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Anybody knows why? Most of the big money projects involves foreign investors setting up entertainment related businesses in Guyana. Many with the financial help of the PPP. Profits are then syphoned out of Guyana.

But where are the same level of spending to create manufacturing and agricultural jobs? With our fertile soil we should be the bread basket of the Caribbean. Instead we are a source of cheap, and mostly illegal, labour to many islands in the Caribbean.

So what's the score? Anyone knows what's behind the policy, and what's the strategy for growth?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I can tell you, manufacturing is locked down by the chinese and other technologically advanced nations. The rest of the caribbean gave up on agriculture long ago because it is no longer profitable, the larger nations with their technology can outproduce and out price guyana. wake up and smell the coffee. hahahahha
Guyana is a beautiful country to visit. For many years Guyana was hidden from the outer world. It's time to open up and allowed people to explore the uncharted rainforest. Manufacturing and agriculture are for local consumption only. Guyana is already exporting its resources like rice, sugar, timber, etc., just to name a few.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
I can tell you, manufacturing is locked down by the chinese and other technologically advanced nations. The rest of the caribbean gave up on agriculture long ago because it is no longer profitable, the larger nations with their technology can outproduce and out price guyana. wake up and smell the coffee. hahahahha

druggie you said Guyana is a horrible country with nothing to interest tourists. So why does the PPP waste money?

Guyanese go home to see family. Unless there is huge group, or their Guyana based family is impoverished why will they not stay with them?

See no need for an expensive brand name hotel in Guyana. If private investors think otherwise they should put their money where their mouth is and finance it 100%.

But then Jagdeo will not be able to reap US$ 1 million from the project.
Originally posted by Cobra:
It's time to open up and allowed people to explore the uncharted rainforest..

And the best way is to build a hotel overlooking a harbor with little of interest to any one?

Why not focus on upgrading accommodations in interior locations, developing competitive packages, and aggressively promoting Guyana to the eco-adventure market?

Georgetown has no shortage of hotels and few tourists will want to spend more than a day or two there. I have seen enough comments made by them. The rest of coastal Guyana interests them even less.
Originally posted by Cobra:
Your vision for Guyana resembles a village with mud huts and children of starvation waiting for a drop of water to survive. Guyana is far beyond your imagination.

This is where Guyana will eb after the PPP wastes money in hotels that are not needed, fancy airports, sugar factories that dont work...and a president who spends more time with drug dealers than with any one else.

Take it form me. Food will be the most valuable commodity soon as global warming leads to collapsing harvests in many places. Those who can grow, process and export food are good to go.

But you prefer ANOTHER EMPTY hotel in Gtwn....eventually closed after Marriott decides their management fees paid to them are inadequate due to this fact.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Anybody knows why? Most of the big money projects involves foreign investors setting up entertainment related businesses in Guyana. Many with the financial help of the PPP. Profits are then syphoned out of Guyana.

But where are the same level of spending to create manufacturing and agricultural jobs? With our fertile soil we should be the bread basket of the Caribbean. Instead we are a source of cheap, and mostly illegal, labour to many islands in the Caribbean.

So what's the score? Anyone knows what's behind the policy, and what's the strategy for growth?

Because the rate of return to pocket more is greater with the tourish industry, less accountability, as if there is any.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
The rest of the caribbean gave up on agriculture long ago because it is no longer profitable, the larger nations with their technology can outproduce and out price guyana.

So you are suggesting that we import everything since it makes no sense to grow our own food and sell the excess to the rest of the Caribbean?
Bai as the world population increases, so will the demand for more food. Your suggestion that the larger nation can out produce us flies in the face of facts. Neither India nor China are capable of producing enough food to feed their population. But nobody doubt their increased presence on the world trade market. SO who are they buying food from? From a lot of poor African countries, or from Brazil, or next door neighbour.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Anybody knows why? Most of the big money projects involves foreign investors setting up entertainment related businesses in Guyana. Many with the financial help of the PPP. Profits are then syphoned out of Guyana.

But where are the same level of spending to create manufacturing and agricultural jobs? With our fertile soil we should be the bread basket of the Caribbean. Instead we are a source of cheap, and mostly illegal, labour to many islands in the Caribbean.

So what's the score? Anyone knows what's behind the policy, and what's the strategy for growth?

Tourism is the fastest way to get liquid cash. It also supports service industries.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
I can tell you, manufacturing is locked down by the chinese and other technologically advanced nations. The rest of the caribbean gave up on agriculture long ago because it is no longer profitable, the larger nations with their technology can outproduce and out price guyana. wake up and smell the coffee. hahahahha
the ppp crime family is not smelling no coffee.these crimicals is smelling the cocain.why plant or manufacture when you can ship cocain.
Originally posted by TI:
Mr T.
Yu ever farm? All these people who talking about breadbasket ever set foot in a field? It's hard work.

