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 Subject: Who is Your Role Model?





          Try it without looking at answers


          1)  Pick your Favorite number between 1-9


          2)  Multiply by 3 then


          3)  Add 3, then Multiply again by 3


          (I'll wait while you get the calculator....)


          4)  You'll get a 2 or 3 digit number.


          5)  Add the digits together


          Now Scroll down ...............















        Now with that number see who your ROLE MODEL 


        is from the list below:


          1. Einstein


          2. Nelson Mandela


          3. Jacob Zuma


          4. Tom Cruise


           5. Bill Gates


          6. Gandhi


          7. Brad Pitt


          8. Hitler


          9. Chief


          10. Barack Obama



        I know....I just have that effect on people...


        one day you too can be like me.... :-)  Believe it!


        P.S.  Stop picking different numbers. 


        I am your idol, just deal with it!!!!




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