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Originally Posted by ksazma:

You are a very confused person. You do more harm to black people than you would ever know.

I see. I am confused because I object to black people apologizing to Indians when BOTH are equally guilty and so suggest that apologies are useless as the sins of each to the other are equal so erase the sin.


You endorse "black man bad...Indian good, so black man must apologize" and you aren't confused.  Hmmmmmm.


So tell me how does black people apologizing for thirty years ago, when the Indian elite are CURRENTLY jamming dirty rods about their collective behinds help them?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

You are a very confused person. You do more harm to black people than you would ever know.

I see. I am confused because I object to black people apologizing to Indians when BOTH are equally guilty and so suggest that apologies are useless as the sins of each to the other are equal so erase the sin.


You endorse "black man bad...Indian good, so black man must apologize" and you aren't confused.  Hmmmmmm.


So tell me how does black people apologizing for thirty years ago, when the Indian elite are CURRENTLY jamming dirty rods about their collective behinds help them?

Actually you are bad news for black people because you see them as people who resort to street justice and mob mentality behavior to resolve their concerns. You also claimed that they thought that the PNC owned Guyana and they punished Hoyte because they believed he gave it to coolies. Don't be surprised if blacks tell you to gwan suh.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Alright, two days now and I cant get any answers. But I m happy to see GNI busy.   However, from what I am reading the PPP will RULE Guyana FOREVER.

  You see who thinks that they own Guyana mr K, but no comments from you.

No where in Nehru's statement is a claim that the PPP owns Guyana. So why would I imagine that he stated it?

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Actually you are bad news for black people because you see them as people who resort to street justice and mob mentality behavior to resolve their concerns. .



My comments are specific to certain garrison communities.   So what happened when some cops shot some kid in Agricola and they closed down the EBD?  Or LInden bridge closure?


If people feel that negotiations are closed to them who knows what they will.


And not just black people either.  If you forgot that Corentyne burnt down a police station not that long ago, and burned down cane fields and committed other acts of sabotage I will happily remind you.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Alright, two days now and I cant get any answers. But I m happy to see GNI busy.   However, from what I am reading the PPP will RULE Guyana FOREVER.

  You see who thinks that they own Guyana mr K, but no comments from you.

No where in Nehru's statement is a claim that the PPP owns Guyana. So why would I imagine that he stated it?

If you don't see it you are just as bigoted as he is.  The PPP is only entitled to rule until the next election and then the people will decide if they deserve to rule again, and if they prefer a split government, as they did in 2011. 


You and Nehru think that PPP rule forever is OK.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Alright, two days now and I cant get any answers. But I m happy to see GNI busy.   However, from what I am reading the PPP will RULE Guyana FOREVER.

  You see who thinks that they own Guyana mr K, but no comments from you.

No where in Nehru's statement is a claim that the PPP owns Guyana. So why would I imagine that he stated it?

If you don't see it you are just as bigoted as he is.  The PPP is only entitled to rule until the next election and then the people will decide if they deserve to rule again, and if they prefer a split government, as they did in 2011. 


You and Nehru think that PPP rule forever is OK.

Thought you don't get involved in intellectual masturbations?

Originally Posted by ksazma:

If you don't see it you are just as bigoted as he is.  The PPP is only entitled to rule until the next election and then the people will decide if they deserve to rule again, and if they prefer a split government, as they did in 2011. 


You and Nehru think that PPP rule forever is OK.

Thought you don't get involved in intellectual masturbations?

OK.  I see that you think that it is now "intellectual masturbation" to say that the PPP is only entitled to lead until the next election, and then the people will decide.


Most will say that it is their FUNDAMENTAL democratic right, but apparently you don't think so.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

You are a very confused person. You do more harm to black people than you would ever know.

I see. I am confused because I object to black people apologizing to Indians when BOTH are equally guilty and so suggest that apologies are useless as the sins of each to the other are equal so erase the sin.


You endorse "black man bad...Indian good, so black man must apologize" and you aren't confused.  Hmmmmmm.


So tell me how does black people apologizing for thirty years ago, when the Indian elite are CURRENTLY jamming dirty rods about their collective behinds help them?

I say quit the idea of apologizing. Alot a crap went down on both sides for the 65 years we hustling one another to govern the country. Just leh some serious ppl start doing some meaningful works and leh the ppl see some cooperation.

Originally Posted by Chief:


Every ethnic group   suffered under the PNC. Many intelligent blacks had to run and some even lost their lives including Dr Rodney.


Typical PNC lover cop-out.  Blacks suffered due to the destruction of the Indian/other middle class which made the pie smaller, so all suffered.  However, make no mistake, PNC was/is about Afro first.
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

If you don't see it you are just as bigoted as he is.  The PPP is only entitled to rule until the next election and then the people will decide if they deserve to rule again, and if they prefer a split government, as they did in 2011. 


You and Nehru think that PPP rule forever is OK.

Thought you don't get involved in intellectual masturbations?

OK.  I see that you think that it is now "intellectual masturbation" to say that the PPP is only entitled to lead until the next election, and then the people will decide.


Most will say that it is their FUNDAMENTAL democratic right, but apparently you don't think so.

Twisting and turning things do harm only to yourself. But go right ahead if you must.


I say quit the idea of apologizing. Alot a crap went down on both sides for the 65 years we hustling one another to govern the country. Just leh some serious ppl start doing some meaningful works and leh the ppl see some cooperation.

I agree PPP apology= PNC apology, therefore PPP apology - pnc apology = 0


So its all a waste of time.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Twisting and turning things do harm only to yourself. But go right ahead if you must.



