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I just read an article written by Rose and Singh about government pilfering some $15 billion annually, an equivalent to about US$75 million. The authors said that it was reported but failed to state who made such report. We are tired of reading about "some source" saying this and that about government corruption. We want to know who is source of such information before we give any credence to it.

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Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
I just read an article written by Rose and Singh about government pilfering some $15 billion annually, an equivalent to about US$75 million.

Is this it?


During the term between 2006-2011, the grease money was reported at an average of some G$15 billion annually; in 2013 the estimate was closer to G$9 billion. One can hold the active advocacy of the majority opposition during the annual budget discussion in Parliament for this progress.
So, President Ramotar can shout at the top of his voice at PPP meetings or at the United Nations about anti-money laundering measure, the majority does not care nor has any respect for his words since he has been most insincere to the Guyanese people and they all know it. This is the President who refuses to lower the Berbice Bridge toll. This is the President who refuses to give the pensioners G$15,000 a month while paying for an executive jet at some G$8 million for his friend to travel to Florida who had a simple fever that could have been cured in Guyana. This is the President who refuses to pay public servants and cane cutters a living wage but pays an ordinary Freedom House typist some $250,000 per month. This is the President who says that the opposition has not produced any evidence of corruption but has so far has refused to discipline the two officials at NCN who were allegedly involved in corrupt practices.

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Nehru:

So said shit head Rose and Pea brain singh.


And because they said it they are telling fairy tales! Open your damn eyes. Who give those folks Sparandam as their personal enclave of the preferential and desired class? Those folks inclusive of the president never possibly worked as hard as you have or earned as much yet they are increments of a hundred times more wealthy than you.




$15 billion per year between 2006 and 2011 amounts to US$450 million. This kind of money could build bridges across the Courantyne, Berbice, Demerara, Essequibo, and Pomeroon Rivers with millions left over. Assuming it costs US$40 million to build one bridge it would cost just US$200 to build all five bridges. There would still be $250 million left.That's enough to build a super highway from Georgetown to Lethem.  Does Guyana have this kind of money? With record sums being spent on education, healthcare, infrastructures, and wage increases, how could it be possible for the gov't to embezzle this amount of money?


The lies that the opposition is telling the Guyanese people are just absurd and preposterous. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

Auditor General report â€Ķ

August 9, 2008 | By | Filed Under News 

Finance Ministry seeks to defend irregularity

The Finance Ministry last evening issued a statement seeking to discredit an article published in yesterday’s issue of Kaieteur News titled ‘Govt. abuses Public fundsâ€Ķ billions unaccounted for —Auditor General’ The Ministry described the article as misleading.

It added that the conclusion reached in the story can only be based on a complete lack of understanding of the issues raised by the AG’s report, or a deliberate distortion of these issues.

Regarding the statements in the article citing Government abuse, the Auditor General report states, under the heading Contingencies Fund: “The Contingencies Fund continued to be abused, with amounts drawn from the Fund being utilised to meet expenditure which did not meet the eligibility criteria as defined in the Act.

According to the statement, amounts totalling $3.945 billion were drawn from the Fund by way of 138 advances. As at 31 December 2006, forty-nine of these advances, totalling $1.721 billion, remained outstanding.”

As it relates to the outstanding $1.721B cited, the Finance Ministry said that: “In fact, there is absolutely nothing irregular about contingency fund advances that remain outstanding at the end of the year.”

It added that, at any one point in time during the fiscal year, there may be Contingency Fund advances outstanding, and where Contingency Fund advances are approved close to the end of the year, such advances may remain outstanding at the end of the year until they are cleared by a supplementary appropriation act.

“This, indeed, was the case with the advances outstanding at the end of 2006, which were cleared by a supplementary appropriation act approved shortly thereafterâ€ĶThe Auditor General’s statement on the amounts outstanding at the end of the year can, by no stretch of the imagination, be extended to be interpreted as an irregularity in relation to these amounts.”

