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Stormborn posted:
caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:
 The PPP already had serious complaints with the present list and the new constituencies.

The list is now perfect so the PPP wants the election on Jan 2.  On Jan 1 he will pick his nominee, someone who will ensure his access to oil money. Meaning a greedy and corrupt person. Folks need to comb the list to see who fits the bill. Irfaan?

We will know if it is anil, iffart, etc Plumpy and Vidiya are out.  They will have to play this safe with no token black PM for example. Well they do not have any black person with charisma or credibility. That girl they bribed to come over during the last election is not smart to cut it. 

PPP candidate is None of your business.  Go and worry about the govt that was just toppled.  Who is their candidate?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:
 The PPP already had serious complaints with the present list and the new constituencies.

The list is now perfect so the PPP wants the election on Jan 2.  On Jan 1 he will pick his nominee, someone who will ensure his access to oil money. Meaning a greedy and corrupt person. Folks need to comb the list to see who fits the bill. Irfaan?

We will know if it is anil, iffart, etc Plumpy and Vidiya are out.  They will have to play this safe with no token black PM for example. Well they do not have any black person with charisma or credibility. That girl they bribed to come over during the last election is not smart to cut it. 

PPP candidate is None of your business.  Go and worry about the govt that was just toppled.  Who is their candidate?

Guyana is my country and  and any candidate is my concern. If you want to speak of the government that fell, start a thread on that. 

BTW, my personality is quite stable. The reality is you should ask yourself that question.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
Jagdeo knows how to count votes. 

Surely does. All the coins to get that vote.

Cribby bai, the banna called a motion that many said he was crazy to call. He didn’t think that he was and he proved that he wasn’t. Jagdeo never lost a vote. Ramotar was hapless and first lost the majority in 2011 and then lost the government in 2015. But in 2015, it took every party other than the PPP to beat the PPP.

Well Jagdeo now controls the country. Let us see what he does with it, starting with Venezuela making mischief.  The APNU/AFC gov't is just about done now so the onus is on him to deal with this, and any other crisis that will emerge.

You all scream that Jagdeo is this great leader anointed by God. So let him prove it!

Bai, that Venezuela problem has been around for a hundred years. It is like an ants nest that gets scratched up every now and then. With oil coming, no Guyanese government needs to take care of Venezuela. The mighty US will be more than able and willing to do so. And no Guyanese government will turn that down. Not even the PPP because if it was true that the previous PPP was involved in the drug business, they wouldn't need that now because oil is king. With oil around, drugs has been dropped way down the food chain.

Stormborn posted:

That is why I like ramson; young, educated, a peacock, arrogant and given to moralizing. He also has a pretty wife and on the campaign trail he will be a hit. Jagdeo would have to take a back seat to Mr Flamboyance and the PNC will have to eat cake if they send up Granger or Harmon against him. I would gladly ask my Amerind kin to follow him. Unfortunately, we are getting  one of the institutionalist ideologues with Jagdeo as Putin pulling the strings. 

The PPP seriously need a strong leader though and if that is Ramson, then it should be Ramson. Ramotar was weak and hapless and it took Jagdeo out of retire to bring back some power recognition to the PPP. After 2015, if Ramotar was left as the Opposition Leader, the PPP would have sunk into a deep depression and probably turn into the AFC. Jagdeo relit the fire and it has gotten him to an early vote. Now he needs to find an innocuous way to pass the baton to another but that person needs to be young, energetic, visionary and able to not allow the PNC to bully him or her. Those old fogees need to take a back seat.

ksazma posted:
Stormborn posted:

That is why I like ramson; young, educated, a peacock, arrogant and given to moralizing. He also has a pretty wife and on the campaign trail he will be a hit. Jagdeo would have to take a back seat to Mr Flamboyance and the PNC will have to eat cake if they send up Granger or Harmon against him. I would gladly ask my Amerind kin to follow him. Unfortunately, we are getting  one of the institutionalist ideologues with Jagdeo as Putin pulling the strings. 

