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Former Member

PM Nagamootoo underwent his bypass surgery successfully and he is resting well with his family on his side. He is expected to return to his duty as Prime Minister of Guyana after a full recuperation in less than two weeks.

For those of you who wish the PM nasty things, he will outlive most scumbags on GNI.

I just thought it would be kind for Cobra to rub some kaka in all you face. 

Did anyone from the PPP send well wishes to Uncle Moses? 




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While we are at this, who is responsible for footing Moses medical bills? I saw this question pops up and I don't know the answer. What I do know is that politicians do live larger than life and can afford to pay for their healthcare. I never see a politician left unattended because of money issues. But how can we know if taxpayers are footing the bill? 

When government thief, they're stealing from the taxpayer's coffer, supposedly. So why the taxpayer money cannot pay for a public servant life-saving surgery?

If the daily cry in Guyana is about stealing, then Moses medical cost is accepted by default. Isn't it?

Last edited by Former Member

Nagamotoo,should pay his medical bill,he have the dough.That will make him a greater leader and will shut up the naysayers.


"For patients not covered by health insurance, heart bypass surgery typically costs about $70,000-$200,000 or more. Costs depend on the facility, but tend to be on the lower end without complications and on the higher end with complications. For example, St. Mary's Hospital in Wisconsin charges about $71,000."

Last edited by Django
Cobra posted:
Django posted:

Nagamotoo,should pay his medical bill,he have the dough.That will make him a greater leader and will shut up the naysayers.

Point taken, but what should Yuji and Nehru do? Should they go down on their knees and beg Nagga for forgiveness? 

Naah give them some slack.

Every daag have their day.

Last edited by Django
Cobra posted:

While we are at this, who is responsible for footing Moses medical bills? I saw this question pops up and I don't know the answer. What I do know is that politicians do live larger than life and can afford to pay for their healthcare. I never see a politician left unattended because of money issues. But how can we know if taxpayers are footing the bill? 

When government thief, they're stealing from the taxpayer's coffer, supposedly. So why the taxpayer money cannot pay for a public servant life-saving surgery?

If the daily cry in Guyana is about stealing, then Moses medical cost is accepted by default. Isn't it?

That a no brainer - what makes you think anything change, its the same folks that foot the bill for butt plugs, sperm gate and minister Pauline sukhai gold teeth. Yall got to get over the belief that the blackman is inferior to yall coolies like yugi and crew who think they are inferior in intelligence and cannot figure out how to thief like the PPP...

Last edited by sachin_05
Baseman posted:

The cost of medical care for any active member of the government should be covered by the govt. 

Retired officials get pension packages which include medical and vacation.

What they really need is a health insurance plan. I have a friend who sells these plans in Guyana from a US based health insurance company. He sold one to an MP but he was making a bid to sell a group plan to the entire parliament last year. He didn’t win the bid and someone else who won it was supposed to start covering them. This was late last year. They can use these plans for treatment in US hospitals.

Mars posted:
Baseman posted:

The cost of medical care for any active member of the government should be covered by the govt. 

Retired officials get pension packages which include medical and vacation.

What they really need is a health insurance plan. I have a friend who sells these plans in Guyana from a US based health insurance company. He sold one to an MP but he was making a bid to sell a group plan to the entire parliament last year. He didn’t win the bid and someone else who won it was supposed to start covering them. This was late last year. They can use these plans for treatment in US hospitals.

Ok. I guess they covered catastrophic events. 

Cobra posted:

PM Nagamootoo underwent his bypass surgery successfully and he is resting well with his family on his side. He is expected to return to his duty as Prime Minister of Guyana after a full recuperation in less than two weeks.

For those of you who wish the PM nasty things, he will outlive most scumbags on GNI.

I just thought it would be kind for Cobra to rub some kaka in all you face. 

Did anyone from the PPP send well wishes to Uncle Moses? 




Why are you  vehemently defending Moses,one, are you related to him, two, do you have something to gain. Yesterday 17 innocent people were shot and killed in Florida, as an American you did not show any cause or concern. Moses is one of many politicians Sponging off the Poor taxpayers.

 If you are so close to Moses did he tell you or the Guyanese Taxpayers where in America and which hospital he is treated, why this secret?or is he afraid of GNI members who dislikes him. Someone says he is in Texas.