The ministry’s statement added that the same is the case with a number of other issues that were reported on by the Auditor General and which were distorted by the Kaieteur News story in a sensational manner.

There was, however, no specific mention of the so-called other statements that were distorted.

The statement did not comment on the other discrepancies and findings by the Auditor General. It did not comment on the monies paid for the purchase of arms and ammunition in 2003 that continue to be missing, or the monies spent by the Health Ministry.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
I just read an article written by Rose and Singh about government pilfering some $15 billion annually, an equivalent to about US$75 million. The authors said that it was reported but failed to state who made such report. We are tired of reading about "some source" saying this and that about government corruption. We want to know who is source of such information before we give any credence to it.

Nation’s coffers still being abused – AG Sharma

June 13, 2009 | By | Filed Under News 

Problems that have been highlighted in previous Auditor General reports, have reoccurred in the latest report that was laid in the National Assembly, yesterday. This is according to the nation’s Auditor General (ag), Deodat Sharma, who presented the 2007 report on the audit of the spending of state funds. According to Sharma, the Contingency Fund is still being abused; there are still overpayments on contracts, missing vouchers, “old bank accounts not being closed as yet, especially those big overdrafts that continue.”

He said that the proceeds from the lotto fund are still not paid into contingency fund; and those funds are still being abused. The report was delayed this year because of the staff constraints at the Audit Office. However, Mr Sharma promised to present the 2008 report by December. Sharma also stated that the first value for money audit will be handed over come next month. Following the handing over of the report, the Speaker of the National Assembly will lay the report in the National Assembly and will become public information after which the Public Accounts Committee meets and scrutinise the report.

The committee is currently scrutinising the 2006 report, which was replete with questionably scenarios at the various Ministries. The 2006 report was used by the opposition to accuse the government of massive corruption, adding that the report was evidence of such corruption. The Auditor General’s Report for 2006 highlighted breaches of the Procurement Act, as well as the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act.

The Opposition parties have long been calling for the Audit Office to be outfitted with its full staff complement. They have also been calling for the appointment of Deodat Sharma to the substantive post of Auditor General, rather than to have him remain acting. According to the 2006 report presented yesterday, the Auditor General, the Contingency Fund is continuously abused, with amounts drawn from the fund being utilised to meet expenditure that did not meet the eligibility criteria as defined in the Act. “According to the Statement, amounts totalling $3.945 billion were drawn from the fund by way of 138 advances. As at 31 December 2006, forty-nine of these advances, totalling $1.721 billion, remained outstanding.”

In relation to the Customs and Trade Administration, the Auditor General noted that 17 Permits for Immediate Delivery (PID), with a total value of $2.832 billion, had not yet been perfected at the time of the audit in January 2007. Incoming vessels at ports in Guyana numbered 1,089 for 2006. However, completed ships’ files in respect of 243 ships were not submitted to the Quality Review Section, and as such were not made available for audit examination.

It was also noted in the report, that several Ministries and departments recorded overstatements on their appropriation accounts, and the unspent amounts have not been refunded. “Subvention agencies are not returning the unspent portions of amounts paid over to them for specific expenditure.” The Auditor General also stated in his report what he called the overpayment of contracts. “Several Ministries and regions have not recovered amounts overpaid on various contracts in prior periods. In addition, some of these Ministries and regions, such as Education, Amerindian Affairs, Regions Two, Three, Six, Seven and Ten, continued to have overpayments on various contracts during 2006.

“One such example was recorded under the Ministry of Education, where $10.982M was overpaid on eleven projects which were mainly for the rehabilitation and extension to schools.” But Finance Minister Ashni Singh, in an interview with this newspaper, said that it was regrettable that, in some instances, the Auditor General’s Report did not in every case reflect the explanations that would have been proffered by the various Government ministries and departments. The Auditor General is required by law to have included in the report explanations for issues that raised an eyebrow.

