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Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Wally:

The blacks in Jamaica and other smaller caribean islands copied the British and continued to ill treat the Indians in Jamaica and the other smaller islands after independence.  It was only until the leadership of Michael Manley that the situation for indians improved a little and they got some free education.  Nevertheless, they continue today to be the poorest of the poor in Jamaica.

This foolishness was exposed on GNI a few years back as retarded and ahistorical. But no facts/logic can kill something THIS close to your beating heart, eh? . . . must be existential.


You know . . . this is WHY I flagged the creation of this thread as pure mischief-making . . . just an excuse to give the crackpot 'Indo-rights' thumb suckers a platform to 'air off' their most outrageous and stupid concoctions, and beat the tired, 'oppressor Blackman' drum one mo time.



You ask any elder Jamaicans and they will tell you the same thing Indians were at the bottom of Jamaican society. They were helped somewhat by Manley's Prime Ministership but still remain at the bottom.  This has nothing to do with oppressor Blackman concept.  Do not take lightly or dismiss a peoples history of being racially and culturally discriminated against as being the product and creation of a racist mind.


Read this blog by Annie Paul

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Sammyj:

Read Dickerson's "Symbolism of Evil" and John Stewart Mill *Just society" - I think. While you are at it glance throuh DREAMS from Freud and the use or misuse form Darwin.

I see . . . the mask has been ripped away.


The mispellings, the 'innocent' just striving to be placed on the right path, simple-man reasoning, etc., has given way to Dickerson. Mill, Freud and Darwin.


Ah, Sammyj, you're not as opaque as you think . . . I nailed you as a FRAUD the first time!


Now . . . you're giving me a reading list? Dude, I've forgotten more in the past 5 years than you will 'learn' in a lifetime.


So, what's your point? I don't have unlimited time.

I have been to many conferences at hotels. I find it strange that a participant would discuss racial topics. As I said only a low class person would do that. South Ozone Park used to be a drug infested primarily black area years ago. Then a lot of Indians started moving in that area and now a lot of mansions are being put up there.
Originally Posted by TI:
I have been to many conferences at hotels. I find it strange that a participant would discuss racial topics. As I said only a low class person would do that. South Ozone Park used to be a drug infested primarily black area years ago. Then a lot of Indians started moving in that area and now a lot of mansions are being put up there.

You racists bastard.  But Guyanese and WI/Hatians Afros also do a great job in their neighborhood.  They generally have better homes.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Wally:

The blacks in Jamaica and other smaller caribean islands copied the British and continued to ill treat the Indians in Jamaica and the other smaller islands after independence.  It was only until the leadership of Michael Manley that the situation for indians improved a little and they got some free education.  Nevertheless, they continue today to be the poorest of the poor in Jamaica.

This foolishness was exposed on GNI a few years back as retarded and ahistorical. But no facts/logic can kill something THIS close to your beating heart, eh? . . . must be existential.


You know . . . this is WHY I flagged the creation of this thread as pure mischief-making . . . just an excuse to give the crackpot 'Indo-rights' thumb suckers a platform to 'air off' their most outrageous and stupid concoctions, and beat the tired, 'oppressor Blackman' drum one mo time.



You ask any elder Jamaicans and they will tell you the same thing Indians were at the bottom of Jamaican society. They were helped somewhat by Manley's Prime Ministership but still remain at the bottom.  This has nothing to do with oppressor Blackman concept.  Do not take lightly or dismiss a peoples history of being racially and culturally discriminated against as being the product and creation of a racist mind.


Read this blog by Annie Paul

Already Done and Done to death on GNI . . . check the record.


Take a bow Saaaammmyjaaay!!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Sammyj:

The opaque.  Far from it. You give me ??. What I am suppose to do


Sammay, Sammay, Sammay, strike another pose bai . . . what do you want?


DO YOU have a question for me?

redux, you is a  reallly bad man. Me like to to have a beer at brown betty's anytime U know. Lee we hook up na.

Originally Posted by Sammyj:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Sammyj:

The opaque.  Far from it. You give me ??. What I am suppose to do


Sammay, Sammay, Sammay, strike another pose bai . . . what do you want?


DO YOU have a question for me?

redux, you is a  reallly bad man. Me like to to have a beer at brown betty's anytime U know. Lee we hook up na.

wan of dese days bai . . . wan of dese days


redux, the historical racialism and discrimination experienced by Jamaican Indians which reduced them to the bottom of Jamican society because of colonialism and the Creole culture's British culture superiority mindset must never be used or dismissed by others for political gain or to score political points.  It is what it is.

Originally Posted by Wally:

redux, the historical racialism and discrimination experienced by Jamaican Indians which reduced them to the bottom of Jamican society because of colonialism and the Creole culture's British culture superiority mindset must never be used or dismissed by others for political gain or to score political points.  It is what it is.