Bai my family was making their fortune from farming untill the PNC thugs came and stole all our poultry cows and pigs, then burned down the farm house and raided the fields of all what we planted and sold. We moved to Berbice to continue farming, but once Burnham started banning the importation of fertilizers and packet seeds we had to give up.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by TI:
Mr T.
Yu ever farm? All these people who talking about breadbasket ever set foot in a field? It's hard work.

Bai my family was making their fortune from farming untill the PNC thugs came and stole all our poultry cows and pigs, then burned down the farm house and raided the fields of all what we planted and sold. We moved to Berbice to continue farming, but once Burnham started banning the importation of fertilizers and packet seeds we had to give up.
i guess you is a black man because the indian people still belive in farming,it dont matter who rule guyana the indian people will the whole history of rice farming in guyana,the indian people make the most money when hoyte was ruling.facts
Originally posted by warrior:
i guess you is a black man because the indian people still belive in farming,it dont matter who rule guyana the indian people will the whole history of rice farming in guyana,the indian people make the most money when hoyte was ruling.facts

I am not, but race is not an issue. Your comment on the Indian ppl still farming under the PNC is very important however. There were a lot of PPP collaborators funding the PNC during those dark days.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by warrior:
i guess you is a black man because the indian people still belive in farming,it dont matter who rule guyana the indian people will the whole history of rice farming in guyana,the indian people make the most money when hoyte was ruling.facts

I am not, but race is not an issue. Your comment on the Indian ppl still farming under the PNC is very important however. There were a lot of PPP collaborators funding the PNC during those dark days.
when hoyte take over the pnc,i dont consider it as dark days.infact the country start to inprove.and one of thethings that the indian people should be happy about then is the crime rate went down.infact it was way lower than it is taday
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Warrow Kyat,

How do you explain crime in the US where law enforcement is nowhere near corrupt like the GPF nor the economy is as bad as Guyana's?
when i think of people like you that is running the government it scare the shit out of the GPF is CORRUP and the guyana economy is guys have to make up your mind
When you people speak of Hoyte you speak as if he had some kind of magical power. The economy was terrible under Hoyte and crime was rampant. He made cosmetic changes that did very little for Guyana. Real economic changes began around 1993. The Custom & Excise Dept. reported revenues of 1 billion dollars in the last year of the PNC gov't which was 1992. In the first full year of the PPP/Civic gov't revenues collected amounted to 19 billion dollars. Off course, trade picked up but the real difference came from people not stealing as they did before.

Warrow, please find out how much revenue the Custom and Excise Dept. collected in 2010 and then gauged against the last year of the PNC gov't in office. We want to make a comparison and from that we will make a logical deduction(s).

That's project for you.

Good luck and do your best. Professor Nehru of York College will review your findings/
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Warrow Kyat,

How do you explain crime in the US where law enforcement is nowhere near corrupt like the GPF nor the economy is as bad as Guyana's?

How do the statistics compare percentage wise?


For a man who lives in City of London you does ask some stupid questions. My question to him is to elucidate what's really behind crime in the US and Guyana. It's not merely meant to compare statistical differences. It's about what triggers the individual to become a criminal be it genetics or environmental factors.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Bhai, Dont waste time with this Chap. He terrible at Math, English, Econ, Commerce, Finance and Speech. yippie partybanana panman yippie yippie
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
When you people speak of Hoyte you speak as if he had some kind of magical power. The economy was terrible under Hoyte and crime was rampant. He made cosmetic changes that did very little for Guyana. Real economic changes began around 1993. The Custom & Excise Dept. reported revenues of 1 billion dollars in the last year of the PNC gov't which was 1992. In the first full year of the PPP/Civic gov't revenues collected amounted to 19 billion dollars. Off course, trade picked up but the real difference came from people not stealing as they did before.

Warrow, please find out how much revenue the Custom and Excise Dept. collected in 2010 and then gauged against the last year of the PNC gov't in office. We want to make a comparison and from that we will make a logical deduction(s).

That's project for you.

Good luck and do your best. Professor Nehru of York College will review your findings/
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
When you people speak of Hoyte you speak as if he had some kind of magical power. The economy was terrible under Hoyte and crime was rampant. He made cosmetic changes that did very little for Guyana. Real economic changes began around 1993. The Custom & Excise Dept. reported revenues of 1 billion dollars in the last year of the PNC gov't which was 1992. In the first full year of the PPP/Civic gov't revenues collected amounted to 19 billion dollars. Off course, trade picked up but the real difference came from people not stealing as they did before.

Warrow, please find out how much revenue the Custom and Excise Dept. collected in 2010 and then gauged against the last year of the PNC gov't in office. We want to make a comparison and from that we will make a logical deduction(s).

That's project for you.

