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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

U-tube. A Jamaican educator gives a clear documentary on the indentured east indian of Jamaica.


Forbes was a man revered by West Indian leaders. Bustamante was the only West Indian leader of that period who was not pre-occupied with his blackness. Which is understandably, considering years of oprression by whites, then suddenly blacks became leaders of nations.

Can you name who revered Burnham.  Are you talking about those (most of them ) who wanted the CARICOM HQ moved from Guyana because they didnt like Burnham.  Eric Williams didnt like Burnham, Barrow didnt like Burnham AND told him that if Bajan voters no longer wanted him he will go....this after Burnham told him that he was stupid if he didnt rig the elections.  Manley privately held Burnham in comtempt.


So who liked Burnham, aside from the much discredited Eric Gairry who used to use Burnham's obeah woman.

Shut yuh Baxside. burnham ah yuhdaddy, but maybe you were not told.!!!

Originally Posted by Wally:

The indo Jamaicans were at the bottom of society under the British and they remain there after independence because of continued bigotry performed by generations of emerged black skin with white western mind thinkers who convince themselves that they were vastly superior to the so called unwashed, uneducated, smelly, racially weak and culturally inferior brown bastards.

I wonder where you got the notion that the IndoJamaicans (descendants of indentures) are at the bottom.  Some are, as are some black Jamaicans.  Mnay have escaped this, as have many black Jamaicans.   What I do know is that they are very integrated into Jamaican society, making many contributions, especially in their foods.  In parts of Jamaica what they call "Coolie Carnival" (Tajah) is much celebrated by BOTH groups.


The tension in Jamaica is between black vs brown vs light brown/Chinese/Syrian/White.  The descendants of indentures are neither numerically strong enough, nor are the economically successful enough to be seen as a threat by any group.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

99% of Afro Americans probably don't know Guyana from Ghana.  The guy probably mixed around with those racists Guyafros in NY.  In fact when Afro Americans hear about the Guyafro apartheid era they are surprised and embarrassed.  While they were fighting apartheid in S-Africa, their own was practicing it under their noses.

African Americans normally dont know squat about Guyana.  Of course when you portray your anti AfroGuyanese attitudes pretending as if we are the only racists, and as if we have not also suffered under the hands of PPP anti bklack racism (1955-64 and 1992 to the present time) then they will beleive you.


Others who meet AfroGuyanese and who hear a similarly one sided story (about how "nice" Burnham was to Indians and its only the PPP which is racist) will leave with the opposite attitude.


But then what can I expect of you, a man who 10 years ago was calling black people savages, screaming that we ought to be grateful that Indians came to Guyana and suggesting that our diet was limited to insects prior to arriving in the Caribbean.

You are one sick bastard.


Carib, it is now a conflict between people of skin color in Jamaica.  I agree with you there.  For example, I recently met a Jamaican guy who refered to him and me as brown people and Norman Manley is a brown man like us.


But historically East Indians were at the bottom of the Jamaican society and were seen as being racially and culturally inferior.  I have read this fact in books and have been told so numerous times by older Jamaicans.  The first time I read it in a book in UG library in the early 1970s' I was shocked because at least in Guyana Indians were something. 


For example, it is only recently that many people learned that former Prime Minister Edward Seaga's mother Erna Alleta Maxwell was Anglo-Indian.  All along biographies written about him would say he is Syrian or Syrian and Scottish. No mention of indian blood was ever made.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:

Carib, it is now a conflict between people of skin color in Jamaica.  I agree with you there.  For example, I recently met a Jamaican guy who refered to him and me as brown people and Norman Manley is a brown man like us.


But historically East Indians were at the bottom of the Jamaican society and were seen as being racially and culturally inferior.  I have read this fact in books and have been told so numerous times by older Jamaicans.  The first time I read it in a book in UG library in the early 1970s' I was shocked because at least in Guyana Indians were something. 


For example, it is only recently that many people learned that former Prime Minister Edward Seaga's mother Erna Alleta Maxwell was Anglo-Indian.  All along biographies written about him would say he is Syrian or Syrian and Scottish. No mention of indian blood was ever made.

Given the reverence that many black Jamaicans have for brown skin and "tall" hair I very much doubt that IndoJamaicans as a group are at the bottom.


As I said some are trapped in rural poverty, as are many black Jamaicans.  Some move quite easily among the brown Jamaicans in Kingston's upper middle class.


