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Former Member

This has been a preoccupation of Jagan for many years.  Why does the PPP not have racial/national unity as an important and necessary campaign objective? 


Does it not want that?

Is that not important?

Is it just content with "window-dressing" types of racial diversity?

How does it expect to pass laws that require a two-thirds majority?

How will it deal with continued parliamentary gridlock?


The lack of political and national unity is our BIGGEST problem. Why is it that ONLY the APNU-AFC Coalition is interested in racial and national unity?


We need to VOTE FOR THE PARTY that wants to unite the country.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Django:

Jay,the current PPP cabal are not interested in

racial unity they no longer follow the principles

the party was founded on.


These guys are brutal and deceptive,they are

fooling a part of Guyanese population so they

can hold on to power.Hopefully it will end soon.



The current PPP cabal are just like the PPP since the 1955 split.  The notion that the PPP was really interested in national unity is a joke.  They had between 1992 and 2000 to prove that they were.  The Jagans cared no more for national unity than does Jagdeo.  The only difference is that Jagdeo is a crude, vulgar and bitchy "man" and blatantly corrupt. 


His attitudes about race were sucked from the breast of the PPP which nurtured him.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
The current PPP cabal are just like the PPP since the 1955 split.  The notion that the PPP was really interested in national unity is a joke.  They had between 1992 and 2000 to prove that they were.  The Jagans cared no more for national unity than does Jagdeo.  The only difference is that Jagdeo is a crude, vulgar and bitchy "man" and blatantly corrupt. 


His attitudes about race were sucked from the breast of the PPP which nurtured him.

Forbes Burnham pursued a unity gov't with Cheddi Jagan


surely you are not trying to sell us the notion that Burnham was a naive man


with your screed, you do a great disservice to those (former PPP) Indian leaders in the AFC who are on the front lines fighting with David Granger for a truly equal opportunity and democratic Guyana


your ideas on these matters situate you closer to the basemans of the world than you think


Any party that does not want national unity or does not believe in national unity, DOES NOT deserve a single vote. It also means that's racist party that believes in "winner takes all." 


That's why we must abandon the PPP in large numbers and vote for the ONLY PARTY that wants national unity -- the APNU-AFC Coalition.


If you can't vote for the Coalition, then stay home.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
The current PPP cabal are just like the PPP since the 1955 split.  The notion that the PPP was really interested in national unity is a joke.  They had between 1992 and 2000 to prove that they were.  The Jagans cared no more for national unity than does Jagdeo.  The only difference is that Jagdeo is a crude, vulgar and bitchy "man" and blatantly corrupt. 


His attitudes about race were sucked from the breast of the PPP which nurtured him.

Forbes Burnham pursued a unity gov't with Cheddi Jagan


surely you are not trying to sell us the notion that Burnham was a naive man


with your screed, you do a great disservice to those (former PPP) Indian leaders in the AFC who are on the front lines fighting with David Granger for a truly equal opportunity and democratic Guyana


your ideas on these matters situate you closer to the basemans of the world than you think

I see.  Two communists in the 70s would have been good for Guyana.  That wouldn't have been a govt of national unity, unless you think that Burnham didn't rig elections, and the Jaganites, in what was still the Cold War era, sincerely believed in democracy.


Cheddi won in 1992.  Thanks to Hoyte Guyana was freed from the yoke of communism and Cheddi could have then aimed to counter act the ethnic insecurity fears of the two major groups.  He DID NOT!  And what is his legacy?  Bharat Jagdeo!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
The current PPP cabal are just like the PPP since the 1955 split.  The notion that the PPP was really interested in national unity is a joke.  They had between 1992 and 2000 to prove that they were.  The Jagans cared no more for national unity than does Jagdeo.  The only difference is that Jagdeo is a crude, vulgar and bitchy "man" and blatantly corrupt. 


His attitudes about race were sucked from the breast of the PPP which nurtured him.