Can you point out to me HOW the governing Blackman [after independence of course] "reduced" the Indo-Jamaican to the "bottom of Jamaican society" . . .


Thanks in advance

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Wally:

redux, the historical racialism and discrimination experienced by Jamaican Indians which reduced them to the bottom of Jamican society because of colonialism and the Creole culture's British culture superiority mindset must never be used or dismissed by others for political gain or to score political points.  It is what it is.

Can you point out to me HOW the governing Blackman [after independence of course] "reduced" the Indo-Jamaican to the "bottom of Jamaican society" . . .


Thanks in advance

The indo Jamaicans were at the bottom of society under the British and they remain there after independence because of continued bigotry performed by generations of emerged black skin with white western mind thinkers who convince themselves that they were vastly superior to the so called unwashed, uneducated, smelly, racially weak and culturally inferior brown bastards.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Wally:

redux, the historical racialism and discrimination experienced by Jamaican Indians which reduced them to the bottom of Jamican society because of colonialism and the Creole culture's British culture superiority mindset must never be used or dismissed by others for political gain or to score political points.  It is what it is.

Can you point out to me HOW the governing Blackman [after independence of course] "reduced" the Indo-Jamaican to the "bottom of Jamaican society" . . .


Thanks in advance

Well chosen words in a "not so opaque" admission of the truth.


U-tube. A Jamaican educator gives a clear documentary on the indentured east indian of Jamaica.


Forbes was a man revered by West Indian leaders. Bustamante was the only West Indian leader of that period who was not pre-occupied with his blackness. Which is understandably, considering years of oprression by whites, then suddenly blacks became leaders of nations.


A long time ago, Stokey Carmichael came to British Guiana and had a meeting at Queen College Auditorium. CBJ was at the gathering. Stokey went on and on about black conciousness, then Cheddie tried to instill the notion that it more of a class struggle than one of racism. The poor Jagan was simply dismissed or should I say his point of view was ignored.


Then, there was Rosie Douglas whose speeches were more of a racist dialogue. Black Power propaganda was a hate mongering organization.


Senility, u sey. I have more to analyze that u do. History is not static, it is dynamic. On the move continiously and must reviewed in every generation.

Originally Posted by seignet:

A long time ago, Stokey Carmichael came to British Guiana and had a meeting at Queen College Auditorium. CBJ was at the gathering. Stokey went on and on about black conciousness, then Cheddie tried to instill the notion that it more of a class struggle than one of racism. The poor Jagan was simply dismissed or should I say his point of view was ignored.


Then, there was Rosie Douglas whose speeches were more of a racist dialogue. Black Power propaganda was a hate mongering organization.


Senility, u sey. I have more to analyze that u do. History is not static, it is dynamic. On the move continiously and must reviewed in every generation.

That's not racism, just an "oppressed" people expressing their rights to what's theirs.  Then and now there are many who view Indians as a footnote in Guyana's history and politics.

Originally Posted by seignet:

A long time ago, Stokey Carmichael came to British Guiana [Guyana] and had a meeting at Queen College Auditorium. CBJ was at the gathering. Stokey went on and on about black conciousness, then Cheddie tried to instill the notion that it more of a class struggle than one of racism. The poor Jagan was simply dismissed or should I say his point of view was ignored.

Ahhh . . . the famous Stokely Carmichael 'encounter' at QC.


Now, let's seee . . . Dr Jagan, a Marxist of sorts, necessarily understood the 'liberation' struggle in terms of class; Stokely Carmichael, a less disciplined sort, hewed to a line that race trumped class everytime, hence Black people had to first pay attention to their own struggle .


I am not here to defend the post-SNCC Stokely Carmichael; but, apart from bruised feelings and ideological disharmony among the 'comrades,' explain to me what the problem is again? 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Wally:

redux, the historical racialism and discrimination experienced by Jamaican Indians which reduced them to the bottom of Jamican society because of colonialism and the Creole culture's British culture superiority mindset must never be used or dismissed by others for political gain or to score political points.  It is what it is.

Can you point out to me HOW the governing Blackman [after independence of course] "reduced" the Indo-Jamaican to the "bottom of Jamaican society" . . .


Thanks in advance

Well chosen words in a "not so opaque" admission of the truth.

Thanks for the commentary on my 'superb' choice of words . . . but I'm still waiting for an answer.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I wonder why black men find Indian women so much more attractive than their 'Sistas'.

You know, nowadays I am not sure it is not the other way around. Women going for the athletic sort and some of these black guys are built. Also women getting more aggressive these days. I find I have to keep a low profile.
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:

A long time ago, Stokey Carmichael came to British Guiana [Guyana] and had a meeting at Queen College Auditorium. CBJ was at the gathering. Stokey went on and on about black conciousness, then Cheddie tried to instill the notion that it more of a class struggle than one of racism. The poor Jagan was simply dismissed or should I say his point of view was ignored.