Take a trip to Jamaica and enlighten yourself.   Jamaica is one island where black vs Indian tensions are minimal, and what exists is directed at the Indian merchants who dominate the duty free retail sectors, these people arent considered Jamaicans, nor do they consider themselves to be.


In fact if you want to check to see who considers the descndants of indentures to be at the bottom you need to look no further than this same group of Indian merchants, as well as other Indian nationals who live in Jamaica.  The are appalled by the degree to which the IndoJamaican is integrated into Jamaica's creole culture, and the degree to which they have contributed to this culture (curry goat, curry chicken,chillum pipe/ganja, and the madras cloth which are used as Jamaica's national dress, and much more I am sure).



Indian nationals generally consider you all indenture off spring to be a deep embarrassment.  A former Indian High Commissioner to Guyana swore that there was no proper Indian food in Guyana and that he had to teach Guyanese about this.  Another who was part of  a team visiting Guyana along with a VP from India opined that Indian and African Guyanese were bothy equaly incompetent in dealing with "true" Indian culture...such as Hindi words.




My taste bud has no desire for Indian National foods.


There is a place called India, but has no Indians. Only the children of indentured immigrants refer to India as a place where their forefathers came from. But their forefathers never referred to India as the place they came from-they would consider firstly the name of their village and not even the Presidency or State or Province.


The dominant group being the Punjabies whether sikhs or hindus would never claim they are from India-it would be the Punjabs.The Gujraties are from Gujrat. From the southern section and most highly educated are quiet, they just aspire rather than bogged down with nationalism-they could be closest thing of being an INDIAN.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Indian nationals generally consider you all indenture off spring to be a deep embarrassment.  A former Indian High Commissioner to Guyana swore that there was no proper Indian food in Guyana and that he had to teach Guyanese about this.  Another who was part of  a team visiting Guyana along with a VP from India opined that Indian and African Guyanese were bothy equaly incompetent in dealing with "true" Indian culture...such as Hindi words.



That former Indian HC probably doesn't know his own country.  There are parts of India (Bengal, Madras, etc) whose foods closely resembles that of Guyana.  True, there has been some deviation, due to ingredients and slight modification for the non-Indo taste pallet, but it still bears close resemblance.


That man need to get back to his old culture, many Indians told me, when i explained some or our practices, that Guyana has retained some old traditions long shed in India.  I don't know what he means by "true" Indian culture, India is very diverse in practices and languages and there in no one culture.  Many large meetings with diverse Indians are conducted in English due to local language barriers.

Originally Posted by Sammyj:

I met a few afro American from Queens at a gathering in conference room (hotel). I happen to converse with a Queen's resident whom speak very ill of Indian Guyanian. As an Indian Guyanese I was offended. He lives in Ozone- born and bred there. I am a Canadian/Guyanese.

Am I to think this is mindset of all afro Americans






Afro-American hate everything that moves but themselves. Their hate for Indo-Guyanese has no impact on us to say the least. Please don't allow yourself to be offended by idiots who never know about real love for good people.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Sammyj:

I met a few afro American from Queens at a gathering in conference room (hotel). I happen to converse with a Queen's resident whom speak very ill of Indian Guyanian. As an Indian Guyanese I was offended. He lives in Ozone- born and bred there. I am a Canadian/Guyanese.

Am I to think this is mindset of all afro Americans






Afro-American hate everything that moves but themselves. Their hate for Indo-Guyanese has no impact on us to say the least. Please don't allow yourself to be offended by idiots who never know about real love for good people.


Oh Please , stop feeding the troll . This is obviously the post of an idle mind . A simple and silly over generalization , much the same way you are generalizing African Americans . 


The reality is that African Americans for the most part are very accepting and welcoming of Indo Guyanese . There is a commonality between both groups as minorities and people of color who live , work and go to school together .


Stop feeding the troll !!!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Indian nationals generally consider you all indenture off spring to be a deep embarrassment.  A former Indian High Commissioner to Guyana swore that there was no proper Indian food in Guyana and that he had to teach Guyanese about this.  Another who was part of  a team visiting Guyana along with a VP from India opined that Indian and African Guyanese were bothy equaly incompetent in dealing with "true" Indian culture...such as Hindi words.



That former Indian HC probably doesn't know his own country.  There are parts of India (Bengal, Madras, etc) whose foods closely resembles that of Guyana.  True, there has been some deviation, due to ingredients and slight modification for the non-Indo taste pallet, but it still bears close resemblance.


