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@Django posted:

Not Democratic !!!! Backwater Countries runs like that ,some politicians are used by Foreign Power .Guyana experienced such from 1968 to 1985 and resurface in 2020. We will find out the longevity.

Forget 1968 to 1985. Granger was trying to rig the elections only a few months ago. But because Guyana is no longer a backwater country he didn't get away with it like his two predecessors Burnham and Hoyte. The PPP has and still have democratic governments.

You are correct that disrespect for Democracy resurfaced in 2020 when Granger tried to rig the elections.

@Former Member posted:

Forget 1968 to 1985. Granger was trying to rig the elections only a few months ago. But because Guyana is no longer a backwater country he didn't get away with it like his two predecessors Burnham and Hoyte. The PPP has and still have democratic governments.

You are correct that disrespect for Democracy resurfaced in 2020 when Granger tried to rig the elections.

Unfortunately my post was wasn't addressed ,even your last sentence is confusion.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Unfortunately my post was wasn't addressed ,even your last sentence is confusion.

I addressed your post precisely bai. I don't make evasive statements nor do I chase ghosts. The record in Guyana is that during 1968 and 1985 the PNC through Burnham and Hoyte rigged every election including the 1978 Referendum. Then the PPP came into government in 1992 and from 1992 thru 2015 the PPP never rigged any elections. There is some belief that Lowenfield may have rigged the 2015 elections for the PNC but that has not been verified as yet. Fast forward to 2020, the PNC now led by Granger tried to rig the elections just as his predecessors Burnham and Hoyte did in the past but he got caught because the world has smart phones now that were streaming live as Mingo was attempting to rig the elections for the PNC.

There is no confusion in my last statement either. Indeed Granger attempted to rig the elections in March and he continued to try to get away with it until August 2nd. 

@Former Member posted:

I addressed your post precisely bai. I don't make evasive statements nor do I chase ghosts. The record in Guyana is that during 1968 and 1985 the PNC through Burnham and Hoyte rigged every election including the 1978 Referendum. Then the PPP came into government in 1992 and from 1992 thru 2015 the PPP never rigged any elections. There is some belief that Lowenfield may have rigged the 2015 elections for the PNC but that has not been verified as yet. Fast forward to 2020, the PNC now led by Granger tried to rig the elections just as his predecessors Burnham and Hoyte did in the past but he got caught because the world has smart phones now that were streaming live as Mingo was attempting to rig the elections for the PNC.

There is no confusion in my last statement either. Indeed Granger attempted to rig the elections in March and he continued to try to get away with it until August 2nd. 

Some politicians are used by Foreign Power .Guyana experienced such from 1968 to 1985 and resurface in 2020. We will find out the longevity.

My statement above ,that's what should be addressed ,not the thousands of words to confuse.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Some politicians are used by Foreign Power .Guyana experienced such from 1968 to 1985 and resurface in 2020. We will find out the longevity.

My statement above ,that's what should be addressed ,not the thousands of words to confuse.

That was Burnham and Hoyte's sin bai so don't try to pass it off as anyone else.

@Former Member posted:

The only sin in 2020 was Granger attempting to rig the elections but thanks to him getting caught red handed, democracy in Guyana was saved. It is no accident that almost the entire world denounced while no country offered any support for his rigging attempt.

Still beating around the bush ,to hide the SIN . Why so ?

Last edited by Django

Guyana moving swiftly to bring natural gas to shore – Vice President Jagdeo

Vice President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo

Toronto – The Government of Guyana is moving to pipe natural gas to land from the Liza oil field offshore, as swiftly as possible, to fulfill the People’s Progressive Party/Civic’s promise of significantly increasing electricity generation; industrializing the country; reducing electricity bills and creating employment.

“It seems as though ExxonMobil was interested in moving rapidly with this, but the previous government had put the roadblocks on because they did not respondâ€Ķwe will find out who bought up the lands on the proposed location where the pipelines could have come,” Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, Vice President of Guyana, said at a media briefing Friday.