Ahhh . . . the famous Stokely Carmichael 'encounter' at QC.


Now, let's seee . . . Dr Jagan, a Marxist of sorts, necessarily understood the 'liberation' struggle in terms of class; Stokely Carmichael, a less disciplined sort, hewed to a line that race trumped class everytime, hence Black people had to first pay attention to their own struggle .


I am not here to defend the post-SNCC Stokely Carmichael; but, apart from bruised feelings and ideological disharmony among the 'comrades,' explain to me what the problem is again? 

Black ppl have great accomplisments, but yet feel they are discriminated against.


One cannot impose friendships. If I am precieved as not being liked, I just move on. However, grieved black folks doan give up that easily. Why? 


Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:

A long time ago, Stokey Carmichael came to British Guiana and had a meeting at Queen College Auditorium. CBJ was at the gathering. Stokey went on and on about black conciousness, then Cheddie tried to instill the notion that it more of a class struggle than one of racism. The poor Jagan was simply dismissed or should I say his point of view was ignored.


Then, there was Rosie Douglas whose speeches were more of a racist dialogue. Black Power propaganda was a hate mongering organization.


Senility, u sey. I have more to analyze that u do. History is not static, it is dynamic. On the move continiously and must reviewed in every generation.

That's not racism, just an "oppressed" people expressing their rights to what's theirs.  Then and now there are many who view Indians as a footnote in Guyana's history and politics.

Your off-topic meanderings are noted . . . see my response to Seignet elsewhere

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:

A long time ago, Stokey Carmichael came to British Guiana [Guyana] and had a meeting at Queen College Auditorium. CBJ was at the gathering. Stokey went on and on about black conciousness, then Cheddie tried to instill the notion that it more of a class struggle than one of racism. The poor Jagan was simply dismissed or should I say his point of view was ignored.

Ahhh . . . the famous Stokely Carmichael 'encounter' at QC.


Now, let's seee . . . Dr Jagan, a Marxist of sorts, necessarily understood the 'liberation' struggle in terms of class; Stokely Carmichael, a less disciplined sort, hewed to a line that race trumped class everytime, hence Black people had to first pay attention to their own struggle .


I am not here to defend the post-SNCC Stokely Carmichael; but, apart from bruised feelings and ideological disharmony among the 'comrades,' explain to me what the problem is again? 

Black ppl have great accomplisments, but yet feel they are discriminated against.


One cannot impose friendships. If I am precieved as not being liked, I just move on. However, grieved black folks doan give up that easily. Why? 


In your world, only Indian people can rightfully make that claim . . . eh?

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Wally:

redux, the historical racialism and discrimination experienced by Jamaican Indians which reduced them to the bottom of Jamican society because of colonialism and the Creole culture's British culture superiority mindset must never be used or dismissed by others for political gain or to score political points.  It is what it is.

Can you point out to me HOW the governing Blackman [after independence of course] "reduced" the Indo-Jamaican to the "bottom of Jamaican society" . . .


Thanks in advance

The indo Jamaicans were at the bottom of society under the British and they remain there after independence because of continued bigotry performed by generations of emerged black skin with white western mind thinkers who convince themselves that they were vastly superior to the so called unwashed, uneducated, smelly, racially weak and culturally inferior brown bastards.

If you can't provide a proper answer to my question, just STFU!


I couldn't be less interested in your self esteem issues.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Wally:

redux, the historical racialism and discrimination experienced by Jamaican Indians which reduced them to the bottom of Jamican society because of colonialism and the Creole culture's British culture superiority mindset must never be used or dismissed by others for political gain or to score political points.  It is what it is.

Can you point out to me HOW the governing Blackman [after independence of course] "reduced" the Indo-Jamaican to the "bottom of Jamaican society" . . .


Thanks in advance

The indo Jamaicans were at the bottom of society under the British and they remain there after independence because of continued bigotry performed by generations of emerged black skin with white western mind thinkers who convince themselves that they were vastly superior to the so called unwashed, uneducated, smelly, racially weak and culturally inferior brown bastards.

If you can't provide a proper answer to my question, just STFU!


I couldn't be less interested in your self esteem issues.



Like I been seying all along, black folks r so absorbed in themselves, no bady else matters. And to think, black ppl is in every race of ppl-as the white man seys in their analysis. The Black man leff Africa walking about and all race come from him wherever he go. The Jews sey that is how the earth was populated-that is the walking about part. And muslims have proof that Adam met Eve in Etiopia and that is how come Blacks feel a bond in the muslim faith. Farah-Khan seems to know so as well-listened to alot of his speeches a few weekends ago. I was in Guyana, and some TV station there was on for hours on his belching out his hatred on white ppl. 

