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Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A little fact-check on your charges against the gov't will prove you to be compulsive liar like LFS Burnham.



We need more like you on this board. Hit them where it hurts.

Dem na want fu hear wah burnall did.

Thanks skeldon_man.


All his intellectual prowess cannot cover the dirt and filth on the opposition mainly the Peoples National Congress. The AFC broke its promise of being totally different from the two big behemoths - the PPP and the PNC. By allying themselves the PNC they have betrayed their supporters and the nation. Stormy can fire up everything he has his in arsenals to convince people that they are living under dictatorship. At the end of the day the average man who watches with his own eyes what the opposition is doing on the streets and in parliament would not be convinced that Guyana would be better off under the rule of Granger. Lets make it clear that any alternative to the PPP is Granger and not Ramjattan. The AFC cannot win on its own. It's out there just to tear down out of pure bitterness.


Billy Ram Balgobin




Marriott Hotel Project…AFC tables motion to halt public funding




By Abena Rockcliffe

A parliamentary motion which seeks to stop Government from injecting state funds into the construction of the Marriott Hotel in Kingston, was yesterday tabled by the Alliance For Change (AFC).
The motion, if passed, will seek to ensure that no further expenditure is incurred by National Industrial and Commercial

AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan

Investments Limited (NICIL) or its subsidiary Atlantic Hotels Incorporated (AHI) on the Marriott Hotel project, without the authorization and approval of the National Assembly.
The construction has an estimated cost of US$60M.
The AFC noted in the motion, its belief that “Government is using NICIL as an instrument, whether directly or indirectly through its subsidiary Atlantic Hotels Incorporated, to unlawfully acquire public lands and then to lease such lands, and also to spend billions of dollars of public monies into the Marriott Hotel Project, so as to avoid and evade authorization and approval of the National Assembly.”
Parliament was given notice of the motion by AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan, who based the motion on the fact that the Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh, has failed to “fully comply” with the terms of a motion approved by the National Assembly on June 27.



Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Government corruption uncovered!


September 9, 2012 | By | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists 

What is corruption? Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.
It means that:
·    Decisions are taken for private interest instead of for public benefit.
·    Democratic institutions are weakened and legitimacy, public trust and support are lost.
·    Instead of fair competition based on price, quality and innovation, competitive bribery thrives. This harms trade and deters investments.
·    The environment is threatened – when environmental protection agencies are corrupt, the very foundations of sustainable development are eroded.
·    Human rights abuses flourish – as corruption increases, regimes become more secretive, and basic social and economic rights are threatened.
·    It becomes impossible for millions of people, especially in developing countries, to earn an honest living.

Many persons have asked why the Alliance For Change is participating in a debate series on corruption that is being hosted by the government-controlled National Communications Network. The answer is simple, when truth is on your side you have nothing to fear.

The debate series offered the AFC an opportunity to do several things – demonstrate that we were not the type to be intimidated by overwhelming odds and that we have width and depth in the party by fielding different representatives.

At the first debate; the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project and claims of corruption, AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan brought up the issue of contracts that are awarded to persons with no experience and he gave the road-building contract to ‘Fip’ Motilall as an example. Neither the government ministers, nor the technical expert and civil society representative, could give a plausible explanation as to why a multi-million-dollar road building contract was given to Motilall, who had never built a road in his life.

In the second debate – Marriott Hotel and corruption claims – an interesting point was made by Mr. Ramjattan; why is Marriott not investing its own money in the construction of this project if indeed it is as feasible as the government would want us to believe? The ministers of government and others on the panel failed to provide a plausible answer.

The debate on CJIA Expansion Project and corruption saw several startling revelations – no need for an Environmental Impact Assessment, the government was planning to relocate the residents, the fact that the government was aware since 1994 that they would be expanding the airport yet it still proceeded not only to encourage citizens to reside there, but undertook to regularize their occupation.
Shortly after the debate, residents of  Timehri North held a press conference where they said that was the first they had heard of relocation.

Then there was the President’s pension and corruption debate -  the government ministers are yet to tell AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes where prime ocean front property can be bought below market value and at the price paid by the former president Bharrat Jagdeo.

Subsequent coverage in the media highlighted the grandiose lifestyle the former President intends to enjoy, all at the expense of poor taxpayers whose tax dollar will be used to staff his palatial home.

