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Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Normally, Guyanese attendees at such a function would be both supportive of their minister and circumspect in behavior to both the minister and the host, even if the minister's remarks don't resonate with the thinking of the Guyanese attendees.

But when Guyanese boo and jeer their own minister at such a function held by a foreign diplomat, and obviously attended by other countries' diplomats and dignitaries, it is a manifestation of a growing disconnect between the people and their own government! My point is: The PPP no longer speaks for Guyanese!

What more does the PPP want before it gets the message that it has literally lost the support and respect of many, perhaps most, Guyanese, whether at home or abroad? This is not about Manickchand, who continues to come across as the PPP's new political attack dog (pad); it is about an entire party that is fast descending into a quagmire of its own making.

The US helped get rid of the PPP for ideological reasons in 1964. The US helped the PPP get back to power in 1992 after the PNC fouled up its opportunity to govern freely and properly. The US opened (and continues to open) its doors and arms to thousands of Guyanese, even as I write. So why is the PPP so openly adversarial to the US for trying to deepen the democratic process again?

The PPP may not know or care to know that the more these political shenanigans between it and the US make the news, and especially with the focus being on elections and the role of the US in helping advance the process, it is the more the PPP is getting exposed to an increasing number of Guyanese as trying to deny Guyanese their constitutional right. Ergo, the PPP is hurting its chances of receiving support at the ballot box, because its future intentions as a dictator are being bared!

Dis CUP gone ah falls!!


MR Emile Mervin


Then shut up and pass a no confidence motion and let the people decide. I have had enough of the opposition whining and complaining. Moses is still hiding in his backyard.

Yo Yuji, you sure you can tek slap back?


Just asking!


The Minister of Education should lead by example


Dear Editor,
For years we have been constantly calling for strengthening the institution of Parliament to make it a fierce watchdog of the people’s interest, and monitoring spending by the Cabinet, public servants and State enterprises.
Parliament should not merely be a tool of the Cabinet; in fact it must ensure the effective supervision of public expenditure to achieve transparency, accountability, good governance and lack of corruption? Further, Parliamentary Committees must be empowered with the authority and resources to investigate malfeasance and recommend criminal investigations into possible misconduct of public officials, including ministers.
Although no one should be above the law some senior public officials and their relatives have committed traffic and other serious offences but were not charged and prosecuted.
The majority opposition must ensure, for the sake of the people,  that the minority PPP Government is constitutionally obligated to conduct negotiations with the Parliament on the annual budget, national policies and legislation instead of the ritual of useless and senseless debate with its hollow posturing and grandstanding with the PPP Government always getting its way. When will the opposition act?
We called for the transformation of Parliament from its current fish market rowdiness into the real august house it ought to be. Parliament should not be used for MPs to insult or abuse each other like what the Minister of Education Pyria Manickhand did to APNU MP, Mr. Jaipaul Sharma that caused him to resign.
The minister ought to know that she should lead by example if she wants the children of Guyana to do the same. How can she rebuke any child who misbehaves in the school? Is this the case of do what I say and not do what I do?
We need a Parliament with a genuine separation of powers that gives it dynamism, independence and creativity; a Parliament liberated from the dominance by the government. We would like to point out that since independence in 1966, we have had massive waste, gross mismanagement and thievery and our Parliament has done absolutely nothing to stop it.
And since Mr. Jagdeo assumed power in 1999, billions of dollars have been wasted or stolen under its very nose. No minister or public official has ended up behind bars, as they do in countries with real Parliaments or  a Congress as is the case of the United States that keep an eye on the people’s interest. We need parliamentary committees with power to summon any public official to an enquiry and where non-attendance or perjury is offences with jail terms. Instead our impotent and manipulative Parliament facilitates corruption and does not have the power to prosecute anyone.
What is happening is that huge sums of money are being allocated, spent, wasted or stolen, and there is no proper arrangement in the Parliament to hold anyone accountable, because the Parliament is not functioning as a supervisory body.
It is estimated that approximately 45 per cent of Government expenditure is wasted or stolen in Guyana and that the people only get value for 55 per cent. And the opposition has done very little to prevent this reckless squandering of the people’s money. This is not what the people voted for!
Our MPs produce good deeds only when it profits them but very rarely do they truly put the people’s interest first. And that is the reason why there are hardly any good politicians in Guyana. Most are driven by selfishness and greed and not by the genuine caring for their country and countrymen, especially the poor and the working class.
We believe that while genuine reform of the Parliament, the establishment of the PC and the passage of the AMLB will reduce corruption and bring good governance to the country, it will also hurt the fortunes of most in the regime, their relatives and friends.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish  Singh

Last edited by Former Member

We called for the transformation of Parliament from its current fish market rowdiness into the real august house it ought to be. Parliament should not be used for MPs to insult or abuse each other like what the Minister of Education Pyria Manickhand did to APNU MP, Mr. Jaipaul Sharma that caused him to resign.