Good luck and do your best. Professor Nehru of York College will review your findings/
billy goat you asking your question and answering your self.what is inportant to ask,is lets look at the assets of the ministers then and the ministers now the president house then and the pre now
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
My question to him is to elucidate what's really behind crime in the US and Guyana. It's not merely meant to compare statistical differences. It's about what triggers the individual to become a criminal be it genetics or environmental factors.

Drugs and alcohol are prime candidates in both countries. How do they stack up?
Originally posted by Nehru:
Bhai, Dont waste time with this Chap. He terrible at Math, English, Econ, Commerce, Finance and Speech. yippie partybanana panman yippie yippie
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
When you people speak of Hoyte you speak as if he had some kind of magical power. The economy was terrible under Hoyte and crime was rampant. He made cosmetic changes that did very little for Guyana. Real economic changes began around 1993. The Custom & Excise Dept. reported revenues of 1 billion dollars in the last year of the PNC gov't which was 1992. In the first full year of the PPP/Civic gov't revenues collected amounted to 19 billion dollars. Off course, trade picked up but the real difference came from people not stealing as they did before.

Warrow, please find out how much revenue the Custom and Excise Dept. collected in 2010 and then gauged against the last year of the PNC gov't in office. We want to make a comparison and from that we will make a logical deduction(s).

That's project for you.

Good luck and do your best. Professor Nehru of York College will review your findings/
why don you crawl back into your rum bottle
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
When you people speak of Hoyte you speak as if he had some kind of magical power. The economy was terrible under Hoyte and crime was rampant. /

The economy gean to grow in 1991 and 1992 and a few years after. This being due in part to Hoyte, as the liberalization of the economy was the cause. Hoyte finally sidelined the Burnhamist crowd by 1989.

It began to stagnate after 1998. Recent growth is in construction and in retail, all due to remittances passing through the economy. Except for gold there has been little real growth. Gold prices having nothing to do with the PPP.

Janet Jagan used to cry every night over what Hoyte had done. Thanks to him she couldnt figure out how to turn Guyana into a communist paradise that Marx and Castro would have bene proud of. It took her a while to allow the PPP to stop claiming to be a Marxist Leninist party. Indeed even Ramotar was boasting about that not too long ago.
Originally posted by Cobra:
Guyana is a beautiful country to visit. For many years Guyana was hidden from the outer world. It's time to open up and allowed people to explore the uncharted rainforest. Manufacturing and agriculture are for local consumption only. Guyana is already exporting its resources like rice, sugar, timber, etc., just to name a few.

Very true... a beautiful country. Europeans are now making their way into Guyana's beautiful rainforest, whereas in the past, they never knew of it and visited other South American and Latin American countries.
We don't have the white beaches of Jamaica or other islands, but we have something of great value to many scholars, academics and nature seekers. We need to capitalize on our natural beauty in tourism.

Also,many Guyanese who have left in the 70s and 80s, now bring their grown children to see their parents' birth country and you would be amazed when the kids play in the yard and run around on the streets, how happy they are. They are not in a hurry to return to England or North America.

Our natural resources are not sufficient to sustain us as a nation, so we must look to other opportunities, including hosting international sports games, such as World Cup Cricket, or meetings of the Secretariat of Latin American nations.

Let us look to the positive and develop solutions.

The Government will need to continue to develop and grow the nation...
Originally posted by Apollo:
Very true... a beautiful country. Europeans are now making their way into Guyana's beautiful rainforest,...

How many of them. 500 per year, a couple hundred on cruises.

But then why spend so much money in ANOTHER hotel in georgetown when teh Europeans ahve scant interest in that town, and virtually none in the rest of the coast. A day of St georges, Ave of the Republic, Stabroek market (hopefully they will not get mugged), and they are off to the interior. Dont take them to the zoo otherwise there will be an international campaign by the naturists deploring cruelty to animals.

But you have scant amenities in the interior. Ought not taxpayer's money gone to build an "upscale" inetrior lodge with full amenities and a range of activities (horse riding, white water rafting, animal watching, etc).

No ANOTHER hotel in Gtwn and babble about Guyana's attractions, few being in that city, and few being easily accessable fropm that city.

Note the kids run around the yard, where their relatives live. They have no interest in running around Marriott, which will be no different from other hotels in North America.

To waste taxdollars on beuinding amenities for the occassiobal conference or two seems like what those African dictators do, while the hotels fall into disrepair until the next conference.

There will NEVER be another CWC in the Caribbean. It is the general consensus that EVERY one lost $$$ on that fiasco.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Apollo:
Credit must be given to Jagdeo for his training as an Economist. .

Guyana remains the poorest nation in the English speaking Caribbean. Its peoples forced to beg an entry into tiny rocks and coral reefs in order so their families can eb fed.

Oh well. Thats progress to you.

Guyana is richer than all the countries in the english speaking caribben put together..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Apollo:
Credit must be given to Jagdeo for his training as an Economist. .