Also, a most revealing statement came from Dr.Nanda Gopaul who, in the most bold-face manner said, “What is wrong with a former president or a president seeking to ensure that he lives a comfortable life after his presidency? Especially because we have term limits, knowing full well that you are going to demit office, you must ensure that you look for your future. We must not go from a president to rags,” That statement clearly revealed how the PPP/C government views the Office of the President and also indicates their general belief that it is okay to use one’s office to enrich oneself.

AFC’s General Secretary David Patterson had the government ministers up in arms when he quoted from the records of the Public Accounts Committee to reveal that the PPP/C never, during the last Parliament, named its representatives to the Public Procurement Commission, thus effectively making it impossible for the Commission to be enacted. The technical expert was left to fumble his way around to explain why the Constitution of Guyana, where it provides for a Public Procurement Commission, was not being honoured.

During the 2011 Elections campaign period, the issue of corruption was at the top of the list of things Guyanese are dissatisfied with. Everywhere the AFC went, people were complaining about the manner in which contracts were being awarded, not getting value for money when projects were being done and the blatant disregard by government officials to provide information.


Belief that most government officials were involved in some level of corruption was probably the single-most factor that caused the electorate to vote against the PPP/C and thereby caused the turning point in Guyana politics.

The Auditor General’s most recent report identified a gamut of financial discrepancies and instances of non-accountability that contravene financial management practices. This has been the case of many reports before. Yet, even though these infractions continue to be identified, many government ministries and agencies fail to take corrective measures. It seems that the officials in these ministries and agencies have no regard for the Auditor General’s recommendations and are determined, year after year, to continue with their bad practices. This is an insult to the work of the Auditor General’s Office and contemptuous of taxpayers, whose money it is, that is not being properly accounted for.

Secret deals
The veil of secrecy that the Jagdeo administration employed in many of its dealings with local, regional and international companies is fast unraveling to reveal misinformation, half-truths, lies and damn lies. These companies, some with international reputations to preserve, have been providing details that are in direct contradiction to what the PPP/C government officials are saying.

Time for a revision of what this thread is about.

Originally Posted by Mahen:




Marriott Hotel Project…AFC tables motion to halt public funding




By Abena Rockcliffe

A parliamentary motion which seeks to stop Government from injecting state funds into the construction of the Marriott Hotel in Kingston, was yesterday tabled by the Alliance For Change (AFC).
The motion, if passed, will seek to ensure that no further expenditure is incurred by National Industrial and Commercial

AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan

Investments Limited (NICIL) or its subsidiary Atlantic Hotels Incorporated (AHI) on the Marriott Hotel project, without the authorization and approval of the National Assembly.
The construction has an estimated cost of US$60M.
The AFC noted in the motion, its belief that “Government is using NICIL as an instrument, whether directly or indirectly through its subsidiary Atlantic Hotels Incorporated, to unlawfully acquire public lands and then to lease such lands, and also to spend billions of dollars of public monies into the Marriott Hotel Project, so as to avoid and evade authorization and approval of the National Assembly.”
Parliament was given notice of the motion by AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan, who based the motion on the fact that the Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh, has failed to “fully comply” with the terms of a motion approved by the National Assembly on June 27.



Obstructionists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ashamed to see the PPP moving Guyana in the right direction. 




Importers cry foul at $1.3B secret pharmaceutical award to Ramroop’s New GPC


…deal smacks of gross corruption

The award of a $1.3B contract for the importation of pharmaceuticals is being queried by the

Dr Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop

other companies that import drugs.
Three major importers, among them the International Pharmaceutical Agency (IPA) said that they were never made aware of the contract; that there was no tender and that if there was, they were never allowed to tender.
The award was made to the New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation (GPC) in a continuation of a policy that had been in place for years.  Owned by Dr Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ Ramroop, the New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation had a monopoly of pharmaceutical imports for the Ministry of Health and for the Georgetown Public Hospital.
The Auditor General had cause to criticize the methods used to ensure that the GPC monopolised the drug imports. He pointed to irregular tender practices which saw the government actually splitting contracts to avoid going to tender for the imports of the drugs.
The law dictates that imports over a certain amount of money must go to public tender. Instead, the government always ensured that the contracts were below the range of the tender board and simply offered the awards to Ramroop’s New GPC.
The political opposition recognized the very close relationship between Dr Ramroop and the then President Bharrat Jagdeo. Dr Ramroop was identified as Jagdeo’s best friend. They challenged the contract splitting, but the government always used its majority in Parliament to defeat motions that sought to change the rules that permitted contract splitting.




