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Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

P.S...When the PPP gets sent to the Opposition benches, I will offer the same advice to them if asked. Get on your knees and apologize to Black/Mixed voters; and make some sincere and possibly grand gestures commensurate with what the Black/Mixed target voters are demanding. Hell I'd even suggest they find some Black/Mixed candidate to head the List to peel off enough Black/Mixed voters. And I'll have the same answer for them when they gripe to me....tough. Shoulda thought about that when you were oppressing those people. Now you just have to pay a high price on account of your own sordid history.

So why don't you do so now.  The PPP is bad because its supporters allow it to be bad.  They allow it to do bad because they are afraid.


The PNC was bad because its supporters allowed it to be bad.  They allowed it do bad because they were afraid......and the FACT remains that everything that blacks were told by the PNC when it engaged in its racial panic against Indians turned out to be true.  Blacks were told that if the PPP ever gained power that they would be driven into the sea, meaning that they would be completely marginalized.  In 2015, seeing the state of Afro Guyanese it is hard to argue against that.


One cannot make demands on one side without doing the same to the other side.  The PPP is engaging in race panic.  So suppose they win?  Does that mean that they have no obligation to engage the African and those mixed people who feel targeted by them?  You do know that a PPP victory will see the most egregious display of arrogance and brutality not seen since the Burnham era of the late 70s until his death.


So where will that leave Indians when the voting age population collapses to the levels where their total population is, and African and mixed votes out number Indians, and the Amerindians decide that it makes sense to join that winning horse?  How does it help Indians to allow the PPP to continue to engage in ethnic exclusion in the event that they win.  And most commentators put it as 50:50 at this point in time?


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