Guyana remains the poorest nation in the English speaking Caribbean. Its peoples forced to beg an entry into tiny rocks and coral reefs in order so their families can eb fed.

Oh well. Thats progress to you.

Guyana is richer than all the countries in the english speaking caribben put together..

You holding the chart upside down drunkie. Ease up on the sagi wang.
Originally posted by caribj:

druggie you said Guyana is a horrible country with nothing to interest tourists. So why does the PPP waste money?

Guyanese go home to see family. Unless there is huge group, or their Guyana based family is impoverished why will they not stay with them?

See no need for an expensive brand name hotel in Guyana. If private investors think otherwise they should put their money where their mouth is and finance it 100%.

But then Jagdeo will not be able to reap US$ 1 million from the project.

I don't know the details of the marriot hotel, you seem to know more than the rest of us. I do agree that it should be a privately financed project sticking to my belief that govt should not be involved in private sector. Nevertheless the Marriot brand will be good for the nation regardless of who finances it. It will be an internationally recognized brand for foreign dignitaries and wealthy visitors. You will be surprised how many millionaire Guyanese are in this world ready to visit if accommodations are available to suit their standards.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
So you are suggesting that we import everything since it makes no sense to grow our own food and sell the excess to the rest of the Caribbean?
Bai as the world population increases, so will the demand for more food. Your suggestion that the larger nation can out produce us flies in the face of facts. Neither India nor China are capable of producing enough food to feed their population. But nobody doubt their increased presence on the world trade market. SO who are they buying food from? From a lot of poor African countries, or from Brazil, or next door neighbour.

Where did I make this suggestion? Govt should not be investing in any private enterprise. They should only act as facilitators rather than owners of business. If manufacturing or agriculture is profitable then the more efficient private sector will invest. It is how capitalism works.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by baseman:
Because tey could skim off. Because the have little strategic vision. Tourism is a dead duck.

Then you can say the same of the rest of the Caribbean which has abandoned manufacturing and agriculture. As usual the AFC snake oil salesmen at work making foolish claims.
when guyana get blue water and white sand on their beaches let me know.have you ever heard about all inclusive packages. when guyana get that let me know
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
]Then you can say the same of the rest of the Caribbean which has abandoned manufacturing and agriculture.

So where they getting their fresh fruits aand vegetables from? Guyana?
Before Du Casse raised all those plantations to the ground around 1705, what is now Guyana used to be one of the bread basket of Europe. No island in the Caribbean has such fertile land, abundance of water, and keen workforce. But neither the PPP government, nor its rich backers, are willing to invest and harvest the land. The small individual farmers don't have the capital or size of land to make it a productive exercise.
The PPP regime and its financiers prefer a quick buck from fleecing tourists in hotels and casinos. Those are not being built to exploit tourism travel to the interior. No, they are being built to keep as much of the tourist spending to a mere handful of location. In other words, the money is not filtering through to people outside of the circle.
Originally posted by the new yorker:
Isn't coke considered an agricultural product?

Yes, but it needs chemical manufacturing. It would definitely create jobs and jumpstart poor economies.
There is also a great demand in the U.S.A. so this would be an excellent choice for developing nations if approved. The legal marijuana business is thriving in California. I would legalize the growing of marijuana in Guyana and exporting to the U.S. clinics.
Originally posted by warrior:
when guyana get blue water and white sand on their beaches let me know.have you ever heard about all inclusive packages. when guyana get that let me know

Yes indeed, tourism will only be marginally successful in Guyana given the lack of blue water and white sand. But Guyana has enough expats to work on a different type of tourism. If the country is safe and preserves its culture then those expats will be returning to taste the culture it long abandoned for the promise of better overseas.
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by baseman:
Because tey could skim off. Because the have little strategic vision. Tourism is a dead duck.

Then you can say the same of the rest of the Caribbean which has abandoned manufacturing and agriculture. As usual the AFC snake oil salesmen at work making foolish claims.
when guyana get blue water and white sand on their beaches let me know.have you ever heard about all inclusive packages. when guyana get that let me know

Blue water is just a mirage. White or pink sand could easily be created. Japan has indoor beaches.
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by baseman:
Because tey could skim off. Because the have little strategic vision. Tourism is a dead duck.

Then you can say the same of the rest of the Caribbean which has abandoned manufacturing and agriculture. As usual the AFC snake oil salesmen at work making foolish claims.
when guyana get blue water and white sand on their beaches let me know.have you ever heard about all inclusive packages. when guyana get that let me know

Blue water is just a mirage. White or pink sand could easily be created. Japan has indoor beaches.
oh god one more ass.where do the ppp find you guys from
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Anybody knows why? Most of the big money projects involves foreign investors setting up entertainment related businesses in Guyana. Many with the financial help of the PPP. Profits are then syphoned out of Guyana.