“I would say that, in the overwhelming majority of instances, the issues that have been reported by the Auditor General have explanations that in many cases would have been offered by the respective Government Ministries and departments.” The Finance Minister also stated that what was also regrettable, was that some of the issues were being highlighted sensationally in the media, when, in fact, if one were to understand and examine them properly, one would see that there is no question of impropriety at all.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

KN is not the voice of truth nor the voice of Guyana. It is the voice of unscrupulous people who are power-hungry. There are a few people who write for the KN who are impartial, but those anti-gov't. elements are truly dirty and dishonest

Dumbass, It's the auditor general's report. You should have stayed in primary school a bit longer. Read and educate yourself, fool.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

KN is not the voice of truth nor the voice of Guyana. It is the voice of unscrupulous people who are power-hungry. There are a few people who write for the KN who are impartial, but those anti-gov't. elements are truly dirty and dishonest

you calling the majority power hungry,very smart




Guyana’s “development” is influenced

by corruption

June 30, 2013 | By


Corruption has become pervasive in Guyana with some Government officials compromising quality of works executed by contractors for kickbacks on projects; manipulating inside information to enrich themselves through surrogates and providing information to influential businessmen.

Ralph Ramkarran

This is according to Ralph Ramkarran, former Speaker of the National Assembly and former Executive member of the People’s Progressive Party Civic, which has been in power from 1992 to date, in a blog entitled “The Kleptocratic Republic of Guyana”. Ramkarran, who had been a party stalwart since 1962, resigned from the PPP/C in June 2012. According to party sources, Ramkarran’s resignation was triggered by abuses from party insiders following his comments on the need for the party to address allegations of corruption. However, only recently and perhaps because of growing pressure from members of the Opposition, private sector and media fraternity for the establishment of the Public Procurement Commission Ramkarran on his blog addressed the matter of corruption and Government’s unwillingness for this Commission. According to Ramkarran, since the November 2011 National Elections, several revelations have emerged of corrupt, and even potentially criminal activities by persons currently or previously associated with the PPP and who have friends in the leadership or access thereto. He added that corruption could no longer be hidden from the press and police. And, the evidence that is now present was not as a result of any action initiated by the Government without prior exposure. “It is now clear that the adamancy of the government and the PPP in refusing to acknowledge the level of corruption in the society, and to do something about it, is linked to where the corruption is located. It is not known whether Government spokespersons are still so blind about corruption that they are still asking, where is the evidence? Guyana will soon qualify as ‘The Kleptocratic Republic of Guyana,’ Ramkarran said. Without mentioning names of the corrupt bureaucrats and beneficiaries of contracts, Ramkarran narrowed his comments to persons in leadership capacities and those closely aligned to the party. He also wrote of “a group of wealthy and influential businessmen who have high political connections”. Whilst examining the various categories of corruption, the former Government insider said that there is a group of wealthy and influential businessmen, who have high political connections and access to pertinent information. He said that these men meet regularly to examine business opportunities and potential deals and map out strategies as to how their plans can go forward, and implement those plans. “They have access, through their political connections, to information of the potential opportunities that are likely to emerge in the near to medium term and are in a position to make the investments now so as to cash in on those opportunities down the road,” Ramkarran said. Another level of corruption involves some bureaucrats (government official), who are usually in charge of funds, contracts, supplies and they easily maneuver around the regulations to enable them to perpetrate their corrupt deeds. This particular group of people he speaks of, utilizes their positions to manipulate contracts so that the rewards go to them directly or through surrogates. “They establish companies with their friends or relatives and steer the contracts to these companies. This is a well known practice that is widely engaged in. They also have friends in the party leadership or access thereto”. He said that many infrastructural projects such as roads, bridges and buildings are poorly done because some contractors are forced to give bribes to many officials. He said, “It is not merely that the contractors are dishonest. They tell you openly that if they have to bribe so many officials, then there is not enough to spend on the works to complete them in accordance with the contracts and to make a profit for themselves at the same timeâ€Ķ Of course, they willingly collaborate with this state of affairsâ€Ķ Many of these contractors, businessmen and suppliers of goods and services have close links with the PPP, including members of the leadership.” According to Ramkarran, “The PPP leadership is supported and financed by all of these groups and state decisions are influenced by their interests. The PPP is no longer motivated by working class ideology although it still clings to its historical connections. The reason that the Public Procurement Commission, a vital instrument in the struggle against corruption, will never be established is that the PPP is a political organization that now represents a section of the petit bourgeoisie, those three parts of which are described above, whose interests are antagonistic to those of the working class and conflict with acceptable standards of integrity.” In explaining the genesis of corruption under this Administration, Ramkarran said it began after 1997 with the State’s interest in the Community Development Committees (CDCs) started to wane and eventually withered. He stated that the CDC was created by Dr. Cheddi Jagan in 1992 with the intent of having community members equipped with contracts to help to monitor projects. Using his institutional knowledge he added, “Even though the intention was not clearly articulated at the time, the CDCs would have assisted in the transformation of the functioning of Party Groups and Bodies whose roles had to be reassessed in view of the collapse of socialism and the attainment of office by the Party. “Cheddi Jagan must have understood the great danger of the emergence of corruption which he had been fighting vehemently during the PNC years. At the same time, the focus of Party Groups needed to be shifted to development and service issues so as to keep their activities relevant to the new situation. All of that has now collapsed in the scramble which was allowed to develop for jobs, gun licences, house lots and contracts.” According to Ramkarran, despite the extent of corruption there are thousands of public servants, businessmen, contractors and others who perform services of a high quality with dedication and integrity.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