Rose and Singh.




After 20 years of the PPP, Guyana remains a semi-primitive society

October 23, 20122 comments

Dear Editor,

Ten months after the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime promised to end corruption and create jobs, we are left to wonder what the regime has done so far. Not only they have not reduced corruption and created jobs but they seem incapable of easing the burden on the poor and the working class. With unemployment on the rise, the PPP regime has been shown to be devoid of a feel for the economic reality in the country. Mr. Ramotar’s most recent statement that he will modernize Guyana is nothing more than a propaganda exploit. After 20 years of PPP rule, Guyana remains a semi-primitive society where people have to wait for extremely long hours in lines for service from every government department/agency, the traffic lights are in a mess, public hospitals are in shambles, and despite Priya Manickchand’s saying that all is well, public schools and UG are collapsing. In addition, constant power outages and the lack of potable water have become the norm, Georgetown is now the garbage/stink city instead of the Garden City, crimes have spiralled out of control and corruption has reached new heights never seen before in Guyana. But the fact that the cabal says the country is developing shows that the PPP regime is in denial.

President Ramotar’s refusal to change course is truly a nightmare. He has failed in his most important duty as President to correct the failed and corrupt policies of the previous regime. In office for almost a year, Mr. Ramotar did little more than play night watchman over the policies he inherited from Jagdeo. He did not even bother to give any of his predecessor’s policies a little tweak to convince the nation that he is making the necessary changes to ease the burden on the poor and the working class. This type of behaviour is difficult to explain to the average Guyanese except for the fact that coming from the corridors of Freedom House; it is a normal course of action.

We had hoped that having experienced the consequences of Jagdeo’s unpreparedness to deal with crime, corruption, and the trafficking of narcotics, President Ramotar would have been better prepared to address them. By now, his government should have had plans to restructure the country’s fiscal, monetary and trade policies to increase economic output and provide greater economic opportunity for the people while at the same time tackle corruption, crime, and the illegal trafficking of drugs. But this PPP regime seemed to have come to office with nothing more than dreams of ending corruption and the delusionary idea that employment can be created without an economic development plan.

Apart from that, the 2011 elections proved to be an act of providence for the combined parliamentary opposition parties—AFC and APNU. The opposition’s unique perspective of being the architect of a majority in Parliament gave them a better-than-average chance of developing strategies that could begin the process of correcting past mistakes and charting a new course towards real economic development. For the opposition to be taken seriously by the people, it has to pressure the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime to reduce VAT, create jobs, provide tangible increases in wages for civil/public servants, and establish the Procurement Commission and an Anti-Corruption Agency.

But the AFC and APNU have squandered this rare privilege and instead spent their time engaged in squabbling over inconsequential issues unrelated to the reality of the country’s economic and social dilemma and the urgent need to radically change the parlous state of the poor and the working class. This is clearly revealed by the fact that the list of issues the majority opposition have dealt with in Parliament is hardly recognizable in anything that would improve the lives of the poor and the working class.

That there has been no real progress by the majority opposition is not surprising. We have pointed out in previous letters that the PPP regime is lacking in substance but are we to believe that the combined opposition is no better prepared to tackle and improve the country‘s economic and social problems?

For more than a decade, Guyana’s finances have been grossly mismanaged by the Jagdeo regime. Today CLICO is bankrupt; the NIS is in dire financial straits and NICIL cannot account for millions of taxpayers’ dollars. The depth of the country’s financial crisis cannot be denied. Yet the PPP regime is in denial of this reality. They do not seem to grasp the urgency of the situation. What is required are honesty and a set of realistic goals to weed out corruption, create jobs and chart a pragmatic course that will improve the lives of the poor and the working class.

Because the PPP cabal controls the purse strings, it has been very easy for them to influence the electorate with baseless promises and illusory goals. The poor and the working class has for too long been the victim of this kind of crooked leadership. The PPP’s politics over the years has been nourished by racial voting which they have used to make a section of the population gullible. Its leaders have always said that “the people are their greatest asset.” Yet they have been selling them a pie in the sky at election time rather than telling them the truth. Wake up people!