The opposition always claim they are above and beyond tit for tat politics.

Their actions over the last year make these guys look like nothing more than Trojan horses. The AFC is a subversive group who will help bring doomsday to Guyana. Nip it in the bud or the nation will pay a higher price than the 28 years LFS gave us.




Billy Ram Balgobin



Judge orders Irfaan Ali to pay $50,000 to Kaieteur News


Housing Minister Irfaan Ali must pay $50,000 to Kaieteur News after his lawyer incorrectly filed his writ claiming libel.
The lawyer, Hukumchand, had gone to the courts with his claim for libel and seeking an injunction after Kaieteur News published on its front page of its New Year’s Day edition, a photograph of the house Minister Ali was building at Leonora, West Coast Demerara.
The compound also contained a pool house and a swimming pool. The newspaper noted the age of the Minister and noted that he was constructing “a mansion.”
The publication incensed the Minister. Letters flowed from various quarters, all of them connected to the Minister justifying the construction of the home. Some recalled the history of the Minister.
In court on Thursday, before Justice Dianne Insanally, lawyers for Kaieteur news challenged the affidavit. The court found that it had been improperly filed. The result was that the temporary injunction granted is no longer in currency.
Hukumchand must now re-file the affidavit by February 20. Meanwhile, lawyers for Kaieteur News have until that date to file a response to the Irfaan Ali writ.


Only in a democracy can a judge or magistrate can act independently and render a decision against a gov't be it fair or unfair. Think about the days of the PNC - how many people could have sued a minister in a court of law and win favorable decision??? 


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A little fact-check on your charges against the gov't will prove you to be compulsive liar like LFS Burnham.



We need more like you on this board. Hit them where it hurts.

Dem na want fu hear wah burnall did.

I is clear like him you are a shallow twit if you are of the opinion merely leveling random accusations will earn you political currency. The reality of the political expressions of the PPP are nakedly corrupt and bare before your faces. No amount denying its real and tangible presence will allay that. Hiding behind the alter of sacred victimization will scare Indians only so much. Those with bellies hungry as they watch the cronies of the PPP become fat with leeching will ask you to answer.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A little fact-check on your charges against the gov't will prove you to be compulsive liar like LFS Burnham.



We need more like you on this board. Hit them where it hurts.

Dem na want fu hear wah burnall did.

Thanks skeldon_man.


All his intellectual prowess cannot cover the dirt and filth on the opposition mainly the Peoples National Congress. The AFC broke its promise of being totally different from the two big behemoths - the PPP and the PNC. By allying themselves the PNC they have betrayed their supporters and the nation. Stormy can fire up everything he has his in arsenals to convince people that they are living under dictatorship. At the end of the day the average man who watches with his own eyes what the opposition is doing on the streets and in parliament would not be convinced that Guyana would be better off under the rule of Granger. Lets make it clear that any alternative to the PPP is Granger and not Ramjattan. The AFC cannot win on its own. It's out there just to tear down out of pure bitterness.


I am not asking that any cover corruption of any kind. It is on record here my comments with respect to the PNC. The PPP are playing the same dirty tricks and lining their pockets with the nations wealth so that is the focus of my attention. You can regale in sense of historical oppression all you want and summon Reid, Hoyte and LFSB ghosts to scare innocent Indians but that does not deny the present reality of a naked and corrupt cabal stealing their asses off in office.


 I do not have to prove to people they are in a dictatorship. One sees the appeal to the supremacy of the Burnham's dictatorial constitution, the executive presidency and the assumption of totalitarian power of the administration. That speaks for itself.


What is significant is that the AFC/PNC, despite all their claims of corruption, ran away from the debate on public TV claiming that the chips were stacked against them. In a public forum where accusations are debated for the entire public to judge for themselves, these fools ran away from a golden opportunity to prove their claims of corruption. Now we see that they send their underlings to this forum to sling mud where they can do so with impunity and not held to public scrutiny. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

What is significant is that the AFC/PNC, despite all their claims of corruption, ran away from the debate on public TV claiming that the chips were stacked against them. In a public forum where accusations are debated for the entire public to judge for themselves, these fools ran away from a golden opportunity to prove their claims of corruption. Now we see that they send their underlings to this forum to sling mud where they can do so with impunity and not held to public scrutiny. 

