to ensure that he lives a comfortable life after his presidency? Especially because we have term limits, knowing full well that you are going to demit office, you must ensure that you look for your future. We must not go from a president to rags,” That statement clearly revealed how the PPP/C government views the Office of the President and also indicates their general belief that it is okay to use one’s office to enrich oneself.

AFC’s General Secretary David Patterson had the government ministers up in arms when he quoted from the records of the Public Accounts Committee to reveal that the PPP/C never, during the last Parliament, named its representatives to the Public Procurement Commission, thus effectively making it impossible for the Commission to be enacted. The technical expert was left to fumble his way around to explain why the Constitution of Guyana, where it provides for a Public Procurement Commission, was not being honoured.

During the 2011 Elections campaign period, the issue of corruption was at the top of the list of things Guyanese are dissatisfied with. Everywhere the AFC went, people were complaining about the manner in which contracts were being awarded, not getting value for money when projects were being done and the blatant disregard by government officials to provide information.


Belief that most government officials were involved in some level of corruption was probably the single-most factor that caused the electorate to vote against the PPP/C and thereby caused the turning point in Guyana politics.

The Auditor General’s most recent report identified a gamut of financial discrepancies and instances of non-accountability that contravene financial management practices. This has been the case of many reports before. Yet, even though these infractions continue to be identified, many government ministries and agencies fail to take corrective measures. It seems that the officials in these ministries and agencies have no regard for the Auditor General’s recommendations and are determined, year after year, to continue with their bad practices. This is an insult to the work of the Auditor General’s Office and contemptuous of taxpayers, whose money it is, that is not being properly accounted for.

Secret deals
The veil of secrecy that the Jagdeo administration employed in many of its dealings with local, regional and international companies is fast unraveling to reveal misinformation, half-truths, lies and damn lies. These companies, some with international reputations to preserve, have been providing details that are in direct contradiction to what the PPP/C government officials are saying.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Ok folks,


The same old cut and paste by Mitwah. He is the cut and paste poster boy for Toilet Paper KN.


Now folks, ask him to pen his own posts and he falls apart and rushes for the KN. To date they have been able to prove ZERO.

Just Toilet Paper Reporting.Just Toilet Paper Reporting.


Remember folks, they ran away, yes they ran away from the TV corruption debates. They have no smoking gun. Just copy and paste.


Yes indeed, the fools were give bussass by Ashni, Luncheon, Brassington and Edgehill on NCN. Then they ran away claiming that the forum was not fair. Imagine that on public TV they couldn't prove corruption. Now they revert to the Kaiteur rag where there is no one on the other side refuting their claims. I don't doubt that there is corruption in the PPP, every party have corruption but the AFC takes the cake with their affiliation with the pepper sauce man, the coconut milk cocaine scheme and EZ jet drug carrier. 


At the first debate; the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project and claims of corruption, AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan brought up the issue of contracts that are awarded to persons with no experience and he gave the road-building contract to ‘Fip’ Motilall as an example. Neither the government ministers, nor the technical expert and civil society representative, could give a plausible explanation as to why a multi-million-dollar road building contract was given to Motilall, who had never built a road in his life.


In the second debate – Marriott Hotel and corruption claims – an interesting point was made by Mr. Ramjattan; why is Marriott not investing its own money in the construction of this project if indeed it is as feasible as the government would want us to believe? The ministers of government and others on the panel failed to provide a plausible answer.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC has been able to prove Zero and they had a TV audience to prove it and the proved ZERO. The AFC ran away from the debates, yes ran away. They had no smoking gun.

  • What is corruption? Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.
    It means that:
    ·    Decisions are taken for private interest instead of for public benefit.
    ·    Democratic institutions are weakened and legitimacy, public trust and support are lost.
    ·    Instead of fair competition based on price, quality and innovation, competitive bribery thrives. This harms trade and deters investments.
    ·    The environment is threatened – when environmental protection agencies are corrupt, the very foundations of sustainable development are eroded.
    ·    Human rights abuses flourish – as corruption increases, regimes become more secretive, and basic social and economic rights are threatened.
    ·    It becomes impossible for millions of people, especially in developing countries, to earn an honest living.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC has been able to prove Zero and they had a TV audience to prove it and the proved ZERO. The AFC ran away from the debates, yes ran away. They had no smoking gun.


