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Mars posted:

Do you really think that the debates had anything to do with Persaud voting against the government? He said that he wrote a letter to his son on Thursday telling him of his intent to vote against the government so his mind was obviously made up before the debates. Judas received his pieces of silver long before he made his way into parliament yesterday.

So I take it that you did not accept his explanation of AFC being Yes Men to PNC, the Volda PNC only jobs with Trotman in agreement, and finally the punishment of the sugar workers from his village.  You rejected his explanation and immediately went to the Judas and silver pieces theory. 

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

Do you really think that the debates had anything to do with Persaud voting against the government? He said that he wrote a letter to his son on Thursday telling him of his intent to vote against the government so his mind was obviously made up before the debates. Judas received his pieces of silver long before he made his way into parliament yesterday.

So I take it that you did not accept his explanation of AFC being Yes Men to PNC, the Volda PNC only jobs with Trotman in agreement, and finally the punishment of the sugar workers from his village.  You rejected his explanation and immediately went to the Judas and silver pieces theory. 

The AFC are yes men to the PNC beyond a shadow of a doubt. That's a given in the arrangement between the parties and if he didn't like it he should have resigned before yesterday. The government was warned weeks ago about Persaud being in contact with Jagdeo but they didn't get any objection from him so they thought that he was on board. He has roots in the PPP being from the other side of the Berbice River so he wasn't tough to crack with a solid bag of silver pieces.

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:

The AFC are yes men to the PNC beyond a shadow of a doubt. That's a given in the arrangement between the parties and if he didn't like it he should have resigned before yesterday. The government was warned weeks ago about Persaud being in contact with Jagdeo but they didn't get any objection from him so they thought that he was on board. He has roots in the PPP being from the other side of the Berbice River so he wasn't tough to crack with a solid bag of silver pieces.

Interesting how you have appointed yourself judge and jury for this man, summarizing his humanity to that of a Judas, bought with a bag of coins. This is easy for you to do from your perch in NA where your rights are protected and paid for by the blood of others spilled many years ago. 

Dave posted:
caribny posted:

Granger also told black people that they are lazy beggars, so no votes from them either.

The other day you claim Granger correct his statement when confronted by David Hinds that he was referring to the country. ( I posted the statement as a reference to one of your comment) OMG

You are caught with your pants down. 

I am reporting what Granger told Hinds when Hinds condemned him for using Indo KKK language.  You need to go chat with Granger as he contemplates Jagdeo denying gov't funds to cover his bills, as vindictive a brute that man is.

Anyway its the same "lazy black people" they are now begging to show up to vote so they can continue doing whatever it is they were doing.  No oil money for them!

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

The AFC are yes men to the PNC beyond a shadow of a doubt. That's a given in the arrangement between the parties and if he didn't like it he should have resigned before yesterday. The government was warned weeks ago about Persaud being in contact with Jagdeo but they didn't get any objection from him so they thought that he was on board. He has roots in the PPP being from the other side of the Berbice River so he wasn't tough to crack with a solid bag of silver pieces.

Interesting how you have appointed yourself judge and jury for this man, summarizing his humanity to that of a Judas, bought with a bag of coins. This is easy for you to do from your perch in NA where your rights are protected and paid for by the blood of others spilled many years ago. 

I'm commenting based on information that I've seen just like anyone else here. What makes you think that your version is correct and mine is not? Aren't you also commenting "from your perch in NA where your rights are protected and paid for by the blood of others spilled many years ago"?

Mars posted:

The government was warned weeks ago about Persaud being in contact with Jagdeo but they didn't get any objection from him so they thought that he was on board. He has roots in the PPP being from the other side of the Berbice River so he wasn't tough to crack with a solid bag of silver pieces.

And this is symptomatic of why the AFC in particular is in deep trouble.  Jagdeo will set aside space for the PNC.  Its the AFC who he blames for his 3+ years out of power.

Mars posted:

I'm commenting based on information that I've seen just like anyone else here. What makes you think that your version is correct and mine is not? Aren't you also commenting "from your perch in NA where your rights are protected and paid for by the blood of others spilled many years ago"?

If he was as concerned about what was happening he could have voiced his opinions before. Nowhere in his excuse for his vote is he explaining measures that he took within the AFC to deal with the issues that he raised.