That man need to get back to his old culture, many Indians told me, when i explained some or our practices, that Guyana has retained some old traditions long shed in India.  I don't know what he means by "true" Indian culture, India is very diverse in practices and languages and there in no one culture.  Many large meetings with diverse Indians are conducted in English due to local language barriers.

Nonetheless it says what he thinks of you.  Maybe he just despises what he might consider peasant food and considers indentures and their descendants to be an unfit representation of India.

Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:




The reality is that African Americans for the most part are very accepting and welcoming of Indo Guyanese . There is a commonality between both groups as minorities and people of color who live , work and go to school together .


Stop feeding the troll !!!

This comment might be as inaccurate as the others.  There are a whole range of attitudes that African Americans have towards IndoGuyanese, based on the particular encounters that they have had.  Some think they are good neighbors.  Others think that they are clannish and hate black people.  Yet others want to know why their hostility to Guyanese blacks.


There are as many views on this as there are AAs and IndoGYs.  I can imagine older AAs (who often dont particular like even black Caribbean people) might be more skeptical. While younger AAs, who have met more broad minded younger IndoCaribs, might think differently.


The reality is that I doubt that AAs spend too much time thinking on this topic.  Especially as Guyana and Guyanese are very low profile entities, unlike Jamaicans, Haitians and Trinis. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:




The reality is that African Americans for the most part are very accepting and welcoming of Indo Guyanese . There is a commonality between both groups as minorities and people of color who live , work and go to school together .


Stop feeding the troll !!!

This comment might be as inaccurate as the others.  There are a whole range of attitudes that African Americans have towards IndoGuyanese, based on the particular encounters that they have had.

Caribj, there is only one attitude towards Indo-Guyanese based on the encounters with you.  You spread a lot of hatred towards us Indians.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:




The reality is that African Americans for the most part are very accepting and welcoming of Indo Guyanese . There is a commonality between both groups as minorities and people of color who live , work and go to school together .


Stop feeding the troll !!!

This comment might be as inaccurate as the others.  There are a whole range of attitudes that African Americans have towards IndoGuyanese, based on the particular encounters that they have had. 


Which is why I said for the most part . It is impossible to know what people really think . There is no general open animosity between the two groups . From all accounts and indications , they get along well .

Originally Posted by Sammyj:

I met a few afro American from Queens at a gathering in conference room (hotel). I happen to converse with a Queen's resident whom speak very ill of Indian Guyanian. As an Indian Guyanese I was offended. He lives in Ozone- born and bred there. I am a Canadian/Guyanese.

Am I to think this is mindset of all afro Americans






I would suggest you examine your evidence. You ask a question on encountering a few African Americans native to Queens and generalized with respect to all African Americans!


Would you even remotely ponder the question that these are Americans who are in close contact with Indo Guyanese and understand well the naked racism afflicting many of them and are so disposed to prejudged them on that account?


I suggest you ask those like Errol who went to a historic black university and was able to spend four years in close proximity to a cross section of the Afro American  society from the bottom of the barrel to the elites if ever he felt one ounce of discrimination through out his under grad experience.




Originally Posted by Prashad:

When I first moved to Canada I ran into a young Romanian student at the University while waiting in a food line. After we introduced our selves to each other he told me that he had many black Guyanese friends.  Then he asked me "Why do you indians hate the black Guyanese so bad and are so racist towards them"  I was suprised by the question because Guyana is not a racist country compared to other countries.  I wanted to ask this man about hate towards the Gypsies in Romania but in order to be polite I talked about divide and rule colonialism and shut my mouth.

Tell that lie to someone who does not know.  Lets be clear, the ease with which many Indo Guyanese slip in and out of their racist garb is purely mind numbing. Jody Powell once remarked that in all his travels. Guyana was among the most racially divided society he has encountered. I know what he speaks of,


Even though I have seen great acts of courage to confront and live non racist lives, the contrary is the norm. Most Indian and many Blacks wear their racism as a badge of honor. The forgotten Guyanese in all of this is the Amerindian. They must abide with the quarrelsome carpetbaggers.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


Even though I have seen great acts of courage to confront and live non racist lives, the contrary is the norm. Most Indian and many Blacks wear their racism as a badge of honor. The forgotten Guyanese in all of this is the Amerindian. They must abide with the quarrelsome carpetbaggers.

Welcome to the club, you anti-Indo racist carpetbagger lil buck man.  Now run off and sip your piwari, you jerk.