Forbes Burnham pursued a unity gov't with Cheddi Jagan


surely you are not trying to sell us the notion that Burnham was a naive man


with your screed, you do a great disservice to those (former PPP) Indian leaders in the AFC who are on the front lines fighting with David Granger for a truly equal opportunity and democratic Guyana


your ideas on these matters situate you closer to the basemans of the world than you think

I see.  Two communists in the 70s would have been good for Guyana . . .

actually, what i do "see" is that, for lack of argument, you run in a carna and construct a pitiful strawman


come again better; u ain't that stupid

Originally Posted by redux:

actually, what i do "see" is that, for lack of argument, you run in a carna and construct a pitiful strawman


come again better; u ain't that stupid

So you really think that Cheddi succeeding Burnham, maintaining all of the socialist nonsense, and then accelerating Guyana's descent into a Cuban type scenario would have been a good thing?


Of course in the process turning Guyana into a one party state.


The fact that you don't see how ridiculous a Cheddi/Burnham joint gov't after they both pretty much ruined Guyana is interesting.


All I can say is that thanks to Hoyte the Jagans were forced to abandoned their communism.  As bad as Guyana is it would have been even worse under a full fledged Marxist Leninist regime.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

actually, what i do "see" is that, for lack of argument, you run in a carna and construct a pitiful strawman


come again better; u ain't that stupid

So you really think that Cheddi succeeding Burnham, maintaining all of the socialist nonsense, and then accelerating Guyana's descent into a Cuban type scenario would have been a good thing?


Of course in the process turning Guyana into a one party state.


The fact that you don't see how ridiculous a Cheddi/Burnham joint gov't after they both pretty much ruined Guyana is interesting.


All I can say is that thanks to Hoyte the Jagans were forced to abandoned their communism.  As bad as Guyana is it would have been even worse under a full fledged Marxist Leninist regime.

doan know what u are babbling about


find a dictionary and look up "straw man"

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

actually, what i do "see" is that, for lack of argument, you run in a carna and construct a pitiful strawman


come again better; u ain't that stupid

So you really think that Cheddi succeeding Burnham, maintaining all of the socialist nonsense, and then accelerating Guyana's descent into a Cuban type scenario would have been a good thing?


Of course in the process turning Guyana into a one party state.


The fact that you don't see how ridiculous a Cheddi/Burnham joint gov't after they both pretty much ruined Guyana is interesting.


All I can say is that thanks to Hoyte the Jagans were forced to abandoned their communism.  As bad as Guyana is it would have been even worse under a full fledged Marxist Leninist regime.

doan know what u are babbling about


look up "straw man"

YOU mentioned that Cheddi and Burnham wanted a national unity. 

If this is a straw man then so is your introduction of the notion that genuine national unity is something which either Burnham or Jagan were interested in at the time.


BOTTOM line.  Cheddi had full power from late 1992 until his death. What did he do to foster a sense of inclusion among ALL Guyanese?  NOTHING.  His legacy was Bharrat Jagdeo!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
The current PPP cabal are just like the PPP since the 1955 split.  The notion that the PPP was really interested in national unity is a joke.  They had between 1992 and 2000 to prove that they were.  The Jagans cared no more for national unity than does Jagdeo.  The only difference is that Jagdeo is a crude, vulgar and bitchy "man" and blatantly corrupt. 


His attitudes about race were sucked from the breast of the PPP which nurtured him.

Forbes Burnham pursued a unity gov't with Cheddi Jagan


surely you are not trying to sell us the notion that Burnham was a naive man


with your screed, you do a great disservice to those (former PPP) Indian leaders in the AFC who are on the front lines fighting with David Granger for a truly equal opportunity and democratic Guyana


your ideas on these matters situate you closer to the basemans of the world than you think

Hey hey hey, don't pull me into alyuh lil cock-fight.


BTW, baseman has always been a critic of Jagan for not more aggressively pursuing a national unity Govt and setting up a truth and reconciliation c'tee given the political and moral currency he carried after convincingly winning the 1992 elections.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

actually, what i do "see" is that, for lack of argument, you run in a carna and construct a pitiful strawman


come again better; u ain't that stupid

So you really think that Cheddi succeeding Burnham, maintaining all of the socialist nonsense, and then accelerating Guyana's descent into a Cuban type scenario would have been a good thing?


Of course in the process turning Guyana into a one party state.


The fact that you don't see how ridiculous a Cheddi/Burnham joint gov't after they both pretty much ruined Guyana is interesting.