But where are the same level of spending to create manufacturing and agricultural jobs? With our fertile soil we should be the bread basket of the Caribbean. Instead we are a source of cheap, and mostly illegal, labour to many islands in the Caribbean.

So what's the score? Anyone knows what's behind the policy, and what's the strategy for growth?
This is one of the few issues where I might be sympathetic to the AFC (I presume this is the AFC line.) I think that Jagdeo has been a little too willing to accommodate the colonial powers, who consider the real development of small countries to be unacceptable, and that they ought to aspire to be vacation getaways for affluent northerners. But I am hoping that Ramotar will be a bit more own-way in his relations with the US and UK,IMF, and so on. Plus, the infrastructure projects that the PPP is pursuing will lay the foundation for agro-industrial development in the years ahead.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
But Guyana has enough expats to work on a different type of tourism.

Druggie if Guyanese are doing so well expats will stay at their homes so they can spend all day with them....after all that is the number ONE reason why they visit Guyana.

Most of Guyana's attractions are OUTSIDE of the good hotels in most of these locations.

It might shock you to note that many Guyanese, when they visit NYC say we live more like Guyanese than Guyanese do. Right now they are going for "Fall Sales", maybe even Black Friday sales, and there will soon be "winter" sales.
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Anybody knows why? Most of the big money projects involves foreign investors setting up entertainment related businesses in Guyana. Many with the financial help of the PPP. Profits are then syphoned out of Guyana.

But where are the same level of spending to create manufacturing and agricultural jobs? With our fertile soil we should be the bread basket of the Caribbean. Instead we are a source of cheap, and mostly illegal, labour to many islands in the Caribbean.

So what's the score? Anyone knows what's behind the policy, and what's the strategy for growth?
This is one of the few issues where I might be sympathetic to the AFC (I presume this is the AFC line.) I think that Jagdeo has been a little too willing to accommodate the colonial powers, who consider the real development of small countries to be unacceptable, and that they ought to aspire to be vacation getaways for affluent northerners. But I am hoping that Ramotar will be a bit more own-way in his relations with the US and UK,IMF, and so on. Plus, the infrastructure projects that the PPP is pursuing will lay the foundation for agro-industrial development in the years ahead.

You think the Marriot is for northern vacationers? Big Grin
No sir, the casino is very instrumental in making the hotel a financial success. Wealthy Guyanese, of which there are countless millionaires, will frequent it, as well as visiting Chinese, Indian and other businessmen, and political delegations.
Pegasus will go out of business. They have already started to reduce their rates. Their monopoly in GT is over.
Originally posted by caribj:

It might shock you to note that many Guyanese, when they visit NYC say we live more like Guyanese than Guyanese do. Right now they are going for "Fall Sales", maybe even Black Friday sales, and there will soon be "winter" sales.

You have a dim view of Indo Guyanese in NY. I have seen them on cruises, expensive European, Asian, world tours, and in hotels like the Ritz.
Do you you know how many Guyanese make serious money?
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by caribj:

It might shock you to note that many Guyanese, when they visit NYC say we live more like Guyanese than Guyanese do. Right now they are going for "Fall Sales", maybe even Black Friday sales, and there will soon be "winter" sales.

You have a dim view of Indo Guyanese in NY. I have seen them on cruises, expensive European, Asian, world tours, and in hotels like the Ritz.
Do you you know how many Guyanese make serious money?

I see you have no idea what I am talking about. The sales are in GEORGETOWN...yes FALL sales. As wella s winter and summer sales. They are very interested to be American.

I also wonder why you limit to IndoGuyanese..Your racist opinion of AfroGuyanese has been noted. You think we are a bunch of poor and druggie should shake hands.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Anybody knows why? Most of the big money projects involves foreign investors setting up entertainment related businesses in Guyana. Many with the financial help of the PPP. Profits are then syphoned out of Guyana.

But where are the same level of spending to create manufacturing and agricultural jobs? With our fertile soil we should be the bread basket of the Caribbean. Instead we are a source of cheap, and mostly illegal, labour to many islands in the Caribbean.

So what's the score? Anyone knows what's behind the policy, and what's the strategy for growth?

Guyana is the new tourist destination of choice for many from the ABC countries
Originally posted by caribj:

Many of them have already built their mansions in Guyana so why will they stay in a hotel?

We already have one casino in Guyana. Why is another needed?

Not all have mansions.
The Providence casino is not in Georgetown. Jagdeo is developing Diamond, on the E.B.D.
He is spreading the wealth. Look for another hotel there soon.
Originally posted by Streetsmart:
Guyana is the new tourist destination of choice for many from the ABC countries

Having made these bold statements I know that you have statistics available. Hopefully you didnt think that because a few yachts visit Guyana that its suddenly world stage.