Jagdeo said that while the decision has been made to bring gas to shore, the Government of Guyana wants to get this done as swiftly as possible, adding that ExxonMobil is also eager to move along with the project too, because the company has been waiting for a long time for any government to show major interest in moving the project forward.

According to the Vice President, the government is in possession of a number of studies on bringing gas to shore in Guyana and these are under examination. “We can’t look at what they did or did not doâ€Ķwe want to get this done urgently, but we will, of course, have to be guided by technical peopleâ€Ķwe want oil to shore as soon as possible.”

Dr. Jagdeo, who is a former President of Guyana, noted that, in its engagement with ExxonMobil, the government wants the gas at a cost that is very different than in the current contractâ€Ķso that it can achieve its manifesto promise of producing more electricity to industrialize the country; create more jobs; and cut electricity bills significantly, or by about 50 percent, as the country’s President, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali had mentioned recently. 

“This is a project that is high priority for the governmentâ€Ķwe want to engage with Exxonâ€Ķof course there are other things to look at such as the availability of gas nowâ€Ķhow much is available; who will own the facility; whether it will be a public-private partnership or advertised to another company to do the whole project and then sell the gas to the government at a low cost; or whether it would be totally a government-owned project. 

With respect to the protection of the environment, Vice President Jagdeo said that the government will have to secure a commitment from ExxonMobil when it sits down with them to discuss gas, because all of these issues are interlinked and are key issues in the contract.

“We have to satisfy ourselves that there will be adequate provisions for any environmental disaster, in the contractâ€Ķflaring is also a key issue and we have already signaled that we don’t want flaring,” Jagdeo said.

The ExxonMobil-Hess-CNOOC consortium has discovered more than 8 billion barrels of oil offshore Guyana in 16 discoveries since 2015.

@Django posted:

Nope there is failure for you to accept ,the SIN OF 2020 by the PPP ,lets hope the players not ended up like Marcos and Noriega ,they better watch out.

I have already called out the PNC for the clumsy rigging.

The PNC tried to rig this year's elections but instead of calling them out for it you opted to chase ghosts about fraudulent votes and dead people voting who no one saw except some Coalition people. Then there were the Russians who only Cathy Hughes and Ramjattan saw and instead of Ramjattan arresting them he put them on a chartered jet and send them somewhere that no one knows including him.

The PPP did not commit any sins regarding the 2020 elections. That is a fact.

@Former Member posted:

The PNC tried to rig this year's elections but instead of calling them out for it you opted to chase ghosts about fraudulent votes and dead people voting who no one saw except some Coalition people.

Then there were the Russians who only Cathy Hughes and Ramjattan saw and instead of Ramjattan arresting them he put them on a chartered jet and send them somewhere that no one knows including him.

The PPP did not commit any sins regarding the 2020 elections. That is a fact.

There are enough evidence of FRAUD committed by the PPP in their strongholds . They were installed in government by the FRAUDULENT Votes. That's facts that no sugar coating can erase.

There are many signatures on documents that reveal the FRAUD.

Last edited by Django

Guyana continues to win as Granger's illegal orders are being dismantled one by one.


Yesterday, Chief Justice (ag) Roxanne Wiltshire George, S.C. delivered a Ruling in the case filed by the Cheddi Jagan Research Center Inc. against the Attorney General and the Lands and Surveys Commission on the 30th day of December, 2016. The proceedings were filed by Mohabir Anil Nandlall after President Granger ordered on the 29th day of December, 2016, that the lease for the building known as “Red House” to the Cheddi Jagan Research Inc. be revoked and the occupants vacate the property before 31st December, 2016. As a result, a group of staff from the Office of the President descended into the building and attempted to take possession.