KN is not the voice of truth nor the voice of Guyana. It is the voice of unscrupulous people who are power-hungry. There are a few people who write for the KN who are impartial, but those anti-gov't. elements are truly dirty and dishonest

Billy, Auditor General Deodat Sharma did not say KN misreported his findings.


NDIA alleged fraudâ€ĶCEO approves

millions in illegal spending

October 14, 2013 | By


An audit report for April 5 to September 30, 2012 has fingered National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA)’s Chief Executive Officer in a scheme involving the approval of millions in illegal payments. The report, which was prepared by the then Field Auditor, Pablo Singh, stated that funds, released under the Community Drainage and  Improvement Project (CDIP), were misappropriated by the Chief Executive Officer, Lionel Wordsworth, and that even the Minister of Agriculture benefited from the fraud.

Minister Leslie amsammy

Minister Leslie amsammy

CDIP was established in 2006 by the Caribbean Development Bank to the tune of US$5.050M ($1billion). The programme was funded in 2007 directly through the Ministry of Finance, with a sum of $800M and shifted to the Ministry of Agriculture under NDIA. According to the report, which was seen by Kaieteur News, no financials for NDIA was prepared reflecting the expenditure of the project. NIDA is required to maintain its own accounting records and is subject to separate reporting and audit. It was recommended that financial statements for NDIA should be immediately prepared monthly, including CDIP’s releases and expenditure and supporting systems put in place so that the NIDA Act of 2004 is complied with. Singh, who was dismissed last year from NDIA for breaching protocol by sending the damning audit report to President Donald Ramotar, discovered a series of financial irregularities in the operations of the entity. Singh had recommended the dismissal of Wordsworth and a Senior Engineer Aneel Chowbay. Besides the non-renewal of Chowbay’s contract, no other action was taken at the entity. Payment to MMA The report stated on May 28, 2012, $2M requested by the Accountant was approved by the CEO and paid to Mahaica/Mahaicony Abary Agricultural Development Authority (MMA-ADA), Region Five, without any documented reason, appropriation or a request from the Region. It was noted that a CDIP staff and the Accountant signed an MMA-ADA receipt as receiving the $2M cheque, instead of a designated MMA-ADA staff on June 1, 2012. The report stated the Accountant and an individual, who was identified, confirmed no works were done, but MMA-ADA claimed $7.8M on February 24, 2013 and March 29, 2012 for the month of February 2012. The Region was asked by Wordsworth to suspend works for the month of February due to cash flow problems.

