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Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I forgot what I ate, all I know is that I brought it all up as the plane came in for landing...

I did that from the very beginning. Soon as that plane started moving up came dinner. I remember that morning like it was last week. Jan 1973..I was 19..yeh do the math. We were on the way in my Uncle's van,some buddies of mine including my ole bud FawFie, that was a mean name, poor guy had a cleft palate, anyway, they followed our van in a mini moke ( small looks like a mini Land Rover) with a few other buddies.

We were stopped by the police who when told of the situation didn't give a dam, he said he had a couple more ahead of us and we had to wait our turn.

Dem boys pulled up, threw my stuff in the moke, it was cramped . I was on my way to the plane when I saw my family and I was never able to say a proper goodbye.

Come to think of it it may have been BOAC.  I had the whole three seats to myself, the hand rests somehow dropped and I was able to lie across. I was treated like royalty,one of the hostesses would sop my face with a cloth. Owwwww! (That was a howl)

Originally Posted by Riya:
Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
What did they feed yuh?

I flew on B, had a nice full course meal of chicken curry etc

I came with B. We had boil n' fry with fry bangamary

I know about banga Mary, been with that one before she wutliss, bout whatdaheack is boil an fry?

Last edited by cain

The funniest I remember was my SIL took a frozen turkey to Berbice from NJ, as carry-on luggage and they curried the dam thing.

In GT we could not fit it in the fridge frozen compartment overnight, so they took a cutlass and cut it in half, Guyana style.  


My first plane ride to Toronto was with a young  Afro Guyanese woman sitting next to me. We were both very nervous, because she had to transit alone to Montreal and me  to Vancouver.  I wish I could meet her again.

Its been so long she must be grandma.


My cousin in Toronto said, West is cold man, you need some long johns.

I roasted in the plane for five hours and was embarrassed  to take them off. I arrived in Vancouver with temperature at about 25C.


Was it BWEE or Guyana air that served rum from the large bottle and the flight crew will readily leave the bottle with you ?      

Originally Posted by Tola:

The funniest I remember was my SIL took a frozen turkey to Berbice from NJ, as carry-on luggage and they curried the dam thing.

In GT we could not fit it in the fridge frozen compartment overnight, so they took a cutlass and cut it in half, Guyana style.  



seriously? A turkey? Lawd

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Riya:
Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
What did they feed yuh?

I flew on B, had a nice full course meal of chicken curry etc

I came with B. We had boil n' fry with fry bangamary

I know about banga Mary, been with that one before she wutliss, bout whatdaheack is boil an fry?



boil n'fry = plantain, cassava and some yam boil up and then fry up


My mom visited my siblings in NYC & Montreal on some of the older airlines. When she returned home, I was working on a homework essay "A day in the life of...". I asked her about the air hostesses, how they dressed, how they talked and acted, how they treated passengers, etc., then wrote my essay "A day in the life of an air hostess". Next day, the English teacher read my essay to the class and everyone clapped. They were all stunned about my fancy topic and wanted to know how I knew so much about it. They all wrote about "A day in the life of a beggar, housewife, fisherman, etc."   


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