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he was a visionary but got lost along the way with the racial stuff. But if it was not for him, many would not have left, so they have him to thank for migrating
He was a great speaker though.
@Amral posted:he was a visionary but got lost along the way with the racial stuff. But if it was not for him, many would not have left, so they have him to thank for migrating
He was a great speaker though.
Eloquent speaker With charisma !
well he taught us abt rice flour which is considered healthy nowadays
he made us eat local..lol
even wear our own cotton..(flour bag uniform)
he introduced National service..wht was the purpose of that anyways..just to create jobs??
i was never into poltitcs n im still not interested
but LFSB made education at UG FREE n i benefited..never mind that I had to do 2 months of National service(fortunately i was placed in GT n not the hinterland)
no more paying to attend private schools ..free education
yes free school books in my high school time, eat local and buy local.
@Amral posted:yes free school books in my high school time, eat local and buy local.
But under him, the standard of education fell from Kindergarden to University. Certificates favoured his supporters.
@Mitwah posted:But under him, the standard of education fell from Kindergarden to University. Certificates favoured his supporters.
Well..my std didnt fall..high sch or UG..
maybe later years..
recently our 5th form bio teacher shared that the best grad class at our high sch was 1976, so much so that someone from Min of ED visited to find out how so many students excelled in science subjects that yrβ¦.saying our sch was the only sch in country that was on par with t he top 5 high sch in GT . Min. Of Ed wanted to know who these teachers were n wht they did β¦
all 3 of the teachers were new A level grads..19-early 20βs ..from Olevel to Alevels n then came to teach Physics,Chem n Bio
the chem n physics teachers were former students of our sch ..
i have many teachers in my family..so im notsure wht u mean by std dropping..they gave their all n their students excelled. Nieces n nephews attended QC n St Stanislaus n Roses ..they were all successful n today r univ graduates
i have a high sch friend who was my colleague at CML..she attended GY medical sch n worked in Turks n Caicos for a few yrs..cam to Canada n did residency her n today she is a consultant..majored in Internal medicine n rheumatology. Her sis in law also did medical technology at UG n medicine n came to canada n got into residency programme here n is a now a licenced Cdn qualified specialist
@Mitwah posted:But under him, the standard of education fell from Kindergarden to University. Certificates favoured his supporters.
i have to disagree there Mits, in the 70's at least at my school many students did extremely well, both Indians and Blacks, and we had some of the best teachers there at SSS.
Leaving aside the issue of fraudulent elections, Burnhamβs worst legacy to the nation was in the area of education. It was not, it must be said, that this was the intention, far from it; the intention was to improve the quality of education available to all and to make it free. Burnhamβs education policy was a lesson in the danger of pursuing idealistic objectives which completely ignore the realities on the ground. The aim of free education from nursery to university was certainly desirable, but the economy had to be able to sustain it. As it was, the socialist experiment caused a severe contraction in the economy, and the funds were simply not available to underwrite such an ambitious programme at the level which was required.
Various measures could have been introduced piecemeal instead to cater for parents in the lowest income group, and to extend secondary schooling of an acceptable quality to far more children, but Mr Burnham it seems favoured a radical approach. The thinking behind the community high schools and multilaterals which his government introduced, for example, was not without its merits, but in terms of implementation these fell very far short of the ideal. In fact, the community high schools were already turning out functional illiterates in some quantity long before the PPP/C ever acceded to office in 1992, and the aim of providing quality secondary education to everyone has yet to be achieved.
As it was, the abolition of dual control and the nationalization of the schools turned out to be an error of serious proportions. The old system might have been idiosyncratic, but the point is, it worked. The private schools were not operated for profit, they had to meet state standards and they offered a modicum of choice to parents. When they were suddenly taken over they became the full responsibility of a bureaucracy which had not been fully reorganized in all departments to accept the additional burden, and they became subject to the same pressures and deficiencies as many of the state schools. It would have been better to build on what existed, modifying where necessary, than sweep the traditional arrangements away altogether.
