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When will Guyana make an example of Jadgeo?

Thank you for allowing me the space in your excellent newspaper Kaieteur News to share my view on the above topic.
There is hardly ever a time I read some ridiculous pronouncement by Jadgeo that it does not leave me angry at the temerity of this former President who possesses the gall to aspire once again to that office come 2020. The shenanigans of this excuse as it relates to the SOCU probe of Pradoville 2 is reminiscent of the 2002 Steven Spielberg autobiographical film, “Catch me if you can” with Leonard De Caprio in the lead. He played a slice of the life of Frank Abagnale jr, a convicted felon who was finally caught and jailed in three different countries including the U.S for bank robbery, impersonating an Airline Pilot, a Doctor, a Lawyer and a skilled forger all before his twentieth birthday.
Jadgeo has become so bold that he is thumbing his nose at the efforts of Law Enforcement to uncover his glaring illegalities in relation to his exclusive enclave Pradoville 2. He now feels and acts totally and completely above the law and should, and must be made an example of what not to do when in high office and a caretaker of the people’s business. This man and his band acted as if the resources of Guyana were their own. Meanwhile, the country was going to hell in a breadbasket and the struggling poor got poorer while he and his cronies acquired more money than God.
I have never been, nor will I ever be a fan or supporter of Trump, but I must echo his characterization of countries like ours if Jadgeo is allowed to keep “pampazetting” to use a good old Guyanese phrase. This excuse being free sends a very troubling message not only to locals, but to the rest of the world, particularly those who are lining up to do business with Guyana. And that message? “We can do them just about anything and get away with it”.
Exxon seems to have deciphered that message and is laughing all the way to the bank. Next in line, the Chinese for their lion’s share of our pie! Wake up Guyana, please!

Claudeston Massiah.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

He now feels and acts totally and completely above the law and should, and must be made an example of what not to do when in high office and a caretaker of the people’s business.

Is this guy mistaking Granger or Harmon for Jagdeo?

skeldon_man posted:

He now feels and acts totally and completely above the law and should, and must be made an example of what not to do when in high office and a caretaker of the people’s business.

Is this guy mistaking Granger or Harmon for Jagdeo?

You can reason real bad..bad,bhai Skelly.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

He now feels and acts totally and completely above the law and should, and must be made an example of what not to do when in high office and a caretaker of the people’s business.

Is this guy mistaking Granger or Harmon for Jagdeo?

You can reason real bad..bad,bhai Skelly.

Jagdeo was not a dictator. Granger is.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

He now feels and acts totally and completely above the law and should, and must be made an example of what not to do when in high office and a caretaker of the people’s business.

Is this guy mistaking Granger or Harmon for Jagdeo?

You can reason real bad..bad,bhai Skelly.

Jagdeo was not a dictator. Granger is.

Extrapolate more,give some examples,doan talk fuh talk sake.

Baby kong the RAT was known to have dictatorial traits while heading the gov't.Look how he pushed him self to become GS of the PPP.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

He now feels and acts totally and completely above the law and should, and must be made an example of what not to do when in high office and a caretaker of the people’s business.

Is this guy mistaking Granger or Harmon for Jagdeo?

You can reason real bad..bad,bhai Skelly.

Jagdeo was not a dictator. Granger is.

Extrapolate more,give some examples,doan talk fuh talk sake.

Oh r@ss bhai, what's wrong with your brain? Can't you read and comprehend? The man does what he wants and nobody dares question him.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

He now feels and acts totally and completely above the law and should, and must be made an example of what not to do when in high office and a caretaker of the people’s business.

Is this guy mistaking Granger or Harmon for Jagdeo?

You can reason real bad..bad,bhai Skelly.

Jagdeo was not a dictator. Granger is.

Extrapolate more,give some examples,doan talk fuh talk sake.

Oh r@ss bhai, what's wrong with your brain? Can't you read and comprehend? The man does what he wants and nobody dares question him.

Bhai,i asked for some examples.

Nah worry with "read and comprehend",me gat lil sense can't be fooled easily.

Edit and added some more on my last post,dispute um nah.


First, Massiah should know the CCJ barred BJ from running for president in 2020. 

Last, BJ is not Christ the Messiah & Saviour of Guyanese. As president & politician he has character flaws like the majority of his peers. And whenever the PPP has had enough of BJ, he will have to go home. 

Meanwhile fair criticism of him is fine.


Jadgeo has become so bold that he is thumbing his nose at the efforts of Law Enforcement to uncover his glaring illegalities in relation to his exclusive enclave Pradoville 2.

He now feels and acts totally and completely above the law and should, and must be made an example of what not to do when in high office and a caretaker of the people’s business.

This man and his band acted as if the resources of Guyana were their own. Meanwhile, the country was going to hell in a breadbasket and the struggling poor got poorer while he and his cronies acquired more money than God.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

He now feels and acts totally and completely above the law and should, and must be made an example of what not to do when in high office and a caretaker of the people’s business.

Is this guy mistaking Granger or Harmon for Jagdeo?

You can reason real bad..bad,bhai Skelly.

Jagdeo was not a dictator. Granger is.