 If the cow has left the barn one does not pontificate on whether or not they left on their own or were taken. They are not where they are supposed to be because they passed through the gates.


A conscientious government has in place strategies that institutional transparency. This government obfuscates and try all sorts of dodges to be accountable. It is on that account crooked. No argument is necessary.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

What is significant is that the AFC/PNC, despite all their claims of corruption, ran away from the debate on public TV claiming that the chips were stacked against them. In a public forum where accusations are debated for the entire public to judge for themselves, these fools ran away from a golden opportunity to prove their claims of corruption. Now we see that they send their underlings to this forum to sling mud where they can do so with impunity and not held to public scrutiny. 

 If the cow has left the barn one does not pontificate on whether or not they left on their own or were taken. They are not where they are supposed to be because they passed through the gates.


A conscientious government has in place strategies that institutional transparency. This government obfuscates and try all sorts of dodges to be accountable. It is on that account crooked. No argument is necessary.

Your ramblings does not explain why they ran away from the corruption debates that they called for in the first place. When confronted by the people they accuse, the AFC creeps slink into the shadows like the frauds they are. They pick a fight and run away when confronted. 


Secret deals
The veil of secrecy that the Jagdeo administration employed in many of its dealings with local, regional and international companies is fast unraveling to reveal misinformation, half-truths, lies and damn lies. These companies, some with international reputations to preserve, have been providing details that are in direct contradiction to what the PPP/C government officials are saying.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



The opposition always claim they are above and beyond tit for tat politics.

Their actions over the last year make these guys look like nothing more than Trojan horses. The AFC is a subversive group who will help bring doomsday to Guyana. Nip it in the bud or the nation will pay a higher price than the 28 years LFS gave us.




Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

What is significant is that the AFC/PNC, despite all their claims of corruption, ran away from the debate on public TV claiming that the chips were stacked against them. In a public forum where accusations are debated for the entire public to judge for themselves, these fools ran away from a golden opportunity to prove their claims of corruption. Now we see that they send their underlings to this forum to sling mud where they can do so with impunity and not held to public scrutiny. 

 If the cow has left the barn one does not pontificate on whether or not they left on their own or were taken. They are not where they are supposed to be because they passed through the gates.


A conscientious government has in place strategies that institutional transparency. This government obfuscates and try all sorts of dodges to be accountable. It is on that account crooked. No argument is necessary.

Your ramblings does not explain why they ran away from the corruption debates that they called for in the first place. When confronted by the people they accuse, the AFC creeps slink into the shadows like the frauds they are. They pick a fight and run away when confronted. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

What is significant is that the AFC/PNC, despite all their claims of corruption, ran away from the debate on public TV claiming that the chips were stacked against them. In a public forum where accusations are debated for the entire public to judge for themselves, these fools ran away from a golden opportunity to prove their claims of corruption. Now we see that they send their underlings to this forum to sling mud where they can do so with impunity and not held to public scrutiny. 

 If the cow has left the barn one does not pontificate on whether or not they left on their own or were taken. They are not where they are supposed to be because they passed through the gates.


A conscientious government has in place strategies that institutional transparency. This government obfuscates and try all sorts of dodges to be accountable. It is on that account crooked. No argument is necessary.

Your ramblings does not explain why they ran away from the corruption debates that they called for in the first place. When confronted by the people they accuse, the AFC creeps slink into the shadows like the frauds they are. They pick a fight and run away when confronted. 

 Why waste time with what one knows was a crooked practice by crooked men? Seek to constrain future theft. That is why the ask is about accountability on all ends. The matter you need to focus on is on what authority is the administration acting when the treat state assets as their grand fathers legacy. They need to be open and to account for every cent. Instead they hide, do the dodge, and pretend they have an omniscient view and idiots like you say yes massa as loyal slaves to the clan.