On the 30th day of December, 2016, an Order was made by the then Chief Justice Yonette Cummings-Edwards preserving the occupation of Cheddi Jagan Research Inc. until the hearing and determination of the case. In the Writ of Summons filed, the CJRI through its Attorney-at-law, claimed a number of reliefs including that its ninety-nine (99) years Lease from 1st January, 2012, from the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission is binding and in force and that the purported revocation by President Granger was illegal, unlawful, and contrary to the Plaintiff’s fundamental rights and freedom not to be unlawfully deprived of its property, guaranteed by Article 142 of the Constitution of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana. The Attorney General Basil Williams appeared for the Respondents. After the relevant Affidavits were filed, written legal Submissions were ordered and done in 2018. The matter then awaited ruling.

Yesterday, Chief Justice George ruled in favour of the Applicant/Plaintiff, Cheddi Jagan Research Inc. and awarded costs against the Respondents in the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000). In upholding Mr. Nandlall’s Submissions, the Court made the following findings:

(a) in the Court’s examination of whether Red House was vested in the National Trust, The Centre was not properly registered in accordance with section 15 of the National Trust Act and as such could not be categorized as a National Monument;

(b) that there was no evidence of misfeasance on the part of the Former Commissioner;

(c) the Court accepted the word of Former President Donald Ramotar that the Lease was granted by him;

(d) That the Lease was not properly revoked by the President David Granger and could only have been revoked for cause. There was no evidence as to the breach of the Lease by the Lessee;

(e) that a Lease for ninety nine (99) years created property and could not be easily terminated, and, as a consequence created property under the Constitution;

(f) the Court issued a permanent conservatory order against the Defendants not to remove items of the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre unless compensation is made;

(g) the Court did not award any constitutional relief because the Conservatory Orders granted were adequate.

@Django posted:

There are enough evidence of FRAUD committed by the PPP in their strongholds . They were installed in government by the FRAUDULENT Votes. That's facts that no sugar coating can erase.

There are many signatures on documents that reveal the FRAUD.

There are no evidence of fraud committed by the PPP in their strongholds. There are wild and baseless allegations by the PNC but no one is taking them seriously.

But the PNC can still go to court with their elections petition but they have to hurry because after tomorrow, half of the 28 days window will be gone, kaput.

@Former Member posted:

There are no evidence of fraud committed by the PPP in their strongholds. There are wild and baseless allegations by the PNC but no one is taking them seriously.

But the PNC can still go to court with their elections petition but they have to hurry because after tomorrow, half of the 28 days window will be gone, kaput.

No Sir ,further you don't know the LAW regarding Election Petition.

@Django posted:

What's the date and source of the article ? What that have to do with the discussion at hand ,you remind of a former poster of the forum ,who derails thread by inserting articles in the discussion.

It was posted by Nandlall on his Facebook about 5 hours ago. I posted it here to prove that God is running Guyana so He is doing all these good things for the Good Guys.

@Former Member posted:

It was posted by Nandlall on his Facebook about 5 hours ago. I posted it here to prove that God is running Guyana so He is doing all these good things for the Good Guys.

The article have nothing to do with the discussion . The PPP stole RED HOUSE from the People of Guyana . Keep the GOD to yourself ,many may have different views and considered an imposition.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

Given all the correct calls I have made regarding the many cases since the NCM I am very confident in my understanding of any pronouncement I make pertaining to the laws of Guyana. If I did understand them I would say so.

I will say again ,you don't know the LAW regarding Election Petition ,you may want to do some exploration.

@Django posted:

The article have nothing to do with the discussion . The PPP stole RED HOUSE from the People of Guyana . Keep the GOD to yourself ,many may have different views and considered an imposition.

Not according to the Chief Justice. I am sure she understand the law much more than you and I. Plus she demonstrated her competence in the NCM as well as the Jones case.

By the way, are you censoring me regarding my comment about God? Please let me know so I can decide my next decision. 

@Former Member posted:

Not according to the Chief Justice. I am sure she understand the law much more than you and I. Plus she demonstrated her competence in the NCM as well as the Jones case.

By the way, are you censoring me regarding my comment about God? Please let me know so I can decide my next decision. 

The LAW regarding Election Petition ,is written for anyone to understand.

There is no censoring ,one have to draw the line when to used in conversations. There are many non believers ,who will see it as an imposition.

Last edited by Django

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