All I can say is that thanks to Hoyte the Jagans were forced to abandoned their communism.  As bad as Guyana is it would have been even worse under a full fledged Marxist Leninist regime.

doan know what u are babbling about


look up "straw man"

YOU mentioned that Cheddi and Burnham wanted a national unity. 

If this is a straw man then so is your introduction of the notion that genuine national unity is something which either Burnham or Jagan were interested in at the time.


BOTTOM line.  Cheddi had full power from late 1992 until his death. What did he do to foster a sense of inclusion among ALL Guyanese?  NOTHING.  His legacy was Bharrat Jagdeo!

ow man, if you are that bereft, ask wan of your new frens pan this BB to explain these very simple things nah


i mean . .. dat rotting, red herring smell doan make u want to vomit?


geeez . . . u are beyond embarrassment

Originally Posted by redux:
 u are beyond embarrassment

One thing that amuses me about you is how quickly you forget what the argument is about.  You get lost in the mere fact of arguing. I suspect you don't even remember what the argument was about.


1.  FACT.  Cheddi was a Marxist Leninist and Burnham pursued his own brand of left wing state dominated "socialism".  Both brands brought Guyana to the brink of collapse.


2. FACT.  Guyanese were tired of this and were glad when Hoyte liberalized the economy.  If the Jagans maintained their Marxist Leninism they would have lost the 1997 election.  Hoyte forced their hand, so coming into power in 1992 they had to continue down the path that he set. Hoyte doesn't get credit for this.


3.  FACT.  If a national unity gov't succeeded at that point there would be no hope for Guyana, unless you admire the state of disrepair that Cuba is in, and the extreme centralization of power within a small clique and the extreme punishment meted out to those who desire to express their free thought.  We would NOT have benefitted from the Hoyte reforms.


FACT.  Were Cheddi really interested in national unity, and not merely attempting to obtain power through a coalition with Burnham, he would have pursued it after 1992.  Instead he gave us Jagdeo.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

ow man, if you are that bereft, ask wan of your new frens pan this BB to explain these very simple things nah


i mean . .. dat rotting, red herring smell doan make u want to vomit?


geeez . . . u are beyond embarrassment

One thing that amuses me about you is how quickly you forget what the argument is about.  You get lost in the mere fact of arguing. I suspect you don't even remember what the argument was about.


1.  FACT.  Cheddi was a Marxist Leninist and Burnham pursued his own brand of left wing state dominated "socialism".  Both brands brought Guyana to the brink of collapse.


2. FACT.  Guyanese were tired of this and were glad when Hoyte liberalized the economy.  If the Jagans maintained their Marxist Leninism they would have lost the 1997 election.  Hoyte forced their hand, so coming into power in 1992 they had to continue down the path that he set. Hoyte doesn't get credit for this.


3.  FACT.  If a national unity gov't succeeded at that point there would be no hope for Guyana, unless you admire the state of disrepair that Cuba is in, and the extreme centralization of power within a small clique and the extreme punishment meted out to those who desire to express their free thought.  We would NOT have benefitted from the Hoyte reforms.


FACT.  Were Cheddi really interested in national unity, and not merely attempting to obtain power through a coalition with Burnham, he would have pursued it after 1992.  Instead he gave us Jagdeo.

this is a rale aggressive, very detailed  'debate' on u are having with yourself in red herring land


anybody explain to u what "straw man" mean yet?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

actually, what i do "see" is that, for lack of argument, you run in a carna and construct a pitiful strawman


come again better; u ain't that stupid

So you really think that Cheddi succeeding Burnham, maintaining all of the socialist nonsense, and then accelerating Guyana's descent into a Cuban type scenario would have been a good thing?


Of course in the process turning Guyana into a one party state.


The fact that you don't see how ridiculous a Cheddi/Burnham joint gov't after they both pretty much ruined Guyana is interesting.


All I can say is that thanks to Hoyte the Jagans were forced to abandoned their communism.  As bad as Guyana is it would have been even worse under a full fledged Marxist Leninist regime.

doan know what u are babbling about


find a dictionary and look up "straw man"

I agree with Carib on this.

Originally Posted by redux:

anybody explain to u what "straw man" mean yet?

Yes.  YOU are the straw man.  You introduce the notion that Burnham and Jagan were pursuing what YOU call a gov't of national unity and when told how bad that would have been for Guyana, you get all caught up in your rage. 


