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John Lewis Should 'Thank' White Men for Civil Rights, Says Maine Gov. | DiversityInc

John Lewis Should ‘Thank’ White Men for Civil Rights, Says Maine Gov.

Gov. LePage later suggested the NAACP apologize to white people.

Left: Rep. John Lewis; Right: Maine Gov. Paul LePage / REUTERS

Civil rights leader John Lewis has white men to thank for the civil rights advancements Black Americans have seen, according to Maine Gov. Paul LePage.

“How about John Lewis last week, criticizing the president,” he said during an interview with Maine radio station WVOM. “You know, I will just say this: John Lewis ought to look at history. It was Abraham Lincoln that freed the slaves. It was Rutherford B. Hayes and Ulysses S. Grant that fought against Jim Crow laws. A simple thank you would suffice.”

LePage’s assessment is historically inaccurate, however. President Abraham Lincoln did in 1863 sign the Emancipation Proclamation and advocated for the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment, abolishing slavery. But according to historians, Jim Crow laws did not exist during President Ulysses S. Grant’s administration, which spanned from 1869-1877. President Rutherford B. Hayes, who served as president from 1877-1881, oversaw the end of Reconstruction — and the beginning of Jim Crow laws, which remained in effect for nearly a century.

Lewis has a long history of civil rights activism. He was the youngest speaker at the march on Washington in 1963. He marched in Selma, Alabama, two years later and suffered a fractured skull. He was arrested dozens of times for his active role in civil rights. Lewis is the last surviving member of the “Big Six,” six prominent leaders during the civil rights movement.

Brenda Jones, communications director for Lewis, said the civil rights icon does not feel “the need to defend himself against spurious comments.”

“People who know America’s history know what the facts are,” Jones said. “It sounds to me like [LePage] is just trying to be mean-spirited. The facts of history refute that statement.”

Phil Bartlett, chair of the Democratic Party of Maine, in a statement slammed LePage for his “profound misunderstanding” of history, WCSH6 reported:

“Gov. LePage’s comments reflect a profound misunderstanding of history and the crucial role that Rep. John Lewis played in the struggle for civil rights. Gov. LePage should be calling upon President-Elect Trump to engage with leaders like Chellie Pingree and John Lewis rather than ratcheting up the rhetoric against those willing to stand up for their beliefs.”

Democratic Rep. Chellie Pingree has stated she does not plan to attend Trump’s inauguration, and LePage said she should resign.

LePage, in trying to clarify his remarks, slammed the NAACP and Blacks overall for characterizing all whites as racist and said the NAACP owes white people an apology, the Portland Press Herald reported.

“The Blacks, the NAACP [paint] all white people with one brush,” LePage said. “To say that every white American is a racist is an insult. The NAACP should apologize to the white people, to the people from the North for fighting their battle.”

“And now they paint one brush and say all whites are racists,” he went on. “I’m sorry, we’re not.”

Lewis served as chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, not the NAACP, during the civil rights era, the Huffington Post reported.

State Rep. Rachel Talbot Ross (D-Portland), director of the Maine division of the NAACP and president of the NAACP of Portland branch, called the governor’s remarks “a painful reminder” of the continued fight for civil rights.

“The ripple effects of this insult reverberate far beyond Maine’s African American community,” Talbot Ross said. “It’s a painful reminder to every person in Maine and those nationwide that the fight for equal rights and dignity continues. The NAACP remains dedicated to this fight today and tomorrow. We also welcome the opportunity to correct the governor’s historical assessment of the civil rights movement.”

The governor’s original remarks came after a feud arose between Lewis and President-elect Donald Trump over the weekend of Martin Luther King Day. After Lewis stated he did not plan to attend Trump’s Jan. 20 inauguration, saying he is not a “legitimate president,” Trump responded with a characteristic Twitter firestorm.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

If it wasn't men like John Lewis, we would all be in Guyana suffering from malnutrition. I bet you would not mind being in Guyana suppressing your fellow man. You might be the one with dry bamboo rods whacking the poor coolies on their shins, you know the ones who stand in line for food..just like old times. It might just bring a smile to your face.


It should not be about black or white, people should not be slaves to others...John Lewis should be thanked for speaking out in the first place...of course you need support of folks from the massa side to make this happen...but the need for justice should be the main factor, not the need to say thank you for freeing people who should be free in the first place

Drugb posted:

Paul is partially correct, without the support of white abolitionists CaribJunk would still be in chains today serving massa. 