Yours faithfully,
Dr. Asquith Rose
and Harish Singh



)))))))))))))))) and Priya want to lecture the Americans????

Originally Posted by KishanB:

After 20 years of the PPP, Guyana remains a semi-primitive society

October 23, 20122 comments

Dear Editor,

Ten months after the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime promised to end corruption and create jobs, we are left to wonder what the regime has done so far. Not only they have not reduced corruption and created jobs but they seem incapable of easing the burden on the poor and the working class. With unemployment on the rise, the PPP regime has been shown to be devoid of a feel for the economic reality in the country. Mr. Ramotar’s most recent statement that he will modernize Guyana is nothing more than a propaganda exploit. After 20 years of PPP rule, Guyana remains a semi-primitive society where people have to wait for extremely long hours in lines for service from every government department/agency, the traffic lights are in a mess, public hospitals are in shambles, and despite Priya Manickchand’s saying that all is well, public schools and UG are collapsing. In addition, constant power outages and the lack of potable water have become the norm, Georgetown is now the garbage/stink city instead of the Garden City, crimes have spiralled out of control and corruption has reached new heights never seen before in Guyana. But the fact that the cabal says the country is developing shows that the PPP regime is in denial.

President Ramotar’s refusal to change course is truly a nightmare. He has failed in his most important duty as President to correct the failed and corrupt policies of the previous regime. In office for almost a year, Mr. Ramotar did little more than play night watchman over the policies he inherited from Jagdeo. He did not even bother to give any of his predecessor’s policies a little tweak to convince the nation that he is making the necessary changes to ease the burden on the poor and the working class. This type of behaviour is difficult to explain to the average Guyanese except for the fact that coming from the corridors of Freedom House; it is a normal course of action.

We had hoped that having experienced the consequences of Jagdeo’s unpreparedness to deal with crime, corruption, and the trafficking of narcotics, President Ramotar would have been better prepared to address them. By now, his government should have had plans to restructure the country’s fiscal, monetary and trade policies to increase economic output and provide greater economic opportunity for the people while at the same time tackle corruption, crime, and the illegal trafficking of drugs. But this PPP regime seemed to have come to office with nothing more than dreams of ending corruption and the delusionary idea that employment can be created without an economic development plan.

Apart from that, the 2011 elections proved to be an act of providence for the combined parliamentary opposition parties—AFC and APNU. The opposition’s unique perspective of being the architect of a majority in Parliament gave them a better-than-average chance of developing strategies that could begin the process of correcting past mistakes and charting a new course towards real economic development. For the opposition to be taken seriously by the people, it has to pressure the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime to reduce VAT, create jobs, provide tangible increases in wages for civil/public servants, and establish the Procurement Commission and an Anti-Corruption Agency.

But the AFC and APNU have squandered this rare privilege and instead spent their time engaged in squabbling over inconsequential issues unrelated to the reality of the country’s economic and social dilemma and the urgent need to radically change the parlous state of the poor and the working class. This is clearly revealed by the fact that the list of issues the majority opposition have dealt with in Parliament is hardly recognizable in anything that would improve the lives of the poor and the working class.

That there has been no real progress by the majority opposition is not surprising. We have pointed out in previous letters that the PPP regime is lacking in substance but are we to believe that the combined opposition is no better prepared to tackle and improve the country‘s economic and social problems?

For more than a decade, Guyana’s finances have been grossly mismanaged by the Jagdeo regime. Today CLICO is bankrupt; the NIS is in dire financial straits and NICIL cannot account for millions of taxpayers’ dollars. The depth of the country’s financial crisis cannot be denied. Yet the PPP regime is in denial of this reality. They do not seem to grasp the urgency of the situation. What is required are honesty and a set of realistic goals to weed out corruption, create jobs and chart a pragmatic course that will improve the lives of the poor and the working class.

Because the PPP cabal controls the purse strings, it has been very easy for them to influence the electorate with baseless promises and illusory goals. The poor and the working class has for too long been the victim of this kind of crooked leadership. The PPP’s politics over the years has been nourished by racial voting which they have used to make a section of the population gullible. Its leaders have always said that “the people are their greatest asset.” Yet they have been selling them a pie in the sky at election time rather than telling them the truth. Wake up people!

Yours faithfully,
Dr. Asquith Rose
and Harish Singh



)))))))))))))))) and Priya want to lecture the Americans????