Lionel Wordsworth, CEO

Lionel Wordsworth, CEO

“It is audit’s opinion that this disbursement by CDIP approved by the CEO-NDIA was illegal since no work was done,” the report stated. Breach of Procurement Act Singh reported that the procurement process was breached by NDIA deliberately sole-sourcing Phoenix payroll application from Phoenix Software for $825,000 on January 19, 2012, instead of utilizing the open tendering process. “It must be noted that there are other providers of payroll applications available at the time,” the report said. Though there should be no negotiations between the procuring entity and bidders, NDIA re-negotiated with Phoenix Software, resulting in the procurement of the application for $799,000. “It is audit’s opinion that the breach of the Procurement Act 2003 and findings under this section were fraudulent by manipulating the open tendering/quotation procurement process avoiding the review and approval of NPTAB,” the report stated. Minister Ali Baksh According to the report, $10,000 of the CDIP funds was used to cover transportation costs for two truck-loads of items from Food for the Poor to Minister within the Ministry of Agriculture Ali Baksh’s residence in Campbellville. The request for payment was done by the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary, George Jervis and approved by Wordsworth. Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy The report revealed that office furniture for Dr. Ramsammy’s office, costing $402,000 was illegally paid to Starcomm using CDIP funds. The CEO who approved the payment explained that the Permanent Secretary submitted the request. Payments to New Thriving Restaurant Singh’s audit unearthed that a sum of money, reportedly spent on a technical meeting under the CDIP, was actually spent for a farewell function and personal use. The report revealed that payment of $70,000 was incorrectly made using a quotation for dinner to New Thriving Restaurant via cheque dated August 14, 2012. The dinner was for participants attending a meeting with technical staff and overseas visitors on the said date. The Company Secretary, who was responsible for the payment of the bill, allegedly made an additional claim of $36,618 and deliberately stated the expenses were for the technical meeting. The report said a breakdown of the total cost of $106,618 revealed that $45,702 was spent on August 14 and $2,538 and $58,378 were spent on August 17 and 24. It was noted that upon inquiry on September 9, the Company Secretary admitted that the monies were utilized for an attachment staff’s farewell and $2,538 was used for his personal expense and proceeded to refund the money the next day. “It is audit’s opinion that (name given) Company Secretary made an attempt to pay his personal bill using CDIP’s fund and misrepresented the additional costs by stating the monies were for the technical meeting. Singh had recommended, “Disciplinary action should be taken against the Company Secretary for his initial misrepresentation of expenses subsequently corrected upon audit’s intervention.”


Here is a list of SOME of the early days scams that rocked us:

STONE-SCAM: This is a multi million dollar mission - Importation of poor quality stones from a Trinidadian Construction Company for an Essequibo Road Project. And we supposed to 'gat stones'.

MILK: Low-grade vegetable milk was supplied to SIMAP in place of cream milk by Hanson Import and Export. The multi-million scam saw PPP MP Hugely Hamnoman resigned from his seat and migrating, missing out on police prosecution while a low level officer was dismissed.


After being paid million of dollars the infamous BK International’s shoddy work on the Sea Defense left Cane Grove farmers (all diligent supporters of the PPP) at the mercy of the sea. BK was not prosecuted but was rewarded with more government projects.


Well it sank, after billions of dollars was used to build it. (what a fraud - but evidence is underwater!)


Over US$200,000 dollar contract to update law books given to PPP friend Kawal Totaram’s company New Global Consults Inc. Never advertised locally; the contractor was no legal expert and a law student reviewed the sample copies of the laws. Please Don’t Ask!

