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Irfaan Ali awarded Doctorate of Philosophy in Urban and Regional Planning

Irfaan Ali

Irfaan Ali

October 24 2019


While questions remain about PPP/C presidential candidate Irfaan Ali’s first set of academic credentials, he is listed as a graduand for a Doctorate of Philosophy from the University of the West Indies (UWI) and was to have graduated yesterday at the St Augustine Campus in Trinidad.

The University of the West Indies on October 10th released its list of graduands for the academic year 2018/2019 and Ali was listed to receive a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Urban and Regional Planning.

Stabroek News tried contacting Ali yesterday but calls to his mobile stated that his phone was off and messages via text and WhatsApp were not responded to.

The 40-year-old Ali has come under fire since the announcement of his candidacy for president over his academic credentials, as there is still no evidence that the school that provided him with a transcript for entry into an Indian university on a Government of Guyana scholarship was ever accredited here.

In April of this year, after declaring that he had made all his transcripts and certificates public on his Facebook page, Ali has said that he had no further comments on the matter.

“If you go on my Facebook page, I don’t know if it is still there, I shared, as I said, all my certificates. There are many, many certificates …they all have credits for them. What is out there, I stand by and this is all I have to say on the matter,” Ali had told his first press conference since as the party’s presidential candidate.

On Ali’s Facebook page, no photographs or any other material related to his credentials were found by this newspaper.

Stabroek News was shown four certificates by Ali on April 10th after several requests for an interview and had been seeking to independently verify their authenticity.

However, still not clear is how Ali gained entry into a Master’s programme in 2002. There have been allegations that a transcript issued by a school, identified as the Chamber Business School on the West Bank of Demerara, was used for his entry.

Checks by Stabroek News at the National Accreditation Council found no records at that body of the school’s existence but that body was not in existence at the time of Ali’s alleged schooling.

Stabroek News had also visited the West Coast of Demerara but hours of searches and enquiries could find no evidence of the Chamber Business School. None of persons in the homes or business places visited from Vreed-en-Hoop to Tuschen had heard of the school.

Given that the presidency is the highest office in the land, Ali continues to face calls to address the questions about his admission to the programme.

Pressed to answer what was the baseline qualification he had used for admission to the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India, Ali had refused to answer.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Gilbakka posted:

Congratulations to my dedicated PPP comrade Irfaan Ali for earning a UWI doctorate.

de anscale fish is back!

just in time for the last lap before elections

good to have you back sir


Hey hey bai get nuff, nuff coachin from peopkle and from de Nigeria man...dem PPP bais does pay foh get dem tings done...hey hey hey. Even Mr TK musse chip in...hey hey hey 

Gilbakka posted:

Congratulations to my dedicated PPP comrade Irfaan Ali for earning a UWI doctorate.

Glad to see you back buddy. Glad your health is improving.

Last edited by Former Member
Labba posted:

Hey hey bai get nuff, nuff coachin from peopkle and from de Nigeria man...dem PPP bais does pay foh get dem tings done...hey hey hey. Even Mr TK musse chip in...hey hey hey 

He! He! He! - Dem Congress people had a lawsuit filed against them by the current PM for saying that he failed he bar exam.  He!He!He!

Billy Ram Balgobin
Labba posted:

Hey hey bai get nuff, nuff coachin from peopkle and from de Nigeria man...dem PPP bais does pay foh get dem tings done...hey hey hey.

Even Mr TK musse chip in...hey hey hey 

Mr.TK musse see that paper .

Last edited by Django
Gilbakka posted:

Congratulations to my dedicated PPP comrade Irfaan Ali for earning a UWI doctorate.

Now that the man got kajag fuh show he ah wan daktah, all is quiet on the home front. Ah wanda if Granja will still try to disqualify de man because of the "alleged" indictments for fraud.

skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Congratulations to my dedicated PPP comrade Irfaan Ali for earning a UWI doctorate.

Now that the man got kajag fuh show he ah wan daktah, all is quiet on the home front.

Ah wanda if Granja will still try to disqualify de man because of the "alleged" indictments for fraud.

Ha..ha..ha..he ain't heading the Country.


Ali is a brilliant fella. He ain’t stupid and wicked  like the one love banna Hinds who only cares fuh he Mattie. 

Look how the Almighty Gil returned to congratulate him. De banna is a fair minded fella. He is a straang PPP man again. 

All over GNI I see people speculation about who I am. I repeat, me is Sean by the lake. 

Me supporting the cup and Ali all the way to the Mountain top. PPP going to bring back some common sense to Guyana. Everywhere I look, I see PNC thief and Bruk Down. I neva seen such a bunch of idiots running a country. Dem is like illegal cancer. 

Bhagwan Bharat and King Ali will make Guyana a paradise again.  They will also clean up and exterminate PNC terror groups and make Guyana safe again. Another Gajraj will emerge. 