Got yourself all twisted in knots.  Sorry I cannot and will not help you.

Like I said, yuh prappa confused.

As usual you make accusations but lack the intelligence to back them.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Kari, Have you seen the behavior, attitudes and actions of the PNC on the Streets and in Parliament over the last few years??  What exactly makes the PNC a NEW, moral, caring and compassionate Group?? Is there something you are aware of that the rest of us are missing?  I asked these questions because many, many of us ARE aware of the PNC conduct and behavior both on the Streets and in Parliament.

Pavi yu went to picket granger too?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Kari:


Mark Cuban talks about walking on the other side of the road when seeing a black youth with a hoodie in the darkness of night. You then hear the retort that a white guy in a suit can be more harmful as well as a white bald-headed dude with a tattoo. We are all too familiar with racial distrust because of unfamiliarity, and the Korean/Black stand-off in LA and New York in the 80s is a case in point. Then of course Indians with Turbans felt it just after 9/11.


The point is that when we are unfamiliar with something we tend to have an instinctual distrust until we become familiar with it. Likewise we overcome skepticism with change once we experience it.


The problem with the PNC brand

Indians say that the PNC will revert to Burnham days when they hear the acronym APNU, and this is the case with unfamiliarity. Not that Indians are unfamiliar with the PNC, but unfamiliar with CHANGE within the PNC. The brand is toxic – both to Indians as well as Blacks. Winning Blacks is not the problem. It is winning over Indians. Indians will continue to distrust the APNU as long as they are unfamiliar with the new PNC and they are skeptical about the change in the PNC.


The PNC’s leadership issue

You either believe that Robert Corbin sold out the PNC’s change to Jagdeo’s charm offensive or he buckled under the relentless pressure of the FF/Phantom reality. You must know that a force for change Winston Murray was cut short early. Enter Granger.


David Granger is a decent man. He was a low-level officer during the 1973 elections. I trained as a QC Cadet at Timehri in the summer of 1973 and my recollection may be bad, but I believe he was stationed there. I also know that the low-level officer level had a disconnect with the upper Brass in Burnham’s clutches. He is a QC Old Boy and has a strong intellectual tradition. He is not a thug, to use the parlance of some on this GNI Board.


The PPP Free Pass

I believe that with a strong Opposition the PPP will be a better party – visionary leadership, professionalism and a flourish for technology, all of which a re lacking. We accept mediocrity because of a distrust of an opposition brand that refuses to have a do-over.

Hoyte had a wonderful opportunity. His trust of Indian professionals and Indian economic ethic was already recognized. All he had to do was to apologize to the country as a whole – to Blacks for impoverishing them, and to Indians for the denial of certain freedoms and to the country as a whole for bankrupting the economy. Hee demurred. Corbin was bought over. Granger needs the cahones to compliment his nice character and professionalism.

Here’s the rub. The PNC is not monolithic. There are factional rivalries. Hoyte may have been thrown out of the PNC, even after banishing Hammy Green. Oh, how little did Hoyte capitalize on the economic liberalism, freedom from the Burnham shackles and the lethal assault on the kick-down-0the-door banditry.

Granger can call on liberals in the party – like Carl Greenidge, himself a respected Economist – to rebrand the PNC. Maybe internal PNC politics dooms APNU.


Meanwhile Jagdeo grasped the PPP by the scruff of the neck while Moses was on sabbatical – forced and unforced – and remade the PPP. He can make the PPP an autocratic, oligopolistic party and stifle economic advancement, and he gets a free pass. The PNC guarantees that.


Granger's visit to Richmond Hil

Yesterday I couldn’t make time to see Granger at Ritchie Rich or the private dinner later – had other pressing commitments. We have come a long way where any Guyanese can go to any political party function abroad and not be vilified. Of course there are those antiquarian folks on this Board who would demonize anyone  who would think of doing that – but they are a vanishing majority. From the feedback I’ve gotten so far, the point was made to Granger that his ROI (Return on Investment) for reaching out to the Indian polity will not pay dividends until the PNC apologizes to the nation – to Blacks, Indians, Indigenous and other races. The PPP needs this investment Granger. It will make them a better party. Heck, we may even have a governing party and Presidency other than the reckless meandering one we are forced to subscribe to.

Kari agree with you 100%.  Mr. Granger is a decent man.  TOO decent for politics against the PPP.  That is why the PPP continues to crush him politically.


The records show that he was a low level officer in 1973 and had no part to play in the murder of the Ballot Box Martyrs.




Hey Hey Hey. Bai meh guess abie gat foh tek brive and hssle dem lil gyal and abuse de wife. Dat is good quality foh be president. Hey Hey Hey

Originally Posted by Chief:

For a long time we did not had a thread that ran so many pages.

XXXXX Because our Learned Friend Mr Karimulla asked a simple and easy question....... xxxxxxx When will the PNC gain the trust of Guyanese?
XXXXXKari stumped all the PPP & PNC Pundits.....and Skillfully Proved PPP = PNC. XXXXXDe Professor and our friend "J" tried to answer for and represent their party of interest....the PNC XXXXX The Crab Louse who claim to speak and represent the PPP of today jumping up and making the issue a Racial one..... XXXXXXX Kari was very careful to lay all his cards on the table in a long opening statement at the top of this thread.....and no where did he say Blacks must apologize to Indians in Guyana.....this if far from what Kari is addressing...... XXXXXX Mr Kari is SIMPLY asking the Question, What will it take ....or When will the PNC (note Kari did not say Blacks) gain the Trust of the Guyanese???? (Note ...Kari said "GAIN THE TRUST OF THE GUYANESE")

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