Extrapolate more,give some examples,doan talk fuh talk sake.

Oh r@ss bhai, what's wrong with your brain? Can't you read and comprehend? The man does what he wants and nobody dares question him.

Bhai,i asked for some examples.

Nah worry with "read and comprehend",me gat lil sense can't be fooled easily.

Edit and added some more on my last post,dispute um nah.

Trump keep saying he is a stable genius.




I notice the Coolie PNC jumping for applause from the scribble of one Black PNC writer. Somehow they are using a periscope to see as far back but right under their nose they fail to smell the shit. Granger and his gang is having a Garage Sale of the country, America and China  are buying at Fire sale prices, presently the country is more in debt than Never before. You PNC bhais should be writing for New Nation, their readers will believe your fairy tale.

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:

This thread is about Jagdeo and his kavakamites dem.

I thought you published your Autobiography.

Quora says: These useless thoughts are just a temporary escape from reality. These useless thoughts are just like alcohol. People drink alcohol when they are tired of the reality. They drink alcohol so that they feel light as well as for sometime they are able to forget about their life and just enjoy. But they don’t realise that it is just a temporary escape and after few hours they will have to face the same reality again. People who are not able to face the reality they start drinking daily and we all know how they end up. The reason I am telling you this is because these useless thoughts are just like alcohol. You will escape reality for sometime, you will feel light and even will be able to pass time. But what you don’t realise that it is just a short-term happiness. Now or later you will have to face the reality.

Mitwah posted:

When will Guyana make an example of Jadgeo?

Thank you for allowing me the space in your excellent newspaper Kaieteur News to share my view on the above topic.
There is hardly ever a time I read some ridiculous pronouncement by Jadgeo that it does not leave me angry at the temerity of this former President who possesses the gall to aspire once again to that office come 2020. The shenanigans of this excuse as it relates to the SOCU probe of Pradoville 2 is reminiscent of the 2002 Steven Spielberg autobiographical film, “Catch me if you can” with Leonard De Caprio in the lead. He played a slice of the life of Frank Abagnale jr, a convicted felon who was finally caught and jailed in three different countries including the U.S for bank robbery, impersonating an Airline Pilot, a Doctor, a Lawyer and a skilled forger all before his twentieth birthday.
Jadgeo has become so bold that he is thumbing his nose at the efforts of Law Enforcement to uncover his glaring illegalities in relation to his exclusive enclave Pradoville 2. He now feels and acts totally and completely above the law and should, and must be made an example of what not to do when in high office and a caretaker of the people’s business. This man and his band acted as if the resources of Guyana were their own. Meanwhile, the country was going to hell in a breadbasket and the struggling poor got poorer while he and his cronies acquired more money than God.
I have never been, nor will I ever be a fan or supporter of Trump, but I must echo his characterization of countries like ours if Jadgeo is allowed to keep “pampazetting” to use a good old Guyanese phrase. This excuse being free sends a very troubling message not only to locals, but to the rest of the world, particularly those who are lining up to do business with Guyana. And that message? “We can do them just about anything and get away with it”.
Exxon seems to have deciphered that message and is laughing all the way to the bank. Next in line, the Chinese for their lion’s share of our pie! Wake up Guyana, please!

Claudeston Massiah.


President Jagdeo is the President of the East Indian people of Guyana.  He has Prashad's support 100 percent. Just as Massiah sees his President Jranger as the President and gives him his 100 percent support.  The only protection for the survival of East Indian culture/religion/human rights on the South American continent is the creation of an Independent Sovereign Country.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

President Jagdeo is the President of the East Indian people of Guyana.  He has Prashad's support 100 percent.  The only protection for the survival of East Indian culture/religion/human rights on the South American continent is the creation of an Independent Sovereign Country.

Tek the approximately 300,000 and start alyuh plantation.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:

Hey Mits, he's god. If Indos don't worship him, then they're PNC. 

Are you PNC?

Bibi, meh nah like that gyal head too much, but she should patke you for asking her that question.  

sachin_05 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:

Hey Mits, he's god. If Indos don't worship him, then they're PNC. 

Are you PNC?

Why? wana jump ship and join? 

Here is another goodey devotee jump in to harass the woman.  

Leonora posted:

Hey Mits, he's god. If Indos don't worship him, then they're PNC. 

We are unfortunate to have him as the PNC eternal foil. He is cast as our burnham to theirs and they use him conveniently to detract from the real and present practices that are taking us down well trodden paths to corruption. I am not going to be distracted. Jagdeo is history.

D2 posted:
Leonora posted:

Hey Mits, he's god. If Indos don't worship him, then they're PNC. 

We are unfortunate to have him as the PNC eternal foil. He is cast as our burnham to theirs and they use him conveniently to detract from the real and present practices that are taking us down well trodden paths to corruption. I am not going to be distracted. Jagdeo is history.

His battle-axe supporters attack members to switch the focus from him.

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:
Mitwah posted:

When will Guyana make an example of Jadgeo?