I told ronan that Volda's nonsensical statement "I gun only hire PNC" would have had repercussions.  David Hinds has been warning APNU for years now, so now we see what happened.

I wish Volda well in her upcoming unemployment. Hopefully the PNC, as the losers, will have the funds to pay her a stipend.

Mars posted:
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

The AFC are yes men to the PNC beyond a shadow of a doubt. That's a given in the arrangement between the parties and if he didn't like it he should have resigned before yesterday. The government was warned weeks ago about Persaud being in contact with Jagdeo but they didn't get any objection from him so they thought that he was on board. He has roots in the PPP being from the other side of the Berbice River so he wasn't tough to crack with a solid bag of silver pieces.

Interesting how you have appointed yourself judge and jury for this man, summarizing his humanity to that of a Judas, bought with a bag of coins. This is easy for you to do from your perch in NA where your rights are protected and paid for by the blood of others spilled many years ago. 

I'm commenting based on information that I've seen just like anyone else here. What makes you think that your version is correct and mine is not? Aren't you also commenting "from your perch in NA where your rights are protected and paid for by the blood of others spilled many years ago"?

I guess PPP is getting ready to erect statues in honor of him, write books, make movies, the whole works.   

caribny posted:
Ray posted:

I think this whole episode is a good thing for Guyana....

Why do you think so?  Do you think that either the PPP or the PNC have the ability to learn their lessons and step up to the plate?

No, I don't think so...but trial and error may give the country and people an opportunity to get it right and hold the people in charge accountable

Leonora posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

The AFC are yes men to the PNC beyond a shadow of a doubt. That's a given in the arrangement between the parties and if he didn't like it he should have resigned before yesterday. The government was warned weeks ago about Persaud being in contact with Jagdeo but they didn't get any objection from him so they thought that he was on board. He has roots in the PPP being from the other side of the Berbice River so he wasn't tough to crack with a solid bag of silver pieces.

Interesting how you have appointed yourself judge and jury for this man, summarizing his humanity to that of a Judas, bought with a bag of coins. This is easy for you to do from your perch in NA where your rights are protected and paid for by the blood of others spilled many years ago. 

I'm commenting based on information that I've seen just like anyone else here. What makes you think that your version is correct and mine is not? Aren't you also commenting "from your perch in NA where your rights are protected and paid for by the blood of others spilled many years ago"?

I guess PPP is getting ready to erect statues in honor of him, write books, make movies, the whole works.   

You can ask Trump to finance your idea. Oh I forget no pay government shut down.

caribny posted:

If he was as concerned about what was happening he could have voiced his opinions before. Nowhere in his excuse for his vote is he explaining measures that he took within the AFC to deal with the issues that he raised.

I told ronan that Volda's nonsensical statement "I gun only hire PNC" would have had repercussions.  David Hinds has been warning APNU for years now, so now we see what happened.

I wish Volda well in her upcoming unemployment. Hopefully the PNC, as the losers, will have the funds to pay her a stipend.

He was a back bencher in afc, no power to effect change. Any dissenting opinion would have resulted in his ejection. He clearly stated a few cases where he voiced an opinion, the Volda pnc only and Hammie pension, and was pushed aside. I say that he bide his time and put lash pun dem at the right moment. 

Mars posted:
Drugb posted:
Mars posted:

The AFC are yes men to the PNC beyond a shadow of a doubt. That's a given in the arrangement between the parties and if he didn't like it he should have resigned before yesterday. The government was warned weeks ago about Persaud being in contact with Jagdeo but they didn't get any objection from him so they thought that he was on board. He has roots in the PPP being from the other side of the Berbice River so he wasn't tough to crack with a solid bag of silver pieces.

Interesting how you have appointed yourself judge and jury for this man, summarizing his humanity to that of a Judas, bought with a bag of coins. This is easy for you to do from your perch in NA where your rights are protected and paid for by the blood of others spilled many years ago. 

I'm commenting based on information that I've seen just like anyone else here. What makes you think that your version is correct and mine is not? Aren't you also commenting "from your perch in NA where your rights are protected and paid for by the blood of others spilled many years ago"?

What information did you receive that caused you to arrive at the conclusion of a Judas paid in coins for his vote? This is slander at best. My information is from his statements to reporters questions outside of parliament. He clearly stated that he was not paid for his vote and that he was done with politics. 