A recent article in teh NY Times painted Guyana is a place where only the brave go....This because few hear about it (except Jones town)....its very expensive to visit compared to competing destinations....there is almost no promotion of its attractions by tour operators.

I take it you live in Georgetwon so you dont know how non Guyanese think. They still ask us which part of Africa Guyana is lol
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by TI:
they will be staying at the Marriot.

No they will be staying at homes owned by their relatives...maybe even homes that they own.

Why will they go to Guyana to isolate themselves from those who they go to visit?

They like their comfort. They can visit relatives; they don't have to sleep there.
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by TI:
I knew it! AFC recruiting dummies who don't even know beaches could be man made! Instead of posting, shouldn't you be studying for the GED? Big Grin
you ass you will come to guyana and make a beach.white rum mess up you guys head.

I bet you never even seen a beach, it's made out of sand, hehehe!Big Grin
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Anybody knows why? Most of the big money projects involves foreign investors setting up entertainment related businesses in Guyana. Many with the financial help of the PPP. Profits are then syphoned out of Guyana.

But where are the same level of spending to create manufacturing and agricultural jobs? With our fertile soil we should be the bread basket of the Caribbean. Instead we are a source of cheap, and mostly illegal, labour to many islands in the Caribbean.

So what's the score? Anyone knows what's behind the policy, and what's the strategy for growth?
This is one of the few issues where I might be sympathetic to the AFC (I presume this is the AFC line.) I think that Jagdeo has been a little too willing to accommodate the colonial powers, who consider the real development of small countries to be unacceptable, and that they ought to aspire to be vacation getaways for affluent northerners. But I am hoping that Ramotar will be a bit more own-way in his relations with the US and UK,IMF, and so on. Plus, the infrastructure projects that the PPP is pursuing will lay the foundation for agro-industrial development in the years ahead.

You think the Marriot is for northern vacationers? Big Grin
No sir, the casino is very instrumental in making the hotel a financial success. Wealthy Guyanese, of which there are countless millionaires, will frequent it, as well as visiting Chinese, Indian and other businessmen, and political delegations.
Pegasus will go out of business. They have already started to reduce their rates. Their monopoly in GT is over.
why will any good government want,to open a new hotel to close a next bussinessman hotel.and where in hell is these rich overseas guyanese.if you talking about bar--rat friend he in jail.i dont know which part of north americia you fools live in but it cannot be canada
Originally posted by TI:

Not all have mansions.
The Providence casino is not in Georgetown. Jagdeo is developing Diamond, on the E.B.D.
He is spreading the wealth. Look for another hotel there soon.

As far as some one coming from the USA is concerned it is. How many minutes does it take to get there.

BTW Marriott is regarded as being avery average hotel. If you think it represents high end luxury you dont know too much.

You might also be surprised to know that many Guyanese, bringing their non Guyanese kids, if they must stay in a hotel (i.e. their relatives live in hovels, or lack modern amenities), would prefer places liek Cara and others which will offer a more "Guyanese" feel as compared to a nameless, faceless hotel chain like the Marriott.

Put it this way. If they wish lavishness they arent going to Guyana.

BTW have you ever asked yourself whether tourists wish a hotel locate right by your harbor? No ambience in the area.
where in hell is these rich overseas guyanese.if you talking about

I don't know where you living, but most Guyanese I know, making 6 figures, either alone or easily husband and wife combined.
You think all New York people living in a basement?
Bai, expand your horizon. The very first job interview I went on, the headman was a Guyanese making 7 figures.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Anybody knows why? Most of the big money projects involves foreign investors setting up entertainment related businesses in Guyana. Many with the financial help of the PPP. Profits are then syphoned out of Guyana.

But where are the same level of spending to create manufacturing and agricultural jobs? With our fertile soil we should be the bread basket of the Caribbean. Instead we are a source of cheap, and mostly illegal, labour to many islands in the Caribbean.

So what's the score? Anyone knows what's behind the policy, and what's the strategy for growth?

I too have wondered about this and realized that it is hard for any country to compete with China in manufacturing, let alone Guyana with a small population. If they are to compete they would need to increase immigration, bring in Africans, Indians, Chinese and Latin Americans. Caribbean immigrants have generally enjoyed a good standard of living for many years compared to the general African, Chinese and Indian population and are not generally labour oriented, many work in the service industry.

However, Guyana can tap into the packaging and processing industry in the resource and agri sectors, I am not sure why they have lagged in this area, I blame the short sighted and incompetent PPP!!!

I believe that aside from the agri and resource sectors, Guyana's future lies in the knowledge sector and the service sector segment that will inevitably result from these industries. In manufacturing ofconsumer and electronic goods, China is virtually unbeatable. Again what the Guyana government should be doing is at least tap into the assembly sector so that plants can be set up in Guyana to service South America and the Caribbean - PPP incompetence to be blamed for a lack in this area.
Originally posted by TI:
where in hell is these rich overseas guyanese.if you talking about

I don't know where you living, but most Guyanese I know, making 6 figures, either alone or easily husband and wife combined.