Providing free textbooks was something else which was not economically viable. The move had been preceded by a measure controlling the mark-up on textbooks, which had the effect in the end of putting the private booksellers out of business. This meant that the wide variety of reading matter for all age groups which had been previously available, completely disappeared, something which has surely played a role in our plummeting literacy rates. Once the education system undertook to supply textbooks, it ran into difficulties not just because of the amount of funding required, but because of the lack of infrastructure to efficiently distribute, monitor and manage the system. It was not as if either they chose to go the full Cuban route of mass producing cheap books on a large scale for the population utilizing newsprint. The deleterious consequences of this piece of idealism and lack of foresight are still with us, and as things stand many parents still have to buy textbooks for their children.
Then there were other decisions, such as suddenly ordering the integration of the senior secondary schools, for which no preparation was undertaken. Physical facilities had to be restructured very quickly to accommodate either boys or girls, as the case may be, involving an unnecessary outlay from limited finances, while a whole new range of problems was created in schools which traditionally had catered only for a single sex. Following studies over decades done elsewhere, we now know that boys and girls do better in school if educated separately, although it is true that that was not known at the time.
Then there was Presidentβs College, which was an unnecessary investment given the number of senior secondary schools available. This is not the same thing as to say that the school has not acquitted itself well, and that the pupils and teachers have not distinguished themselves over the last twenty years; they certainly have. It is merely to observe that founding the school did not represent the most pressing educational need at the time, more especially since educational resources were so lacking.
But most of all, perhaps, there was the de-professionalization of the teachers, who were required to follow political instructions, and among other things take children out marching onto the street for everything from welcoming visiting dignitaries to the anniversary of Burnhamβs entry into Parliament. It was deeply resented, and the qualified staff began to leave in droves. The situation was not improved with the introduction of Mass Games, which were hated by the parents as much as by the teachers. At a more advanced level, of course, there was compulsory National Service, which could hardly be described as enjoying backing from all segments of the population. All of these things ran counter to the notion of what education should be, and conveyed the impression of an attempt to impose political regimentation on a system which had been accustomed to a measure of freedom of thought and decision-making. Good teachers do not flourish in such a constrained environment, although some of them managed to survive. General economic conditions as well, of course, have taken their toll on the teaching profession β beginning under the PNC β and we have now reached a crisis point. Both the PNC and then the PPP/C mostly fell back on the training of more teachers to make good the deficit, a strategy which has had no measurable impact on the situation to date.
In a general sense it can be said that education systems tend to respond slowly to changes, and the effects of these are frequently not evident until a few years down the line. When too many changes are thrust on a system in quick succession, it does not have time to adjust, and the effect is frequently the opposite of what the policy-makers intended. When this is coupled with a severe shortage of teachers, major disciplinary problems in the classroom, the politicization and lack of order affecting the system, unsuitable appointments, and the loss of status of the teachers who remain, it is hardly surprising that decline would set in. As it is, what can be said is that when Forbes Burnham came to office the literacy rates of this country were some of the highest in the world; when he died, that was no longer true.
@Amral posted:i have to disagree there Mits, in the 70's at least at my school many students did extremely well, both Indians and Blacks, and we had some of the best teachers there at SSS.
I agree!!
@Lynn posted:I agree!!
I was not there in the 70's.
Perhaps You and BM were the exceptions contrary to as mentioned in the article: the community high schools were already turning out functional illiterates in some quantity long before the PPP/C ever acceded to office in 1992, and the aim of providing quality secondary education to everyone has yet to be achieved.
The closest Guyana ever came to communism was under Burnham.
1. Free education from primary to University (with the exception of school uniforms and GEC/CXC fees). Many people did not value it. When Hoyte introduced University fees and told students to borrow loans from the banks. People almost shit grease.
2. Rice flour was a very good thing. But not 100 percent rice flour. Stuff falls apart. They should have mixed the rice flour with wheat flour to keep items together.
3. The West put the screws on Burnham by cutting back on buying Guyana exports which led to Guyana food shortages.
4. Rise in midnight home invasion thieves.
Vermicelli is made from rice flour which explains why you may find it labelled as Rice Noodles. It is widely used in China, India, Thailand, Vietnam and most Asian countries. Is Guyana producing it?