RE-MIGRANT VEHICLES: This saw more than 50 vehicles being imported by persons who falsely declared remigrant status - some of these were/are PPP supporters and businessmen who evaded millions of dollars in duty.


Export of precious wildlife amounting to more than $50 million and who gets blamed? EPA’s head Bal Persaud was blamed but jumped to the media to refute the claims and guess who is the advisor to the President named in this one?


Thug, soup drinker, miner and Adviser to the President Lumumba spare headed this one. But we rather not comment on this one when we could send you to http://www.biodiversityreporti...;date=January%202005 More to come on this guy who was given a concession by Jagdeo and promptly sold it for US$2million.


$300 million fraud that rocked the Guyana Revenue Authority after cashers, customs officers and a broker were fingered in this scam. Most of them, (some plead innocence) were dragged to court - while CHIEF CULPRIT, an already Shady character and one of the persons behind the defunct LEAP and Caricom Insurance( also of the Scared Heart Church fraud) Mr. Joshua Shafeek blamed all the  wrong doings on the broker and cut himself a sweet deal and skipping prosecution. (remember the Plea bargaining Legislation).
These are but a small list of the many scams of the proud PPP administration. This is where my money is going!






Among the companies and persons granted lands for private development are Windsor Estates; Courtney Benn; Buddy’s; Caricom General Insurance and Odinga Lumumba.


According to the Member of Parliament (MP), the granting of major pieces of land to certain favoured businessmen, who then will “favour” the ruling PPP and its officials in return, is core policy under former President Bharrat Jagdeo which continues today.

“This blatant nepotism fortifies the PPP in its capacity to pay and get things done and to reveal itself as so well-oiled and organised, to the disadvantage of other social and political groups. It is corrupt and corrupting. It is a sort of rigging.”

Ramjattan said that AFC’s investigations are revealing that the “prime” lands were sold very cheaply by Government to their friends in 50 and 100 acres plots.


The former auditor general, Mr. Anand Goolsaran, writes about corruption in the present gov't. Mr. Anand Goolsarran should explain to the Guyanese people why the  PNC gov't has no record of accountability for over a decade. Hoyte personally stated that an outgoing gov't does not have to give any accounts or records of what transpired during their time in office. Some of us have lost our memory and some of us conveniently. However, most of us still remember the dark of the PNC> Let not the pot call the kettle black. The PPP is not perfect but they done more for Guyana and its peoples during the last two decades.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Caribj not long ago reminded us of


By the time you add up all the indebtedness that the PPP wants to foit on Guyana if they are allowedf to they will leave Guyana in the same state that Burnham left it.


1.  Skeldon.......FIASCO


2.  Amaila Falls.....FIASCO


3.  Marriott Hotel....FIASCO




Add up all the exposure that Guyana will have on this failed projects, if the PPP is allowed and you might well reach US$ 1 Billion!!!

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

My question is do you believe the gov't. embezzled a sum of US$450 million from 2006 to 2011 as stated by Asquith Rose and Haresh Singh?


Originally Posted by asj:

Here is a list of SOME of the early days scams that rocked us:

STONE-SCAM: This is a multi million dollar mission - Importation of poor quality stones from a Trinidadian Construction Company for an Essequibo Road Project. And we supposed to 'gat stones'.

MILK: Low-grade vegetable milk was supplied to SIMAP in place of cream milk by Hanson Import and Export. The multi-million scam saw PPP MP Hugely Hamnoman resigned from his seat and migrating, missing out on police prosecution while a low level officer was dismissed.


After being paid million of dollars the infamous BK International’s shoddy work on the Sea Defense left Cane Grove farmers (all diligent supporters of the PPP) at the mercy of the sea. BK was not prosecuted but was rewarded with more government projects.