Sheik101 posted:
ksazma posted:

The PPP needs someone young and inspirational who will also be an effective leader. Jagdeo talked a lot about dinosaurs yesterday. Hopefully that will also signal to the PPP that no dinosaur need apply for the presidential candidate position.

Yes, young and inspirational and be able to read the script and follow orders. Jagdeo will be pulling the strings from the shadows. The Soviets are good at this.

Bai, Jagdeo demonstrates leadership qualities. Getting advice from him cannot hurt. However, the new PPP president needs to possess his own qualities and sovereignty. Jagdeo knows how to count votes. Nagamotoo was saying up to yesterday that the NC motion would be defeated. This was after Charandas had already decided the night before that he was going to vote for the motion. Nagamotoo is obscenely hapless.

Drugb posted:

What information did you receive that caused you to arrive at the conclusion of a Judas paid in coins for his vote? 

And what information do you have when you scream that top officials within the PNC engaged in a deliberate plan to kill Indians. How come NONE of them were ever brought before the courts to answer to those charges? 

None did, so you dont have proof either. Its just ironic that this character choses this moment to pull his stunt when he could have loudly protested the pay increase in 2015 if he felt so strongly.  I guess his "conscience" works best when he has an incentive.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

What information did you receive that caused you to arrive at the conclusion of a Judas paid in coins for his vote? 

And what information do you have when you scream that top officials within the PNC engaged in a deliberate plan to kill Indians. How come NONE of them were ever brought before the courts to answer to those charges? 

None did, so you dont have proof either. Its just ironic that this character choses this moment to pull his stunt when he could have loudly protested the pay increase in 2015 if he felt so strongly.  I guess his "conscience" works best when he has an incentive.

Stick to the topic and stop engaging in sidebars. To humor you, the fact that PNC made overtures to the criminals is enough evidence. Remember who put Guyana flag on Blackies coffin. Remember who was marching with the criminal escapees in Buxton. 

His was no stunt, he played his card to perfection and was able to register his dissatisfaction with the AFC right where it hurts, in the gut and at the right moment. It is heartening to see that some people still care about the nation rather than filling pockets only.


Persaud resigning his MP position has no measurable effect. He would just be replaced by another yes person. No different than how the Coalition government replaced their promises to the people with plain personal greed. He did the right thing by using his vote to stop the three plus years of Coalition haplessness. That vote caused everyone on the government side to go into cardiac arrest. Just listen to that woman’s pathetic “Charandas noooooo” wails.

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:


Stick to the topic and stop engaging in sidebars. 

Why?  Your double standards as usual.  You make statements about the PNC when you cannot furnish proof. Well we are free to speculate why Mr. Charrandass suddenly had a crisis of conscience when it is clear that the Coalition was in breech of their promises within weeks of assuming gov't. What turned people off them was that pay increase, followed by denying pay increases for those who really needed them.

I dont recall his voice then, so why now when Jagdeo barked?

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
. Jagdeo knows how to count votes. 

Surely does. All the coins to get that vote.

Cribby bai, the banna called a motion that many said he was crazy to call. He didn’t think that he was and he proved that he wasn’t. Jagdeo never lost a vote. Ramotar was hapless and first lost the majority in 2011 and then lost the government in 2015. But in 2015, it took every party other than the PPP to beat the PPP.

ksazma posted:

Persaud resigning his MP position has no measurable effect. He would just be replaced by another yes person. No different than how the Coalition government replaced their promises to the people with plain personal greed. He did the right thing by using his vote to stop the three plus years of Coalition haplessness. That vote caused everyone on the government side to go into cardiac arrest. Just listen to that woman’s pathetic “Charandas noooooo” wails.

And you think that the PPP was or will be better?  All that he achieved was ensuring that Jagdeo will get his oil money.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

He was a back bencher in afc, no power to effect change.  

If he was that much of a hero he would have found a way. Now many are calculating how much change was dropped in his cup.

Charrandas did not want to be a yes man ,a stooge to the blackman but he voted Yes at the appropriate time. It took a Coolie man to destroy a coalition  you can only assume that he was paid that what you would have done. He is a lawyer and not a laid off cane cutter.

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
. Jagdeo knows how to count votes. 

Surely does. All the coins to get that vote.