Thank you for allowing me the space in your excellent newspaper Kaieteur News to share my view on the above topic.
There is hardly ever a time I read some ridiculous pronouncement by Jadgeo that it does not leave me angry at the temerity of this former President who possesses the gall to aspire once again to that office come 2020. The shenanigans of this excuse as it relates to the SOCU probe of Pradoville 2 is reminiscent of the 2002 Steven Spielberg autobiographical film, “Catch me if you can” with Leonard De Caprio in the lead. He played a slice of the life of Frank Abagnale jr, a convicted felon who was finally caught and jailed in three different countries including the U.S for bank robbery, impersonating an Airline Pilot, a Doctor, a Lawyer and a skilled forger all before his twentieth birthday.
Jadgeo has become so bold that he is thumbing his nose at the efforts of Law Enforcement to uncover his glaring illegalities in relation to his exclusive enclave Pradoville 2. He now feels and acts totally and completely above the law and should, and must be made an example of what not to do when in high office and a caretaker of the people’s business. This man and his band acted as if the resources of Guyana were their own. Meanwhile, the country was going to hell in a breadbasket and the struggling poor got poorer while he and his cronies acquired more money than God.
I have never been, nor will I ever be a fan or supporter of Trump, but I must echo his characterization of countries like ours if Jadgeo is allowed to keep “pampazetting” to use a good old Guyanese phrase. This excuse being free sends a very troubling message not only to locals, but to the rest of the world, particularly those who are lining up to do business with Guyana. And that message? “We can do them just about anything and get away with it”.
Exxon seems to have deciphered that message and is laughing all the way to the bank. Next in line, the Chinese for their lion’s share of our pie! Wake up Guyana, please!

Claudeston Massiah.


President Jagdeo is the President of the East Indian people of Guyana.  He has Prashad's support 100 percent. Just as Massiah sees his President Jranger as the President and gives him his 100 percent support.  The only protection for the survival of East Indian culture/religion/human rights on the South American continent is the creation of an Independent Sovereign Country.

PNC is making Guyana a Blackman for Blackman country. 

A bunch of dirty Indos should be fed to the Carrions when the marker is ready for them.

Last edited by Former Member

I will cease when the C word is no longer used.

Amral stated that there is nothing wrong in using that word. 

Thank You.

Please do not intervene when I fight fire with fire. Stand your ground !

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

@Former Member

I have to read the Riot Act on you now. Cease and desist employing the word "Blackman" in your comments. Absurd. Meaningless. Irrational.

who objects to the use of "blackman"?

this is news to me

there are people here using much worse words (including yuji222) when referring to Black people who have not elicited even a whisper of condemnation by you over the years

i suspect that you jest

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

@Former Member

I have to read the Riot Act on you now. Cease and desist employing the word "Blackman" in your comments. Absurd. Meaningless. Irrational.

That's why all the Blacks left GNI.

ronan posted:
Gilbakka posted:

@Former Member

I have to read the Riot Act on you now. Cease and desist employing the word "Blackman" in your comments. Absurd. Meaningless. Irrational.

who objects to the use of "blackman"?

this is news to me

there are people here using much worse words (including yuji222) when referring to Black people who have not elicited even a whisper of condemnation by you over the years

i suspect that you jest

I think he is serious. Gilly is not a racist in my books. 



I am a newcomer here, with all due respect, Carib and D2 an a couple more blacks were here when I joined and they are still here.

How about Gil advocate the banning of the C word at GNI ?

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:


I am a newcomer here, with all due respect, Carib and D2 an a couple more blacks were here when I joined and they are still here.

You have full credits for driving them off the board with your nonsensical racist taunts. 

Mitwah posted:
ronan posted:
Gilbakka posted:

@Former Member

I have to read the Riot Act on you now. Cease and desist employing the word "Blackman" in your comments. Absurd. Meaningless. Irrational.

who objects to the use of "blackman"?

this is news to me

there are people here using much worse words (including yuji222) when referring to Black people who have not elicited even a whisper of condemnation by you over the years

i suspect that you jest

I think he is serious. Gilly is not a racist in my books. 

ok, i respect him enough to take him at his word

PPP to the bone and soft on some of his scoundrel frennos, yes . . . but i don't regard him as racist

and you have to pay attention to his keen sense of humor . . . the banna has read way too many books

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:
ronan posted:
Gilbakka posted:

@Former Member

I have to read the Riot Act on you now. Cease and desist employing the word "Blackman" in your comments. Absurd. Meaningless. Irrational.

who objects to the use of "blackman"?

this is news to me

there are people here using much worse words (including yuji222) when referring to Black people who have not elicited even a whisper of condemnation by you over the years

i suspect that you jest

I think he is serious. Gilly is not a racist in my books. 

What is racialism anyway?

 I think it has to do with our mind not colour of our skin. 


@Former Member

Banning the C word is tantamount to disrobing me. I have declared repeatedly here that I am a proud coolie. It's a legacy I inherited from my indentured great grandparents --- humble working-class folks like my father. Whatever pejorative character others may attribute, for me the word COOLIE is a badge of honour signifying simple dignity, industry and frugality against daunting odds.

Reminder: yuji & I had this argument before when we two fought against each other like vicious Dobermans.


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