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It's easier for people to get angrier than to make them smile. I did a research on the things that gets people angry, and I was surprised to find a never-ending list of little stuff that upsets them. It happens on the road, at work, in the grocery market and even with your husband/wife when you get home from a hard day work. If getting upset is so easy, is there a simple remedy to avoid the unnecessary anger? Experts will recommend anger management and a host of other things that may or may not work for you.

Now, what made you angry today?

Cobra's note: Laughter and anger are part of human nature. It happens so fast like a natural instinct. While laughter is always welcome, getting angry is not, and it comes with many regrets that you may have to say sorry later. Remedy (1): Say - pins and needles, needles and pins is a happy man that grins. (famous by: Jacky Gleason who plays Ralph Cramden in the honeymooners). Remedy (2): Take a deep breath, close your eyes and count 1-10 and let the stem off. Remedy (3): If you're driving, write the two remedies where you can see it constantly. If you're at home or anywhere else, do the same, and after a while you will be laughing at angry, stupid people who sweat the small stuff daily.

When you get angry, please DON'T remember Cobra.

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