Cribby bai, the banna called a motion that many said he was crazy to call. He didn’t think that he was and he proved that he wasn’t. Jagdeo never lost a vote. Ramotar was hapless and first lost the majority in 2011 and then lost the government in 2015. But in 2015, it took every party other than the PPP to beat the PPP.

Well Jagdeo now controls the country. Let us see what he does with it, starting with Venezuela making mischief.  The APNU/AFC gov't is just about done now so the onus is on him to deal with this, and any other crisis that will emerge.

You all scream that Jagdeo is this great leader anointed by God. So let him prove it!

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
. Jagdeo knows how to count votes. 

Surely does. All the coins to get that vote.

Cribby bai, the banna called a motion that many said he was crazy to call. He didn’t think that he was and he proved that he wasn’t. Jagdeo never lost a vote. Ramotar was hapless and first lost the majority in 2011 and then lost the government in 2015. But in 2015, it took every party other than the PPP to beat the PPP.

Nice language.  We used to say that Jagdeo never lost an election.  Now we have to say that Jagdeo never lost a vote.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Labba posted:

De Jagdoe gat he money interest foh look after. Ayoo say hail president Irfaan Ali. But meh tink de ole leftie lady Gail goh be dem compromise candidate. Hey hey hey...PPP will win with 45% vote. De Amerindian party goh tek some of dem vote. Dem coolies number fall thanks to PPP and Jagdoe. Den the new coastal party goh tek AFC votes. And if dem put up good candidate and list dem will get the professional PPP vote. Doh is how PPP will get 45% and win President. If PPP get over 51% GT goh bun down and dem will get destailise everyday. Hey hey hey...

There is no Amerindian party.  The launching was canceled. Lenox Shuman was a PNC mole.  He got busted and crawl back in his hole in Canada.  

You are talking crapola. The man has taken serious heat from APNU peronnnel as being a PPP mole. He being in the race maximizes the chances of the PPP winning a plurality and not the other way around Lenox was aiming for January or February. He may not have time to constitute a party and campaign given the time. However, we do not have our elections super structure in place since the planning was for 2 years off. This elections may have to be postponed by a few months since no one will want to work with the old list. The PPP already had serious complaints with the present list and the new constituencies.

Stormborn posted:
 The PPP already had serious complaints with the present list and the new constituencies.

The list is now perfect so the PPP wants the election on Jan 2.  On Jan 1 he will pick his nominee, someone who will ensure his access to oil money. Meaning a greedy and corrupt person. Folks need to comb the list to see who fits the bill. Irfaan?

Labba posted:

De Jagdoe gat he money interest foh look after. Ayoo say hail president Irfaan Ali. But meh tink de ole leftie lady Gail goh be dem compromise candidate. Hey hey hey...PPP will win with 45% vote. De Amerindian party goh tek some of dem vote. Dem coolies number fall thanks to PPP and Jagdoe. Den the new coastal party goh tek AFC votes. And if dem put up good candidate and list dem will get the professional PPP vote. Doh is how PPP will get 45% and win President. If PPP get over 51% GT goh bun down and dem will get destailise everyday. Hey hey hey...

Iffart is the plainest way to lose. The man is an uber kleptocrat so no rifght minded cross over vote what is needed for a PPP win will come with him at the helm. The AFC is dead. 

Stormborn posted:

Iffart is the plainest way to lose. The man is an uber kleptocrat so no rifght minded cross over vote what is needed for a PPP win will come with him at the helm. The AFC is dead. 

But Jagdeo needs to ensure that whoever is president will pave his way to get his billions.  What is the sense of engineering a coup if there are no financial benefits. Anthony might be too stupid to understand his role, so no, he cannot be selected.

Stormborn posted:
Labba posted:

De Jagdoe gat he money interest foh look after. Ayoo say hail president Irfaan Ali. But meh tink de ole leftie lady Gail goh be dem compromise candidate. Hey hey hey...PPP will win with 45% vote. De Amerindian party goh tek some of dem vote. Dem coolies number fall thanks to PPP and Jagdoe. Den the new coastal party goh tek AFC votes. And if dem put up good candidate and list dem will get the professional PPP vote. Doh is how PPP will get 45% and win President. If PPP get over 51% GT goh bun down and dem will get destailise everyday. Hey hey hey...