FACT.  What Burnham and Jagan were pursuing in the 80s was NOT the type of national unity that Guyana needed.  It is good that it didn't happen.


FACT.  When Cheddi became president he did NOT attempt national unity.


So my positions stands.  The PPP has NOT been serious about dealing with the African security dilemma, which emerged after the party split and they became (to coin Jagdeo and Rohee) a "coolie party".


Unless the attempt is to resolve the Indian and African security dilemmas it is NOT a gov't of national unity.  Joining two communist, even as Guyanese were tiring of that system, was NOT about national unity.  It was about two men attempting to maintain power.  Cheddi, unable to fight against the Burnham dictatorship, was attempting to join it.


What makes the APNU AFC coalition different, if they win, is


1.  It will be DEMOCRATICALLY elected


2.   There will be checks and balances to preclude a one race elected dictatorship.


At no point since 1955 has the PPP ever been interested in that.  It is a credit to the CONTEMPORARY PNC that they are, at least for now, attempting to resolve Guyana's ethnic dilemma by being willing to embrace checks and balances.  They have been as guilty of one race dictatorial rule in the past as the PPP is guilty of it today.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Yes. Credit to APNU and AFC for making this initial step which should be supported.  PPP not interested in national and racial unity.


Please go and donate today at the AFC website.  The PPP is outspending them and dominate the media.


Can't let this crooks win again.

What happen to their fund raising? The drug mules are being intercepted? Loss of huge amounts of cash.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Yes. Credit to APNU and AFC for making this initial step which should be supported.  PPP not interested in national and racial unity.


Please go and donate today at the AFC website.  The PPP is outspending them and dominate the media.


Can't let this crooks win again.

What happen to their fund raising? The drug mules are being intercepted? Loss of huge amounts of cash.

Is yo PPP buddies dem who got picked up for that, go talk with them nuh, see what more you can find out.


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:


However, I am hoping our people are mature enough to know the PPP's time is up.

Hope doesn't win elections.  Sound strategies and implementation does.  If the PPP wins maybe next time you wouldn't attack realists and instead listen to what they say.

Oi man, do you know each and every move the opposition makes?

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:


However, I am hoping our people are mature enough to know the PPP's time is up.

Hope doesn't win elections.  Sound strategies and implementation does.  If the PPP wins maybe next time you wouldn't attack realists and instead listen to what they say.

Oi man, do you know each and every move the opposition makes?

Just don't start screaming and blaming Guyanese people if the PPP wins.


Couple points here:


1. F Jagan and he homan.


2. F Burnham.


3. F "national and racial unity." This is 2015. The role of the government is not to forge identities or get us to hug and sing kumbaya. I will hug who I so choose on my own terms. And I will not hug those whom I doan wanna. This is the kinda communist/statist nonsense that Guyana needs to get away from. The government should not be in the business of social engineering.


The Coalition is too caught up in this Narcissus state whereby they seem to be in love with their own reflection in the midst of an election campaign with like 3 weeks to go. The problem of Guyana is not that we need more's that we need systems and policies designed for a multiethnic and multiracial nation starting with our system of governance. The hugs will follow.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

.. The problem of Guyana is not that we need more's that we need systems and policies designed for a multiethnic and multiracial nation starting with our system of governance. The hugs will follow.

APNU AFC offers 60% of cabinet to the majority African party which will get 80% of the votes, so conceding more than they ought to.  Ditto for MP seats.  In addition the PM will be tasked with selecting boards and heads of state owned organizations.


PPP offers Elisabeth Harper whose son is a crook and whose only role seems to be smiling and reading prepared speeches.  She isn't even allowed to debate.


So who is making a greater attempt at dealing with the ethnic insecurity which impact over 80% of the population (Indian, Africans and Afro identified mixed)?


APNU AFC goes way beyond hugs.  The PPP just treats blacks as tokens, charity cases and beggars who they can bribe for piddling amounts.  When the big boys sit down and make decisions few blacks will be around, and NONE of those blacks are known to have a following among blacks, or a feeling of obligation towards them.  Just look at how Roger Luncheon behaves when issues of Afro Guyanese comes up.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

.. The problem of Guyana is not that we need more's that we need systems and policies designed for a multiethnic and multiracial nation starting with our system of governance. The hugs will follow.

