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Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Burnham was the best. He gave the PPP/C the constitution.

Burnham was the greatest, he de-colonialized Guyana and then militarized the democratic process.  Jagan merely toed the line and got his sausage caught in his shorts on international politics.  Burnham was cool and calculating, Jagan erratic and hot-headed.


This does not mean Burnham was the best of the nation, but as an individual, he outdid all his adversaries and achieved HIS objectives.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:



First of all--leadership is not a position--being president doesn't make one a leader. Burnham, Hoyte, Jagdeo, and Janet were not genuine leaders. Cheddi, on the other hand, inspired a lot of his followers to raise their standards. He was a genuine leader.



Rev bai, it's about delivery, results.  He definitely was "uncorruptible", that I will never argue, but he left us the most corruptible cabal as his legacy.  What has he inspired Indians to do?  Many Indians, at heart, do not share his philosophy, we are an enterprising and entrepreneural people, definitely out of step with his philosophy.  His greatest inspiration was "exodus".


A leader should lead people to the "promised land" but instead he led us into a hell-hole, a trap, caged up for 28 years.  What was his vision and what were the milestones to achieve that vision?  How did this tie to the people and nation he sought to represent?


Leadership is about understand the landscape and navigate a path that delivers to your followers the desired outcome.  Leadership is about adjusting that pathway as needed and bringing the people along with you.  There are elements of leadership, sure, i'm not saying no, but he fell far short of delivering his followers and the nation a desirable outcome.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Jagan was removed during the height of the cold war. The Americans would have replaced him whether Burnham was smart or stupid. It didn't matter. The objective was to get British Guiana under control. Any dummy at the helm of the PNC during that time would have become the prime minister.


Correct, and the dummy at the helm of the PPP did not understand his landscape and limitations.

Originally Posted by baseman:


Leadership is about understand the landscape and navigate a path that delivers to your followers the desired outcome.  Leadership is about adjusting that pathway as needed and bringing the people along with you.  There are elements of leadership, sure, i'm not saying no, but he fell far short of delivering his followers and the nation a desirable outcome.

Listen Basey!


Every man Jack has his own view of what leadership is---talk to a 100 people and you'll get a hundred different viewpoints on what a leader is.


The point I made above is compared to the other Presidents of Guyana--Cheddi came most closely to what a genuine leader is all about.


Your hero Forbes inspired his followers to have confidence in him---Forbes was an egomaniac; Cheddi, on the other hand, inspired his followers to have confidence in themselves. Cheddi was a genuine leader; Forbes was just an egomaniac.


And let's not forget---the British and Americans removed Cheddi from power and handed the reins over to Forbes and the PNC---you know the rest---the PNC ruined, pauperized and bankrupted Guyana. I guess you long for that Guyana, right baseman ?





Originally Posted by God:

Burnham - one word, Dictator

Jagans - Commie stooges who led the country down the destructive Communist path.

Bar-rat - biggest thief in the nation's history

Hoyte - Slo Fiah, Mo fiah and a part of the dictator's rigging machine

Arthur - the Dictator's rubber stamp


They all suck alike

from Gods lips to our ears True Dat !

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by baseman:


Leadership is about understand the landscape and navigate a path that delivers to your followers the desired outcome.  Leadership is about adjusting that pathway as needed and bringing the people along with you.  There are elements of leadership, sure, i'm not saying no, but he fell far short of delivering his followers and the nation a desirable outcome.

Listen Basey!


Every man Jack has his own view of what leadership is---talk to a 100 people and you'll get a hundred different viewpoints on what a leader is.


The point I made above is compared to the other Presidents of Guyana--Cheddi came most closely to what a genuine leader is all about.


Your hero Forbes inspired his followers to have confidence in him---Forbes was an egomaniac; Cheddi, on the other hand, inspired his followers to have confidence in themselves. Cheddi was a genuine leader; Forbes was just an egomaniac.


And let's not forget---the British and Americans removed Cheddi from power and handed the reins over to Forbes and the PNC---you know the rest---the PNC ruined, pauperized and bankrupted Guyana. I guess you long for that Guyana, right baseman ?





I never said that, nor do I admire the leadership of LFSB.  In the end, does not matter, Jagan failed to deliver and left us a corrupt cabal, HIS legacy.  It was the mis-steps of CBJ which resulted in LFSB.  You can talk about what the Brits and US did, but that was a result of a mis-calc by CBJ, as I said, not understanding his landscape.  That is the essence of leadership.