Under LFS Burnham, Guyana went bankrupt.
Burnhamβs republic was a disaster
Dear Editor,
As Guyanese mark the100 birth anniversary of Guyanaβs late President Forbes Burnham (20 February 1923 β 6 August 1985), which passed a week ago, it is prudent to ask what are some of his achievements during his 22-year reign.
At the time of his taking office, Guyanaβs economy had a higher GDP than Singapore (the seventh highest per capita today), coupled with an efficient Civil Service; when he met his demise, the countryβs economy was in ruins. With some US$4 billion in debt and a per capita income of US$450, Guyana was ranked the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere after Haiti.
In 1992, when there was a change of Government, the per capita stood at around US$600. Today this pathetic sum has been transformed into a remarkable figure of close to US$11,000.
One can ask: which one of Burnhamβs grandiose plans succeeded? The Mazaruni Hydro project and Kimbia cotton ventures were colossal failures. The Sanata Textile Mill and Yarrowkabra Glass Factory were nothing short of being technological white elephants. Feed, Clothe and House; National Service; scrapping of the railway; co-operative socialism etc. were all tragic visions. Burnhamβs ill-fated quest for self-sufficiency in the late 1970s precipitated gruesome conditions: children went to school hungry, an underground (smuggling) economy flourished, and a mass exodus of skilled and wealthy people, coupled with the flight of money to offshore banks, occurred. At home, lines formed at Knowledge Sharing Institute (KSI)- what a name for a shop to obtain a bar of soap and a pint of oil!
The crowning glory of his rule came on December 14, 1974 (Sophia Declaration). The PNC Party was declared the real ruler of Guyana, thus the Government was answerable to the Party! Under the dictatorβs rule, the Public Service disintegrated; corruption replaced competence β a legacy that lives on to this day. Nationalisation of sugar and bauxite in the late 70s placed the commanding heights of the economy squarely into the hands of the PNC, and was the stepping stone for destruction.
The early 80s witnessed a huge preponderance of one ethnic group (which continues today) rushing to the airport and borders, reminiscent of the Jews under Hitler in 1930s Germany. The terminals of the (then) Timehri Airport resembled those at the New Delhi Airport. Worse was yet to come, as the dictator militarised an impoverished Guyana with a proliferation of military entities: National Service, National Guard Service, Young Socialist Movement, Peopleβs Militia, Tactical Services Unit; and, of course, some we do not even know of.
The tyrant was caught up in a struggle between personal power and national progress.
He chose the former, and Guyana descended into hegemony and economic catastrophe, and we are all paying for it today.
Excessive dipping into the countryβs coffers became Burnhamβs self-therapy for a failed state. His five vice-presidents silently acquiesced βthe highest academic achievement of one of them being 1 subject GCE!
The most bizarre incident was at the Melbourne, Australia, and Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference in 1976. Some 52 PNC honchos attended as Burnham βhiredβ the National Airline for two weeks!! And while many of Burnhamβs policies can be outright condemned today and many headhunters exhibit the tendency to pinpoint and condemn the sins β they yet refuse to condemn the sinner!
Qualifications for University of Guyana entry were lowered, and National Service was incorporated into the curriculum. As a result, I never graduated from that institution; as is the case with thousands of others.
Many persons were dispossessed of their properties during the early Burnham era. There is scarcely any project that placed Guyana as a unique Third World country that is now still standing, except the statue of Cuffy. How can a visionary tell people to use coal pots for cooking as it represents βappropriate technologyβ. The stupid concoction is nothing but a fire hazard, but Burnhamβs undeniable pursuit was power, as he skilfully deployed the βDivide and Ruleβ strategy of the very colonial masters he βfoughtβ.
The Kabaka skilfully played a grand political game of selling Jaganβs Communism to the West and Jaganβs ethnicity to his fellow Caricom black leaders. He condemned Apartheid in South Africa, yet practised the same in his own backyard. His horse-riding escapades were psychological ploys shoved into the psyche of Guyanese that βThe man on the horse run thingsβ.