APNU AFC offers 60% of cabinet to the majority African party which will get 80% of the votes, so conceding more than they ought to.  Ditto for MP seats.  In addition the PM will be tasked with selecting boards and heads of state owned organizations.


PPP offers Elisabeth Harper whose son is a crook and whose only role seems to be smiling and reading prepared speeches.  She isn't even allowed to debate.


So who is making a greater attempt at dealing with the ethnic insecurity which impact over 80% of the population (Indian, Africans and Afro identified mixed)?


APNU AFC goes way beyond hugs.  The PPP just treats blacks as tokens, charity cases and beggars who they can bribe for piddling amounts.  When the big boys sit down and make decisions few blacks will be around, and NONE of those blacks are known to have a following among blacks, or a feeling of obligation towards them.  Just look at how Roger Luncheon behaves when issues of Afro Guyanese comes up.


Preaching to the choir dude. I agree.


I just don't think this is enough to overcome the Indian anxiety to a return of the PNC to Government.


The problem that the PNC has is not just one of finding the right Cabinet formula of Blacks:Indians but of making some serious dramatic gestures geared specifically to the Indian population to alleviate the psychological baggage. Let us be frank, the PNC is perceived by Indians as not merely pro-Black but anti-Indian.


The PNC's "unique" history with and relationship with the Indian population has been so singularly adversarial that they need to make some concessions to Indians in order to stand a chance at winning some Indian support. Such concessions the PNC is obviously not psychologically prepared to make. Guyana is then for the foreseeable future doomed to PPP domination until Blacks and the Mixed population make it to an absolute majority of the voting population...which is probably just around the corner at the 2020 election.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


Preaching to the choir dude. I agree.


I just don't think this is enough to overcome the Indian anxiety to a return of the PNC to Government.


The problem that the PNC has is not just one of finding the right Cabinet formula of Blacks:Indians but of making some serious dramatic gestures geared specifically to the Indian population to alleviate the psychological baggage. Let us be frank, the PNC is perceived by Indians as not merely pro-Black but anti-Indian.


The PNC's "unique" history with and relationship with the Indian population has been so singularly adversarial that they need to make some concessions to Indians in order to stand a chance at winning some Indian support. Such concessions the PNC is obviously not psychologically prepared to make. Guyana is then for the foreseeable future doomed to PPP domination until Blacks and the Mixed population make it to an absolute majority of the voting population...which is probably just around the corner at the 2020 election.



Well Indians will have to get over it.  The longer they ignore African insecurity, and the smaller the Indian population gets the more vulnerable they will become.  So huddling with the PPP, which has no interest in resolving the ethnic insecurity issue, isnt going to help them.


The fact that the PNC has put itself in a position where Nagamootoo can hold them hostage, even though he brings at most 20% of the coalition's support shows commitment.


If Indians cannot buy that then they deserve the consequences of not dealing with the ethnic insecurity problem.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


Preaching to the choir dude. I agree.


I just don't think this is enough to overcome the Indian anxiety to a return of the PNC to Government.


The problem that the PNC has is not just one of finding the right Cabinet formula of Blacks:Indians but of making some serious dramatic gestures geared specifically to the Indian population to alleviate the psychological baggage. Let us be frank, the PNC is perceived by Indians as not merely pro-Black but anti-Indian.


The PNC's "unique" history with and relationship with the Indian population has been so singularly adversarial that they need to make some concessions to Indians in order to stand a chance at winning some Indian support. Such concessions the PNC is obviously not psychologically prepared to make. Guyana is then for the foreseeable future doomed to PPP domination until Blacks and the Mixed population make it to an absolute majority of the voting population...which is probably just around the corner at the 2020 election.



Well Indians will have to get over it.  The longer they ignore African insecurity, and the smaller the Indian population gets the more vulnerable they will become.  So huddling with the PPP, which has no interest in resolving the ethnic insecurity issue, isnt going to help them.


The fact that the PNC has put itself in a position where Nagamootoo can hold them hostage, even though he brings at most 20% of the coalition's support shows commitment.


If Indians cannot buy that then they deserve the consequences of not dealing with the ethnic insecurity problem.



Spoken like a true die hard. This is about one of the most honest posts you've ever made. I am a little saddened by it though.