First of all you are truly homeless if you think 6 figures makes one rich in NYC.

Second the average Guyanese household in NYC is in the $40-50k range and indeed some claim that RH is more like $35k.

I am willing to bet that 7 figure Guyanese will never go to a Marriott in Guyana. He will think Morriott is too down market.
Originally posted by TI:
where in hell is these rich overseas guyanese.if you talking about

I don't know where you living, but most Guyanese I know, making 6 figures, either alone or easily husband and wife combined.
You think all New York people living in a basement?
Bai, expand your horizon. The very first job interview I went on, the headman was a Guyanese making 7 figures.
you fool if you live in north americia and you dont know this, let me explain a few simple things to you.a husband and wife making $60,ooo in north america is a regular person.the bill are morgages, utilies,car payment, insurance,land tax,children school maybe college,entertment,if living in america medicial add it up per fool if they will take a holiday,they will go where it reasonable,like a all incluseive package,you know what is that ask kwame.which guyanese will come and pay for a expence hotel in guyan
Originally posted by TI:
You speak like you have no idea of contemporary business. What are they going to package and process?
What plants will be set up in Guyana? Auto assembly? You talking about PPP incompetence?
What about private investors incompetence?
ba--rat is competing with the private investtors.he building one hotel to close a next
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by warrior:
you fool if you live in north americia and you dont know this, let me explain a few simple things to you.a husband and wife making $60,ooo in north america is a regular person.

Laughable! You need to add some skillset and go out there and try harder. You missing the gravy boatBig Grin
you right the gravy train is the ppp crime family.i should jump on the band wagon and steal the tax payers money.oh heck my father teach me the right way of life.
Originally posted by TI:
You speak like you have no idea of contemporary business. What are they going to package and process?
What plants will be set up in Guyana? Auto assembly? You talking about PPP incompetence?
What about private investors incompetence?

the fact that the country have not tapped into the above industries is because of PP incompetence, they are the government and they have to take the blame.

There are many kinds of Assembly plants that can be established: cars, motor cycles, scooters, bicycles, Computers, large appliances to name a few.

Yes, the private investors in Guyana have a history of lacking innovation and courage, it took one multinational (courts) to change and improve product and service quality in the retail sector. On this account if it means enabling foreign investors to improve quality of goods and services on Guyana then so be it, let the locals compete and if they are good enough they will prevail; its called free enterprise.

One more thing I should point out, the government is pusing the mining and oil industry a lot; what are they they doing at the University of Guyana to provide the experts that would be needed in these areas, are they even offering scholarships to qualified persons to study in these areas overseas or are they wating till its time to shit to build a latrine?
Originally posted by warrior:
you fool if you live in north americia and you dont know this, let me explain a few simple things to you.a husband and wife making $60,ooo in north america is a regular person.
Perhaps you are talking about Canada. In the US, over half the households survive on less than $55,000. See this chart.
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by warrior:
you fool if you live in north americia and you dont know this, let me explain a few simple things to you.a husband and wife making $60,ooo in north america is a regular person.
Perhaps you are talking about Canada. In the US, over half the households survive on less than $55,000. See this chart.

Please advise the man to seek info on how people leverage assets to create wealth.
There are many kinds of Assembly plants that can be established: cars, motor cycles, scooters, bicycles, Computers, large appliances to name a few.

Why would I create an assembly line in Guyana when it can be done far cheaper in Mexico? And trucked across the border?
In any event the Asian countries control this market. It is actually cheaper to buy the finished product than to assemble it. Now, if Brazil, a country with assembly line experience, were to set up a plant in Guyana, hear the commotion from the opposition.
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by warrior:
you fool if you live in north americia and you dont know this, let me explain a few simple things to you.a husband and wife making $60,ooo in north america is a regular person.
Perhaps you are talking about Canada. In the US, over half the households survive on less than $55,000. See this chart.
maybe you should educted your other ppp soup drinker.he planing to put these people in your fancy hotel
Originally posted by TI:

Why would I create an assembly line in Guyana when it can be done far cheaper in Mexico? And trucked across the border?
In any event the Asian countries control this market. It is actually cheaper to buy the finished product than to assemble it. Now, if Brazil, a country with assembly line experience, were to set up a plant in Guyana, hear the commotion from the opposition.

I do agree that even assemby plants would still be a challenge..but have the PPP tried???

Have they done any studies? The government is spending enough money on travelling why not some on a feasibility study???

