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Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Chief:


Like any other religion you have a few who becomes fanatical and do nonsense in the name of the religion.

And you have a few more who become skilled at manipulating the fanatics in order to accomplish certain geopolitical objectives. Anyone here know where the world's largest library of Islamic literature is located?

I have no idea. I thought it was in Mecca. Chief would know!

Originally Posted by yuji22:



I do not see the Bhagavad Gita mentioned even though it predates Islam and Christianity.


Ye api anya devatΓ’ bhaktΓ’ yajante ΓΊraddhayΓ’nvitaαΈ₯ z
Te api mameva kaunteya yajantyabidhipΓ»rbakam zz BhagavadgitΓ’ (9: 23)


β€œO Kaunteya (Arjuna), even those who worship other gods with devotion (bhakti), they do really worship Me, though the rite differ from the norm” (tr: R C Zaehner). The Hindu God does not become angry (Like Allah) and say, β€œyou have committed the foulest sin by worshiping other gods or associating partner (shirk) with Me and I shall throw you in hell fire as a punishment for this sin, because He is confident that He is the only God, and no one could find another God to worship.


Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Perhaps, u should heed the same advice. Ur rants about Christ is illogical as well.


I don't rant about the great prophet Jesus. Both the Quran and Bible show he was a very gifted and spiritual man, who had red blood.  You can even analyse the human DNA if the blood was available. It's the Romans who made him a God and the brainwashed followers accept that nonsense. I always say if the DNA proves he was a black man, Christianity will collapse overnight. 

This is the kind of stuff many Muslims would want to throw a fit about and attempt to burn down embassies and kill ambassadors.


Christians are not dull ignoramuses to accept a hand me down god. Their conclusion is of course their faith but it comes with a long detail record of debates on the question over time and that results in their hardened creed.


The Nicean Council give us the Nicean creed saw the question affirmed by debate between Bishop Athanasius of Alexandria and Arius also of Alexandria. Theodora and Justinian tried two centuries later at another council to ferret out disagreements.


Jesus is no roman hand me down god. That is Islamic apologetic. The Jesus of Islam is not the Jesus of Christianity. Islam has its own belief system. What you believe is what you believe. It does not make Christians wrong or contrary.


You cannot say except through faith that one is "better" than the other. The historical Jesus is much debated and the resolution as to his divinity may be settled for you but so it is for Christians.


Originally Posted by TI:

For the benefit of the ignorant and islamophobians!


Quran 3:84:

 Say: "We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another among them, and to Allah do we bow our will (in Islam)."


Muslims have respect for all holy books.



They do not put people in Abu Gharaib and bugger them while they burn their holy books in front of them, as the civilized nations do. Civilized folk seem to have a penchant for sexual deviation coupled with religious propagation. Any civilized folk here?

 Dude, you are descending into the realm of the nonsensical. The Koran does indeed reference the patriarchs and prophets of the old testament but its says de facto that it is the correct version and all others are bastardized. That does not speak of respect but of replacement through correction ie Abrahamic faith version 1.0, first and last.


You insisting what happened at Abu Gharaib as reason to  insist Christians are not civilized is pure nonsense. Did Saddam killing some 200 thousand swamp arabs and Kurds an example of muslim degeneracy? The analogy is abject ignorance with a dose of distilled malice.

Originally Posted by TI:

For the benefit of the ignorant and islamophobians!


Quran 3:84:

 Say: "We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another among them, and to Allah do we bow our will (in Islam)."


Muslims have respect for all holy books.



They do not put people in Abu Gharaib and bugger them while they burn their holy books in front of them, as the civilized nations do. Civilized folk seem to have a penchant for sexual deviation coupled with religious propagation. Any civilized folk here?

Then find the Book of Enoch and READ IT. And C if Mohammad's trip to heaven  is not similar to Enoch's.


every religion had their reign of sheer ignorance. This Islamic rampage will soon end like all other religions did. Look at how so many muslims are turning from theocracies, monarchies and  dictatorships. Thanks to the internet , satellite TV and cellphones these oppressed peoples are awakening to a would beyond fundamental islam and when they are awakened Islam will not be the same as it ever was now or before . Sometime order comes out of chaos.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



I do not see the Bhagavad Gita mentioned even though it predates Islam and Christianity.