LFSB played that card better and won, though he destroyed the nation in the process.  Banna, I went and listened to CBJ many times as a boy, frankly, he never really moved me.  He came across overly erratic and undiplomatic.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:



First of all--leadership is not a position--being president doesn't make one a leader. Burnham, Hoyte, Jagdeo, and Janet were not genuine leaders. Cheddi, on the other hand, inspired a lot of his followers to raise their standards. He was a genuine leader.




Al, do not unestimate the importance of Janet Jagan as a leader.  In reality she was the leader of the PPP and the leader of the nation.  With all respect to Dr Cheddi.  He can agree with you and promise you anything.  He was a good man and leader.  But if you do not go over those decisions that were made with Comrade Janet you are not going anywhere. 

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:



First of all--leadership is not a position--being president doesn't make one a leader. Burnham, Hoyte, Jagdeo, and Janet were not genuine leaders. Cheddi, on the other hand, inspired a lot of his followers to raise their standards. He was a genuine leader.




Al, do not unestimate the importance of Janet Jagan as a leader.  In reality she was the leader of the PPP and the leader of the nation.  With all respect to Dr Cheddi.  He can agree with you and promise you anything.  He was a good man and leader.  But if you do not go over those decisions that were made with Comrade Janet you are not going anywhere. 

So Aunty Janet wore the Pants in the House???

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:



First of all--leadership is not a position--being president doesn't make one a leader. Burnham, Hoyte, Jagdeo, and Janet were not genuine leaders. Cheddi, on the other hand, inspired a lot of his followers to raise their standards. He was a genuine leader.




Al, do not unestimate the importance of Janet Jagan as a leader.  In reality she was the leader of the PPP and the leader of the nation.  With all respect to Dr Cheddi.  He can agree with you and promise you anything.  He was a good man and leader.  But if you do not go over those decisions that were made with Comrade Janet you are not going anywhere. 

So Aunty Janet wore the Pants in the House???

The woman was the real boss.  She was the leader of the PPP and the leader of Guyana. Alot of politicians realized that too late. 

Originally Posted by Wally:


 Al, do not unestimate the importance of Janet Jagan as a leader.  In reality she was the leader of the PPP and the leader of the nation.  With all respect to Dr Cheddi.  He can agree with you and promise you anything.  He was a good man and leader.  But if you do not go over those decisions that were made with Comrade Janet you are not going anywhere. 



Behind every successful man and strong leader is an equally successful and strong woman. Cheddi deeply trusted and respected Janet ---he never made an important decision without her input.




Sometimes I think we are too harsh on CBJ for his mistakes. At times I wonder what Afro-Guyanese are saying  at home about the Forbes and his shares of mistakes whether it affected Indos, Blacks,  and the nation as a whole. It is a widely held belief amongst Indo-Guyanese that the average supporter of Forbes cares not about development, democracy, justice, or any other sort of progress. All they care about was to see the Kabaka sit at the top and dictate to everyone. They refused to hold him responsible for anything. He was free to do whatever he pleases. The leaders of Guyana today do not have such a free reign. They are accountable and are always under pressure from the media. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

A former Burnham cook at Castalani House who was an international cook working also at a famous Guyana hotel told me once that on Tuesdays Burnham and his family would only eat indian dishes.  Dishes such as Mulligatawny soup and Rasgulla.  Contrast that to a professor that I knew who was a PNC supporter who told me that his Aunt who was also a big PNC supporter would never eat any indian food.  According to him she said "I don't want no coolie food"


It is difficult to change people mind when it comes to racial hate.

Originally Posted by Wally:

A former Burnham cook at Castalani House who was an international cook working also at a famous Guyana hotel told me once that on Tuesdays Burnham and his family would only eat indian dishes.  Dishes such as Mulligatawny soup and Rasgulla.  Contrast that to a professor that I knew who was a PNC supporter who told me that his Aunt who was also a big PNC supporter would never eat any indian food.  According to him she said "I don't want no coolie food"


It is difficult to change people mind when it comes to racial hate.

She probably ate SHIT!!!!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

HHe'll also remain in the Guyanese Populace hearts and minds

Wah rass diss.  Ah who bill diss aaport, diss a Burnham ting.  Dem PPP shud putt Jagan name pun Skeldon sugga faktry, dah only ting PPP mek donk hay.  Ok ok, mi gree wid alyuh coolies, Bubice brige ah PPP wan, leh abie caal am Jagan erekshun, but da toll gi abie belly wuk.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

Wah leeda, we gah puoo rass leeda in diss k.untry.  None dem nah like Castro an' Che.  Abie gah nuttin fuh celebrate donk hay.  Stchupid homan.  Abie pon tapp.

Thanks for the very informative and smart statement in response to my suggestion.

Tanks gyal, mi glaad yuh like mi style.  Yuh look laka wan lil smaat homan.


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