Sean posted:

Ali is a brilliant fella.

He ain’t stupid and wicked  like the one love banna Hinds who only cares fuh he Mattie. Look how the Almighty Gil returned to congratulate him. De banna is a fair minded fella. He is a straang PPP man again. 

All over GNI I see people speculation about who I am. I repeat, me is Sean by the lake. 

Me supporting the cup and Ali all the way to the Mountain top. PPP going to bring back some common sense to Guyana. Everywhere I look, I see PNC thief and Bruk Down. I neva seen such a bunch of idiots running a country. Dem is like illegal cancer. 

Bhagwan Bharat and King Ali will make Guyana a paradise again.  

They will also clean up and exterminate PNC terror groups and make Guyana safe again. Another Gajraj will emerge. 

Yep same like Yugidisguiseski !!!

Last edited by Django

I am informed by a West Demerara countryman who knows Irfaan Ali well that the PPP presidential candidate has always been a studious person. Throughout the years Irfaan was continually taking courses in one field of study or another, always endeavouring to beef up his knowledge. In my book such a person deserves praise and respect. Please note that Irfaan EARNED his UWI doctorate. He is not the recipient of an honorary doctorate but a genuine academic qualification. UWI is not a diploma mill but a widely recognized educational institution.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

I am informed by a West Demerara countryman who knows Irfaan Ali well that the PPP presidential candidate has always been a studious person. Throughout the years Irfaan was continually taking courses in one field of study or another, always endeavouring to beef up his knowledge. In my book such a person deserves praise and respect. Please note that Irfaan EARNED his UWI doctorate. He is not the recipient of an honorary doctorate but a genuine academic qualification. UWI is not a diploma mill but a widely recognized educational institution.

Great that could be put to rest and off to the races!  It will be a three-horse race!

Gilbakka posted:

I am informed by a West Demerara countryman who knows Irfaan Ali well that the PPP presidential candidate has always been a studious person. Throughout the years Irfaan was continually taking courses in one field of study or another, always endeavouring to beef up his knowledge. In my book such a person deserves praise and respect. Please note that Irfaan EARNED his UWI doctorate. He is not the recipient of an honorary doctorate but a genuine academic qualification. UWI is not a diploma mill but a widely recognized educational institution.

That explains why the banna gat like a million certificates. So much he confusing lots a peoples. 

That said, who give a shit about undergraduate degree when you have a real PhD. Now he can compare his PhD. with Granger's. 


In PHD programs you have to do course work.  Is the UWI PHD program doing their course work by online correspondence with no residency requirement. I don't know of any mainstream University PHD program that just lets you submit a thesis without having you do some form of course work as a resident student. How do you prepare your thesis? Where are the monthly meetings with your faculty advisors.  How do you do your PHD courses such as courses like the PHD quantative methods research course which is essential for you to do research at a PHD level?  How would you know that your research is original to get a PHD without being in constant contact with your faculty advisor. Even Bill Cosby who presented his PHD thesis to his faculty members in his mansion before having dinner with them he had to do PHD course work.  This is not a knock against Mr. Ali it is just questions that I have.  I think Mr. Ali is a gifted and talented politician.  But I never heard of the UWI having a PHD program where there is no residency requirement for the student. The UWI is a reputable university.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

In PHD programs you have to do course work.  Is the UWI PHD program doing their course work by online correspondence with no residency requirement. I don't know of any mainstream University PHD program that just lets you submit a thesis without having you do some form of course work as a resident student. How do you prepare your thesis? Where are the monthly meetings with your faculty advisors.  How do you do your PHD courses such as courses like the PHD quantative methods research course which is essential for you to do research at a PHD level?  How would you know that your research is original to get a PHD without being in constant contact with your faculty advisor..  This is not a knock against Mr. Ali it is just questions that I have.  I think Mr. Ali is a gifted and talented politician.  But I never heard of the UWI having a PHD program where there is no residency requirement for the student. The UWI is a reputable university.

Bai, gee de banna lil time fuh hang up he degree nah. 

Gilbakka posted:

I am informed by a West Demerara countryman who knows Irfaan Ali well that the PPP presidential candidate has always been a studious person. Throughout the years Irfaan was continually taking courses in one field of study or another, always endeavouring to beef up his knowledge. In my book such a person deserves praise and respect. Please note that Irfaan EARNED his UWI doctorate. He is not the recipient of an honorary doctorate but a genuine academic qualification. UWI is not a diploma mill but a widely recognized educational institution.