The Indians need to get over it. F em! Understood loud and clear.


Perfectly fine opinion to hold. Which is why Indians and sufficient numbers of Amerindians (a people who were also abused on a racial basis by the PNC in Government) will vote on May 11, 2015 to re-elect the PPP.


The PNC is not willing to do what it takes to atone for its past sins so then it must wait for Blacks and the Mixed population to come of age electorally to outvote the Indos+Amerindians Voting Majority.


I don't see any other way. This is a farce that will play itself out. quote/paraphrase my nemesis redux "your liberal education has only managed to go skin deep and no further." You obviously feel that it's ok for Indians to actually suffer for voting a particular way. I didn't know that's how civilized people think. I have never met an Indian who thinks that Blacks should suffer or be "made vulnerable" for voting PNC. Your mental framework is seriously in question. Indians are not some enemy population to be bullied. Unfortunately, if this is the "moderate" PNC position then I suspect the ordinary Indos are ahead of me in supporting our PPP mudheads over such an alternative.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Spoken like a true die hard. This is about one of the most honest posts you've ever made. I am a little saddened by it though.


The Indians need to get over it. F em! Understood loud and clear.


Perfectly fine opinion to hold. Which is why Indians and sufficient numbers of Amerindians (a people who were also abused on a racial basis by the PNC in Government) will vote on May 11, 2015 to re-elect the PPP.


The PNC is not willing to do what it takes to atone for its past sins so then it must wait for Blacks and the Mixed population to come of age electorally to outvote the Indos+Amerindians Voting Majority.


I don't see any other way. This is a farce that will play itself out.

So let Indians wait for the day when an avenging black and mixed population takes over and starts treating them the way that they were treated by the PPP?


Because this is what Indians are inviting if they don't deal with the problem.


Indians feel that the PNC has been hostile to them.


Africans and many mixed people feel the same about the PPP.


And yet the onus is only on African and mixed people to resolve the problem?  And in fact the party which represents the bulk of the African and mixed votes has gone out of its way, for pragmatic reasons to be sure, to attempt to solve this problem.


So what more do Indians want?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Spoken like a true die hard. This is about one of the most honest posts you've ever made. I am a little saddened by it though.


The Indians need to get over it. F em! Understood loud and clear.


Perfectly fine opinion to hold. Which is why Indians and sufficient numbers of Amerindians (a people who were also abused on a racial basis by the PNC in Government) will vote on May 11, 2015 to re-elect the PPP.


The PNC is not willing to do what it takes to atone for its past sins so then it must wait for Blacks and the Mixed population to come of age electorally to outvote the Indos+Amerindians Voting Majority.


I don't see any other way. This is a farce that will play itself out.

So let Indians wait for the day when an avenging black and mixed population takes over and starts treating them the way that they were treated by the PPP?


Because this is what Indians are inviting if they don't deal with the problem.


Indians feel that the PNC has been hostile to them.


Africans and many mixed people feel the same about the PPP.


And yet the onus is only on African and mixed people to resolve the problem?  And in fact the party which represents the bulk of the African and mixed votes has gone out of its way, for pragmatic reasons to be sure, to attempt to solve this problem.


So what more do Indians want?


WTF is an "avenging Black and Mixed population"? You mean that Indians are opening themselves up to violence by voting PPP?


What about the Amerindians who vote PPP? Are they to be violently dealt with too? What about those pockets of Black and Mixed who vote PPP? Are we murdering them too?


I never said the onus is on any particular group to do anything. I'm referring to the PNC as a political party which is vying for Indian votes. This is about what the PNC has to do if it wants Indian votes. I'm not of the opinion that the PNC speaks for Blacks and Mixed people anymore than the PPP speaks for Indians. I don't know any Indian who truly supports the PPP. I know Indians vote PPP to avoid the plague that the PNC as an organization is viewed as.


Let's be clear here. Let us speak about parties separately rather than conflating them with races. I am of course not saying that race is not a valid lens to view these parties under. I don't think Black people are to be held responsible as a people for PNC behavior. Neither do I think Indian people are somehow collectively responsible for PPP excesses. It may shock you to know that only like a couple hundred Indians (perhaps 400 to 500) are card carrying members of the PPP. The PPP is actually highly selective of applicants. I don't expect that the PNC has a huge number of Black and Mixed people in its ranks. Probably hundreds to a few single digit thousands at most. It may seem odd to you but these organizations do not really represent Guyana's principal races.