Originally Posted by Mahen:




Marriott Hotel Project…AFC tables motion to halt public funding




By Abena Rockcliffe

A parliamentary motion which seeks to stop Government from injecting state funds into the construction of the Marriott Hotel in Kingston, was yesterday tabled by the Alliance For Change (AFC).
The motion, if passed, will seek to ensure that no further expenditure is incurred by National Industrial and Commercial

AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan

Investments Limited (NICIL) or its subsidiary Atlantic Hotels Incorporated (AHI) on the Marriott Hotel project, without the authorization and approval of the National Assembly.
The construction has an estimated cost of US$60M.
The AFC noted in the motion, its belief that “Government is using NICIL as an instrument, whether directly or indirectly through its subsidiary Atlantic Hotels Incorporated, to unlawfully acquire public lands and then to lease such lands, and also to spend billions of dollars of public monies into the Marriott Hotel Project, so as to avoid and evade authorization and approval of the National Assembly.”
Parliament was given notice of the motion by AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan, who based the motion on the fact that the Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh, has failed to “fully comply” with the terms of a motion approved by the National Assembly on June 27.



How can PPP find money to invest on the Marriot and not find money to buy text books for the kids?
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Mahen:




Marriott Hotel Project…AFC tables motion to halt public funding




By Abena Rockcliffe

A parliamentary motion which seeks to stop Government from injecting state funds into the construction of the Marriott Hotel in Kingston, was yesterday tabled by the Alliance For Change (AFC).
The motion, if passed, will seek to ensure that no further expenditure is incurred by National Industrial and Commercial

AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan

Investments Limited (NICIL) or its subsidiary Atlantic Hotels Incorporated (AHI) on the Marriott Hotel project, without the authorization and approval of the National Assembly.
The construction has an estimated cost of US$60M.
The AFC noted in the motion, its belief that “Government is using NICIL as an instrument, whether directly or indirectly through its subsidiary Atlantic Hotels Incorporated, to unlawfully acquire public lands and then to lease such lands, and also to spend billions of dollars of public monies into the Marriott Hotel Project, so as to avoid and evade authorization and approval of the National Assembly.”
Parliament was given notice of the motion by AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan, who based the motion on the fact that the Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh, has failed to “fully comply” with the terms of a motion approved by the National Assembly on June 27.



How can PPP find money to invest on the Marriot and not find money to buy text books for the kids?


De Marriat and de fake textbook all a de same. Dem a gee de contract to dem frens and dem get dem lil kickback.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A little fact-check on your charges against the gov't will prove you to be compulsive liar like LFS Burnham.



We need more like you on this board. Hit them where it hurts.

Dem na want fu hear wah burnall did.

I is clear like him you are a shallow twit if you are of the opinion merely leveling random accusations will earn you political currency. The reality of the political expressions of the PPP are nakedly corrupt and bare before your faces. No amount denying its real and tangible presence will allay that. Hiding behind the alter of sacred victimization will scare Indians only so much. Those with bellies hungry as they watch the cronies of the PPP become fat with leeching will ask you to answer.

You showoff! Do you communicate this way with your family? God help them.










Good riddance

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A little fact-check on your charges against the gov't will prove you to be compulsive liar like LFS Burnham.



We need more like you on this board. Hit them where it hurts.

Dem na want fu hear wah burnall did.

I is clear like him you are a shallow twit if you are of the opinion merely leveling random accusations will earn you political currency. The reality of the political expressions of the PPP are nakedly corrupt and bare before your faces. No amount denying its real and tangible presence will allay that. Hiding behind the alter of sacred victimization will scare Indians only so much. Those with bellies hungry as they watch the cronies of the PPP become fat with leeching will ask you to answer.

You showoff! Do you communicate this way with your family? God help them.










Good riddance

What is it in those very simple array of common English words that has you in a quandary? There are no unusual phrasing and its cadence is quite easy and rhythmic enough even for simple minds. And I do indeed speak to my my friends and family in a similar way and they have do difficulty with understanding.


Yours is not a problem of comprehension but one of accepting simple truths. You therefore find problem with the medium and the messenger and ignore the message. Let me reiterate, the words I use are not outside the English language or so obscure that it requires  specialize understanding to grasp their meaning. They are common parlance and not indistinct from what  you would encounter in any current newsprint ( chronicle is an exception)


It would well be you rid yourself of your presences to ignorance; or if indeed so, your ignorance. I am not going anywhere. That much is certain.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Why waste time with what one knows was a crooked practice by crooked men? Seek to constrain future theft. That is why the ask is about accountability on all ends. The matter you need to focus on is on what authority is the administration acting when the treat state assets as their grand fathers legacy. They need to be open and to account for every cent. Instead they hide, do the dodge, and pretend they have an omniscient view and idiots like you say yes massa as loyal slaves to the clan.