The PPP seriously need a strong leader though and if that is Ramson, then it should be Ramson. Ramotar was weak and hapless and it took Jagdeo out of retire to bring back some power recognition to the PPP. After 2015, if Ramotar was left as the Opposition Leader, the PPP would have sunk into a deep depression and probably turn into the AFC. Jagdeo relit the fire and it has gotten him to an early vote. Now he needs to find an innocuous way to pass the baton to another but that person needs to be young, energetic, visionary and able to not allow the PNC to bully him or her. Those old fogees need to take a back seat.

I like Ramson, but he not in Jagdeo's good book, my next choice in Anil Nandalall. I met Infran Alli a few times but does not impress me. I am afraid the Presidential candidate must be to the liking of Jagdeo.

Stormborn posted:
caribny posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:

Granger also told black people that they are lazy 

Granger has a good chance of winning as jagdeo. He has to get out his votes. 

APNU has to show more brains and innovativeness than they currently have and their support base is disappointed in them.  They aren't the sheep that the PPP base is so glib talk isnt going to cut it.

caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:
caribny posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:

Granger also told black people that they are lazy 

Granger has a good chance of winning as jagdeo. He has to get out his votes. 

APNU has to show more brains and innovativeness than they currently have and their support base is disappointed in them.  They aren't the sheep that the PPP base is so glib talk isnt going to cut it.

Granger made the Party a party of geriatrics. Worse they were old military men with stultified minds and completely bereft of creativity. The young who would have made the cut needed another year or two to find their public voice. He also suffocated many young supporters so he is in the place where he is because of his own doing. 


kp posted:
ksazma posted:

The PPP seriously need a strong leader though and if that is Ramson, then it should be Ramson. Ramotar was weak and hapless and it took Jagdeo out of retire to bring back some power recognition to the PPP. After 2015, if Ramotar was left as the Opposition Leader, the PPP would have sunk into a deep depression and probably turn into the AFC. Jagdeo relit the fire and it has gotten him to an early vote. Now he needs to find an innocuous way to pass the baton to another but that person needs to be young, energetic, visionary and able to not allow the PNC to bully him or her. Those old fogees need to take a back seat.

I like Ramson, but he not in Jagdeo's good book, my next choice in Anil Nandalall. I met Infran Alli a few times but does not impress me. I am afraid the Presidential candidate must be to the liking of Jagdeo.

The trouble is that Nandalall and Ali have baggage. But so do many others. The question is whether their baggage would be too heavy.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP candidate is None of your business.  Go and worry about the govt that was just toppled.  Who is their candidate?

I understand your plight. Even you are told that the PPP candidate is none of your business as only Jagdeo has a right to decide.

However when last I checked Guyana was a diverse country so if you think that the PPP runs a little exclusive club think again.

ksazma posted:

The trouble is that Nandalall and Ali have baggage. But so do many others. The question is whether their baggage would be too heavy.

Jagdeo doesnt care whether their baggage needs to be loaded on a cargo vessel or not. He and most of you think that Guyana belongs to the PPP and the rest of the country (including most PPP supporters) are mere spectators.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

The trouble is that Nandalall and Ali have baggage. But so do many others. The question is whether their baggage would be too heavy.

Jagdeo doesnt care whether their baggage needs to be loaded on a cargo vessel or not. He and most of you think that Guyana belongs to the PPP and the rest of the country (including most PPP supporters) are mere spectators.

After what Vlda said the PPP are given the right of Guyana. As you would say "is PPP time"

kp posted:

After what Vlda said the PPP are given the right of Guyana. As you would say "is PPP time"

The PPP thinks that its PPP time.

Others might have different ideas. I suggest that you become acquainted with what the blacks (who you despise and view as nuisances and irrelevant) are thinking.

Winning based on a tribal vote is one thing. Running a diverse nation is something very different.


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