Because people were supposed to be enslaved and should be thankful of the privilege of freedom?

antabanta posted:
Drugb posted:

Paul is partially correct, without the support of white abolitionists CaribJunk would still be in chains today serving massa. 

Because people were supposed to be enslaved and should be thankful of the privilege of freedom?

You're asking a contrarian historian that question? Look out for his contrarian answer.


John Lewis was wrong to say Donald Trump is an illegitimate president. Being a civil right activist/leader doesn't give him the right to disrespect white men. Gov. Paul LePage was absolutely correct in his statement that John Lewis has to thank white men for his freedom. Slavery was history, and history cannot turn back to make things right. Slavery is forced labor on uneducated and unskilled people with strength. The Jews were slaves too, and they didn't complain.  MLK had a foolish dream for crack heads, and Obama free phones and food stamp make it worse for them to stop stealing. That is as black and white as it gets. 


In this great Country you can say what you want. Trump is a @#$%&!!!

Trump is never going to be as honorable and dignified like the GREAT JOHN LEWIS, the great Leader, Fighter and Humanitarian!!!!

Prince posted:

John Lewis was wrong to say Donald Trump is an illegitimate president. Being a civil right activist/leader doesn't give him the right to disrespect white men. Gov. Paul LePage was absolutely correct in his statement that John Lewis has to thank white men for his freedom. Slavery was history, and history cannot turn back to make things right. Slavery is forced labor on uneducated and unskilled people with strength. The Jews were slaves too, and they didn't complain.  MLK had a foolish dream for crack heads, and Obama free phones and food stamp make it worse for them to stop stealing. That is as black and white as it gets. 

The jews didn't complain? Your definition of slavery reflects quite well your poor intellect and extensive ignorance. For your information, of the 50 million slaves that were dragged out of Africa only 10 million arrived in the New World. The genocide of 40 million people is a little more than forced labor, a concept even your limited intellect should be able to grasp.

I see the quality of your posts continue to deteriorate. Based on your posts here and your definition you satisfy the qualifications to be a slave.


"Between 1525 and 1866, in the entire history of the slave trade to the New World, according to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World. 10.7 million survived the dreaded Middle Passage, disembarking in North America, the Caribbean and South America."

Bibi Haniffa
antabanta posted:
Drugb posted:

Paul is partially correct, without the support of white abolitionists CaribJunk would still be in chains today serving massa. 

Because people were supposed to be enslaved and should be thankful of the privilege of freedom?

Concepts of right and wrong are functions of time and place. I don't expect the under educated like gilly to understand this philosophy. 

During the days of slavery, it was considered legal and moral to some extent, even by the church.  In fact during biblical times it was considered normal and moral. Even in Africa there were blacks enslaving blacks. How do you think the Whites got the idea of enslaving blacks?

Even the Hindu's had concepts of servitude aka slavery. The Islamists were even more aggressive in enslaving people.  These facts are all recorded in history, so please get off your high horse and do a bit of reading and don't judge by today's morals. 


Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qu'ran about freeing slaves.The Qu'ran came as a guide to all mankind. probably the Holy Qu'ran started the freedom of slaves.

Allah O Akbar!


Prince posted:

John Lewis was wrong to say Donald Trump is an illegitimate president. Being a civil right activist/leader doesn't give him the right to disrespect white men. Gov. Paul LePage was absolutely correct in his statement that John Lewis has to thank white men for his freedom. Slavery was history, and history cannot turn back to make things right. Slavery is forced labor on uneducated and unskilled people with strength. The Jews were slaves too, and they didn't complain.  MLK had a foolish dream for crack heads, and Obama free phones and food stamp make it worse for them to stop stealing. That is as black and white as it gets. 

You should thank black people like John Lewis for living in a free country, but Indos always known to go where the soup leaks without putting in the work to make it possible

Chief posted:

Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qu'ran about freeing slaves.The Qu'ran came as a guide to all mankind. probably the Holy Qu'ran started the freedom of slaves.

Allah O Akbar!


Educate me. Why does Muslim women wears a burka and the men don't. 

kp posted:
Chief posted:

Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qu'ran about freeing slaves.The Qu'ran came as a guide to all mankind. probably the Holy Qu'ran started the freedom of slaves.