Ye api anya devatΓ’ bhaktΓ’ yajante ΓΊraddhayΓ’nvitaαΈ₯ z
Te api mameva kaunteya yajantyabidhipΓ»rbakam zz BhagavadgitΓ’ (9: 23)


β€œO Kaunteya (Arjuna), even those who worship other gods with devotion (bhakti), they do really worship Me, though the rite differ from the norm” (tr: R C Zaehner). The Hindu God does not become angry (Like Allah) and say, β€œyou have committed the foulest sin by worshiping other gods or associating partner (shirk) with Me and I shall throw you in hell fire as a punishment for this sin, because He is confident that He is the only God, and no one could find another God to worship.


What's the story with the Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva dispute and fighting about then?




Let us see if images of Jesus or the Virgin Mary being violated (raped in the posterior) by a Muslim and we will see how the fine "protectors" of free speech will react.


I will not even get into any notion of a free discussion as to why people who supposedly abandoned a land 2,000 years ago feel that they have more rights than the people who were living there until driven out.


Religious fanatics are all the same and the extreme Orthodox Jews have been known to be quite violent when they feel blasphemed against.  The Christian Taliban who support "president" Ryan, are hardly any better.  Let a Muslim blaspheme and another fanatic will enter a mosque or a Sikh/Hindu Temple and fire several rounds.

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



I do not see the Bhagavad Gita mentioned even though it predates Islam and Christianity.


Ye api anya devatΓ’ bhaktΓ’ yajante ΓΊraddhayΓ’nvitaαΈ₯ z
Te api mameva kaunteya yajantyabidhipΓ»rbakam zz BhagavadgitΓ’ (9: 23)


β€œO Kaunteya (Arjuna), even those who worship other gods with devotion (bhakti), they do really worship Me, though the rite differ from the norm” (tr: R C Zaehner). The Hindu God does not become angry (Like Allah) and say, β€œyou have committed the foulest sin by worshiping other gods or associating partner (shirk) with Me and I shall throw you in hell fire as a punishment for this sin, because He is confident that He is the only God, and no one could find another God to worship.


What's the story with the Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva dispute and fighting about then?

The lesson from this mytholgy from the puranas is a reflection of your innate contradictoriness.  

Originally Posted by seignet:

Anybody understand what this chap is going after.

If you are referring to me its the notion that before we cast stones on Muslims we better check to see if we will be as rational as we demand they be if similarly provoked.


Just as a MINORITY of Muslims have engaged in irrational behavior I have no difficulty in expecting that the similarly fanatical types might resort to similar behavior and that demands that such blasphemy be condemned will come from rational people like Romney.


I very much doubt that Romney or Ryan will remain quiet or exclaim freedom of speech if a Muslim showed violated images of religious symbols important to them.  Not only will they demand an apology, but will quickly jump on Obama if he doesnt.

Originally Posted by Kari:

John Oliver on the Jon Stewart's The Daily Show had an interesting take on Islamophobia. HE said that Islam is at the same age as Christianity was when the Crusade happened (with ghastly violence), burning of the witches, and all manner of subjugation in the name of Christianity 500 years ago.

PLease do not forget, Stewart is A JEW. Jews in BC(Before Christ) killed alot of ppl just because those ppl profess to worship the same God as they did.

Anyone who looks carefully at the Mid-East must arrive at the conclusion, "THOSE PEOPLE ARE MESSED UP."

Originally Posted by Pointblank:

Forget about 500 years ago. It wasn't Muslims slaughtering Black people and forcing to convert to to their religion in The USA in the last century.



Stop making up stories like that for which you have no foundations upon which to build your allegations. At no stage during the 20th century were blacks forced to convert to Christianity.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:

Forget about 500 years ago. It wasn't Muslims slaughtering Black people and forcing to convert to to their religion in The USA in the last century.



Stop making up stories like that for which you have no foundations upon which to build your allegations. At no stage during the 20th century were blacks forced to convert to Christianity.

So you saying that the Slaves accepted Christianity willingly. And the WHITE CHRISTIANS were giving them light when they burned CROSSES on their lawns and they were testing their ropes when the hanged them


Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:

Forget about 500 years ago. It wasn't Muslims slaughtering Black people and forcing to convert to to their religion in The USA in the last century.



U really struggling. Arn't u. Doan forget, Mohammad had a black slave and that was in 500 AD.

Bilal's owner was Umyaah ibn Khalaf/ When Bilal learned about Muhammad he became a Muslim, his master started punishing him. When Muhammad heard about this, he ordered Abu Bakr to buy Bilal's freedom.

Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:

Forget about 500 years ago. It wasn't Muslims slaughtering Black people and forcing to convert to to their religion in The USA in the last century.



Stop making up stories like that for which you have no foundations upon which to build your allegations. At no stage during the 20th century were blacks forced to convert to Christianity.

So you saying that the Slaves accepted Christianity willingly. And the WHITE CHRISTIANS were giving them light when they burned CROSSES on their lawns and they were testing their ropes when the hanged them


You're still living in denial thinking that your Hindu forefathers accepted Islam willingly. You probably still peddle the myth that you're a direct descendant of Mohamed. Get real! The Muslim conquest of India was very bloody, described as the worst genocide in history by one historian.


Slavery was still legal in Saudi Arabia during the 1960's, about a hundred years after it was abolished in the West. Do you think that slaves were being treated royally in 20th century Saudi Arabia?

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Chief:


Like any other religion you have a few who becomes fanatical and do nonsense in the name of the religion.

And you have a few more who become skilled at manipulating the fanatics in order to accomplish certain geopolitical objectives. Anyone here know where the world's largest library of Islamic literature is located?

I have no idea. I thought it was in Mecca. Chief would know!

It's Oxford University.

Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:

Forget about 500 years ago. It wasn't Muslims slaughtering Black people and forcing to convert to to their religion in The USA in the last century.



Stop making up stories like that for which you have no foundations upon which to build your allegations. At no stage during the 20th century were blacks forced to convert to Christianity.

So you saying that the Slaves accepted Christianity willingly. And the WHITE CHRISTIANS were giving them light when they burned CROSSES on their lawns and they were testing their ropes when the hanged them


There was no slavery in the last century. It god abolished in the century prior to the last.



Originally Posted by Pointblank:

Forget about 500 years ago. It wasn't Muslims slaughtering Black people and forcing to convert to to their religion in The USA in the last century.



 Dude, here we are discussing an odious practice of violence in the name of religion because of perceived insults to the faith and our comes all the excuses. Worse, it is with ignorant distortions as above. The slave trade to the Islamic countries from Africa rivaled and even exceeded that of the transatlantic trade.


Christians and Muslims practiced slavery. It ended legally in the christian world in the 19 the century but persisted in the Islamic world until recently and in Niger, Mali Sudan, Mauritania some Muslims still insist it is their right to own slaves under Islam.  The idea of passing the blame is a waste of time since any with a desire for the truth can find out for themselves.


Forced conversion in the west was not at the sword or institutional sanctions such as a tax for not being christian. It was coercive in social ways ie indoctrination through institution and formally in education. In the Islamic world it is actually institutionally almost impossible to be other than Muslim. There is a definite lag time in those regions of the world in terms to its plurality of religious thought.


In any event, the topic is your view of the violence in the name of Islam with respect to some fool making a movie about Mohammed.  Either you agree they have a right to oppress others  to  bent to their world view with the imposition of their will through violence or do not. All the rest is pure bull shit.

Originally Posted by Chief:

TI you did a wonderful job so far. I see Pointy picked up the torch.


Islam is alive and well. As a matter of fact it is spreading AND GROWING  more than any religion  right now to the dismay of the people who are saying that something is wrong with it.

 Islam is alive and well and so is religion and non religious faith in general


 The fastest growing religion is to taken in many ways, birth  rate and conversion. The projection from census data is that the demographics of the world with respect to the major faith will remain approximately the same by the middle of the century. There is no trend to world domination of Islam or Christianity...thankfully.


The only reason to be dismayed with any rise in Islam is if we are going to see senseless violence from muslims as is presently happening on account of some moron making a movie, In that respect one needs to make sure that the voice in the society is to emphasize that one cannot force another to conform to any tradition or to believe what they do not care to believe.

Originally Posted by Kari:

John Oliver on the Jon Stewart's The Daily Show had an interesting take on Islamophobia. HE said that Islam is at the same age as Christianity was when the Crusade happened (with ghastly violence), burning of the witches, and all manner of subjugation in the name of Christianity 500 years ago.

 Islam of the medieval world was as barbaric as Christianity. Witches were burned no less than infidels were mistreated or mauled in Islam.  Where in Islam were witches allowed in medieval times?

Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:

Forget about 500 years ago. It wasn't Muslims slaughtering Black people and forcing to convert to to their religion in The USA in the last century.



U really struggling. Arn't u. Doan forget, Mohammad had a black slave and that was in 500 AD.

Bilal's owner was Umyaah ibn Khalaf/ When Bilal learned about Muhammad he became a Muslim, his master started punishing him. When Muhammad heard about this, he ordered Abu Bakr to buy Bilal's freedom.

Imagine that. Yet, this percieved compassionate man who weilded a sword upon infidels to convert to his beliefs. Even God allows his creation the freedom of thought. But not Mohammad and his followers. 

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:

Forget about 500 years ago. It wasn't Muslims slaughtering Black people and forcing to convert to to their religion in The USA in the last century.



U really struggling. Arn't u. Doan forget, Mohammad had a black slave and that was in 500 AD.

Bilal's owner was Umyaah ibn Khalaf/ When Bilal learned about Muhammad he became a Muslim, his master started punishing him. When Muhammad heard about this, he ordered Abu Bakr to buy Bilal's freedom.

Imagine that. Yet, this percieved compassionate man who weilded a sword upon infidels to convert to his beliefs. Even God allows his creation the freedom of thought. But not Mohammad and his followers. 

God did not create religions; mankind did. All religions are philosophies. They are not the word of god. Did god ever appear before any one and tell him/her " I am god".  Why would god want all his children to be slaughtered? Religions were created to divide mankind so they will kill each other and the rich would get richer.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Imagine that. Yet, this percieved compassionate man who weilded a sword upon infidels to convert to his beliefs. Even God allows his creation the freedom of thought. But not Mohammad and his followers. 


Was God in Spain when they forecfully converted the native people of Central and South America?...You really need to read up on the history of the spread of Christianity...Read de Las Casas.

The conversion of the Indians to Christianity was stated to be the principal aim of the Spanish conquerors, but we have hidden the fact that it is only through threats of being taken captive or killed that the Indians have been brought to embrace the faith and swear obedience to the king.------- BartolomΓ© de Las Casas - Dominician Friar and Bishop of Chiapas 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:

TI you did a wonderful job so far. I see Pointy picked up the torch.


Islam is alive and well. As a matter of fact it is spreading AND GROWING  more than any religion  right now to the dismay of the people who are saying that something is wrong with it.

 Islam is alive and well and so is religion and non religious faith in general


 The fastest growing religion is to taken in many ways, birth  rate and conversion. The projection from census data is that the demographics of the world with respect to the major faith will remain approximately the same by the middle of the century. There is no trend to world domination of Islam or Christianity...thankfully.


The only reason to be dismayed with any rise in Islam is if we are going to see senseless violence from muslims as is presently happening on account of some moron making a movie, In that respect one needs to make sure that the voice in the society is to emphasize that one cannot force another to conform to any tradition or to believe what they do not care to believe.

the voice in the society is to emphasize that one cannot force another to conform to any tradition or to believe what they do not care to believe.



God said the same thing in the Holy Quran!!


Read the Quran my friend it has all the answers to today's problems.



We know certain inescapable truths about faith.


1. God did not lay done specifics of behavior and practices - just like the US Constitution that required Amendments to respond to changing mores and understanding.


2. Religion may not be a construct of God, but a device of mankind, in the same manner as professional disciplines have professional associations (CPA for instance for Accountants), but it needs constant scrutiny to make it relevant. Any scrutiny should not be construed as a deviation from orthodoxy (who validates orthodoxy anyhow? - for Islam, is it Chief? )


3. Violence in the name of Islam or reacting to slights of Islam in a violent manner does this religion no good. Its followers in the majority should not be blamed except if they do not denounce those who blaspheme in Islam's name.


You can replace religion in the above with political parties and you can see some parallels, right PPP, PNC and AFC fanatics?

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Imagine that. Yet, this percieved compassionate man who weilded a sword upon infidels to convert to his beliefs. Even God allows his creation the freedom of thought. But not Mohammad and his followers. 


Was God in Spain when they forecfully converted the native people of Central and South America?...You really need to read up on the history of the spread of Christianity...Read de Las Casas.

The conversion of the Indians to Christianity was stated to be the principal aim of the Spanish conquerors, but we have hidden the fact that it is only through threats of being taken captive or killed that the Indians have been brought to embrace the faith and swear obedience to the king.------- BartolomΓ© de Las Casas - Dominician Friar and Bishop of Chiapas 

Just a quick answer and later the details.