As the philosopher Franz Fanon indicated for Third World states: Massa days had not changedβ¦only the colour of Massa had changed!
Leyland Chitlall
@Ali Khan Azad posted:The closest Guyana ever came to communism was under Burnham.
1. Free education from primary to University (with the exception of school uniforms and GEC/CXC fees). Many people did not value it. When Hoyte introduced University fees and told students to borrow loans from the banks. People almost shit grease.
2. Rice flour was a very good thing. But not 100 percent rice flour. Stuff falls apart. They should have mixed the rice flour with wheat flour to keep items together.
Well I am grateful..I grad high sch 1976 so I didnt get much benefit there..but UG!!
actually it was a set back for me as i couldnβt purchase textebooks for Physics or Add Maths ..n 2nd hand was impossible to find.
A kind classmate offered to lend me his Physics text every wed n another invited me to her home on weekends where i got to use her text n I even got a B at Olevels ,
but my tr advised me not to go for Add Maths if couldnt get a book of my own..as i needed to practice a lot..
UG ..wow!! What can I say ?β¦not only was it free(apart from registration n library fees n cost of books)
i got a stipend that was more than the salary i got as sec sch teacher .($195/ month..teaching as unqualified assistant salary was $166)
it was enough for me to pay rent n light bill n for transportation as well as FOOD!
All it βcostβ me was 2 months of national service (which i completed in the credit union office in Brickdam)..
β¦also because of my free education at UG (medical Laboratory Technology) I could have got a scholarship to study medicine inCuba as many many folks from the lab got these scholarships. Actually this was-my reason for doing Med Tech. But I later changed my mind abt becoming a Dr after wrking at PHG n seeing wht the conditions were n also wht the life of a Dr looked like ..I was more than happy to remain a MLT ..loved my job then n after 47 yrs..i still love it..NO REGRETS!
yes lot of bad things happened during LFSB reigning days..
but whn it comes to EDUCATION..i benefited n will forever be grateful
my dad died whn I was 17 ..there isno way i would have afforded to attend UG with no financial support
I have been in medical lab since 1977..worked in the islands including Grand Cayman at Govt Hospital , which was Grade A lab under US Lab Corp . My UG education was accepted!
ps at 65 , i am still working in. Medical lab here in Canada ..
so if LFSB did 99 bad things..1 good thing for me was FREE EDUCATION
( i even went back 1988-89 to do my speciality in Hematology n grad with distinction..tutors were Cuba. That was another good thing..the arrangement wehad with Cuba where they sent top notched medical specialists to GY β¦from Pathologits, Microbiologists, Hematologist, Pediatrician, surgeons , ENTs etc etc..)
abt rice flour..
true ..we needed to work on the recipes..the bread was too dry!!
I do buy the rice noodles (vermicelli )
I have to agree. When Hoyte said on TV that students can borrow loans from banks to pay for UG tuition people never heard of such a thing before. I don't think that Burnham was a racist man when it came to East Indians. But many of the people that he relied on to carry out his policies certainly were racist towards East Indians. Jagan and his wife on the other hand kept their distance from East Indians. Most of their personal friends were professional black Guyanese.
@Ali Khan Azad posted:1. Free education from primary to University (with the exception of school uniforms and GEC/CXC fees). Many people did not value it. When Hoyte introduced University fees and told students to borrow loans from the banks. People almost shit grease.
Fees at U.G were introduced by the PPP long after Hoyte had left office.
What's the purpose of making UG Free when all the students are migrating to North America.
It was Hoyte who introduced the idea of University fees and borrowing money from banks to pay fees at University. I saw it with my own eyes on early Guyana TV. He was not in the office of President much longer to implement it.
@Ali Khan Azad posted:It was Hoyte who introduced the idea of University fees and borrowing money from banks to pay fees at University. I saw it with my own eyes on early Guyana TV. He was not in the office of President much longer to implement it.
You canβt blame Hoyte for something that was implemented by the the PPP. It was a bad idea to begin with but if it was so bad then why did the PPP actually put it into motion?