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Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by antabanta:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Hoyte had a wonderful opportunity. His trust of Indian professionals and Indian economic ethic was already recognized.

Sorry I haven't followed the topic and checked all the responses but what is "Indian economic ethic?"

I meant to say economic ethos antabanta. The ethos that gives rise to a practice of deferring present gratification for future returns on investment. Hoyte understood investments rather than loans as an engine for growth, but his called for such deferment. Let me know if I can help[ you further understand this Indian mindset.

So you subscribe to the stereotype that Indians in general care more for future return/financial security while blacks only care for the next soiree?

Who talked about Blacks?


I mentioned Hoyte's admiration for an attribute of the Indians in Guyana. Does that speak to other races or ethnicities. You see race when you want to eh? I'm reminded of Jesse Jackson when he said that being pro-Black does not mean anti-White.

While you did not mention blacks the gist of your post suggests that there was progress in Guyana under Hoyte because he was able to recognize these positive traits in Indians. Why would there be progress solely because of Indian economic ethos? Is economic ethos a genetic attribute reserved for the Indian? 

Thank you for the flattering compliment but I could not possibly be elevated to such company as Jesse Jackson.

"Indian economic ethos" is just another way of saying what is at the heart of our ethnic folks are different...they are not like "us". I dare not even broach the idea that Amerinds even have an "ethos" of any kind but that of the subaltern backward others!

My point exactly.

Well... in addition to the "Indian economic ethos", we probably have a "Black lazy thieving ethos", a "Buck lazy backward ethos", a "Nasty putogee ethos", a "??? chinee ethos". The Guyanese people I know and know well must not be Guyanese because there are Indians who could never fit their ethos as well as blacks who could never fit theirs, and same for the others.


MR CARIBJ: "TK and GR did a very good analysis of the PNC part 1 and part 2.  Well they need to CONTINUE the part 2 which Hoyte began, and move beyond being the party of "NO"." 


Funny thing Mr CaribJ me mamoo say the same thing last night. Now he say PNC and APNU have to stop saying NO and show vision. Me pappy say they have to show PART 3 now with Mr Granger. Me pappy and mamoo will donate 20 mill dollars 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
. They have not denied any party the free right to replace them in government. The PNC record is the opposite.

That is because up to now the Indian vote has been large enough to guarantee them victory.


But now that they have lost control of the parliament, the Indian vote continues to shrink, and the black/mixed vote remains hostile rigging is a distinct possibility.  The PPP feels that they have a god given right to have power, and will not accept defeat!

The record will always trump speculation.


But back to my earlier question. Why did you think that blacks thought that Hoyte gave the country to coolie?

I do not know if there is a generalized sentiment that Hoyte failed the Black population by turning power over to the PPP without negotiating proper checks and balance to Power.  Only he could have unilaterally force constitutional changes that firms up the electoral system that is an institution existing outside political dictates.


He could for example made sure the PPP agree to a constitutional clause that compels local elections. Elections should never be at the whims of any administration.  He could have also demanded true republicanism before agreeing to elections. The Carter institute would have gone along with him. If there were local constituencies electing their representatives, the PPP could never make the demands for absolute control as the presently do. They could also not make the crooked deals the presently make.


Again, I do not know what Africans complain about that is considered to be the failings of the Hoyte regime before agreeing to transition to democracy. I say he was a complete fool and made a mess of things so we presently pay for his neglect with the elected dictatorship of the PPP. I agree is anyone complain he let his constituency down.  The PPP dominate the political landscape based on race and by definition the black population is their footstool.

what bull crap this post from Storm.  Another defender of the corrupt PNC.


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