Originally Posted by baseman:


Caribj, there is only one attitude towards Indo-Guyanese based on the encounters with you.  You spread a lot of hatred towards us Indians.

Aaah yes. Baseman who a few years ago called blacks subhuman, and even now pretends as if only anti Indian racism towards blacks exists in Guyana.  According to this man who used to scream that blacks have made no positive contributions to Guyana, there has never been any anti black racism from Indians.


Baseman reminding you that AfroGuyanese do not hold a monopoly of racist attitudes and that Indians also carry a big load of that isnt spreading hatred towards Indians.  It is telling a FACT.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Caribji is a chronic racist.

Ooh yes. I am a racist, according to you, because every time racists like you peddle the myth that anti black racism from Indians is as much a fact of life as is anti Indian racism from blacks this is called telling a lie.


But then the PPP paper prints a whole diatribe against AfroGuyanese and yet you still peddle the myth that the only racist in Guyana is a black man and only victims of this is an Indian.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


Even though I have seen great acts of courage to confront and live non racist lives, the contrary is the norm. Most Indian and many Blacks wear their racism as a badge of honor. The forgotten Guyanese in all of this is the Amerindian. They must abide with the quarrelsome carpetbaggers.

Welcome to the club, you anti-Indo racist carpetbagger lil buck man.  Now run off and sip your piwari, you jerk.

Now an alleged Amerindian is a racist because he refuses peddle your myth that Indians in Guyana have never displayed racism towards others.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


Even though I have seen great acts of courage to confront and live non racist lives, the contrary is the norm. Most Indian and many Blacks wear their racism as a badge of honor. The forgotten Guyanese in all of this is the Amerindian. They must abide with the quarrelsome carpetbaggers.

Welcome to the club, you anti-Indo racist carpetbagger lil buck man.  Now run off and sip your piwari, you jerk.

Now an alleged Amerindian is a racist because he refuses peddle your myth that Indians in Guyana have never displayed racism towards others.

No, re-read his comment.  He is an anti-Indo lil "Buck" feeling powerful in his Escalade.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


Even though I have seen great acts of courage to confront and live non racist lives, the contrary is the norm. Most Indian and many Blacks wear their racism as a badge of honor. The forgotten Guyanese in all of this is the Amerindian. They must abide with the quarrelsome carpetbaggers.

Welcome to the club, you anti-Indo racist carpetbagger lil buck man.  Now run off and sip your piwari, you jerk.

I tell you the truth and I get called racist by one who is truly a racist. If you need any affirmation of that check your attempt at exceeding your already supreme ignorance.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


Even though I have seen great acts of courage to confront and live non racist lives, the contrary is the norm. Most Indian and many Blacks wear their racism as a badge of honor. The forgotten Guyanese in all of this is the Amerindian. They must abide with the quarrelsome carpetbaggers.

Welcome to the club, you anti-Indo racist carpetbagger lil buck man.  Now run off and sip your piwari, you jerk.

Now an alleged Amerindian is a racist because he refuses peddle your myth that Indians in Guyana have never displayed racism towards others.

No, re-read his comment.  He is an anti-Indo lil "Buck" feeling powerful in his Escalade.

I do not own a car. The only one I own is being restored these past 3 years.  I know I am powerful because I can think and make idiots like you move on your own volition  to demonstrate you are indeed buffoons.

Drugb posted:

Don't worry, that was caribJ passing himself off as a Black American. In general I find Black Americans to hold no animosity to IndoGuyanese. Instead they hate Caribbean Blacks because they feel that they are a threat to their jobs and entitlement opportunities reserved for Blacks. Get your facts straight instead of speaking out of your rear.   

Hmmm. Can you then answer why they don't vote for Indo Guyanese candidates in Queens?

Stormborn posted:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


Even though I have seen great acts of courage to confront and live non racist lives, the contrary is the norm. Most Indian and many Blacks wear their racism as a badge of honor. The forgotten Guyanese in all of this is the Amerindian. They must abide with the quarrelsome carpetbaggers.

Welcome to the club, you anti-Indo racist carpetbagger lil buck man.  Now run off and sip your piwari, you jerk.

I tell you the truth and I get called racist by one who is truly a racist. If you need any affirmation of that check your attempt at exceeding your already supreme ignorance.

I was never aware that Black Americans don't like Guyanese Indians.  

Bibi Haniffa
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