The Roman Catholic Church had a Spanish Pope around 1452 and he was responsible for giving Spain and Portugal Papal Jurisdictions. He did this to raise money for the liberation of Constantinople-a Christian State where the eastern Christian church was established which was/is invaded by the marauding muslims. 


Had the muslims stayed in the Middle-East and coorperative to Europeans, there was no need for Columbus to ferry accross the Atlantic Ocean subjugating native ppl of Africa and South, North and Central America into hardships.


The principal aim of Spain was to fight back the muslims and for that they needed vast sums of gold. Columbus just made it easier for Spain.


Today, that muslim invasion still goes on creating difficulties upon the ppl they come into contact with. It is like the plague.


The Roman Catholic Church always had those who openly voiced their objections. Unlike the muslims. Just look for Giralomo Savonorola seeing yuh using de las casas and read what he had to say.  


Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:

TI you did a wonderful job so far. I see Pointy picked up the torch.


Islam is alive and well. As a matter of fact it is spreading AND GROWING  more than any religion  right now to the dismay of the people who are saying that something is wrong with it.

 Islam is alive and well and so is religion and non religious faith in general


 The fastest growing religion is to taken in many ways, birth  rate and conversion. The projection from census data is that the demographics of the world with respect to the major faith will remain approximately the same by the middle of the century. There is no trend to world domination of Islam or Christianity...thankfully.


The only reason to be dismayed with any rise in Islam is if we are going to see senseless violence from muslims as is presently happening on account of some moron making a movie, In that respect one needs to make sure that the voice in the society is to emphasize that one cannot force another to conform to any tradition or to believe what they do not care to believe.

the voice in the society is to emphasize that one cannot force another to conform to any tradition or to believe what they do not care to believe.



God said the same thing in the Holy Quran!!


Read the Quran my friend it has all the answers to today's problems.


lIKE d2 take my advise and busy reading.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:

TI you did a wonderful job so far. I see Pointy picked up the torch.


Islam is alive and well. As a matter of fact it is spreading AND GROWING  more than any religion  right now to the dismay of the people who are saying that something is wrong with it.

 Islam is alive and well and so is religion and non religious faith in general


 The fastest growing religion is to taken in many ways, birth  rate and conversion. The projection from census data is that the demographics of the world with respect to the major faith will remain approximately the same by the middle of the century. There is no trend to world domination of Islam or Christianity...thankfully.


The only reason to be dismayed with any rise in Islam is if we are going to see senseless violence from muslims as is presently happening on account of some moron making a movie, In that respect one needs to make sure that the voice in the society is to emphasize that one cannot force another to conform to any tradition or to believe what they do not care to believe.

the voice in the society is to emphasize that one cannot force another to conform to any tradition or to believe what they do not care to believe.



God said the same thing in the Holy Quran!!


Read the Quran my friend it has all the answers to today's problems.


lIKE d2 take my advise and busy reading.

 What would reading do when critical analysis have been habitually ignored and the accusation that malice against Muslim is the standard rebuttal? After all you start off with the idea of the "perfect" book, perfect language and end all of explanations!

Originally Posted by Lucas:

What is wrong with Islam is the same thing it is wrong with all religions: They exist.


What makes Islam so different is that it is practiced by the large majority of the poorest people of the world, which as consequence happens to be the least educated part of humanity.

Is it possible 2 c Guyanese muslims become suicide bombers seeing how easily they r brained washed by Middle -Eastern muslims?

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

What is wrong with Islam is the same thing it is wrong with all religions: They exist.


What makes Islam so different is that it is practiced by the large majority of the poorest people of the world, which as consequence happens to be the least educated part of humanity.

Is it possible 2 c Guyanese muslims become suicide bombers seeing how easily they r brained washed by Middle -Eastern muslims?

you might need  move from where you are living

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Lucas:

What is wrong with Islam is the same thing it is wrong with all religions: They exist.


What makes Islam so different is that it is practiced by the large majority of the poorest people of the world, which as consequence happens to be the least educated part of humanity.

Is it possible 2 c Guyanese muslims become suicide bombers seeing how easily they r brained washed by Middle -Eastern muslims?

you might need  move from where you are living

I am safe in NA. However, ur sentiments might take Guyanese muslims to Afghanistan and Pakisatn as suicide bombers.


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