Iffart is the plainest way to lose. The man is an uber kleptocrat so no rifght minded cross over vote what is needed for a PPP win will come with him at the helm. The AFC is dead. 

BJ is favoring Irfaan over guys like Anthony.  Isn't Anthony from the "C"?

caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:

Iffart is the plainest way to lose. The man is an uber kleptocrat so no rifght minded cross over vote what is needed for a PPP win will come with him at the helm. The AFC is dead. 

But Jagdeo needs to ensure that whoever is president will pave his way to get his billions.  What is the sense of engineering a coup if there are no financial benefits. Anthony might be too stupid to understand his role, so no, he cannot be selected.

What coup?  Where was the GDF?

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Persaud resigning his MP position has no measurable effect. He would just be replaced by another yes person. No different than how the Coalition government replaced their promises to the people with plain personal greed. He did the right thing by using his vote to stop the three plus years of Coalition haplessness. That vote caused everyone on the government side to go into cardiac arrest. Just listen to that woman’s pathetic “Charandas noooooo” wails.

And you think that the PPP was or will be better?  All that he achieved was ensuring that Jagdeo will get his oil money.

I don’t know if the PPP will be better. I do know that the Coalition government is hapless.

Sheik101 posted:
ksazma posted:

The PPP needs someone young and inspirational who will also be an effective leader. Jagdeo talked a lot about dinosaurs yesterday. Hopefully that will also signal to the PPP that no dinosaur need apply for the presidential candidate position.

Yes, young and inspirational and be able to read the script and follow orders. Jagdeo will be pulling the strings from the shadows. The Soviets are good at this.

That is why I like ramson; young, educated, a peacock, arrogant and given to moralizing. He also has a pretty wife and on the campaign trail he will be a hit. Jagdeo would have to take a back seat to Mr Flamboyance and the PNC will have to eat cake if they send up Granger or Harmon against him. I would gladly ask my Amerind kin to follow him. Unfortunately, we are getting  one of the institutionalist ideologues with Jagdeo as Putin pulling the strings. 

Stormborn posted:

That is why I like ramson; young, educated, a peacock, arrogant and given to moralizing. 

Yes except that he will be bold face enough to tell Jagdeo "no" when Jagdeo wants to get a monopoly and assorted oil related contracts.

Sorry, not good enough. Jagdeo's response would have been to save his money and just wait for the election if he isnt going to be allowed to install a president to promote his business interests.

I await the PPP frauds screaming that Jagdeo is a man who loves Guyana and this act was purely for altruistic reasons.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:

Granger also told black people that they are lazy beggars, so no votes from them either.

The other day you claim Granger correct his statement when confronted by David Hinds that he was referring to the country. ( I posted the statement as a reference to one of your comment) OMG

You are caught with your pants down. 

I am reporting what Granger told Hinds when Hinds condemned him for using Indo KKK language.  You need to go chat with Granger as he contemplates Jagdeo denying gov't funds to cover his bills, as vindictive a brute that man is.

Anyway its the same "lazy black people" they are now begging to show up to vote so they can continue doing whatever it is they were doing.  No oil money for them!

Granger has a good chance of winning as jagdeo. He has to get out his votes. Unless the PPP picks a young person they are the same old calcified friends and family kleptocratic party. Granger has compiled some sins but that is easily overcome with promises and glib talk from the podium. Tell the people something outrageous as they will get 6k per annum as we exceed 1 mil barrel output and how can jagdeo match that? Even some coolie folks will jump the line!

caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:
 The PPP already had serious complaints with the present list and the new constituencies.

The list is now perfect so the PPP wants the election on Jan 2.  On Jan 1 he will pick his nominee, someone who will ensure his access to oil money. Meaning a greedy and corrupt person. Folks need to comb the list to see who fits the bill. Irfaan?

We will know if it is anil, iffart, etc Plumpy and Vidiya are out.  They will have to play this safe with no token black PM for example. Well they do not have any black person with charisma or credibility. That girl they bribed to come over during the last election is not smart to cut it. 

Leonora posted:

I guess PPP is getting ready to erect statues in honor of him, write books, make movies, the whole works.   

PPP like icons they create. He is of no use to them now that he has done being a Trojan. He will soon be that guy that toppled the PNC and nothing else.

BTW, this thread is without much name calling and personal insults so far. I lament the entrance of Ugli and Nehru!


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