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What Made You Laugh Today?

A mom recently told me that her favorite question to ask her kids when they come home from school is, "What made you laugh today?" I thought it was brilliant. First of all, it's a terrific, creative conversation starter. It sparks kids' imagination and takes the focus and pressure off their performance for that day. Secondly, it makes kids scroll back through their day and pull out what was cool and special. That's much more fun than telling you about yet one more math class, art project or recess game. And, thirdly, it helps establish a habit of thinking positively and looking on the bright side of things.

Five reasons to insert laughter into your life regularly.

1. Laughter connects you to the positive side of life and to your own creativity.
2. Laughter makes you more fun to be with.
3. Laughter allows you to enjoy your kids more.
4. Laughter puts life into perspective.
5. And, of course, laughter relieves stress.

Cobra's note: Happiness is just a laugh away. When you laugh, remember the gentle serpent, Cobra. Smile

Source: Psychology Today

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Originally posted by ksazma:
Only in Jamaica!!!

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Bai , I bust out in a big laff with this one !
Cool naw !

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