Well it sank, after billions of dollars was used to build it. (what a fraud - but evidence is underwater!)


Over US$200,000 dollar contract to update law books given to PPP friend Kawal Totaram’s company New Global Consults Inc. Never advertised locally; the contractor was no legal expert and a law student reviewed the sample copies of the laws. Please Don’t Ask!

RE-MIGRANT VEHICLES: This saw more than 50 vehicles being imported by persons who falsely declared remigrant status - some of these were/are PPP supporters and businessmen who evaded millions of dollars in duty.


Export of precious wildlife amounting to more than $50 million and who gets blamed? EPA’s head Bal Persaud was blamed but jumped to the media to refute the claims and guess who is the advisor to the President named in this one?


Thug, soup drinker, miner and Adviser to the President Lumumba spare headed this one. But we rather not comment on this one when we could send you to http://www.biodiversityreporti...;date=January%202005 More to come on this guy who was given a concession by Jagdeo and promptly sold it for US$2million.


$300 million fraud that rocked the Guyana Revenue Authority after cashers, customs officers and a broker were fingered in this scam. Most of them, (some plead innocence) were dragged to court - while CHIEF CULPRIT, an already Shady character and one of the persons behind the defunct LEAP and Caricom Insurance( also of the Scared Heart Church fraud) Mr. Joshua Shafeek blamed all the  wrong doings on the broker and cut himself a sweet deal and skipping prosecution. (remember the Plea bargaining Legislation).
These are but a small list of the many scams of the proud PPP administration. This is where my money is going!



Billy Old RamGoat, read and educate yourself.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Do you seriously believe the report that says the gov't. embezzled a sum of US$450 million in five years? 

It's not a report, Billy. It's a letter, i.e., an opinion piece by Rose and his sidekick. Their opinion is based on their interpretation.

They say in the letter: "During the term between 2006-2011, the grease money was reported at an average of some G$15 billion annually; in 2013 the estimate was closer to G$9 billion."

Honestly, I don't know what "grease money" is, so I won't say whether I believe them or not.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

My question is do you believe the gov't. embezzled a sum of US$450 million from 2006 to 2011 as stated by Asquith Rose and Haresh Singh?

No, I think that it can be very well more than US450M

Georgetown Hospital Procurement of drugs might account for half of that

Last edited by Former Member



I don't follow blindly and take everything as gospel that comes out of the press. I can think for myself and make sound judgments. I have said on numerous occasions that corruption exists and the charge of dictatorship and recism against AFricans are utter nonsense. We all corruption but we can ever end it. It a never-ending battle to keep corruption to an acceptable level. A change of gov't will result in a APNU dominated regime with little regard for human rights, democracy, and respect for its faithful helper, the AFC.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



I don't follow blindly and take everything as gospel that comes out of the press. I can think for myself and make sound judgments. I have said on numerous occasions that corruption exists and the charge of dictatorship and recism against AFricans are utter nonsense. We all corruption but we can ever end it. It a never-ending battle to keep corruption to an acceptable level. A change of gov't will result in a APNU dominated regime with little regard for human rights, democracy, and respect for its faithful helper, the AFC.