Originally Posted by seignet:

Like I been seying all along, black folks r so absorbed in themselves, no bady else matters. And to think, black ppl is in every race of ppl-as the white man seys in their analysis. The Black man leff Africa walking about and all race come from him wherever he go. The Jews sey that is how the earth was populated-that is the walking about part. And muslims have proof that Adam met Eve in Etiopia and that is how come Blacks feel a bond in the muslim faith. Farah-Khan seems to know so as well-listened to alot of his speeches a few weekends ago. I was in Guyana, and some TV station there was on for hours on his belching out his hatred on white ppl. 

eh eh, after I strip yuh clothes off . . . look how you wandering aimlessly . . . venting your inner bigotry . . . muttering incoherently bout Blackman . . . making a spectacle of yourself

Black Americans in general are now divided into rich and poor classes. Yesterday a young black guy with a girl passenger pulled up next to me in a Maserrati. I was talking to the guy about the car, the man was a corporate lawyer type, but his choice of women was appalling! She was no corporate type, eating a big messy cheeseburger with stuff spilling all over the shiny leather seat and dashboard. I felt sorry for the man. You could see the class difference.
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I wonder why black men find Indian women so much more attractive than their 'Sistas'.

You know, nowadays I am not sure it is not the other way around. Women going for the athletic sort and some of these black guys are built. Also women getting more aggressive these days. I find I have to keep a low profile.

How low?  Don't forget to come up for air.


Tommie Smith and John Carlos were trying to make a point. And they certainly did.


For 44 years later, the image of the two Americans standing on the medal podium, black-gloved fists raised firmly in the air, is arguably the singular most iconic image an Olympic Games has ever produced. And while why they were standing there – Smith having won the gold in the 200 meters, Carlos the bronze – may have long been forgotten, their salute has not.


Today, Smith and Carlos insist the gesture was an homage to human rights, not solely a black power salute.


Whatever it meant didn't sit well with the International Olympic Committee, which viewed it as a "breach of the fundamental principles of the Olympic spirit." Or, more to the point, it was a political statement in what's purported to be an apolitical movement.

Amidst a swirl of controversy, Smith and Carlos left the Olympic village in Mexico City before the 1968 Games were over. But if the IOC and its president Avery Brundage were trying to send their own message, they failed, because while the American's exit may have been premature, the image of them standing on that podium continues to endure.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Sammyj:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Sammyj:

The opaque.  Far from it. You give me ??. What I am suppose to do


Sammay, Sammay, Sammay, strike another pose bai . . . what do you want?


DO YOU have a question for me?

redux, you is a  reallly bad man. Me like to to have a beer at brown betty's anytime U know. Lee we hook up na.

wan of dese days bai . . . wan of dese days

Dis boy Sammy sound like this red neck I encounter in a bar sometime ago respond when was called a racist "who me..I can't be a nanny was a n.i.g.g.e.r...."

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Sammyj:

No sir,

          It bothers me. I just want to know if the is across the board.

Thanks for you response -- SammyJ

99% of Afro Americans probably don't know Guyana from Ghana.  The guy probably mixed around with those racists Guyafros in NY.  In fact when Afro Americans hear about the Guyafro apartheid era they are surprised and embarrassed.  While they were fighting apartheid in S-Africa, their own was practicing it under their noses.

African Americans normally dont know squat about Guyana.  Of course when you portray your anti AfroGuyanese attitudes pretending as if we are the only racists, and as if we have not also suffered under the hands of PPP anti bklack racism (1955-64 and 1992 to the present time) then they will beleive you.


Others who meet AfroGuyanese and who hear a similarly one sided story (about how "nice" Burnham was to Indians and its only the PPP which is racist) will leave with the opposite attitude.


But then what can I expect of you, a man who 10 years ago was calling black people savages, screaming that we ought to be grateful that Indians came to Guyana and suggesting that our diet was limited to insects prior to arriving in the Caribbean.

Originally Posted by seignet:

U-tube. A Jamaican educator gives a clear documentary on the indentured east indian of Jamaica.


Forbes was a man revered by West Indian leaders. Bustamante was the only West Indian leader of that period who was not pre-occupied with his blackness. Which is understandably, considering years of oprression by whites, then suddenly blacks became leaders of nations.

Can you name who revered Burnham.  Are you talking about those (most of them ) who wanted the CARICOM HQ moved from Guyana because they didnt like Burnham.  Eric Williams didnt like Burnham, Barrow didnt like Burnham AND told him that if Bajan voters no longer wanted him he will go....this after Burnham told him that he was stupid if he didnt rig the elections.  Manley privately held Burnham in comtempt.


So who liked Burnham, aside from the much discredited Eric Gairry who used to use Burnham's obeah woman.

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