At the first debate; the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project and claims of corruption, AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan brought up the issue of contracts that are awarded to persons with no experience and he gave the road-building contract to ‘Fip’ Motilall as an example. Neither the government ministers, nor the technical expert and civil society representative, could give a plausible explanation as to why a multi-million-dollar road building contract was given to Motilall, who had never built a road in his life.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC has been able to prove Zero and they had a TV audience to prove it and the proved ZERO. The AFC ran away from the debates, yes ran away. They had no smoking gun.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC has been able to prove Zero and they had a TV audience to prove it and the proved ZERO. The AFC ran away from the debates, yes ran away. They had no smoking gun.

Cammon sense and meh lil ACCA account tell meh dat de income dem over years gat fuh add up fuh de assets. Me want Jagdoe and Irfat show how dem violate this basic accounts wid dem public servant income. Yuh cyan only mek 2 mill US house and 100 mill guyana dalla house by tekkin kickbacks and rapin de poor people money. Is simple accounts internet swamiji. 


In the second debate – Marriott Hotel and corruption claims – an interesting point was made by Mr. Ramjattan; why is Marriott not investing its own money in the construction of this project if indeed it is as feasible as the government would want us to believe? The ministers of government and others on the panel failed to provide a plausible answer.



Then there was the President’s pension and corruption debate -  the government ministers are yet to tell AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes where prime ocean front property can be bought below market value and at the price paid by the former president Bharrat Jagdeo.

Subsequent coverage in the media highlighted the grandiose lifestyle the former President intends to enjoy, all at the expense of poor taxpayers whose tax dollar will be used to staff his palatial home.

Also, a most revealing statement came from Dr.Nanda Gopaul who, in the most bold-face manner said, “What is wrong with a former president or a president seeking to ensure that he lives a comfortable life after his presidency?


Especially because we have term limits, knowing full well that you are going to demit office, you must ensure that you look for your future. We must not go from a president to rags,” That statement clearly revealed how the PPP/C government views the Office of the President and also indicates their general belief that it is okay to use one’s office to enrich oneself.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Then there was the President’s pension and corruption debate -  the government ministers are yet to tell AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes where prime ocean front property can be bought below market value and at the price paid by the former president Bharrat Jagdeo.

Subsequent coverage in the media highlighted the grandiose lifestyle the former President intends to enjoy, all at the expense of poor taxpayers whose tax dollar will be used to staff his palatial home.

Also, a most revealing statement came from Dr.Nanda Gopaul who, in the most bold-face manner said, “What is wrong with a former president or a president seeking to ensure that he lives a comfortable life after his presidency?


Especially because we have term limits, knowing full well that you are going to demit office, you must ensure that you look for your future. We must not go from a president to rags,” That statement clearly revealed how the PPP/C government views the Office of the President and also indicates their general belief that it is okay to use one’s office to enrich oneself.

AFC, fight for what the people care about, not your own ego, agenda and hatred.  Go take on the real difficult subjects, like VAT, etc.


During the 2011 Elections campaign period, the issue of corruption was at the top of the list of things Guyanese are dissatisfied with. Everywhere the AFC went, people were complaining about the manner in which contracts were being awarded, not getting value for money when projects were being done and the blatant disregard by government officials to provide information.


Next on the list is perhaps VAT.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

During the 2011 Elections campaign period, the issue of corruption was at the top of the list of things Guyanese are dissatisfied with. Everywhere the AFC went, people were complaining about the manner in which contracts were being awarded, not getting value for money when projects were being done and the blatant disregard by government officials to provide information.


Next on the list is perhaps VAT.

Take on VAT, which will win you huge credibility and then a mandate for the other stuff.  Most ordinary Guyanese complain about VAT, not Jaggy house or pension.

Originally Posted by warrior:

no i am a AFC warrior,waiting to hang some ppp thief

Go heng yu fadda fuss. Yu have to go back to dem PNC days. U na wan AFC warria; yu ah PNC terrarist thug.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

During the 2011 Elections campaign period, the issue of corruption was at the top of the list of things Guyanese are dissatisfied with. Everywhere the AFC went, people were complaining about the manner in which contracts were being awarded, not getting value for money when projects were being done and the blatant disregard by government officials to provide information.


Next on the list is perhaps VAT.

Take on VAT, which will win you huge credibility and then a mandate for the other stuff.  Most ordinary Guyanese complain about VAT, not Jaggy house or pension.

Bhai, when me use to write exams, me use to knack out dem easy prablems fuss. Then teck on de hard ones.. Yuh too?


AFC, jokes aside, please take note of what Comrade Baseman is saying.