Allah O Akbar!


Educate me. Why does Muslim women wears a burka and the men don't. 


Chief posted:

Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qu'ran about freeing slaves.The Qu'ran came as a guide to all mankind. probably the Holy Qu'ran started the freedom of slaves.

Allah O Akbar!


I am not sure about this claim, Mohammed had slaves of his own. Also it was common practice by Islamic conquerors to enslave their conquest.  

Drugb posted:

Paul is partially correct, without the support of white abolitionists CaribJunk would still be in chains today serving massa. 

And you would be cleaning toilets in some village the Dalit that you are.

I can assure you that whites are way more afraid of blacks and therefore less willing to brazenly exploit than they are towards Indians. In fact they saw Indians are weak and docile, which is why they brought them in.

Chief posted:

Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qu'ran about freeing slaves.The Qu'ran came as a guide to all mankind. probably the Holy Qu'ran started the freedom of slaves.

Allah O Akbar!


Chief in Arab lands even now they refer to blacks as slaves.  Arab racism is considerably worse than what we endure in the West.

Let an Iraqi black try to start discussions on equal treatment for blacks and you will see this.

I bet that characters like the idiot governor of Maine are quite common in the Middle East. I will say no more about him, except that I am glad when bigots like him bray as it stops those who scream that racism ended in 2008 when Obama was elected.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Paul is partially correct, without the support of white abolitionists CaribJunk would still be in chains today serving massa. 

And you would be cleaning toilets in some village the Dalit that you are.

I can assure you that whites are way more afraid of blacks and therefore less willing to brazenly exploit than they are towards Indians. In fact they saw Indians are weak and docile, which is why they brought them in.

Not true.  You need a history lesson, but I ain't got the time for dat.

RiffRaff posted:

You should thank black people like John Lewis for living in a free country, but Indos always known to go where the soup leaks without putting in the work to make it possible

Yes here is druggie screaming his Indo KKK crap not showing the smallest gratitude for people like Lewis who got his skull cracked to fight for druggie to be treated as an equal.

Now just stop and think that the medical technology that is now available was available in the mid 60s, and that blacks received sub standard treatment even relative to what was available.

VVP posted:

Not true.  You need a history lesson, but I ain't got the time for dat.

Fully aware of the history lesson.  Indians were selected because they accepted treatment and working conditions that the ex slaves rejected.

In fact the trade union concept was started by blacks in Guyana, with Indians riding on the coat tails of that struggle.

Even today if a black man tells a white man "boo" he jumps.  If an Indian tries that they white man will tell him to shut up.

In fact look how so many Indians groveled and worshipped that white foreigner from Chicago, even allowing her to become president.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Welcome back Carib. 

I only responded because Chief mentioned my name.  GNI remains the Indo KKK sewer that it was a few weeks ago.

Tired of wallowing in ignorance when there are few left on this site to engage in any intelligent discussion to occur.

Eventually VVP will tire of you too.

Chief posted:

Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qu'ran about freeing slaves.The Qu'ran came as a guide to all mankind. probably the Holy Qu'ran started the freedom of slaves.

Allah O Akbar!


Really, tell that to the Wahabs in the ME who practices slavery in all its forms today!

Prince posted:

John Lewis was wrong to say Donald Trump is an illegitimate president. Being a civil right activist/leader doesn't give him the right to disrespect white men. Gov. Paul LePage was absolutely correct in his statement that John Lewis has to thank white men for his freedom. Slavery was history, and history cannot turn back to make things right. Slavery is forced labor on uneducated and unskilled people with strength. The Jews were slaves too, and they didn't complain.  MLK had a foolish dream for crack heads, and Obama free phones and food stamp make it worse for them to stop stealing. That is as black and white as it gets. 

Rale madness heah

Prince posted:

.  MLK had a foolish dream for crack heads, and Obama free phones and food stamp make it worse for them to stop stealing. That is as black and white as it gets. 

And if I ever decided to reverse my plan of spending little or no time in this cesspit of a Indo KKKI forum threads like this remind me why.


These civil rights leaders deserve respect and gratitude.  However, they also owe it to themselves and others respect for the office and the democratic process which they fought so hard to become full participants.  Lewis is way out of line referring to Trump as illegitimate, he is not, he was elected in accordance with the constitution.