Chase she out the place.  Persona non grata.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I told Al YUh Ptriya is the Gal funh tell dem like it is.  KEEP OUT OF GUYANA INTERNAL AFFAIRS NOW!!!!

She is a hiprocrite and you is a hiprocrite. Where is LGE?

Between your LEG

You sure you can get between the legs of the FAT SOW Nehru?  I look at she face and she remind me of:


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I told Al YUh Ptriya is the Gal funh tell dem like it is.  KEEP OUT OF GUYANA INTERNAL AFFAIRS NOW!!!!


Let the people of Guyana decide their faith. All this interference and when Priya fires back they all whine and complain.


The opposition are a bunch of whiners and complainers. Pass the no confidence motion and let the people decide. The opposition sound like a broken record. write poke like Nehru

and mek people who know the truth

think you a wan idiot.


If Jagan de tell President Carter

"Keep out of Guyana Internal Affairs"...

anl le TK PNC Continue to Rigg Election

Next Election PNC would have got 95%.


Let us thank America Every Day we wake up.


Yuji if america did not interfere

Pria would be Blowing Oscar Clarke at Congress Place

instead of Ole Bhai Feroz at Freedom House.


Prya would have been sharing de Poke with Corbin

instead of Jagdeo at State House.


Prya would have been knocking De PNC Chief Justice

Instead of abee Bhai.


Prya pun fire....yeh

Poke Hot

Pig meking Noise...


Ungrateful Pig na know.....

America Interference

Stop Hoyte from Teking 95%

in 1992

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jalil Bhai


Let the opposition pass the no confidence motion and let all of this whining and complaining and back and forth disagreement end. Let the people decide.


there is not a thing in this world

stopping Ramotar from calling

(1) National Elections....or/and

(2) Local Govt Elections......


This is a new one we hearing now...

Now..... the Opposition is stopping Ramotar

from calling elections...


this is why

PPP is the Laughing stock

of the rest of the world...


their Record show clearly

the PPP

are refusing to call elections.


Yuji do you understand

who is refusing to call de elections now??

Last edited by Former Member


there is not a thing in this world

stopping Ramotar from calling

(1) National Elections....or/and

(2) Local Govt Elections......


This is a new one we hearing now...

Now..... the Opposition is stopping Ramotar

from calling elections...




Yuji this is the essence of the argument.


Nothing stops the PPP from calling local elections now.



Originally Posted by KishanB:

BREAKING NEWS: Acting Foreign Minister booed at US Independence reception

Acting Foreign Minister, Priya Manickchand [left) and Presidential Advisor on Governance, Gail Teixeira walking out of the US Ambassador's receptionActing Foreign Minister, Priya Manickchand (left) and Presidential Advisor on Governance, Gail Teixeira walking out of the US Ambassador's reception

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Guyana's Acting Foreign Minister, Priya Manickchand was heckled and booed Wednesday night while she bistered United States (US) Ambassador Brent Hardt for creating tensions between the two countries during his tenure. 
Shortly after cutting the Indepen‎dence Anniversary cake, Manickchand and Presidential Advisor on Governance, Gail Teixeira walked out of the reception at the American Ambassador's residence, Cummings Lodge.  
While Manickchand was launching her verbal salvos on Hardt, several persons among the gathering heckled and urged her to "Get on with it" and "Local Government Elections now".  Sections of her speech were virtually drowned by the booing.
After a toast at the end of his speech, Hardt returned to the lectern and remarked "what a send off?" He then  urged the gathering to objectively judge the US' role in improving Guyana. 
This is the first time that a diplomatic reception has ever been marred by such an incident.
The Guyana government and the American Ambassador have been on steady collision course. The Donald Ramotar administration ‎is angered by the  American envoy on government's litany of excuses ‎for not holding local government elections since 1994. 
He reiterated that the failure to hold the elections was unconstitutional and ille‎gal. 

Satira hise up she frock and wine pun the dam.  Oh priya.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Lets wait and see what other reports would come out of this. People on GNI are known to show reports that are in favor of their party. It's what you call "confirmation bias".  


I don't defend anyone without ascertaining the facts. PPP leaders can be careless in dealing with diplomats and the press. Their foes are always lo capitalize on any mishap they make .


Myth is like the donkey with bridle, bit, and harness pulling the AFC cart. 

You still waiting Billy?


Look you all PPP criminals really got the gaul to deceive.  Just like the PNC, inconsistent in action, words and belief to the core.

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