keep thinking for your self you will always be a blind jack ass


US State Dept Report highlights rampant government corruption in Guyana


Guyana Government indifferent to

Corruption – US State Department



Government’s apparent ineffectiveness in implementing laws that provide for criminal penalties for corruption by public officials has been highlighted by the United States of America 2012 Human Rights Report. The report, which was released over the weekend, stated that there remains widespread public perception of corruption involving officials at all levels, including the police and the judiciary. “The World Bank’s Worldwide Governance Indicators assessed that government corruption was a serious problem,” the report said. The Guyana Police Force bore the brunt of the report’s assessment, which pointed to allegations of police officers being connected to the drug underworld. In October 2011 the Guyana Police Force’s Crime Chief submitted a report to the Minister of Home Affairs regarding allegations by a senior officer that many officers had connections to drug dealers. According to the report, the Minister considered it but has so far taken no action. In fact, one of the officers against whom the allegations were made is still driving a BMW that reportedly belongs to an alleged drug dealer. Meanwhile, the report zeroed in on the fact that public officials are subject to financial disclosure laws and are required to submit information about personal assets to the Integrity Commission. However, although the Prime Minister had stated in June last year that members would soon be appointed to this Commission, it is still not up and running. On June 14 last year, the National Assembly approved a government motion that members submit annual declarations in keeping with provisions of the Integrity Act, but compliance was uneven, and the Commission had no resources for enforcement or investigations. The Act sets out both criminal and administrative sanctions for nondisclosure. If a person fails to file a declaration, the fact can be published in the daily newspapers and the Official Gazette. Failure to comply with the law can lead to a summary conviction, fines, and imprisonment for six to 12 months. If property was not disclosed as it should have been, the Magistrate convicting the defendant will order the defendant to make a full disclosure within a set time frame. The report said that no such publication or convictions have occurred. When it comes to the Office of the Auditor General, the report was uncomplimentary. The Office of the Auditor General scrutinizes the expenditure of public funds on behalf of Parliament and conducts financial audits of all publicly funded entities, including donor-funded entities, local government agencies and trade unions and reports to the National Assembly. However, the US human rights report stated that the effectiveness of the office remained limited since the government may or may not act on the discrepancies noted in its reports. “Observers noted that recurring discrepancies were repeatedly highlighted in the reports without officials taking appropriate follow-up actions to investigate and resolve the discrepancies,” the report highlighted. The 2001 constitution called for the establishment of a Public Procurement Commission (PPC) to monitor public procurement and ensure that authorities conduct the procurement of goods and services in a fair, transparent, competitive and cost-effective manner. However, the government never constituted the PPC despite public criticism of the present system’s ineffectiveness in awarding government contracts in an equitable and transparent manner. The report stated that under pressure from opposition parties in parliament, the government promised to establish the PPC by June last year, but this has not yet materialized. A 2011 Access to Information Act, intended to promote transparency and accountability within the government and public institutions, provided for persons to secure access to information under the control of public authorities and for the appointment of a Commissioner of Information. Again the US human rights report highlighted that so far the government had not issued implementing regulations or appointed a Commissioner.


Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



I don't follow blindly and take everything as gospel that comes out of the press. I can think for myself and make sound judgments. I have said on numerous occasions that corruption exists and the charge of dictatorship and recism against AFricans are utter nonsense. We all corruption but we can ever end it. It a never-ending battle to keep corruption to an acceptable level. A change of gov't will result in a APNU dominated regime with little regard for human rights, democracy, and respect for its faithful helper, the AFC.

Sorry, you don't impress me that you have the skills and knowledge to make sound judgement. You are a slave to your racist mentality. Get out from your basement apartment and come to Guyana and see the wealth that has been accumulated by a few PPP elitists. These rags to riches self made multi millionaires are far better off than you and without shame come and beg you for money.

Why do you think that the PPP doesn't want the Procurement Commission?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



You are a myth by name and nature. How do you know I live in a basement? How do you know that I am PPP man. I am not a member of the PPP. If I tell you that a came from a notorious Indian PNC family would you believe me? 

That explains why you come across as a congenital racist.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



You are a myth by name and nature. How do you know I live in a basement? How do you know that I am PPP man. I am not a member of the PPP. If I tell you that a came from a notorious Indian PNC family would you believe me? 

Oh, oh. Billy is the black sheep of the Balgobin family.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



You are a myth by name and nature. How do you know I live in a basement? How do you know that I am PPP man. I am not a member of the PPP. If I tell you that a came from a notorious Indian PNC family would you believe me? 

Oh, oh. Billy is the black sheep of the Balgobin family.



Billy, why are you avoiding this thread:


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