P.S...When the PPP gets sent to the Opposition benches, I will offer the same advice to them if asked. Get on your knees and apologize to Black/Mixed voters; and make some sincere and possibly grand gestures commensurate with what the Black/Mixed target voters are demanding. Hell I'd even suggest they find some Black/Mixed candidate to head the List to peel off enough Black/Mixed voters. And I'll have the same answer for them when they gripe to me....tough. Shoulda thought about that when you were oppressing those people. Now you just have to pay a high price on account of your own sordid history.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

WTF is an "avenging Black and Mixed population"? You mean that Indians are opening themselves up to violence by voting PPP?


What about the Amerindians who vote PPP? Are they to be violently dealt with too? What about those pockets of Black and Mixed who vote PPP? Are we murdering them too?


I never said the onus is on any particular group to do anything. I'm referring to the PNC as a political party which is vying for Indian votes. This is about what the PNC has to do if it wants Indian votes. I'm not of the opinion that the PNC speaks for Blacks and Mixed people anymore than the PPP speaks for Indians. I don't know any Indian who truly supports the PPP. I know Indians vote PPP to avoid the plague that the PNC as an organization is viewed as.


Let's be clear here. Let us speak about parties separately rather than conflating them with races. I am of course not saying that race is not a valid lens to view these parties under. I don't think Black people are to be held responsible as a people for PNC behavior. Neither do I think Indian people are somehow collectively responsible for PPP excesses. It may shock you to know that only like a couple hundred Indians (perhaps 400 to 500) are card carrying members of the PPP. The PPP is actually highly selective of applicants. I don't expect that the PNC has a huge number of Black and Mixed people in its ranks. Probably hundreds to a few single digit thousands at most. It may seem odd to you but these organizations do not really represent Guyana's principal races.

The parties exist only because the races feel insecure.  The parties misbehave because their supporters over look their misbehavior because the parties provide them with  psychic comfort.  So one cannot separate race from party behavior.  


BOTH Africans and Indians are GUILTY and BOTH Africans and Indians have suffered.  As indeed have Guyanese as a whole as Guyana has tumbled to the bottom of most socio economic indicators in the English speaking Caribbean.  This when we were a destination for many Islanders up to the late 50s. 


This is what 60 years of ethnic insecurity has done to Guyana.  To the point where even impoverished St Vincent has become a destination for Guyanese.  Vincentians used to flock to Guyana as a promised land, many finding work in the bauxite mines.


So why is the PPP let off the hook?  Why are you rambling on about the PNC, when it has begun to attempt to resolve the problem? 


The PPP not only has done NOTHING.  Not only does it scream that there is no problem, but it is waging the most cynical campaign of racial panic since the early 60s.  The PPP is waging a war against blacks.  LOOK at the comments by almost all of the PPP posters.  Comments that would be perfectly OK on a white supremacist site.





And yes Africans and mixed people can well avenge against Indians just as Indians avenged against them in 1992 and continue to do so today.  If Indians do not participate in resolving the issues of ethnic insecurity then this is the outcome that they will face.  They onus CANNOT be only on one group to solve the problem!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:


However, I am hoping our people are mature enough to know the PPP's time is up.

Hope doesn't win elections.  Sound strategies and implementation does.  If the PPP wins maybe next time you wouldn't attack realists and instead listen to what they say.

WATTAX!!! Bitch slap again. JB's face must be permanently welted. He will need to get a new id to vote in Guyana.

All you notice this JB is constantly on the board and his side kicks Brian Teekah and KishanB being absent? Wanda wah happenin' wid dem 2 bais?

Last edited by Former Member

again caribny, do u think Forbes Burnham was naive for pursuing a unity gov't with Cheddi Jagan? . . . that is, since u claim Cheddi was such a vile racist and all


lemme put it another way just so you doan waste the whole day (like yesterday) deploying red herrings and fiteing ruff ruff with yourself:


do you think that Burnham considered Cheddi a racist of the kind u are selling on GNI?


this is a very narrow inquiry . . .

Last edited by Former Member

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