Originally Posted by warrior:

na,i say put the ppp and pnc in one hole and bury them,make sure its deep so they cannot crawl out,also put a skeltonman in it too

Don't knock the PNC now. They raised you and sent you to America and now you are ashamed of them? You ah bore hole in de plate yu eat fram? Negro neemahkaram!!! I don't want to say on this board who for you they should put me in with.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:

na,i say put the ppp and pnc in one hole and bury them,make sure its deep so they cannot crawl out,also put a skeltonman in it too

Don't knock the PNC now. They raised you and sent you to America and now you are ashamed of them? You ah bore hole in de plate yu eat fram? Negro neemahkaram!!! I don't want to say on this board who for you they should put me in with.

Another Caribj in the making.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:

rohee have the smoking gun,he use it to kill the people in linden

Stop smoking you ganja and snorting cocaine. Your brain is already smoked.

I used to respect what you post but this is the dumbest reply ever by you.


You do not have to abandon democracy to fight corruption. This is what many of you in the opposition want. You want to go back to the days when we will have not only dictatorship and discrimination but corruption at even greater level.


People of Guyana, you have a voice today. Use it to influence gov't into fighting corruption but do not throw out the baby with the dirty water. You will making a grave mistake. The PPP has a long history of making compromises in the interests of the nation and its citizenry. Use the freedoms you have today to what's best for Guyana - fight corruption and be vigilant of the dictatorial monster that reared its ugly head in parliament with sorts of tactics such gag order. They are ravening wolves.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

You do not have to abandon democracy to fight corruption. This is what many of you in the opposition want. You want to go back to the days when we will have not only dictatorship and discrimination but corruption at even greater level.


People of Guyana, you have a voice today. Use it to influence gov't into fighting corruption but do not throw out the baby with the dirty water. You will making a grave mistake. The PPP has a long history of making compromises in the interests of the nation and its citizenry. Use the freedoms you have today to what's best for Guyana - fight corruption and be vigilant of the dictatorial monster that reared its ugly head in parliament with sorts of tactics such gag order. They are ravening wolves.

Stupid man, the demand for complete autocratic domination of the legislature and the administration is what the PPP demands to be "competent" It means they can be secretive, do their nepotistic deals, enrich themselves at he nations expense and have no accountability. In short, when confronted with basic democratic ideals as political voice and exit strategies they are stymied.


If democratic principles are built up on majority consensus they need to be reminded they are the minority. If they do not like that status then they can allow for coalition building so a majority government can be formed. If as they complain about " a one seat majority" then they can remedy that also by insisting on a super majority to form the government rather than a simple majority. Anyway you cut it they are being measured and found wanting.


The interest of the nation is not measured on no other metric than the majority consensus metric. Assumptions that they are the best is made on account of the democratic necessity of a majority of the people affording them that authority. A glitch in our system, alien to democracy prohibits the majority from forming the government. This glitch has to be corrected. If it continues to exist it means a 34% og the electorate by any party can afford them the office of an executive and autocratic presidency.


Again you empty headed lot rely on no worthy facts just your gut feeling that an Indian led and Indian identified government is the best there is.


Stormy bhai,


Wuh I gon tell yuh! If you can't see that the PNC is getting ready to seize power in Guyana and return the nation to tyrannical rule and economic disaster then I can't help you. Some of the stuff you wrote make sense but it won't work when the nation is hijacked by the PNC and you and I are back to battle field to demand fair and free elections and other freedoms. The PNC and its sidekick the AFC have telling the nation that today Guyana is dictatorial and not yesterday under LFS and Hoyte. You have swallowed all of this hook, line, and sinker. Name me one recognized international body from any Western Democratic nation that has deemed Guyana dictatorial runned by drug-dealing Czar? 


You should have been born in Greece during the time of Plato so you could have your boring philosophical conversations with one of those Greek thinkers. Your attacks are no different from an intellectual madman on the streets of Georgetown who only invites laughter and consternation. You are not going anywhere on the political scene with that type of intellectual garbage. It belongs where it ought to be - trash can of the Guyanese PNC Revisionists from Congress House to Gerhard' bottomhouse. You try that Sheet bhai. Have a happy Friday Man.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Stormy bhai,


Wuh I gon tell yuh! If you can't see that the PNC is getting ready to seize power in Guyana and return the nation to tyrannical rule and economic disaster then I can't help you. Some of the stuff you wrote make sense but it won't work when the nation is hijacked by the PNC and you and I are back to battle field to demand fair and free elections and other freedoms. The PNC and its sidekick the AFC have telling the nation that today Guyana is dictatorial and not yesterday under LFS and Hoyte. You have swallowed all of this hook, line, and sinker. Name me one recognized international body from any Western Democratic nation that has deemed Guyana dictatorial runned by drug-dealing Czar? 