 You know for sure he will outlive most GNI members ,does that include you?

Tell who face you want to rub SHIT?

 I suggest don't get so worked up over ONE man,hard working Guyanese die every day and nobody cares, I don't know how long Moses have to live, but is between him and his maker, but I know for sure when he is OK he will return to SCREW the poor people back in OLD Guyana.

cain posted:

So just because Moses changed parties because he wanted no more to do with BJ and his cronies, he screwed people nuh bai. So every brown person should stay pon PPP side lest they face persecution?

I did not mentioned a Political party, I don't care if he is UF or GUMP, but is just another politician of which they are all the same, exploiting a population say 700,000 people. You and I owes Moses nothing, I can say what the hell I want of him, he did nothing for me and since he joined the PNC he did nothing for Guyanese.

kp posted:
cain posted:

So just because Moses changed parties because he wanted no more to do with BJ and his cronies, he screwed people nuh bai. So every brown person should stay pon PPP side lest they face persecution?

I did not mentioned a Political party, I don't care if he is UF or GUMP, but is just another politician of which they are all the same, exploiting a population say 700,000 people. You and I owes Moses nothing, I can say what the hell I want of him, he did nothing for me and since he joined the PNC he did nothing for Guyanese.

Suh why you get annoyed when i say say things about Jagdeo.

I am little puzzled.

Django posted:
kp posted:
cain posted:

So just because Moses changed parties because he wanted no more to do with BJ and his cronies, he screwed people nuh bai. So every brown person should stay pon PPP side lest they face persecution?

I did not mentioned a Political party, I don't care if he is UF or GUMP, but is just another politician of which they are all the same, exploiting a population say 700,000 people. You and I owes Moses nothing, I can say what the hell I want of him, he did nothing for me and since he joined the PNC he did nothing for Guyanese.

Suh why you get annoyed when i say say things about Jagdeo.

I am little puzzled.

I will continue until such time you see the ills on both sides.

 It is only Guyanese we see criticize their past government as though there is NO present government. Why so, because of personal vendetta and jealousy. As true citizens it is our duty to keep the PRESENT government in line and not wanting them to repeat mistakes of the past administrations .So The APNU/AFC is the IDEAL government for all nations to follow and even the Vatican should follow, well I don't think so.



Why are you  vehemently defending Moses?

Moses is the Prime Minister of my country. He is an Indian like myself, and he was a member of the PPP longer than BJ.

When I look at all the facts surrounding the PPP, I kick myself for believing in Jagdeo and forsake Moses. On a human perspective, the only way to love Guyana as a country united, is not hate a person because he is from another party.  Any person that serve in government, love Guyana just as Jagdeo, and thief just like him too.





Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
cain posted:

So just because Moses changed parties because he wanted no more to do with BJ and his cronies, he screwed people nuh bai. So every brown person should stay pon PPP side lest they face persecution?

I did not mentioned a Political party, I don't care if he is UF or GUMP, but is just another politician of which they are all the same, exploiting a population say 700,000 people. You and I owes Moses nothing, I can say what the hell I want of him, he did nothing for me and since he joined the PNC he did nothing for Guyanese.

Suh why you get annoyed when i say say things about Jagdeo.

I am little puzzled.

I will continue until such time you see the ills on both sides.

 It is only Guyanese we see criticize their past government as though there is NO present government. Why so, because of personal vendetta and jealousy. As true citizens it is our duty to keep the PRESENT government in line and not wanting them to repeat mistakes of the past administrations .So The APNU/AFC is the IDEAL government for all nations to follow and even the Vatican should follow, well I don't think so.

Well bhai,I am paying attention.

You may not have noticed i speak out on the ills of  APNU/AFC.


We too often get blind sided of the past and don't notice the present.

 I am no fan of Jagdeo I also know a fair bit about him.But today we have politicians who have broken their promises to the people from day ONE and are doing twice as worst as the previous government. So that's why I say time is short , let's bring to light the blatant mismanagement of this government and there are too many to mention.

kp posted:
cain posted:

Kp lil confused, he hasn't noticed we all speak out against the govt when warranted...something we do not see much from the PPP crew.

I think you have it wrong, the PPP crew pound this government.

We are well aware of this but what we are not aware of is them pounding the PPP for their wrongs. It was never done even while they were in govt except for by a couple members.

Last edited by cain

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