Irfaan is guilty of academic fraud with his undergraduate 'degree'

it is a bloody DISGRACE that the UWI, knowing such, allowed this disreputable character to even 'read' for a PhD

academia stays far away from these kinds of fraudsters . . . for a multitude of very very good reasons

there ought to be an investigation into this wutlisness and a bunch of 'professors' and administrators fired

only thing 'proven' here is that Jagdeo dem got plenty, plenty, plenty dirty money to spread around

SHAME doesn't even begin to cover it


ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:

......Throughout the years Irfaan was continually taking courses in one field of study or another, always endeavouring to beef up his knowledge.....

Devoured to beef up.....taraass

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:

......Throughout the years Irfaan was continually taking courses in one field of study or another, always endeavouring to beef up his knowledge.....

Devoured to beef up.....taraass

Hey you, Ganjamani-A, ress up yuhself!

kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Congratulations to my dedicated PPP comrade Irfaan Ali for earning a UWI doctorate.

How have you been, we are happy to have you back.

Looks like the PHD news knock Sir Gilly out of his sickness


The public awaits Mr Ali’s defence of his dissertation in this highly specialized field of study


Dear Editor,

I read with interest that the ex-Minister of Housing, Irfaan Ali, is a PhD student enrolled with the University of the West Indies. I note, too, the current discussion on the validity of his various academic credentials and his responses and offer the following as context for public consideration.

Ex-Minister Ali held office during the time that a known associate of his Dr Jacob Opadeyi, Vice Chancellor of UG 2013-16, was awarded a US$193,000 contract for the digitization of immovable property records and the establishment of an electronic database with linkage to the sub-registries of the Deeds Registry.’

See https://

Dr. Opadeyi is a qualified Land Management and Geomatics expert with an extensive record of publication in these areas, some listed here

At the time of the award of the contract, a faculty member at UG expressed concern at the apparent conflict of interest but Opadeyi proceeded with his contract and even moved to appropriate an entire lab at the UG where digitizing equipment was installed and students recruited to execute digitization tasks. Incidentally, the equipment was removed from UG at the termination of the work.

Now the public learns that the ex Minister Ali, apparently with little or no training or prior work experience in this highly specialized field of study, has delivered a PhD dissertation on “Design and Development of an Integrated Land Management Model in Guyana” and awaits the result of the dissertation evaluation.

I trust that Ali’s dissertation assessors at the University of the West Indies will call on him to lead a detailed defence of his research methodologies, analysis and findings and subject the submission to extra scrutiny.

As a Big Fish, Mr Ali should remain aware that Guyana is a very small pond and that Guyanese are a perceptive and ‘long memoried’ people.

Yours faithfully,

(Name and address supplied)

The letter writer give the details of the crooks.

Django posted:

The public awaits Mr Ali’s defence of his dissertation in this highly specialized field of study


Dear Editor,

I read with interest that the ex-Minister of Housing, Irfaan Ali, is a PhD student enrolled with the University of the West Indies. I note, too, the current discussion on the validity of his various academic credentials and his responses and offer the following as context for public consideration.

Ex-Minister Ali held office during the time that a known associate of his Dr Jacob Opadeyi, Vice Chancellor of UG 2013-16, was awarded a US$193,000 contract for the digitization of immovable property records and the establishment of an electronic database with linkage to the sub-registries of the Deeds Registry.’

See https://

Dr. Opadeyi is a qualified Land Management and Geomatics expert with an extensive record of publication in these areas, some listed here

At the time of the award of the contract, a faculty member at UG expressed concern at the apparent conflict of interest but Opadeyi proceeded with his contract and even moved to appropriate an entire lab at the UG where digitizing equipment was installed and students recruited to execute digitization tasks. Incidentally, the equipment was removed from UG at the termination of the work.

Now the public learns that the ex Minister Ali, apparently with little or no training or prior work experience in this highly specialized field of study, has delivered a PhD dissertation on “Design and Development of an Integrated Land Management Model in Guyana” and awaits the result of the dissertation evaluation.

I trust that Ali’s dissertation assessors at the University of the West Indies will call on him to lead a detailed defence of his research methodologies, analysis and findings and subject the submission to extra scrutiny.

As a Big Fish, Mr Ali should remain aware that Guyana is a very small pond and that Guyanese are a perceptive and ‘long memoried’ people.

Yours faithfully,

(Name and address supplied)

The letter writer give the details of the crooks.

Bai Djangomani-O...give it a ress!!

The [Guyanese] voters will decide!!

cain posted:
Gilbakka posted:

......Throughout the years Irfaan was continually taking courses in one field of study or another, always endeavouring to beef up his knowledge.....

Devoured to beef up.....taraass

Ress yuh rass Cainman. Now we can call abee next president Dr. Ali while we can call abee ex president Granger Baby Doc. 

Baseman posted:

Suh abie guh get wan Prezzy with PHD?  Rass, we deh good!! 

Trump guh designate abie "unshithole!"

Strumpovsky will finally retake his beloved designation as a "shithole" and remain the official one.


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