You have to prove your claims, it is not enough that you to fantasize  you have to present evidence to validate your beliefs. So far the AFC/PNC have failed miserably to prove that the PPP  engage in corrupt practices as part of policy. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Why waste time with what one knows was a crooked practice by crooked men? Seek to constrain future theft. That is why the ask is about accountability on all ends. The matter you need to focus on is on what authority is the administration acting when the treat state assets as their grand fathers legacy. They need to be open and to account for every cent. Instead they hide, do the dodge, and pretend they have an omniscient view and idiots like you say yes massa as loyal slaves to the clan.

You have to prove your claims, it is not enough that you to fantasize  you have to present evidence to validate your beliefs. So far the AFC/PNC have failed miserably to prove that the PPP  engage in corrupt practices as part of policy. 

I do not have to prove anything. The mere existence of an authoritative government appealing to total secrecy in its handling of the nations assets is evidence not only of a deficit of democracy but by it is by definition corruption. The AFC or any other party  does not make the claim that NICIL is in transparent and has not complied with the administrative requirement of public disclosure of its dealings with the nations assets. That is the case. In ten years no accounting record has been made public.  That we do not know why or how an Indian furniture maker came to lay claim to 4% of our national land mass is corruption in its most naked form. That the administrator of a public company can use his knowledge of the state of affairs to leverage buyout assets on behalf of his brother is corruption. That he now hides owners of this new hotel project and somehow has his hands on 25 million of the nations money and will set himself up as prime administrator of enterprises emerging from its use is corruption. Deny it as much as you can will not make it go away.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Why waste time with what one knows was a crooked practice by crooked men? Seek to constrain future theft. That is why the ask is about accountability on all ends. The matter you need to focus on is on what authority is the administration acting when the treat state assets as their grand fathers legacy. They need to be open and to account for every cent. Instead they hide, do the dodge, and pretend they have an omniscient view and idiots like you say yes massa as loyal slaves to the clan.

You have to prove your claims, it is not enough that you to fantasize  you have to present evidence to validate your beliefs. So far the AFC/PNC have failed miserably to prove that the PPP  engage in corrupt practices as part of policy. 

I do not have to prove anything. The mere existence of an authoritative government appealing to total secrecy in its handling of the nations assets is evidence not only of a deficit of democracy but by it is by definition corruption. The AFC or any other party  does not make the claim that NICIL is in transparent and has not complied with the administrative requirement of public disclosure of its dealings with the nations assets. That is the case. In ten years no accounting record has been made public.  That we do not know why or how an Indian furniture maker came to lay claim to 4% of our national land mass is corruption in its most naked form. That the administrator of a public company can use his knowledge of the state of affairs to leverage buyout assets on behalf of his brother is corruption. That he now hides owners of this new hotel project and somehow has his hands on 25 million of the nations money and will set himself up as prime administrator of enterprises emerging from its use is corruption. Deny it as much as you can will not make it go away.


You are a joker.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Why waste time with what one knows was a crooked practice by crooked men? Seek to constrain future theft. That is why the ask is about accountability on all ends. The matter you need to focus on is on what authority is the administration acting when the treat state assets as their grand fathers legacy. They need to be open and to account for every cent. Instead they hide, do the dodge, and pretend they have an omniscient view and idiots like you say yes massa as loyal slaves to the clan.

You have to prove your claims, it is not enough that you to fantasize  you have to present evidence to validate your beliefs. So far the AFC/PNC have failed miserably to prove that the PPP  engage in corrupt practices as part of policy. 

I do not have to prove anything. The mere existence of an authoritative government appealing to total secrecy in its handling of the nations assets is evidence not only of a deficit of democracy but by it is by definition corruption. The AFC or any other party  does not make the claim that NICIL is in transparent and has not complied with the administrative requirement of public disclosure of its dealings with the nations assets. That is the case. In ten years no accounting record has been made public.  That we do not know why or how an Indian furniture maker came to lay claim to 4% of our national land mass is corruption in its most naked form. That the administrator of a public company can use his knowledge of the state of affairs to leverage buyout assets on behalf of his brother is corruption. That he now hides owners of this new hotel project and somehow has his hands on 25 million of the nations money and will set himself up as prime administrator of enterprises emerging from its use is corruption. Deny it as much as you can will not make it go away.


You are a joker.

 The joke is on the Guyanese people and enabled by bigots like you who would cling to your racism than admit the PPP is corrupt. I wish it were a joke but the reality is exactly as stated.


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