Look the country has made some progress but this was bound to happen in a country that had hit rock bottom...but in then end they PPP is still an incompetent and corrupt government..
Originally posted by politikalamity:
Originally posted by TI:

Why would I create an assembly line in Guyana when it can be done far cheaper in Mexico? And trucked across the border?
In any event the Asian countries control this market. It is actually cheaper to buy the finished product than to assemble it. Now, if Brazil, a country with assembly line experience, were to set up a plant in Guyana, hear the commotion from the opposition.

I do agree that even assemby plants would still be a challenge..but have the PPP tried???

Have they done any studies? The government is spending enough money on travelling why not some on a feasibility study???

Look the country has made some progress but this was bound to happen in a country that had hit rock bottom...but in then end they PPP is still an incompetent and corrupt government..
bear in mind my brother; its more easy to beg and export cocain
Originally posted by TI:
Now, if Brazil, a country with assembly line experience, were to set up a plant in Guyana, hear the commotion from the opposition.

The only thing Brazil will set up in Guyana are storage facilities to sell what they make in Brazil.

I am curious though. Why all these "projects" now a few days before the election. maybe if the PPP was attracting investors all along the ample supply of good paying jobs would ahve secured their victory.

Now they run around frantic, fearing that a mediocre Indo voter turn out and with AFc inroads they m,ay get less than 50%.

Poor things simultaneously peddle the "black man rule" bogey man, yet are desperately trying to buy black votes.

If Linden had a viable exonomy the PPP would have already won their hands down...but they were too racist to bother with Linden, except for a few projects awarded mainly to their Indo supporters.
Originally posted by politikalamity:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by TI:
There are many kinds of Assembly plants that can be established: cars, motor cycles, scooters, bicycles, Computers, large appliances to name a few.

Sorry Guyana has too small and unskilled a population to sustain this without high import barriers. Why would any one locate in Guyana with an export market in mind when other place soffer more.

There are however other opportunities that teh PPP fails to tap. They boast of raw oranges and coconuts being sold to Trini manufacturers...when it would be more appropriate to encourage the Trinis tos et up in Guyana. Cheaper labor, cheaper raw materials, only energy is higher.

Dont know why you all sniff at value added agriculture. After all thats whats getting Brazil rich, plus mineral resources.
Originally posted by caribj:

Sorry Guyana has too small and unskilled a population to sustain this without high import barriers. Why would any one locate in Guyana with an export market in mind when other place soffer more.

There are however other opportunities that teh PPP fails to tap. They boast of raw oranges and coconuts being sold to Trini manufacturers...when it would be more appropriate to encourage the Trinis tos et up in Guyana. Cheaper labor, cheaper raw materials, only energy is higher.

Dont know why you all sniff at value added agriculture. After all thats whats getting Brazil rich, plus mineral resources.

where do you see me sniffing at agri and agri products processing??? you need to re-read my posts and comprehend them...get out of your own head once in a while...

I have stated many times on here that food and agri industry is a huge growth industry for the next decade at least...

this is unimportant ..but I am a hard core investor...I Invest in everything including agri think I do not do the research?? I am up for the year when pretty much all indexes and most mutual funds and are down...I speak with knowledge and from experience I said this means shit to you or anyone else...but it is to let you know..I do not pull facts and data out of my ass...
Originally posted by politikalamity:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by politikalamity:
where do you see me sniffing at agri and agri products processing??? ..

So why all your babble about cars, etc which is never going to happen in Guyana?

dude read my entire posts..

No need to. Your credibility was destroyed as soon as you began to babble about something that will never happen, and can never happen in Guyana.
Originally posted by politikalamity:
Originally posted by caribj:

No need to. Your credibility was destroyed as soon as you began to babble about something that will never happen, and can never happen in Guyana.

so this is how you run when you cannot present a proper argument..LOL

run along imagination man..

You must be on some substance if you think that your rant about Guyana building cars, when the US has to struggle to remain competitive, despite being the largest auto market, represents any rational thinking.
Originally posted by caribj:

You must be on some substance if you think that your rant about Guyana building cars, when the US has to struggle to remain competitive, despite being the largest auto market, represents any rational thinking.

have you seen me making this statement?

I do agree that even assemby plants would still be a challenge..but have the PPP tried???

have you seen me make this statement in response to TI's statement about Auto assembly plants?

There are many kinds of Assembly plants that can be established: cars, motor cycles, scooters, bicycles, Computers, large appliances to name a few.

yet you pick one tiny part to make your argument instead of focusing on the issue which is: what has the guyana government done to expand into non-traditional are are a simpleton...

one last thing but I do not want to dwell on it too much but since you brought up the you even realize why the US auto industry is failing???? when you do then you will realize why it is doing well in other countries...
Originally posted by Henry:
Because the idiot Harvard MBAs who run those companies lost interest in making cars, and wanted to diversify into things like real estate speculation.

not really they did not lose interest in making cars...they just wanted to make em at lower a cost....

US AUTO workers have to wake up and realize that to compete they have to do so in both productivity and labour cost

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