These sour grapes need to regroup and learn from their mistakes.  They need to focus on the future rather than beating up on Trump.  Trump is here to stay and if the Dems don't get their act together, he will be here for eight years!

LONG LIVE TRUMP..and his pretty Wall Flower!!

caribny posted:

And you would be cleaning toilets in some village the Dalit that you are.

I can assure you that whites are way more afraid of blacks and therefore less willing to brazenly exploit than they are towards Indians. In fact they saw Indians are weak and docile, which is why they brought them in.

In fact if not for white abolitionists there would be no need for migrant  Mexican farm workers. 

caribny posted:
VVP posted:

Not true.  You need a history lesson, but I ain't got the time for dat.

Fully aware of the history lesson.  Indians were selected because they accepted treatment and working conditions that the ex slaves rejected.

In fact the trade union concept was started by blacks in Guyana, with Indians riding on the coat tails of that struggle.

Even today if a black man tells a white man "boo" he jumps.  If an Indian tries that they white man will tell him to shut up.

In fact look how so many Indians groveled and worshipped that white foreigner from Chicago, even allowing her to become president.

Carib that does not happen in the American south. Or the American North West. Those whites there want to get into a fight with darker people so that they can beat them up.


Carib I am happy you responded to my call.

Islam and the holy Qu'ran specifically mentioned that we should free our slaves.

Do Arabs goes against the noble teachings, of course they do.

I miss Kari, D2, Terry and the others who left because  of racism and bigotry . 

ba$eman posted:

These civil rights leaders deserve respect and gratitude.  However, they also owe it to themselves and others respect for the office and the democratic process which they fought so hard to become full participants.  Lewis is way out of line referring to Trump as illegitimate, he is not, he was elected in accordance with the constitution.

These sour grapes need to regroup and learn from their mistakes.  They need to focus on the future rather than beating up on Trump.  Trump is here to stay and if the Dems don't get their act together, he will be here for eight years!

LONG LIVE TRUMP..and his pretty Wall Flower!!

Trump is president for 40% of the electorate.  Hillary won the popular votes by 3000000 people and another 7000000 voted for the green party. So in a democracy where is 51%. More than half of the country does not think that Trump legitimate. 

kp posted:
ba$eman posted:

These civil rights leaders deserve respect and gratitude.  However, they also owe it to themselves and others respect for the office and the democratic process which they fought so hard to become full participants.  Lewis is way out of line referring to Trump as illegitimate, he is not, he was elected in accordance with the constitution.

These sour grapes need to regroup and learn from their mistakes.  They need to focus on the future rather than beating up on Trump.  Trump is here to stay and if the Dems don't get their act together, he will be here for eight years!

LONG LIVE TRUMP..and his pretty Wall Flower!!

Trump is president for 40% of the electorate.  Hillary won the popular votes by 3000000 people and another 7000000 voted for the green party. So in a democracy where is 51%. More than half of the country does not think that Trump legitimate. 

Nonsense, Trump is the president.  You guys can slice any which way, TRUMP is the legitimate president!  People need to get over it.

Trump will be a great president, it' s already showing!

Chief posted:

KP presenting numbers that are facts.

There is ONE FACT, Trump is the legitimate 45th president according to the constitution of the great USofA.  No one can change that!

That is FACT!  You guys can spend your time dabbling i the dry weeds!!

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

John Lewis was wrong to say Donald Trump is an illegitimate president. Being a civil right activist/leader doesn't give him the right to disrespect white men. Gov. Paul LePage was absolutely correct in his statement that John Lewis has to thank white men for his freedom. Slavery was history, and history cannot turn back to make things right. Slavery is forced labor on uneducated and unskilled people with strength. The Jews were slaves too, and they didn't complain.  MLK had a foolish dream for crack heads, and Obama free phones and food stamp make it worse for them to stop stealing. That is as black and white as it gets. 

Some people forever will stay on a witch hunt. Slavery was over a century ago and yet they doan move on. A thousand years from today, there will always be anti-white racist who will spew their rhetoric how the white man enslaved people. Two Thousand and Seventeen years ago, 2/3 of the people on earth were slaves, so the experts say. And even Africans owned slaves who later sold captured Africans to the White Slave Traders. In the transactions, an African recieved payments for Black Slaves in the New World. And before the New World was discovered, Africans were slaves in Portugal and Spain. But they had rights.  


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