You should have been born in Greece during the time of Plato so you could have your boring philosophical conversations with one of those Greek thinkers. Your attacks are no different from an intellectual madman on the streets of Georgetown who only invites laughter and consternation. You are not going anywhere on the political scene with that type of intellectual garbage. It belongs where it ought to be - trash can of the Guyanese PNC Revisionists from Congress House to Gerhard' bottomhouse. You try that Sheet bhai. Have a happy Friday Man.

If the PNC are getting ready to "seize" power on account of despondency of the masses with the PPP then that is their right. Insisting they are tyrannical alone will not cut it. The PPP has mastered the art of murder for hire, thief of state assets and complete usurpation of the press for propagandist tasks so the idea of previous PNC "disaster" is being surpassed daily. Their methodology can no longer be excused on account of we may get worse.


Democracy is measured and assessed as practiced. As such it is expressed as deficits of democracy since the principle of the vote is in place. These deficits include race based voting and an executive presidency formed on account of that which leaves almost 50 percent of the people of other races than Indians bereft of access to the machinery of state.


Further, when the PPP practices kith and kin hiring over merit it cuts into the heart of the "left out" and disrespects them. Presently, the PPP hase reduced the administrative class to contract workers and by so doing them created a patronage class that is further disempowered as one individual holds their lives in their hand. The PPP are far from democratic and far from being the adequate kind of democracy we must embrace.


If you are bored by what I write I would not be very surprised. The world is populated by a majority of people who are satisfied with mediocrity. It allowed 100k Englishmen to dominate over a billion People extending from India, Africa and the West Indies. Were it not for the minds of men contend to highlight the injustices of this condition in gray, academic prose and in often admonishing tones they would still be there with their boot at our necks.


You can laugh and follow the crowd as willing sheep or be the contrarian and face the reality with the wool removed from your eyes. Life is always a matter of the mental space between the complacent moron or the anguished thinker, the consumer of the red or the blue pill. The choice is yours.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A little fact-check on your charges against the gov't will prove you to be compulsive liar like LFS Burnham.



Screaming about fact checking does not imply there are contrary facts. The same goes for insisting one lies. You need to point out these facts you have and these lies that are being told.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Your are like a child crying of candy who never understands the sugar effects on the body.


 I guess you are reduced to the usual Ad Hominem maligning as if that makes your case. Silly man, it is pathetic. If you are so much of a profound thinker it would not be arduous for you to post a few words that would thoroughly repudiate what was stated. You can begin with democratic assessment for example.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A little fact-check on your charges against the gov't will prove you to be compulsive liar like LFS Burnham.



We need more like you on this board. Hit them where it hurts.

Dem na want fu hear wah burnall did.


OP’s control of Lotto fund circumvents Parliament’s Authority



– Former Auditor General Dr. Goolsarran

 “I am very passionate about the Consolidated Fund because that is where all public monies should sit….and the Lotto money is public money.”

By Gary Eleazar

Former Auditor General Dr. Anand Goolsaran has defended his critique of Former Minister of Legal Affairs, Charles Ramson’s pronouncement of Office of the President’s oversight of the proceeds from the Lottery.
Dr. Goolsaran had recently reiterated his position that the 24 per cent proceeds from the Guyana Lottery Fund for which the Government has received several billion dollars should be turned over to the Consolidated Fund where it would be subject to Parliamentary Scrutiny.

Originally Posted by Mahen:

OP’s control of Lotto fund circumvents Parliament’s Authority



– Former Auditor General Dr. Goolsarran

 “I am very passionate about the Consolidated Fund because that is where all public monies should sit….and the Lotto money is public money.”

By Gary Eleazar

Former Auditor General Dr. Anand Goolsaran has defended his critique of Former Minister of Legal Affairs, Charles Ramson’s pronouncement of Office of the President’s oversight of the proceeds from the Lottery.
Dr. Goolsaran had recently reiterated his position that the 24 per cent proceeds from the Guyana Lottery Fund for which the Government has received several billion dollars should be turned over to the Consolidated Fund where it would be subject to Parliamentary Scrutiny.

Another piece of toilet paper propaganda against the PPP. Someone needs to bitch slap this Goolgoolla fella!


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